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Kharkiv National Medical University

Department of Oncology

guidance for students of 5th year

medical faculties



Module 1

Content Module 1

Theme 1       Tumors of the lip mucosa

                 mouth CAVITY, thyroid gland



Tumors of lip, oral mucosa occupy a prominent place in the structure malignant tumors. Lower lip cancer is more common in black at lovikiv who experience prolonged exposure to external factors such as changes humidity, temperature, long insolyatsiya, tobacco smoke, chronic in May matyzatsiya lips. Of cancer of oral mucosa contribute to chronic traumatic acute dental fragments, unsuccessfully at revoked devices, prostheses, SUFFER FROM ANY CHRONIC burns ethyl alcohol, acute and gar I choyu eating, smoking. Awareness of these factors should etiolohichnyh AB I movuvaty student on the inadmissibility of bad habits i interviews among the population. Necessary knowledge of operational capabilities in the supply Tue, radiotherapy to cure tumors specified location.

The experience of recent years shows a significant increase in the incidence of thyroid diseases, including thyroiditis, a variety of disorders of the gland, benign and malignant tumors. Malignant tumors of the thyroid and vines should be considered as hormonal. They occur on the background of Mr. halmuva ing thyroid function, defined as iodine deficiency, ionizu yu than radiation at minyuvannyam. Significant prevalence of carcinogenic effects as smoking tobacco, chronic inflammation in the larynx and makes it relevant to teaching topics in cancer of the larynx. Acquaintance with these topics allows oriyentuv and opportunities istered on sucha s their treatments.


Specific goals

Be able to:

1. On the basis of complaints, anamnesis, objective research, to identify the main syndromes tumors lips, oral mucosa, shield and dnoyi cancer i brought you preliminary diagnosis.

2. Appoint additional examination methods and evaluate their data

3. Conduct a differential diagnosis between diseases poo lin's lips, oral mucosa, thyroid, and brought you the final diameter d noz.

4. Appoint treatment

5. To carry out rehabilitation and preventive measures


Contents of training

Theoretical questions to topics that must be learned doctors:

1. Clinical symptoms of tumors of the lips, oral mucosa, thyroid gland.

2. Diagnosis of tumors of the lips, thyroid, mucosal empty and HN mouth

3. Classification of tumors of the lips, thyroid, mucosal threshold is nyny mouth.

4. Question metastasis

5. Epidemiology of tumors of the lips, oral mucosa, Panel A Noah cancer incidence and mortality, etiological factors and ant's Lynn disease pathogenesis.

6. The principles and tactics tumors lips, oral mucosa, thyroid, and long-term results of treatment, diagnosis and medi n ing recurrence and metastases.

7. Predisposing factors and precancerous conditions, prevention.

8. Examination of disability, prognosis, rehabilitation patients


Information necessary for learning training content, and you can know the following references:

1.       Selected lectures on cancer under. Ed. GV. Cooper, S. Antipov - L in Ghana, JSC "Lugansk Oblast Printing", 2009 - 560 pages

2.       Handbook of Oncology. Under editors prof. S.A.Shalymova Sci. Yu.A.Hrynevycha Sci. D.V.Myasoedova. Kiev, "Health." - 2000.

3.       Heshelin SA - TNM classification of malignant tumors and complete cure in the bathroom at tech onkol patients. - Kyiv, "Health", 1996. - 184 pages

4.       Pinchuk VG s et al. CANCER. Dictionary-Handbook. - Kiev: "Science. D in ICA, "1992.

5.       Translators NI Chemotherapy opuholevыh diseases. - Moscow. - 2000. - P. 3-85, 116-119.

6.       Zarydze DG Эpydemyolohyya and prevention of cancer. - Journal of Ross. Acad. honey. Science. - 2001, (9): 43-6.

7.       Bilynsky BT Oncology. Lviv, 1998.

8.       PABSEC AI Pyzok TH Zlokachestvennыe tumor PTA cavity, pharynx, g at rtany. M: Medicine, 1988. - 314 p.

9.       Lecture on

10. Graphology structure topics

After mastering on the theme proposed move to the solution of educational problems.


Teaching Problem

Task 1.

Man '65're concerned about any sores on the mucous membrane of the cheeks right in place traumatize her prosthesis. Ulcer was formed a year ago, honey and medicamental treatment can not be, for the last 3 months increased udv and chi. Ulcer size 2 - 2.5 cm., Bottom - necrotic. Regional lymph nodes - d pi jaw to 2 cm., Soft elastic limit y in Thomas in number 3.

A. aphthous century at matyt

B. decubital in s rows of

C. Cancer of oral mucosa

D. and rows of aspirin in

E. Lake Mr Lucky


Task 2

In the clinic enrolled min. S., in '45, with the presence of tumor in the region of the lower lip size 4 cm. Which you accept tactics test?

A. Review

B. Review and scraping

C. puncture tumor

D. Ultrasound and puncture



Task 3

Patient B., '54, addressed the oncologist complaining presence swelled and HN 2 cm in diameter in the area of the lower lip. The formation of a whitish color. Q Once you've bared removing horny layers of pink bleeding surface. What is the diagnosis most likely be in this case?

A. chancre

B. cancer of the lower lip

C. leukoplakia

D. dyskeratoz

E. granuloma


Problem 4

Patient '28 addressed the endocrinologist about increasing y and tovydnoyi from a vine. When ultrasound revealed hypoechoic node on the right side of fate. Which method of research in the future will select the rules b well treatment policy in this case?

A. Biopsy formation of morphs at logical research

B. indicative m e tod

C. Stsyntihrafiya with tumorotropnym radiofarmprepar and Volume

D. Electron emission volume at graphy

E. thermography thyroid hall at za


Task 5

The woman in '40 when examining the thyroid gland in the neck to the left of fate Leno node palpation compacted, moderately painful during palpation. Ultrasound examination he increased density, "Dr. refrigerant tion" at scintigraphy with I 131. Which test should be conducted to clarify the diagnosis at the Law?

A. Aspiration fine needle biopsy


C. Reflex at measurement

D. Determination of urinary iodine with s f cheyu.

E. Term at graphy


Problem 6

A patient diagnosed in '48 "Squamous horny at S whose laryngeal cancer T 1 N 0 M 0, holosnykovoho Department defeat left a voice howling at the folds." Select wholesale and posure treatment

A. Run lyarynhe k volume

B. Conduct combined treatment - ered five operating rate cart m ma therapy following resection of lateral larynx.

C. Conduct combined treatment of postoperative radiotherapy

D. Conduct an independent course kilocuritherapy


Problem 7

Before surgery patient turned 46 years old, in which the lower lip is bezbol sleep and ulcer size 0,5 x0, 5 cm in the last year on the lower lip ch at sterihalys flakes that occasionally fall away. Ulcer appeared 2 months ago. The left submaxillary area revealed dense l / of 0.5 x1, 0 cm Your diagnosis:

A. Herpes labialis V. rodent ulcer lower lip S. chancre lower lip D. Lower lip cancer has spread to the submandibular lymph nodes E. leukoplakia


Standards of answers: 1 - C, 2 - B, 3 - B, 4 - A, 5 - A, 6 - D, 7 - D.


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