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Методички онкология / 5 курс / Студентам / 4 колоректальный рак.doc
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V. Retroperitoneal tumor.

C. Ovarian cancer with metastases to the greater omentum.

D. Sigmoid colon cancer.

E. Colon Cancer.


Test number 2

Patient, aged 45, complained of flatulence, nausea, vomiting, shortness of discharge of feces and gases. He considers himself a patient for 3 months. OBJECTIVE: pnevmotyzovanyy intestine, peristalsis increased in the left iliac area palpable tight formation up to 8 cm in diameter, movable. Emptying of liquid mixed with mucus. The reaction of the latent blood positive. What is the possible diagnosis?

A. Tuberculosis of the sigmoid colon. Partial intestinal obstruction (CHKN).

B. Actinomycosis sigmoid colon. CHKN.

S. sigmoid colon cancer. CHKN.

D. The inflammatory infiltrate left iliac area. CHKN.

E. retroperitoneal tumor. CHKN.


Test number 3.

Patient I., 29 years, complaints of pain during a bowel movement, the presence of formation in the right abdomen, flatulence, diarrhea, loss of weight 6 kg for 7 months, periodic increase t body to 37,9 ° C. He considers himself a patient over 1.5 years. Objectively: skin anemic. Asthenic physique. Liver not enlarged. In the right iliac area defined tumor formation up to 6 cm in diameter, movable, painless on palpation. Segments of colon pnevmotyzovani. Ro-graphy WGC: single rounded shadow to 0.5 cm in diameter. What is the possible diagnosis?

A. Cancer of the cecum.

B. The inflammatory infiltrate.

S. Actinomycosis cecum.

D. Tuberculosis of the cecum.

E. Cancer of the right kidney.


Test number 4.

Patient S., 47 years. Complaints about the growing availability of education in the right iliac area, constipation alternating with diarrhea. In history - a year ago appendectomy. After surgery, the pain did not stop. OBJECTIVE: overall relatively satisfactory. Peripheral l / v is increased. Abdomen bloated in the right iliac area palpated real education to 9 cm in diameter, sensitive to palpation. Which approach to the treatment of this disease should be chosen?

A. Operative treatment.

V. chemotherapy.

C. Anti-inflammatory therapy.

D. Radiotherapy.

E. Endolymphatic chemotherapy + radiotherapy + surgery.


Test number 5.

Patient E., 35, complained of the presence of tumor in the right abdomen, flatulence, defecation lability. The above complaints were 4 months ago. In the right flank formation palpable diameter of 11 cm, rocky density, painless on palpation, with the presence of fistulas holes over him with scant serous separation. Peristalsis strengthened. What additional research is needed to clarify the diagnosis?

A. Plain radiographs of the abdomen.

V. Ultrasonography of the abdomen.

C. Examination of faeces for the presence aktynomitsytiv.

D. Examination of faeces for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

E. cytology fistulas separation.


Test number 6.

Patient M., 75 years. Complaints constant diffuse abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, delayed emptying within 5 days. OBJECTIVE: overall moderate. Above the navel determined movable tumor formation up to 8 cm in diameter, sensitive to palpation. The right half of the colon sharply pnevmatyzovana. What operation is needed in this situation?

A. Right-hemikolonektomiya.

B. Left-hand hemikolonektomiya.

C. Resection of transverse colon.

D. Formation tsekostomy.

E. Formation transverzostomy.


Test number 7.

Patient, 50 years old, complained of intermittent pain in the left iliac area, the presence of blood and mucus in the stool, lack of appetite. He considers himself a patient 3 weeks. When fibrokolonoskopiyu revealed splenic tumor node colon that contact bleeding stenotic lumen of the intestine. Cytology - moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. What is the treatment strategy?

A. Operative treatment.

B. Chemotherapy.

S. Radiotherapy.

D. Antibiotic.

E. surgery + chemotherapy.


Test number 8

Patient K., 56 years old, emaciated, pale, turned the clinic over the abdomen and pain during defecation, constipation with recurrent attacks of at least sentatives abdominal pain, blood in the stool. Palpable enlarged edge, hilly liver below the costal arch to 8 cm and hilly immobilna tumor of the rectum during her palpation. Diagnosis - rectal cancer metastasized to the liver. What evidence in favor of the diagnosis?

A. Exhaustion and paleness.

B. Pain in the abdomen and during defecation.

C. These physical examination.

D. Episodes of constipation prystupopodibnymy abdominal pain.

E. Revelation of blood in the stool.


Test number 9

In patients with complete clinical volume detected rectal cancer T4NXM1. The patient was concerned about recurrent constipation, bloating, appearance of blood in the stool, severe weakness, pallor and exhaustion. What tactics with you and suggest?

A. Urgent surgery.

B. Radical surgery after a full course of radiation therapy.

C. Symptomatic therapy in the place of residence, where growth phenomena of intestinal obstruction - colostomy.

D. Chemotherapy.

E. The combination of radiation and chemotherapy.


Test number 10

A patient with adenocarcinoma in '56 serednoampulyarnoho of pr I my gut length 6 cm with mixed growth takes over pi in a circle moving. What does he need?

A. Surgical treatment

B. Intensive preoperative radiotherapy

C. Finely-long course of radiotherapy

D. The operation followed by radiotherapy

E. Preoperative chemotherapy


Test number 11

The patient after resection of the rectum installed Stage 3 ill th ing. What further management of the patient?

A. Clinical supervision

B. Postoperative radiotherapy

C. Postoperative chemotherapy

D. Immunotherapy

E. Vaccinotherapy

Standards of answers: 1 - D, 2 - C, 3 - A, 4 - A, 5 - E, 6 - D, 7 - E, 8 - C, 9 - C, 10 - D, 11 - B.

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