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I) your point of view:

- from my point of view,

- however, in my opinion.

j)to take part in the discussion of the problem:

- I’m not sure I follow you,

- Did you say that..?

- Sorry, I’m not sure I understand.

- as far as I can see, the main issue is …

- allow me to explain, ..

- it means that…

- so, in other words,…

- to put in another way,…

- let me add that…

- yes, but that’s only one side of the problem.

- sorry, could I please just finish my point?

- going back to what I was saying,…

- would you mind clarifying …

Recommendations to the chairperson:

  1. announce the name of the conference,

  2. speak on the importance of such conference to stop the spreading drug addiction on the whole,

  3. introduce the participants, name the topics of their reports ,

  4. mention the time limit of 5 minutes for speaking,

  5. ask to put down the questions to be discussed later,

6. give the floor to the fist speaker and announce his topic,

7. after his speech control the situation and go on with introducing every next participant,

9. after all the speakers have taken the floor, ask if there are any questions, summarize the information discussed at the conference

10. thank everybody for participation.



1. Прочитайте текст и расставьте заголовки к абзацам текста 1-4.

a) Acting together with national governments.

b) Main principles of existence.

c) Division into disciplines covers different legal aspects.

d) Factor of great influence.

International law as a supranational


The problematic question if the international law can be considered a modern supranational legal system or it is only the law of international community has been the topic of discussion during the last decades on different prominent legal levels. On the one hand, it has all the features of a newly made international legal system, on the other hand, it doesn’t have the important norm of law – binding execution of adopted laws by all nations. This text is based on the first point of view.


International Law is a newly made legal system. The law of the international community, or the body of customary rules and treaties, ( 1 ) governs accepted as legally binding by states in their relations with each other. International law differs from other legal systems as it primarily concerns sovereign political entities. There are three separate disciplines of international law:

a) public international law, which governs the relationship between provinces and international entities and includes treaty law, law of the sea, international criminal law, and international humanitarian law;

b) private international law, which addresses legal jurisdiction;

c) and supranational law - a legal framework where countries ( 2 ) are bound by regional agreements in which the laws of the member countries ( 3 ) are not applicable when in conflict with supranational laws. At present the European Union is the only entity under a supranational legal system.