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IV. Choose the right preposition.

1. Craftsmen and artists were drawn to the court to work ... the patron­age of the king.

a) with b) under c) about d) at

2. The sun temples were built ... the 5th Dynasty.

a) from b) on c) into d) by

3. Craftsmen worked ... the finest materials.

a) with b) for c) in d) after

4. New areas of land were brought ... cultivation.

a) under b) from c) over d) on

5. The Ptolemies built numerous temples ... the island of Philae.

a) near b) on c) above d) in


I. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text.

1. Techniques of working in stone, ..., and metal made tremendous progress, demonstrated by ... monuments.

2. These monuments celebrated the ... of the kings of Egypt, linking the people with the great ... of earth and sky.

3. Craftsmen worked in the ... materials which were often brought great ... .

4. The earliest that ... are the copper status of Pepi I and his son, ... at Hierakonpolis.

5. The prosperous period known as the Middle ... began with the re­unification of the country.

6. Many royal monuments were ... for their stone in later periods but what has survived shows great simplicity and ...

7. The temple walls were covered with ... celebrating ... of the kings and the powers of the gods.

II. Match the beginnings of the sentences to their ends using the information from the text.

1. During the Old Kingdom a) the Great temple of Amon

techniques of ... b) are the copper statues of Pepi I and his son

2. These monuments celebrated c) working in stone made tremendous progress

the divinity of the kings of Egypt... d) were robbed in later periods

3. Fortresses were built to de­fend ... e) the southern and eastern borders of the

4. The earliest surviving large metal figures ... kingdom

5. Craftsmen benefited from contact with ... f) Crete and Mesopotamia

6. Many royal monuments of the Middle g) linking the people with the great gods of earth

Kingdom ... and sky

  1. The most notable monu­ments of the

New Kingdom are the Mortuary Temple

of Queen Hatsheput and ...

III. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. Techniques of working in concrete made tremendous progress.

2. The finest materials for craftsmen were often brought great distanc­es.

3. Many architectural monuments of the Middle Kingdom can be seen


4. Craftsmen of the New Kingdom were in contact with the Romans.

5. The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatsheput is near Cairo.

6. Ancient Egyptian architecture was revived under the Ptolemies.

IV. Change into passive.

1. The king of the Old Kingdom drew artists and craftsmen to the court to work.

2. They robbed many royal monuments for their stone.

3. Artists and craftsmen covered the temple walls with reliefs.

4. They enriched the courtyards with statuary.