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Grammar to be revised: The Participle (continued). The Participial Constructions.

Ex. 1. Use the proper form of the Participle. Translate the sentences.

  1. When (to decide) the case the lawyers could simply search for relevant case law.

  2. There are special court systems (to operate) in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

  3. A sentence is an order of a court (to impose) a penalty, following the conviction of an (to accuse) person.

  4. A judge is a person (to appoint) in the name of the Crown to hear cases in court and give decisions (to base) on the evidence and arguments (to present) at the trial.

  5. Modern crime is a common and powerful threat (to endanger) all aspects of human activity.

  6. The process of globalization is also effecting crime, (to extend) it beyond national boundaries.

Ex. 2. Use either Participle I or Participle II instead of the Infinitive in brackets.

    1. (To find) guilty the defendant filed an appeal thus (to show) his dissatisfaction with the decision (to make) by the court. 2. In fighting crimes (to commit) by juveniles education is considered to be one of the main methods. 3. Criminal punishment can only be imposed by institutions and agencies (to empower) by the law, thus (to guarantee) legality. 4. Of the cases (to submit) by various states to the International Court of Justice between 1946 and 1966 six were withdrawn before the decision was rendered. 5. The decision of the International Court has no (to bind) force except between the parties (to concern). 6. The accused (to commit) for trial by the court of people in Nuremberg were the leaders of Nazi Germany who (to plot) for years against the people of Europe in 1939 unleashed the Second World War.

Ex. 3. Define the Participial Constructions, if any, and translate the sentences.

  1. I didn’t hear the evidence being pronounced in support of the defendant’s party.

  2. We heard the witnesses for the prosecution being cross-examined at this trial.

  3. We saw him being arrested for the violation of traffic rules.

  4. He had the sentence repealed some days ago.

  5. She had her car crashed in the traffic accident.

  6. Many people come to a solicitor to seek legal advice and have their wills made up.

  7. The USA has two distinct systems of law, state and federal, with each state having its own judicial system.

  8. If arrested, his guilt will be easily proved.

  9. Having declared its independence on July 4, 1776 the United States had 13 original states, each one wanting to be sovereign and control its own affairs.

Ex.4. Transform the following sentences so as to use

a) Complex Object.

Model: A store policeman saw how a man was putting some unpaid goods into his pocket.

A store policeman saw a man putting some unpaid goods into his pocket.

1. We noticed that he was driving a car under the influence of alcohol.

2. The crowd of interested spectators watched how two policemen were affecting the arrest of a criminal.

3. A patrolman heard that somebody was calling for help.

4. Everybody heard that 14uperintendent was giving instructions to the other officers.

5. Though you didn’t see how he was stealing goods from the store you had powers to stop and search him in the circumstances.

b) Complex Subject.

Model: The inspector saw you crossing the street at the red light.

You were seen crossing the street at the red light.

1. They heard you threatening your wife.

2. Passers-by saw a police officer beating the suspect.

3. They saw him selling drugs in the street.

4. A patrolman heard a woman calling for help.

5. They saw a get-away car moving along the avenue.

c) Absolute Participial Construction.

Model: To become laws bills must be approved by both Houses of Congress and any treaty must first be approved by the Senate.

To become laws bills must be approved by both Houses of Congress, with any treaty being first approved by the Senate.

1. After the jury had considered a prisoner guilty the judge pronounced a sentence.

2. As the law is not separated from the judges, they interpret and administer it.

3. As the case is complicated the jury is still discussing the verdict.

4. After the judge had pronounced a sentence the convicted person was taken to prison.

5. As Roman law is one of the greatest systems that has ever existed many countries in Europe and America have used it as a basis in their legal systems.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences. Express the same idea using the Absolute Participial Construction.

    1. Juries mostly appear in criminal cases in the Crown Courts, but civil cases are heard without a jury.

    2. Each Court of Appeal in the circuit consists of between 3 and 5 judges and the judge with the service who has reached his 70th birthday is the Chief Judge.

    3. The counsel for defence or the defendant have the right to object to jurors without giving reasons and the maximum number of peremptory challenging is reduced to three.

    4. If a defendant pleads not to be guilty, a jury of 12 persons must be formed and summoned.

    5. Crimes are emerging at an alarming rate in spite of the fact that death penalty has been abolished by many countries.

    6. When the lower chamber had passed the bill it went to the upper one.

Ex. 8. Translate into English.

1.  Если журналистов не допустят в здание суда, они постараются добыть информацию другими путями.

2. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы подобные вещи спрашивали в суде.

3. Магистратский суд, занятый в основном уголовными делами, рассматривает и некоторые гражданские дела.

4. Полицейский увидел, что несколько человек грабят прохожего.

5. Женщина поблагодарила полицейских, спасших ее детей.

6. Видели, что человек, бежавший по улице, стрелял из пистолета.

7. Офицер, проводивший расследование, обнаружил много новых фактов.