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4. Waste (verb)

1. Bill wastes all his money on beer and cigarettes. 2. Don't leave the light on - you're wasting electricity.3. I wasted 40 minutes waiting for a bus this morning. 4. I must have wasted two whole hours trying to fix this machine. 5. Let's not waste any more time on this. 6. Letting the water run while you brush your teeth wastes water. 7. One of the men threatened to waste the bank teller if he didn't get the money. 8. Sometimes she feels she's wasted her life. 9. Stop wasting time. We have to finish this by five o'clock. 10. The school kitchen wastes an awful lot of food. 11. Back in the United States, Alvin wasted no time in proposing ways of doing that on future modern dance tours.12. By fencing money into line items, in other words, we waste billions of dollars every year. 13. He had a remote manner and didn't waste an atom of energy talking to anyone on the set except Zimmer. 14.I felt enough time had been wasted, but time didn't seem to mean anything to Brando.15. She wasted no time in writing to me and commanding me to return home at once. 16. The guests with a morning to waste until the ceremony at two o'clock got under everyone's feet. 17. You actually hope the time and money spent on insurance will be wasted. 18. The irony of the situation was not wasted on me. 19. At seventy-three, her days were too short to be wasted on slumber. 20. Compassion could only lead to increased confusion, for it would be wasted on her. 21. He explained this with his usual tact, but tact was wasted on Mrs. Bidwell. 22. Her effort was wasted on me. 23. I fear your quaint down-home speech is wasted on me, my friend. 24. It also tends to be grown locally so that less fuel is wasted on transporting it. 25. It must be a proper justification which shows that your time is not likely to be wasted on a low priority. 26. Nor did this luxury stimulate local production: it was wasted on foreign imports which could never become productive at home. 27. His muscles were slowly wasting away because of his illness. 28. There was nothing we could do -- she just wasted away and within six weeks she was dead. 29. If the patient does not first surrender to a fungus, bacterium or cancer, he wastes away. 30. In the aquarium, without a fish as a companion, some anemones eventually waste away and die.

waste (noun)

1. Industrial waste had leaked into the water supply. 2. It's a good idea to recycle household waste. 3. The committee will study the issue of waste in state spending. 4. The costs of waste disposal are rising all the time. 5. The government has announced a ban on all imports of toxic waste from abroad. 6. Too much waste has been dumped into the North Sea. 7. But it was also a mark of his belief that gossip was simply a waste of time. 8. In the absence of domestic reprocessing facilities, waste is rapidly piling up in storage. 9. Music became the voice of opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life, and effectively found itself a conscience. 10. Specially engineered vaults should be constructed so that the waste could be regularly monitored and, if necessary, retrieved. 11. The Commission has already proposed establishing a compensation fund for damage caused by waste. 12. The operation made financial and environmental sense by eliminating the need to use a hazardous waste site. 13. The site is expected to begin receiving waste during the next few weeks. 14. An unrealistically low offer is a waste of time. 15. As I said, many of these divisions of investigation will be a waste of time. 16. But it was a waste of time. 17. He may protest to the auditor that this is a waste of time. 18. I feel annoyed, it is a waste of time. 19. Marx thought that scholarly contemplation was a waste of time. 20. Which was a waste of time really, because all I wanted to do was join Granpa on the barrow. 21. While some thought that they did a good job, a substantial minority felt that they were a waste of time. 22. Don't let all this food go to waste. 23. If no one else wants this, I'll eat it -- I hate to see good food go to waste. 24. Local produce often goes to waste because people prefer to buy imported food. 25. We can't let all our hard work go to waste.

waste (adjective)

1. waste tank; 2. a sewage waste pipe; 3. Beyond the rearing buildings the waste ground was empty. 4. In 1875 and 1876 the Corporation purchased 3,000 acres of the open waste lands of the forest manors. 5. Inefficient recovery practices have left metal-rich waste dumps which have often been levelled or used as roadstone. 6. Nor are waste dumps the only things being shaken-up. 7. The waste form and the cannister should act as barriers for 1000 years each. 8. The waters off North Carolina host numerous fish, a potential biological vector for transport of waste materials.


1. Many people see the new £60 million building as wasteful and extravagant. 2. That's so wasteful to throw away a clean sheet of paper. 3. Do not make unnecessarily long calls as they are wasteful. 4. Esther believed it was a filthy habit not to change towels often, and Robert believed it was wasteful to do so. 5. It's ... it's ... wasteful you know, so wasteful. 6. Pemex has long been considered one of the hemisphere's most wasteful, bloated companies. 7. Tell us how wasteful government will not limit our futures and the futures of our children. 8. The ability to produce in greater quantities made this system wasteful and it has given way to a more scientific process.9. The confusion created by this can be very wasteful. 10. There also might be wasteful competition as many variations of a good are offered.

to lay waste

1. The island was laid waste and abandoned. 2. an attack which laid waste to hundreds of villages.

Read the definition and write the word from the active vocabulary.

1. a place where children are taught;

2. permission given to someone to enter a building or place, or to become a member of a school, club etc;

3. something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having this;

4. using more of something than you should, especially money, time, or effort;

5. school education;

6. such kind of work which is physically difficult and makes you very tired;

7. to send someone or something to a person or organization to be helped or dealt with;

8. the row of connected bones that go down the middle of your back;

9. a letter containing information about you that is written by someone who knows you well, and is usually intended for a new employer;

10. someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, especially one that is not a science subject;

11. to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see it easily;

12. something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective;

13. following moral standards that are acceptable to society;

14. to mention or speak about someone or something;

15. an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education;

16. looking or facing in the direction that is behind you;

17. to gradually become thinner and weaker, usually because you are ill;

18. to support someone or something, especially by giving them money or using your influence;

19. a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily;

20. to allow someone to enter a public place to watch a game, performance etc;

21. unwanted materials or substances that are left after you have used something;

22. to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do this;

23. part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing;

24. when something such as money or skills are not used in a way that is effective, useful, or sensible;

25. to clearly show a feeling, attitude, or quality by what you do or say;

26. to stay calm when it would be easy to get angry;

27. of a good enough standard or quality;

28. standards of behaviour that are expected of everyone;

29. to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right;

30. to suddenly become very angry so that you cannot control yourself;

31. the process of allowing people to enter a university, institution etc, or the number of people who can enter;

32. developing slowly and less successfully than most others;

33. to look at a book, map, piece of paper etc for information;

34. a large area of land where there are very few people, plants, or animals;

35. to allow someone to join an organization, club etc.

36. an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy;

37. in the direction that is behind you;

38. to be angry;

39. to need something;

40. the cost of entrance to a concert, sports event, cinema etc.

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