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Arthur has to catch the 8.15 bus. It’s 8.20 now and Arthur is just running out of the house.

Arthur won’t be able to catch the 8.15 bus. He will have to catch the next bus.

1.Alice has to post a letter, but she’s got no stamps.

2.Richard has booked tickets for the Sunday football match and his wife Martha – for the Sunday theatre performance.

3.Frederic has just broken his leg. He was planning to play cricket tomorrow morning.

4.Mary likes to put cream in her coffee, but she’s only got tinned milk in her fridge.

5.Your uncle needs to get to the airport as soon as possible, but he has a flat tyre.

6.The young people have come to enjoy the party, but it’s boring.

7.Frank wanted to leave work early today to see a baseball match. The boss asked all the men to do overtime.

8.My friends wanted to drive to the country, but their car broke down yesterday. They’ve already booked two railway tickets instead.

11.Encourage your partner who apologizes for something he won’t be able to do. Here are a few expressions that might be helpful to you.

I’m awfully sorry!

Oh, that’s all right. It’s not your fault.


Forget it. It’s not important.


Never mind. It doesn’t really matter.


You cannot help it. – Ничего не




– Sorry, I won’t be able to meet you at the


airport. I’ll have to fix my broken car.


– Don’t worry about it. You cannot help it.


1.Join you for the concert / study for the exam.

2.Come to your birthday party / receive foreign guests.

3.Make an appointment for 5 o’clock / work overtime.

4.Show the delegation round the city / go away on business.

5.Buy railway tickets tomorrow / wait for the plumber.

12.Here is a questionnaire that led to opposite viewpoints. Read the answers and say if you agree with A or B.

1. We live in a computer age. Will there be another form of teaching foreign languages based on technologies?

A.I think that the traditional language will still exist, as the personal contact with the language teacher is very important.

B.I don’t think the traditional language will exist.

Those interactive programmes that we use with videos and computers will allow people to learn foreign languages in a different way on their own, so that you aren’t dependent on teachers and other students.

2. Will English become more important than the language of the native speaker?

A.English is very important as the language of intercultural communication and it’s good to respect it and to hold on to it.

B.We should never forget about our own culture and tradi/ tions, because our national identity is, after all, far more important.

Set 3

Share your future expectations


Поделитесь планами на будущее

13. Ask the other students to advise you on the coming holiday.


an excursion [Iks kE:Sqn] – экскурсия


Example: 1. where? Where shall we go?

2. seaside/mountains? Shall we go to the seaside or the mountains?

1. this country/abroad?

5. hotel/camp?

2. when?

6. stay in one place/travel around?

3. how long for?

7. visit interesting museums and art



4. fly/train/drive?

8. go on popular excursions?

13a. What did your friends say about the ideas in task 13?


seaside? / mountains?


Bob said we would go to the seaside.

14. Your friend has decided to go to the seaside. Use column A to ask him what he will do in the following situations. Choose the best answers in column B.


What will you do, if the weather is nasty?

I’ll visit a museum.



1.the weather is too hot

2.there’s a lot of rain

3.the sea is stormy

4.the beach is crowded

5.my friend doesn’t feel well

6.he/she loses his/her travel documents

7.he/she leaves his/her camera at home


a)report it to the police

b)ask where to hire one

c)go to a swimming/pool or a sauna [ sO:nq]

d)do the sights

e)consult a doctor

f)use an air/conditioner

g)go swimming and surfing

h)spend time in the fitness centre

i)visit it during the week when there are fewer people there

15. Combine the following pairs of sentences using the words in brackets. In this way you’ll get a short account of your travel plans.


We’ll be in Barcelona. We’ll visit friends. (while)


While we’re in Barcelona, we’ll visit friends.

