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Kharkiv National Medical University

Department of Oncology

guidance for students of 5th year

medical faculties



Module 1

Semantic module 2

Theme 7       Skin cancer, melanoblastoma, Hodgkin’s desease



Malignant tumors of the skin are very often. Despite the fact that these tumors belong to the so-called "surface" localization experts are not rare.

Effect of irradiation on the sunny thinning ozone layer is one of the major risk factors in people personally with fair skin. And Mr. Shimi etiological factors are ionizing radiation, burns, scars, effects on mouse skin `which, accessories and chronic attitude and others.

Most of the skin tumors are rodent ulcer, squamous cell carcinoma, chalk Nome. Oncologists should always pa soft favorites, such as databases and tumor liomy and squamous cell carcinomas are more common in the elderly, while melanoma is often found in relatively young people and has an aggressive nature and Clin chnoyi flow. Therefore, before the oncologist decrees are the problem not only primary and clarifying diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors of the skin, but also evaluate the effectiveness of various methods of medi n ing this disease, early detection of relapse after a medication in the bathroom

Hodgkin desease (HD) - is one of the most difficult problems at district kolohiyi. Incidence HD in different countries varies in width at cal scale. Features localization and abandonment process considerably faceted tion in the possibility of effective treatment. In common illnesses stages at ryuvan unfavorable prognosis. Oh nkonastoroha, proper evaluation of clinical manifestations, the use of needle biopsy or histological studies and Jenny and timely referral of the patient in onkostatsionar can significantly improve the results of treatment.


Specific goals

Be able to:

1. On the basis of complaints, anamnesis, objective research, to identify the main syndromes skin cancer, melanoblastoma, HD, at p raise preliminary diagnosis.

2. Appoint additional examination methods and evaluate their data

3. Conduct a differential diagnosis between diseases w k and ri, melanoblastoma, Lee mfohran in lematozu, put the final diameter d noz.

4. Appoint treatment

5. To carry out rehabilitation and preventive measures


Contents of training

Theoretical questions to topics that must be learned doctors:

1. Clinical symptoms of skin cancer (RS), melanoblastoma (Mbs), l and MF at granulomatosis (HD).

2. Diagnosis of PU, HD, Mbs.

3. Classification PU, HD, Mbs.

4. Question metastasis

5. Epidemiology of skin tumors, melanoblastoma, l and mfohranulematozu, at ryuvanist illnesses and mortality in skin cancer melanoblastoma, Lee mfohranulem and tozu etiological factors and Precancer disease pathogenesis is ab.

6. Principles and treatment in PU, HD, Mbs, immediate and remote results of treatment is not skin cancer melanoblastoma, l and mfohranulematozu, d and agnostic and treatment of relapses and m is tastaziv.

7. Predisposing factors and precancerous conditions, prevention.

8. Examination of disability, prognosis, rehabilitation patients

Information necessary for learning training content, and you can know the following references:

1.       Selected lectures on cancer under. Ed G. .. Cooper, S. Antipov - L in Ghana, JSC "Lugansk Oblast Printing", 2009 - 560 pages

2.       Handbook of Oncology. Under editors prof. S.A.Shalymova Sci. Yu.A.Hrynevycha Sci. D.V.Myasoedova. Kiev, "Health." - 2000.


3.       Heshelin SA - TNM classification of malignant tumors and complete cure in the bathroom at tech onkol patients. - Kyiv, "Health", 1996. - 184 pages

4.       Pinchuk VG s et al. CANCER. Dictionary-Handbook. - Kiev: "Science. D in ICA, "1992.

5.       Translators NI Chemotherapy opuholevыh diseases. - Moscow. - 2000. - P. 3-85, 116-119.

6.       Zarydze DG Эpydemyolohyya and prevention of cancer. - Journal of Ross. Acad. honey. Science. - 2001, (9): 43-6.

7.       Lecture on

8.       Count on Logic and structures and themes


After mastering on the theme proposed move to the solution of educational problems.


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