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24. Study the verbs below and state the meaning of the prefix in the following verbs.

Retell, reuse, rewrite, reread, remake, rebuild, recycle, rearrange, reconsider, replay, reorganize.

25. Read and translate the following international words.

, Techno logic, pro tection, phe nomenon, , transfor mation, steward, ig nore, , conser vation, e mission, context, in dustria, lize,

ton, , eco logical,

ca tastrophe, crisis, crises,

, overcon sumption,

co , ope ration,

bio, sphere,

, vege tation,

en, viron mentalist.


26. Study the information from the magazine “Newsweek” (November 9, 1998) and answer the following question:

Is civilization in harmony with nature? Why or why not?

Cultural Note

Greenhouse effect (парниковый эффект) is a result of pollution. It causes global warming of the air because greenhouse gas, esp. carbon dioxide [daI PksaId] (углекислый газ), collects in space around the Earth.

Text A

The World Conservation Movement

When you think of the 21st century, do you see the best of times, or the worst of times? Environmentalists are by nature optimistic, but they realize that the health of the whole planet will depend on new technologies and a big change in attitude.


The year of 1998 saw massive forest fires in Indonesia, Brazil and Central America; floods in China and storms in the USA. Thousands of people died.

Many political leaders are beginning to see these phenomena as connected to each other and to the way people live. The earth’s


environment has changed because of our careless interaction with its resources. Jacques Chirac was right when he said, “Man has got powerful tools, but hasn’t yet learnt how to master them and how to transform himself into a sensible steward of the earth. Though it is too late to prevent global warming, it is senseless to ignore it.”


This is the point of the 1997 Kyoto (Japan) Protocol – signed by 84 nations, but not ratified by the U.S. Senate – which would limit developed countries’ carbon emissions from cars and power plants.

The World Conservation Union (the IUCN*) is the world’s largest organization that sees a future in the context of the past. After 50 years of work on the global level (it has established contacts with 139 countries) the IUCN must move ahead, focusing on the five fronts.

THE ENERGY CRISIS There’s an old saying in English: What goes up, must come down. Industrialized areas in Europe send about 20 million tons of sulphur (сера) into the air every year producing greenhouse gases.

THE EXTINCTION (истребление) CRISIS Greenhouse gases don’t only change the climate of our planet, but also mix with clouds to form acid (кислотные) rains that kill fish and vegetation.

THE WATER CRISIS Pollution has put most sources of fresh water at risk. It is destroying rivers, lakes and oceans that make up 95% of the planet’s biosphere.

THE SECURITY CRISIS The large gap between the haves and have/nots will place natural resources at the centre of conflict. Since the beginning of history, war has been a means of resolving differences. But modern wars add to global warming and cause ecological catastrophes.

THE CONSUMPTION CRISIS In our culture of overconsumption we use more food, water and energy each day. If we do not get away from need of things, we will be unable to resolve any other crises. We must develop materials that are easier to recycle and to reuse.

* The IUCN – организация была учреждена во Франции, и данная аббревиатура – калька с французского.


Sharing his vision of tomorrow’s world Kofi A. Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, said, “The UN will take international cooperation to a new level for the common good. It must be the place where governments and organizations such as the World Conservation Union can come together in partnership for peace, for justice, for human rights and for environmental protection.”

27. Tasks.

a)Complete the pre text task.

b)Find the English for the following Russian phrases. Use them in discussing the text.

Будeт зависеть от новых технологий, был свидетелем сильных пожаров и ураганов, эти явления взаимосвязаны, небрежное обращение с ресурсами, установить контакты, превратиться в разумного хозяина земли, суть протокола, ограничило бы выделение углерода, подвергать риску, пропасть между имущими и неимущими, средство разрешения противоречий, избавиться от вещизма, на общее благо.

c)Pick out words and phrases relating to ecology.

d)Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right.

1.to prevent



4.to establish



7.to cause

8.a gap

9.to connect

10.a consumer

a)to join one object to another, to unite

b)a user of material things and services

c)an empty space between two objects or two parts of an object

d)to call forth, to bring about, to make some event happen

e)a way of feeling or thinking about sth or sb, position, opinion

f)reasonable, having or showing good sense

g)to found, to set up, to put beyond doubt

h)act of destroying

i)to keep sth from happening

j)a great overflow of water


e)Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text.

1.The river outflows every spring.

2.The fire ruined most of the building.

3.What is the company’s position on this question?

