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Theme 11 Outstanding Dentists

With the demise of the Western Roman Empire about the year 475AD (Christian Era), medicine in Europe declined into a torpor. Monasteriesbecame the only places where medicine or surgery was still practiced.The only people who had any rudimentary knowledge of surgery were the barbers. They helped monks in their surgical ministrations.They stepped into the breach, calling themselves barber-surgeons. They practiced simple dentistry, including tooth extractions and cleaning of teeth. In the 1600s a number of barber-surgeons restricted their activity and dropped the word “barber,” simply calling themselves surgeons. By the early 1700s, dentistry was considered a lesser part of medicine. By the end of the 18th century, it began to emerge as an independent discipline. In the late 1750s the term “dentist”, borrowed from the French, started to be used in Britain to describe tooth operators. The 20th century saw an explosion of new materials, techniques and technology in dentistry thanks to great scientists.

Implantology did not start yesterday. We can trace the origin of mini implants in Europe with the work of Dr. Chercheve in 1963. Chercheve, in his efforts to improve on earlier spiral designs, proposed several theories on the relationship of the metallic endosteal implant to its osseous environment. After that, it seemed that the use of mini- implants was limited to temporary situations as a stabilizer and support for prosthesis. Due to their short-term success, some dentists decided to test their limits by manufacturing implants with the same material as the standard implant and start using them for longer-term anchorage. However, their use spread slowly to stabilization of partials and in some cases, fixed teeth.

Dr. Leonard I. Linkow graduated from NewYork College of Dentistry in 1952 and soon after began pioneering the modern field of implant dentistry. He developed and introduced to the profession many different implant systems and transformed them into elegant and practical realities. Dr. Linkow placed his first complete unilateral subperiosteal implant to support a posterior unilateral fixed restoration, soon after his graduation from dental school. He published his first article about implantology in Dental Digest Magazine in 1953. Since that time, Linkow dedicated his life to the dental implantology furthering. Dr. Linkow is the author of multiple textbooks on oral implantology. Each of these books is prefaced with words of admiration from other respected leaders in the field. Dr. Linkow is considered as the father of modern implantology by his colleagues throughout the world.

Morrison (Dec. 5, 1829 -Dec. 22, 1917) began his study of dentistry as a 19-year- old apprentice in Steubenville. Morrison invented the first adjustable dental chair and acquired both British and United States patents for it. He also marketed the chair throughout Europe and continued to make improvements to its design which he also patented. In 1870 he made his first major contribution to restorative dentistry with the invention of power-driven dental tools. His dental engine consisted of a moveable arm and hand piece onto which a drill was attached and was powered by a foot treadle. He acquired a patent for this invention, continually making improvements to it. At the same time he was also inventing a variety of dental accessories and instruments.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations



остановиться в развитии



элементарный, зачаточный



оказание помощи

barber -surgeon


парикмахер (брадобрей, отворяющий кровь)



закат (цивилизации)

restorative dentistry


терапевтическая стоматология




endosteal implant

\en-ˈdäs-tē-əl\ [ɪm'plɑːnt]


longer-term anchorage


долгосрочная опора



\sʌb-ˌper-ē-ˈäs-tē-əl\ [ɪm'plɑːnt]

односторонний поднадкостничныйимплант

posterior unilateral fixed restoration


задний односторонний несъемный протез



регулируемое стоматологическое кресло



стоматологические инструменты с приводом



наконечник для бормашины



педаль с ножным приводом




Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in the text, reproduce the context they are used in and translate them into Russian.

