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1. Reproduce the situations from the chapters where these lexical items are used.

2. Comment on or paraphrase the following sentences from the chapters.

  • I was not running as an admirable man;

  • He is vain about his body;

  • Even at that moment her American distrust of titles prevented her from saying Lady Abbott;

  • Glory hunter;

  • He had done his last deed for humanity;

  • There’s nothing like a good deed for hilling in a naughty world

  • Absurdly wealthy.

3. Answer the questions.

  • Why did Fabian decide to confess that he had been cheating Grimes?

  • Who was waiting for Grimes at home on his arrival?

  • Why did Grimes decide to return the money?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

  • Fabian was a courageous person (was not a coward);

  • Fabian had suffered a lot during the war time;

  • Fabian wasn’t an honest person;

  • Grimes thought it fair that somebody came to claim the 100000 dollars;

  • Grimes was deeply saddened by Fabian’s death.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on the following subjects.

  • Are you ready to forgive people even their miner vices for having fun (enjoying) their company (communication)?

6. Insert the right prepositions.

  • I had told her that the doctor believed that there was a good chance that Fabian would pull …………...

  • You remember I warned you ……….. him when it came ………. money?

  • I had left word ……….. Anna to tell Mrs Grimes that I had been called …………. the city suddenly …………….business.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Он не скрывал своего пренебрежения в отношении людей, добившихся успеха и признания.

2. Пренебрежение профессиональными обязанностями может привести к аварии.

3. «Я устал от твоих хитроумных ловушек», - выкрикнул он с отвращением. 4. По поручению руководства я уполномочен провести с вами ознакомительную беседу по правилам техники безопасности.

5. Избавь меня от труда составлять столь сложные предложения. Я еще недостаточно свободно владею английским языком.

6. Он отличался сдержанными манерами и не позволял себе вольностей в отношении женщин.

Final discussion

  • The whole novel is kind of proof (evidence) for the American dream that came true

  • The whole novel is like the encyclopedia of American Life (find the proofs)

  • There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American dream. – A. MacLeish

  • Do you think it is done by accident (unintentionally) that the author described the American way of life as a gloomy one?

  • Americans in the book are hard-working, but not happy. Their American dream came true – they achieved something socially and economically, but without moral satisfaction.

  • Otherwise, Europeans are pictured as always relaxed people, having the pleasure of being interested in art and things like that. They seek only their moral and physical satisfaction and pleasures. At the end Grimes unites both ways: he is rich and independent and full of knowledge and interests. Only in combination with experience and expertise money can make people really happy when your outlook /worldview and range of interests increase.

  • I met a lot of people in Europe. I even encountered myself. – J.Baldwin – A way to find out your inner self.

  • This nation was built by men who took risks – pioneers who were not afraid of the wilderness, business men who were not afraid of failure, scientists who were not afraid of the truth, thinkers who were not afraid of progress, dreamers who were not afraid of action. – B. Atkinson

  • Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important. – C. Reiner

  • Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – M. Proust

  • We could never have loved the earth so well if we had had no childhood in it. – G. Eliot

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