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Notes to the text: Aristotle ["xrIs'tq(V)tl]

Francesco Redi [fren'tSeskqV 'redI]

Louis Pasteur ['lu(:)Is px'stq:]

John Tyndall [dZPn tIndl]

The Bible is to be accepted. – Библию следует считать.

They happen to be creationists.- Оказывается, что они креационисты.

It wasn’t until 1668 that…. – Только в 1668 году ….

Comprehension check

  1. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. The first living organisms that appeared on Earth were one-celled organisms.

  2. More complex, multicellular organisms came from the simplest creatures.

  3. The difference between simpler and more complex organisms consists only in cell number.

  4. Scientists generally agree that our solar system originated about 5.4 billion years ago.

  5. The method of inquiry based on the belief that the world was created in six days is called creationism.

  6. Scientists utilize only what they call the scientific method.

  7. Aristotle believed in the origin of living organisms from nonliving material.

  8. Francesco Redi challenged and overthrew the theory of spontaneous generation.

  1. Give answers to the questions below:

  1. What sequence of events has the evolution of life on Earth involved?

  2. What organisms appeared first on Earth?

  3. How long does our solar system exist?

  4. What is creationism?

  5. Why is creationism not a science?

  6. What can you say about the hypothesis of spontaneous generation?

  7. Aristotle believed that life started from lifeless materials, didn’t he?

  8. What experiments did Francesco Redi carry out to solve the problem of the origin of life on Earth?

  9. How did Louis Pasteur and John Tyndall overthrow the belief that microorganisms arose spontaneously?

3. Point out the topic sentence in each paragraph. Language focus Form the derivatives of the words given in the chart below (where possible):




to evolve


to create



to form



to believe


to generate


to account

  1. Find in the text: a) synonyms and b) antonyms to the following words and word combinations:




to disappear

to permit, to let

one-celled organisms

to use


to perform


to show

on the one hand



to accept

to stay

to examine

to challenge



to originate

little known


keep out

  1. Complete the sentences using the text:

  1. The first living things to appear….

  2. With cellular specialization certain cells within the multicellular organism …..

  3. Scientists …. that our solar system appeared some 4.5 billion years ago.

  4. The creationists’ method of inquiry ….. on the Bible.

  5. Scientists, on the other hand, ….

  6. ….. are often called creationists.

  7. The fact is that creationism is not a …..

  8. ……. is known as spontaneous generation.

  9. Maggots appeared only ….

  10. Until the nineteenth century people still believed …..

  11. ….. the concept of spontaneous generation had become history.

  1. Translate the sentences into English using the vocabulary of Unit 1:

a) Вероятно жизнь на земле зародилась в форме простейших одноклеточных организмов, из которых произошли более сложные, многоклеточные организмы.

б) Простейшие одноклеточные организмы должны были добывать пищу из неорганических веществ и превращать их в органические.

в) В течение миллиардов лет произошли многочисленные изменения организмов, которые привели к возникновению растений и животных.

г) Ученые считают, что наша солнечная система образовалась 4.5 миллиарда лет назад.

д) Библия описывает, что вселенная была создана за 6 дней.

е) Метод исследования сторонников теории креационизма основывается на положениях Библии.

ж) Ученые используют научные методы, чтобы проверить гипотезы и теории и развить свои концепции и идеи.

з) Аристотель полагал, что жизнь произошла из неживой материи.

и) Франческо Реди опроверг теорию самозарождения и доказал, что все организмы возникли в результате размножения предшествующих организмов.

к) Гипотеза, касающаяся зарождения жизни из неживой материи, известна как теория самозарождения.