  1. extraction-удаление

  2. knowledge of surgery

  3. a lesser part of medicine

  4. saw an explosion

  5. earlier spiral designs

  6. manufacturing implants

  7. stabilization of partials

  8. began pioneering

  9. elegant and practical realities

  10. implant dentistry

  11. adjustable dental chair

  12. apprentice

  13. moveable arm

Task 3. Answer the questions

  1. Where was dentistry practiced in the Middle Ages?

  2. Who were barber-surgeons?

  3. When did dentistry emerge as a discipline?

  4. What is the origin of the term “dentist”?

  5. What theories did Chercheve propose?

  6. Which implants were started to use for longer-term anchorage?

  7. What is Dr. Leonard I. Linkow famous for?

  8. What was Dr. Linkow’s first implant prosthesis?

  9. What did Morrison invent?

  10. What was Morrison’s first major contribution to restorative dentistry?

  11. What did Morrison’s dental engine consist of?

Task 4. Match the English sentences to their Russian equivalents.

  1. With the demise of the western Roman Empire about the year 475 AD (Christian Era), medicine in Europe declined into a torpor .

  1. Мини-импланты появились в Европе в 1963г. благодаря работе доктора Черчива.

  1. Dr. Leonard I. Linkow graduated in 1952 from NewYork College of Dentistry and soon after began pioneering the modern field of implant dentistry.

  1. Его стоматологическое устройство, состоявшее из двигающейся ручки и наконечника для бормашины, к которому крепилось сверло, приводилось в движение ножным приводом.

  1. We can trace the origin of mini implants in Europe with the work of Dr. Chercheve in 1963.

  1. С упадком западной Римской Империи (475 год от Рождества Христова), медицина в Европе остановилась в своем развитии.

  1. However, their use spread slowly to stabilization of partials and in some cases, fixed teeth.

  1. Доктор Леонард Линков закончил Нью- Йоркскийстоматологический колледж в 1952 году и вскоре после окончания начал разрабатывать современное направление стоматологии - имплантологию.

  1. Dr. Linkow placed his first implant prosthesis, a complete unilateral subperiosteal implant to support a posterior unilateral fixed restoration, weeks after his graduation from dental school.

  1. В начале XVII века ряд брадобреев, занимающихся кровопусканием, стали заниматься только хирургией; таким образом слово “цирюльник” из названия профессии исчезло, и они стали называть себя хирургами.

  1. He also marketed the dental chair throughout Europe and continued to make improvements to its design which he also patented.

  1. Постепенно их начали использовать для стабилизации частично съемного протеза и в некоторых случаях для стабилизации несъемного протеза.

  1. His dental engine consisted of a moveable arm and hand piece onto which a drill was attached and was powered by a foot treadle.

  1. Благодаря великим ученым, в XX веке в стоматологии появилось множество новых технологий, материалов и методов.

  1. By the early 1700's, dentistry was considered a lesser part of medicine

  1. К началу XVIII века стоматологию стали считать частью медицины.

  1. In the 1600s a number of barber-surgeons began restricting their activity and dropped the word “barber,” simply calling themselves surgeons.

  1. Вскоре после окончания обучения на стоматологическом факультете Доктор Линков установил первый имплант (односторонний поднадкостничныйимплант) для поддержания заднего одностороннего протеза.

  1. The 20th century saw an explosion of new materials, techniques and technology in dentistry thanks to great scientists.

  1. Он также занимался продажей стоматологических кресел в Европе, и продолжал совершенствовать запатентованный им дизайн.

Task 5. Translate the given sentences into Russian, close your book and translate them back into English.

  1. The only places where medicine or surgery was practiced were monasteries.

  2. The local barbershelped monks in their surgical ministrations.

  3. By the end of the 18th century, dentistry had begun to emerge as an independent discipline.

  4. He acquired a patent for this invention, continually making improvements to it.

  5. They practiced simple dentistry, including extractions and cleaning of teeth.

  6. It seemed that the use of mini- implants was limited to temporary situations as a stabilizer and support for prosthesis.

  7. Chercheveproposed several theories on the relationship of the metallic endosteal implant to its osseous environment.

  8. Some dentists decided to test their limits by manufacturing implants with the same material.

  9. In 1870 he made his first major contribution to restorative dentistry with the invention of power-driven dental tools.

  10. Each of these books is prefaced with words of admiration from other respected leaders in the field.

Task6. Retell the text.