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Kharkiv National Medical University

Department of Oncology

guidance for students of 5th year

medical faculties



Module 1

Topical Module 3

Theme 10 Prostate cancer



Tumors of the prostate, especially prostate cancer (prostate cancer) is one of the important problems of oncology. According to section material RPZ is 4% of all male cancers. And in the age of its population prevalence increases. Prostate cancer is significantly different from a number of other malignancies their biological potential variability in the clinical course and the possibilities of using different treatments. The problem of prostate cancer is a number of unresolved issues relating to diagnosis, histological grading, sensitivity to hormonal and radiation therapy, the indications for surgical treatment. In recent years, improved functional results prostatectomy decreased postoperative mortality. The ability to diagnose and treat prostate cancer is very important for doctors - oncologists.


Overall objective: to be able to diagnose and treat prostate tumor.


Specific goals

Be able to:

1. On the basis of complaints, anamnesis, objective research, to identify the main syndromes of tumors of the prostate, put a preliminary diagnosis.

2. Appoint additional examination methods and evaluate their data

3. Conduct a differential diagnosis, to put the final diagnosis.

4. Appoint treatment

5. To carry out rehabilitation and preventive measures


Contents of training

Theoretical questions to topics that students should learn:

1. Clinical symptoms of cancer of the prostate.

2. Diagnosis of tumors of the prostate.

3. Classification of tumors of the prostate.

4. Question metastasis

5. Epidemiology of prostate tumors, morbidity and mortality, etiological factors and Precancer disease pathogenesis.

6. The principles and tactics of treatment of tumors of the prostate, and long-term results of treatment of prostate cancer, diagnosis and treatment of recurrences and metastases.

7. Predisposing factors and precancerous conditions, prevention.

8. Examination of disability, prognosis, rehabilitation patients


Count on a logical structure and themes (see fig.)


Information necessary for mastering learning content can be found in the following l and interliterary sources:

1.       Handbook of Oncology. Under editors prof. S.A.Shalymova Sci. Yu.A.Hrynevycha Sci. D.V.Myasoedova. Kiev. "Health", 2000. - 560 p.

2.       Peterson BE Atlas Oncological operations. - Moscow: Medicine, 1987. - S.349-386.

3.       Yzbrannыe lecture on klynycheskoy Oncology / Ed. VI Chyssova, S.L.Daryalovoy. - M., 2000.

4.       Practical CANCER: yzbrannыe lecture / Ed. SA Tyulyandyna, VI Moyseenko. - St.-P., 2004.

5.       Hantsev SH.H. CANCER. - Moscow: Medytsynskoe newsletter agency, 2004.-487 p.

6.       Selected lectures on cancer under. Ed G. .. Cooper, S. Antipov - L in Ghana, JSC "Lugansk Oblast Printing", 2009 - 560 pages

7.       Heshelin SA - TNM classification of malignant tumors and complete cure in the bathroom at tech onkol patients. - Kyiv, "Health", 1996. - 184 pages

8.       Algorithms obъemov diagnosis and treatment zlokachestvennыh novoobrazov and ny. - M., 2002.

9.       Brewers PI and others Urolohyya and nefrolohyya in circuits., Vynnytsya.-2001.

10. Lecture on

11. Count olohichna structures and themes


After mastering on the theme proposed move to a decision on a vchalnyh problems.


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