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4. Do you agree or disagree with the following? Quote the text to prove that.

  • Grimes was a sympathetic person;

  • Grimes was not in the least worried about the visit of the policeman;

  • Grimes was full of irony;

  • Grimes looked forward to his trip to Italy;

  • Fabian believed that Grimes might have taken the necklace;

  • Fabian was sometimes intrusive;

  • Fabian was cynical;

  • Grimes felt lonely with Fabian and Lily gone.

5. Topics for developing argumentation and rhetorical speech skills. Dwell on the following subjects.

  • Business partnership – what factors should be born in mind?

  • A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. – H. Ford

  • Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in men. – Author Unknown

  • In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. – H. Geneen

  • Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. – S. Butler

  • Sometimes it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance to be our friend. – R. Brault

  • Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you. – Author Unknown

6. Insert the right prepositions.

  • I was shaving. Looking …………. distaste at my eyes ……….. the mirror.

  • He dug ………… his pocket and dug ……… a piece of the hotel stationery.

  • I concentrated ………………. my crossword puzzle.

  • He picked………… the phone and asked ……………… the hairdresser’s.

  • 'Now, see here,' I appealed ……… the assistant manager.

  • After that, he went swiftly …………. all my belongings.

  • Swiss prisons are ………….. a good reputation.

  • 'I say, Douglas, I'm concerned ………… you. You do look glum.'

  • That's what I call showing a decent respect ……….. the dead.

  • ……….. usual, there were newspapers everywhere, opened ………. the financial pages.

  • I don't think we can count ……. everybody we do business ……….. dropping dead ………. payday.

  • We played ………. the idea last summer ………. contracting to buy the crop …………. his neighbours, having a pretty label drawn ………., and bottling it under his name and selling it in the States directly ……….. restaurant chains.

  • In fact, they've been ……….. me to come in with them as vice-president …………. charge ……….. public relations.

  • I can vouch ……….. the fact that she's a marvelous girl.

  • I had thought that I would be relieved …. seeing them finally…. their way.

7. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1. Если вы не прекратите досаждать мне глупыми вопросами, я буду считать это посягательством на мою частную жизнь.

2. Эбби была скептически настроена в отношении возможности для ее мужа сделать карьеру в этой фирме.

3. Александру бесило, когда ей задавали нескромные вопросы.

4. В выражении лица Альфреда было что-то враждебное. Может быть потому, что он все время хмурился.

5. Эндрю был как раз тем человеком, который должен был сообщить неприятную новость. Он понимал, что это неизбежно.

6. Анджела появилась как раз в нужный момент.

7. Бернард лишь немного укорял себя за то, что ввел в заблуждение партнеров.

8. Билл – гордость нашего университета. Главное – на него всегда можно положиться.

9. Альтернативные источники энергии развиваются, но в небольшом объеме. 10. Необходимость носить дешевую (и даже поношенную одежду) задевала самолюбие Дэйзи.

11. Граймс знал, что полиция не имеет права обыскивать его номер без ордера.

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