1.We’ll be happy. The summer will come. (when)

2.You’ll leave. Don’t forget to shut the windows. (before)

3.We won’t go to the dining car. The train will start. (until)

4.The days will be hot. My friend and I will go to the beach.(if)

5.Will you enjoy yourselves? You’ll be away. (while)

6.We won’t play tennis. We’ll buy new rackets. (unless)

7.Samuel will show this card to the police. He’ll get lost. (if)

8.He will phone you. He’ll arrive in Moscow. (as soon as)

7. He’ll see Laura again. He won’t recognize her. (when)

16. Say what makes any сity attractive for a holiday.


hotel facilities [fq sIlItIz] – условия для проживания в гостинице

a) What hotel facilities will you be able to use as soon as you register at the hotel?


b) Which of them will you need if you’re on a business trip / on a family holiday?


tennis courts

fitness centre

cocktail bar

in/room safes


conference rooms

in/room hair/dryers


17. Say what might happen, if Mike doesn’t follow his friends’ advice when on holiday.

Use the phrases below.

Example: A. Mike’s friends tell him he shouldn’t drive so fast.


B. They are right. If he drives too fast, he


might have an accident.


to get cramp in one’s leg – сводить ногу



1.leave home late / miss the plane

2.go straight to the beach on his first day

/spoil his holidays

3.lie in the sun too long / feel miserable at night

4.swim after a heavy lunch / get cramp in his legs

5.drink cold milk / get a sore throat

6.eat too much chocolate / gain weight

7.sunbathe for hours / get a nasty sunburn

18.Complete the following sentences and copy them out.

On holiday

1. If the weather is nasty on the day of our departure, ... 2. Before we take a taxi, ... 3. As soon as we arrive at the airport, ... 4. While I’m on holiday,... 5. I’ll continue to lie in the sun until ...6. My friend will get bored if/unless... 7. I’ll have to go to the lost property office if ... 8. If I don’t get a letter from my parents till the end of the week,... 9. My Mum and Dad will really miss me if/ unless...10. We’ll go home as soon as ...



You’ll hear two people discussing their summer holidays.

Nepal [nI pLl] – Непал overland – по суше

to save money – экономить деньги hire [haIq] – брать напрокат

read up – читать что/л. для подготовки to avoid [q vOId] sth – избежать чего/л.

a) Complete these notes on the main points by using a word or a short phrase.

1. The best time to travel


fewer tourists but …



better weather




2. Transport


much quicker


drive overland

interesting but …




3. Accommodation


comfortable but …



save a lot of money




4. Payment

in Britain

British money


in Nepal

might be …




5. Guide

a guidebook

avoid hiring …


read up





b) Listen again and describe various options that are open to Susie and Max. Start every sentence with an if clause:

If they visit Nepal in April, …

c) On your own.

Make up a chain story. One student says a sentence, another takes over and so on. Summarize your partners’ story.


1.If I save a lot of money, I’ll go to Miami. If I go to Miami, I’ll…

2.If George saves a lot of money, he…


20. Translate the following story from Russian into English using the words below the text. Copy it out and report it.

Однажды я собрался ехать из Фрезно в Нью/Йорк. Перед отъездом мне нанёс визит мой престарелый дядюшка, чтобы предостеречь меня от опасности в пути.

“Как только ты сядешь в поезд, двое мужчин в форме войдут в купе и потребуют показать билет. Не реагируй, это будут мошенники.”

“Как я об этом узнаю?” – спросил я.

“Ты сразу поймёшь, ведь ты уже не ребёнок”, – заметил он. “Прежде чем поезд пройдёт 20 миль, к тебе подойдёт молодой человек, чтобы угостить тебя сигаретой. Скажи, что не куришь.

Сигарета будет отравленной.” “Хорошо, сэр”, – согласился я.

“По дороге в вагон/ресторан тебе встретится молодая привлекательная женщина. Твоим естественным желанием станет познакомиться с ней. Не делай этого. Она будет авантюристкой. Даже если она сядет за твой столик, не смотри ей в глаза. Если заговорит – притворись, что глухой. Это единственный выход.”