4.This town has very good railway and road links with the coast.

5.What can we do to stop this disease spreading?

6.He refuses to pay, but perhaps you can make him behave reasonably.

7.I didn’t see the main idea of his last remark.

8.He has been unable to make certain of the truth of her story.

9.The government must encourage the creation of new industry.

10.There’s a great break between what the country produces and what it consumes.

f)There are two English equivalents for the Russian word причина. Translate the following using the words a cause and a reason.

Cause (of)

(sth, which produces


1.Лёд на дороге был причиной аварии.

2.Причиной несчастного случая был густой туман.

3.Причиной половодья был сильный дождь.

4.Главная причина преступлений – это бедность и безработица.

Reason (for)

(sth, which explains or excuses an action)

1.Он отказался объяснить причину их отсутствия.

2.Никогда не опаздывайте без причин.

3.Этот человек стал причиной, по которой мы собрались.

4.Причиной моего молчанья было желание сделать вам сюрприз.

g) Become, get, go, grow and turn can all be used to talk about changes of state. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian and remember how to use these verbs.

Become + most types of adjectives and noun phrases


1. The sky became cloudy. 2. It was becoming very dark. 3. What do you have to do to become a pilot? 4. He became king at the age of 17. 5. We’ll soon become acclimatized to the warmer weather. 6. It became clear that he was lying. 7. After her father’s death she became the richest woman in the world.

Get +


adjectives old, tired, ill. It is less formal than “become”

infinitive (to talk about a gradual change)

1. The food is getting old. 2. The cat’s getting too old to catch any mice. 3. You get younger every day. 4. He’s getting better (after an illness). 5. They got married in 1986, and got divorced two years later. 6. She’s nice when you get to know her. 7. After a few weeks I got to like the job better.

Go +


colour adjectives

(when the change in colour is not long/lasting)

other adjectives

(to show changes in quality for the worse)

1. Leaves go brown in autumn. 2. The policeman went white with anger. 3. Her hair has gone grey. 4. His face went red when they made fun of him. 5. He went bald in his twenties. 6. The meat has gone bad. 7. The company has gone bankrupt.

Grow + adjectives (to show a slow and gradual change. It is not so informal as “go”.)

1. She’s growing fat. 2. The noise grew louder. 3. It’s growing dark. 4. The sound of the music grew faint. 5. When they grew rich, they began to drop their old friends. 6. Without noticing it he grew old. 7. As the weather grows colder, your thoughts turn to holidays in the sun.

Turn + adjectives of colour (to show striking changes of state)

1. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. 2. This hot sun will turn the


grass brown. 3. She suddenly turned pale when she heard the bad news. 4. The milk will turn sour if you don’t put it in the fridge. 5. He turns nasty after he’s had a couple of drinks. 6. She turned bright red and ran out of the room.

h)Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1.Становится прохладно. 2. Она хочет стать экономистом.

3.Если вам станет хуже, вызовите врача. 4. Когда он получил неприятное известие, то внезапно побледнел. 5. Мы забыли поставить суп в холодильник, и он прокис. 6. Смотрите, Джон стал совсем седым. 7. Звуки музыки становились всё громче.

8.Она покраснела, услышав своё имя. 9. Когда вы лучше узнаете их, то всё поймёте.

i)Look through the text once again and answer these questions.

1. What have environmentalists come to realize? 2. Why has the Earth’s environment changed? Can you list any examples? 3. What did Jacques Chirac say about global warming? 4. What’s the point of the Kyoto Protocol? 5. What policies does the IUCN concentrate on? 6. What causes pollution? 7. Why is throwing toxic chemicals into a river a risky thing to do? 8. What makes modern wars dangerous? 9. Can we prevent the consumption crisis? 7. What is the role of the UN in the World Conservation Movement?

j) Give a presentation on the origin of the IUCN. Focus on the biggest challenges facing the world’s nations.

28. Comment on the opinions formed by separate personalities.

Some experts believe that although the 20th/century lived with the nuclear bomb [bPm], there was great economic and scientific progress and much human happiness. The same can be true in the next century.

The world’s greatest living botanist Peter Raven developed the concept of coevolution. It demonstrates that living things can only evolve in contact with one another. Is it a forceful argument?


While discussing the statements above you may need the following arguments.

Unless things change,

1.forests might turn into desert in the next half/century;

2.litter might make the city dirty and spoil the view;

3.pollution might hurt people’s lungs (лёгкие);

4.pesticides [ pestIsaIdz] might end up in our food and cause health problems.

