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II. Choose the right word.

The Mafia problem

To most Americans the terms organized crime and Mafia are the 1.same/ similar/ different. This unfortunate mistake 2.raised/ appeared/ arose because so many criminals who made great reputations in the 1920s and after came from Italy and, in particular, Sicily. The Mafia has for centuries been a 3.celebrated/ notorious/ familiar Sicilian organization. And some Sicilians with Mafia 4.associations/ connections/ relations came to the United States. But the Mafia as an organization was never 5.transplanted/ transferred/ transformed to the United States. Nor is there an American branch of that organization. Despite the seemingly overwhelming Italian 6.inclusion/ infraction/ involvement in American organized crime from the 1920s to the 1970s, most were non-Sicilians. And, 7.although/ despite/ nevertheless the presence of Italians in crime, there have always been many other ethnic groups equally involved. The persistence of the Mafia 8. story/ legend/ anecdote results from the fact that organized crime and the motion picture industry became established at about the same time. Gangster films, from ‘Little Caesar’ in the 1930s to ‘The Godfather’ in the 1970s, have given the viewing public a 9. fascinating/ unusual/ stimulating but distorted notion of the underworld. Today organized crime has 10. less/ fewer/ little to do with ethnicity than it does with exploring every possible 11. street/ avenue/ boulevard of illegal and legal gain, often on an international scale.

III. Read the dialogue, reproduce it a) abridged, b) in the form of a monologue.

Dialogue 1. Stop Rewarding the Criminal

Ian: I really do think that everyone is far too soft on crime1 nowadays.

Victor: Soft on crime, I suppose so, but what should we do then?

Ian: Well, for a start I think we’ve got to stop rewarding the criminal.

Victor: What do you mean, Ian, rewarding the criminal?

Christine: I suppose he means this business of sending kids off on holidays and stuff like that.

Ian: It’s a terrible business in this country; I don’t know where else they would do such a thing.

Victor: Lots of these kids who commit crimes they’ve come from really terrible upbringings and probably come from broken homes and criminal backgrounds themselves…

Christine: But they’ve got to be shown the difference between right and wrong.

Victor: But you don’t think that one way of doing this is by taking them away under supervision and letting them sort their problems out more?

Christine: Maybe yes. There should be retribution, you know, punishment as well as rehabilitation.

Ian: And so what would you do, Christine?

Christine: Use corporal punishment.

Victor: What do you mean?

Christine: A short sharp shock. Give them something to remember.

Ian: But that’s … pretty barbaric, isn’t it? I’d draw the line at that2. It’s better to put them in jail. After all they get some … guidance and help.

Victor: Jail makes people worse in my opinion. Universities of crime.

Christine: They need a bit of discipline. Very often these kids have just been allowed to get away with anything; their parents have no control over them whatsoever.

Ian: So I suppose you’re in favour of capital punishment too then …

Christine: Frankly, capital punishment is too good for some people.

III. Study the dialogue between a British and an overseas law student.

Dialogue 2. Crime Rates in Europe

Alexander: I’ve just looked through current statistical data on crime. They say that every 24 hours the police in Britain record two murders, ten rapes, 50 sexual assaults, 50 assaults causing grievous bodily harm, 113 muggings and other robberies, 2800 burglaries and 1200 car thefts.

Александр: Я только что просмотрел последние статистические данные по уголовным преступлениям. Они говорят, что каждые 24 часа полиция в Британии регистрирует два убийства, десять изнасилований, 50 нападений на сексуальной почве, 50 нападений, повлекших тяжкие телесные повреждения, 113 уличных и других видов грабежей,  2800 краж со взломом и 1200 угонов автомобилей.

Robert: As you see, these figures show a rise in a crime rate.

Роберт: Как видишь, эти цифры показывают рост преступности.

Alexander: According to the latest international survey Britain’s crime rate is lower than the European average and lower than that in Holland, Germany, Canada and Australia.

Александр: Согласно последнему международному обзору уровень преступности в Британии ниже, чем в среднем по Европе, и ниже, чем в Голландии, Германии, Канаде и Австралии.

Robert: However, a recent survey found that two-thirds of the population believe that 50 per cent of crimes are violent offences against the person. The true figure is 6 per cent.

Роберт: Однако, недавний опрос выявил, что две трети населения считают, что 50% преступлений – это жестокие преступления против личности. Истинная цифра – 6%.

Alexander: And do you know that in the USA 28.8 per cent of the population have been a victim of a crime. And nearly twice as many murders were committed in the City of New York as in England and Wales.

Александр: А знаешь ли ты, что в США 28,8% населения были жертвами преступлений. И почти в два раза больше убийств было совершено в городе Нью-Йорке, чем в Англии и Уэльсе.

Robert: The figures are terrible. And they prove the crime increase tendency.

Роберт: Цифры ужасные. И они подтверждают тенденцию роста преступности.

Ex. 1. Find English equivalents to the following.

Жестокое преступление, последние статистические данные, кража со взломом, тяжкие телесные повреждения, жертва, убийство, рост преступности, изнасилование, международный обзор, уличное ограбление, быть осужденным за преступление, угон автомобиля, нападение на сексуальной почве.

V. Translate into English.

Уголовное право

Уголовное право – отрасль права, представляющая совокупность юридических норм, которые определяют преступность и наказуемость деяний, опасных для данной системы общественных отношений. Система уголовного права базируется на трех основных принципах.

The whole complex

Принцип конституционной законности означает, что никто не может быть привлечен к уголовной ответственности и подвергнут наказанию иначе как за деяния, содержащие состав преступления, предусмотренный уголовным кодексом.


corpus delicti

Принцип гуманизма проявляется в том, что наказание не преследует цели причинения физических страданий или унижения. Лица, совершившие преступления, могут быть освобождены от уголовной ответственности и наказания.

Is not aimed at



Принцип ответственности заключается в своевременном и полном раскрытии каждого преступления. Каждый совершивший преступление должен быть подвергнут справедливому наказанию.