“Выход из чего?” – спросил я.

“Из создавшейся ситуации, – ответил дядя. Я знаю, что говорю.”

“Спасибо, сэр”, – сказал я.

“ И ещё одна вещь. Вечером, когда будешь ложиться спать, достань деньги из кармана и положи их в свой башмак. Держи его под подушкой, голову на подушке и не спи всю ночь.”

Дядюшка ушёл, а я отправился в Нью/Йорк. Путешествие было приятным, а опасения дядюшки совершенно напрас/ными.

(After William Saroyan)

(To warn against sth, to pay a visit, to ignore, an impostor, doped, a diner, to run into sb, an adventuress, out of the whole trouble, groundless.)


21. Roleplay the following situation “Will we be able to meet?”

Partner A:

Partner B:

You’re travelling to America on holiday next week. This means you will have to fly first to London where your British colleague lives. You’d like to see him during your short stay there. Give your colleague a ring to arrange a meeting. You start.

You work in the centre of London. You’d very much like to see your Russian friend using an hour’s break for lunch, but the journey to the airport takes about 40 minutes. Perhaps your friend could come into town to see you.

Here’s some of the language you may need:

Partner A

Look, will we be able to meet next week?

It doesn’t look as if you will be able to ... .

I am really looking forward to seeing you. If you like, I can


That’s very kind of you, but please don’t bother.

Partner B

Shall I ...?

I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. Do you mind ... (+ /ing)?

Do you think I could ...? Thank you, I’d appreciate that.

21a. Describe how the situation in task 21 was acted out by your colleagues. While quoting their words make use of the following reporting verbs.


He / she

greeted her / him



apologized saying










Section II





Сooperation and consensus


Сотрудничество и согласие

Tomorrow belongs to me

The Economist, Oct. 2/8, 1999

22. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them.


attitude to/towards [ xtI, tju:d] n. отношение, позиция, подход: What is your attitude to this book?

flood [flAd] n. наводнение, половодье, поток: She burst into floods of tears during the conversation.

to connect [kq nekt] v. соединять, связывать: The plumber connected all the pipes and turned on the tap. connection n. связь, родство: There’s a strong connection between smoking and heart disease. in this connection в этой связи

to prevent [prI vent] v. предотвратить, помешать: Business prevented him from coming. prevention n. предупреждение, предотвращение: Prevention is better than cure.

sense [sens] n. ощущение, смысл: He had the sense not to


hope –

drive after hearing the forecast. sensible adj. разумный: It was very sensible of you to bring your umbrella.

point [pPInt] n. суть дела, главное, пункт, аргумент: I’m in a hurry, so come/get to the point. There were two or three points in your speech that I didn’t understand.

to establish [I stxblIS] v. учреждать, утверждать, устанавливать: His latest film has really established his reputa/ tion as a director.

to destroy [dI strOI]v. разрушать, уничтожать: She destroyed all his letters.

a gap [gxp] n. пробел, брешь: There are wide gaps in my knowl/ edge of history. It is necessary to fill up/ bridge the gap between school and university.

to cause [kO:z] v. причинить, вызывать: What caused the accident? The car has caused me a lot of trouble. a cause n. причина, повод (для беспокойства)

consumption [kqn sAmpSqn] n. потребление: The car’s fuel consumption is very high.

government [ gAvqnmqnt] n. правительство: The Prime Minister formed a government.

justice [ GAstIs] n. справедливость: The police do all they can to bring criminals to justice.


23. The English suffixes ful and less form adjectives from nouns. Read the adjectives with the suffixes ful and less and translate them into Russian.


hopeful (having the quality of...) подающий надежды hopeless (without the quality of...) безнадёжный


Useful, careful, peaceful, powerful, meaningful, purposeful.


Useless, careless, aimless, sense- less, powerless, motionless, purposeless, meaningless.