29.Translate the following text from Russian into English using the phrases below.

Будущее нашей планеты

Мы живём в прогрессивное время. Уже сейчас учёным удалось предсказать, какова будет жизнь в следующем столетии.

Автоматизация решит проблему безработицы и предоставит людям больше свободного времени для отдыха. Компьютеры заменят людей многих профессий, расширят способность врачевания болезней. Однако компьютерная технология – это не панацея от всех бед. Даже компьютерная диагностика имеет свои пределы.

Отношение людей к природе изменится, они будут заботиться о ней. Пока мы сделали очень мало для сохранения природных ресурсов. Если положение вещей останется прежним, то загрязнение окружающей среды причинит всем нациям огромный ущерб.

Понятно, что в одиночку ни одно правительство не сможет предотвратить экологическую катастрофу, так как государство не сможет закрыть свои границы от загрязнения извне. Необходимо восполнить знания населения об охране окружающей среды. ЮНЕСКО и другие международные организации будут бороться за установление мирных отношений с окружающей средой.

Причина для оптимизма – это здравый смысл людей, которые осознают, что другого выбора нет, и будут действовать ради общего блага.


(As early as today, automation, to replace sb, to extend the ability, diagnostics, will never be a cure/all for sth, a border, common sense.)

How Does It Compare to Your Culture?

Eyes on the ecological situation in Russia...

30.Study the following facts.

1.Burning coal has made the Chinese people warm in winter. However, China has become the world’s largest producer of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.

2.The Americans lead the world in greenhouse/gas production mainly because of their passion for cars (the source of almost 40% of US emissions).

3.After a fire at a nuclear plant near Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986 radiation polluted water and farm animals in large areas of Europe.

a)Society cannot be indifferent to what happens elsewhere. What do you think about the advantages and disadvantages of building nuclear power stations?

b)Describe the state of things with the protection of environment in your country.

What will we have to do to keep our planet green?

a)control litter and throw away less paper;

b)recycle paper and give it a second life;

c)place litter in special garbage cans;

d)take used oil to service stations for recycling;

e)save forests (absorbing the gas) and limit emission;

f)clean lakes and rivers;

g)get more energy from the sun and the wind;

h)develop businesses according to nature.

31.Read the joke aloud and report it. Make a note of one or two key words, if necessary.




It was the first commercial flight to Mars. Fifty specially selected passengers got into the space/shuttle. The shuttle took off, there was a lot of noise for one minute and then there was silence. Out of their windows, the passengers could see the Earth get smaller and smaller. Then they heard a voice.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first commercial flight to Mars. As you probably know, this space/shuttle is completely controlled by robots so that you can be sure that nothing will go wrong .....go wrong.....go wrong.....go wrong.....go wrong.....”


Will everyone be happy?


Будут ли люди счастливы?

32. Read an extract from the drama by the American playwright Lee Blessing.

The action of the play takes place in Geneva. Walking in the woods are John Honeyman and Andrey Botvinnik – diplomats from America and Russia. In this extract Mr. Honeyman tells his American colleague what happened to him that morning.

Be ready to answer the following question.

Did the American diplomat get a culture shock?

What makes you think so?

Cultural Note

Culture shock is the shock of misunderstanding a different and unfamiliar culture.

You may need the following words.

strict – строгий

gum wrapper – обёртка от жевательной резинки

stare at sb – пристально смотреть на кого/л., таращить глаза


yell at sb – вопить, (за)кричать на кого/л. precious [ preSqs] – драгоценный

to push sb – толкнуть кого/л. insane [In seIn] – ненормальный

Text B

Walking in the Woods

Honeyman throws the flowers to the ground but Botvinnik picks them up.


You must control yourself. Switzerland has strict laws


about littering.


I know. I was almost arrested for it this morning


You were? Really? Tell me about it.


I threw a gum wrapper on the sidewalk, and suddenly there

was this very old man beside me, yelling at me in German.

He was trying to make me stop. I speeded up – I didn’t know

who he was.


Go on.


He yelled at me louder – in French this time. I stopped and


stared at him. I didn’t say anything, I just stared. He kept


on yelling, only he switched to Italian. Finally I said, “I


don’t speak Italian”, and he went back to French.




Yes! I said, “I don’t speak French,” and he went back to






Yes! So I yelled back at him: “I don’t speak French, German