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Follow-up activities

1. Prepare dialogues discussing: a) general information about the kingdom Protista; b) primitive protists; c) true algae; d) unicellular algae.

2. Prepare a report on the topic under discussion. Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the Zero Conditional.

    1. If you boil water it evaporates.

    2. If the soil is dry pradically very little water absorption takes place.

    3. If glycogen is in solution, and it there is some sodium chloride present the glycogen colors itself a deep brownish – red color.

    4. If the skin of an earthworm gets dry the animal dies.

    5. If a tapeworm’s eggs are eaten by animals they penetrate through the alimentary canal into the muscles.


  1. If I have any problems I ask my friends for help.

  2. If it rains I take an umbrella.

  3. If I go to bed late I have a headache next day.

  4. If I need a visa I go to the Embassy.

  5. We usually go to the country on Saturday if the weather is good.

  6. If he wants to go to the theatre he buys tickets in advance.

  7. If he has to translate a text he uses a dictionary.

Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the First Conditional.

    1. If we use the method I propose we shall obtain an entirely different result.

    2. Unless mold spores have an opportunity to germinate, they will die.

    3. The cells will shrink if the osmolarity of their cytoplasm is reduced to one-half or less normal.

    4. The chilled slices will swell unless they are placed in medium of almost twice the osmolar concentration of the extracellular fluids.

    5. Unless purely artificial limits are drawn, the definition “alga” will include all holophytic organisms.

    6. If we examine a very thin piece of a plant under a microscope we shall see that it has a honeycomb structure.

    7. If you compare the structure of the Tapeworm with that of the Earthworm you will notice that the Tapeworm’s body is more rudimentary.


  1. You wont regret if you see this film.

  2. If you don’t hurry you will miss the train.

  3. If he has his car repaired we’ll be able to go to the country.

  4. It will be wise if you consult a dentist twice a year.

  5. If you put salt on ice it will melt.

  6. Providing that we get up early we’ll reach the place of destination in time.

  7. If she works hard she will pass all exams successfully.

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the Second Conditional.

  1. A seed would not germinate if the soil wasn’t warm enough.

  2. If I were a botanist I should know the difference between these roots.

  3. If these new methods were applied we should succeed in obtaining better results.

  4. If it were not for the roots, the plant would not be able to absorb water and mineral substances.

  5. If the ozone were suddenly withdrawn from the atmosphere, we should all be killed by the sun’s ultra-violet light.

  6. If there were no air, the stone and the piece of paper would fall together.

  7. The plant would not develop so quickly if the soil were not fine.

  8. Were the intensity of all the beams alike, we should get an opposite result.

  9. The heating elements could be easily exchanged should the need arise.

  10. Were the Earth stationary, the movements of the atmosphere would be controlled almost entirely by temperature differences.

  1. If he were a true friend he wouldn’t fail you.

  2. If this was dangerous they would warn us.

  3. We would accept their invitation if we were free.

  4. If he was a wise man he would find a way out of the situation.

  5. If I were you I wouldn’t go to Egypt in summer.

  6. If I were in your place I wouldn’t worry about it now.

  7. We would stay for an hour if it wasn’t so late.

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Third Conditional.

  1. If the potential had been suddenly increased, very little current would have flown through the membrane.

  2. The migration of the placental animals into Australia must have been blocked and this could only have happened if Australia had become isolated from the rest of the world.

  3. If anoxia had hindered active expulsion of water, it would have led to excessive accumulation in cells.

  4. If the F-zygote had been similarly poisoned, a viable zygote might not have been formed.

  5. If we had given the culture the very high dose initially, we should most likely have killed it completely.

  6. Their communication would have been more vivid if it had been illustrated with examples.

  7. Had it not been for the powerful microscope our investigation of minute particles of the living organism would have been limited.

  8. Stimulation would have produced different results could some of the experimental conditions have been changed.

  1. Even if I had phoned them, it would have been too late to change their minds.

  2. He wouldn’t have been able to pass the exam if you hadn’t helped him.

  3. If the ambulance had come sooner, the man might have been saved.

  4. If I had known there was no more work to do, I could have left earlier.

  5. If I had realized how late it was I wouldn’t have phoned you.

  6. If he had experimented alone he would never have finished the work.

  7. If he had followed his father’s advice he wouldn’t have got in trouble.

Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate conditional forms.

  1. Mr. Davidson says he (to come) to give a talk at the conference if we (to play) him a reasonable fee.

  2. If I (can get) a job, life here (to be) perfect.

  3. If you (to have) a lot of money do you think you (to give up) work?

  4. If the train (to arrive) on time, they (to be) here long ago.

  5. What (to happen) to them if the helicopter (to be) there to save them?

  6. If father (to get) this promotion, we (to have) enough money for a holiday abroad this year.

  7. She (to do) a very good managing director if she (to get) this job.

  8. He (to do) really well if he (to work) hard.

  9. He (to be able) to live on his own if his parents (to help) him.

  10. If you (to tell) her the truth I’m sure she (to forgive) him long ago.

Ex. 6. Match the clauses together to make mixed conditional sentences.

  1. If you had told me about A. he probably won’t be at

this problem earlier, the meeting.

  1. If you were a more B. you could always ring them up.

sensitive person,

  1. If they don’t contact C. he wouldn’t have fallen ill.

you soon,

  1. If he hadn’t died so D. you wouldn’t have said that

young, to her.

  1. If he didn’t work so E. I would have had it by now.

hard all the time,

  1. If the train hadn’t been F. everything would be all right now.


  1. If he was feeling ill G. would you hurry up and get ready?

this morning,

  1. If you are coming H. you wouldn’t be so busy

with us, this month.

  1. If I really wanted to I. we would be there by now.

have a car,

  1. If you had worked harder J. I am sure he would be a

last month, famous musician now.

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

  1. Ты едва ли узнал бы её, если бы встретил.

  2. Если бы прохожий не помог нам, мы бы не нашли дорогу.

  3. Если бы не ветер, не было бы так холодно.

  4. Если пойдет снег, станет теплее.

  5. Он не вел бы себя так глупо вчера, если бы был умнее.

  6. Если бы я хорошо знала английский, я уже бы перевела этот текст.

  7. Если ты решишь принять мое предложение, дай мне знать.

  8. Если бы он не приехал на машине встретить нас, нам пришлось бы взять такси.

  9. Если бы я была на твоем месте, я не стала бы никому рассказывать об этом.

  10. Если бы он вел машину осторожно, никакой бы аварии не произошло.

  11. Если ты поспешишь, то успеешь на восьмичасовой поезд.

  12. Если ты будешь больше читать на английском, ты быстрее овладеешь языком.

Ex. 7. Choose the right variant and translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. She wished at that moment she (had not sent/ did not sent) for him.

  2. “I wish I (had been/ were) there with you”, - he said with deep regret.

  3. I wish you (had not looked/ didn’t look) so sad.

  4. The professor wishes I (had studied/ studied) harder.

  5. We wished he (had not come/ did not come) so late yesterday.

  6. I wish he (had seen/ saw) the play, it was a great success.

  7. I wish they (introduced/ would introduce) their friends to me.

  8. He wished they (hadn’t noticed/ didn’t notice) his embarrassment.

  9. I wish you (wouldn’t leave/ didn’t leave) so soon.

  10. The patient wished he (had fulfilled/ fulfilled) all the doctor’s instructions.