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Comprehension Questions

1.What is the main task of a judiciary branch of power in Ukraine ?

2.Who does judicial power belong to ?

3.What courts does the judicial system consist of ?

4.What term are judges to be elected for ?

5.What are the judges’ duties and rights ?

6.Who may become a judge in Ukraine ?

7.What kind of judicial decisions should be ?

8.What can you say about decisions of the court that have taken the force of law?

Vocabulary Practice

1. Choose the necessary word and use it in the sentence.

1.The task of judiciary power is a fair a)proceedings

and impartial .... of disputes. b)inviolability

2.Judicial power belongs exclusively to.... c)tenure

3.Judges are independent and .... only to d)equality

the law. e)courts

4.Judges`.... is guaranteed by the law. f)adjudication

5.All judicial.... must be public and open. g)subject

6.Judicial decisions should be reasoned h)unprejudiced

and ....

7.Judges should not be changed during

their ....

8.The judicial proceedings should be based

on the....of both parties before the law.

2. Translate into English.

Судова влада на Украiнi належить виключно судам. Судова система складається з Конституцiйного суду Украiни, Верховного суду, Арбiтражного суду, адміністративних, обласних та районних судiв. Суддi - незалежнi та пiдкоряються тiльки закону, iх недоторканнicть гарантується законом. Суддi обираються на невизначений термін президентом Украiни. Вони не можуть бути членами полiтичних партiй, рухiв, профспiлок, приймати участь у полiтичнiй дiяльностi. Але вони можуть вести наукову роботу та читати лекцiї у вiльний час. Будь-який громадянин Украiни, якому виповнилося 25 рокiв, хто має вищу юридичну освiту та досвiд роботи 2 роки, може бути суддею. Судовi засiдання мають бути привселюдними та вiдкритими. Судовi рiшення повиннi бути зваженими, неупередженими та базуватися на повному аналiзi фактiв. Вони повиннi виконуватися на всiй територii Украiни.



W o r d l I s t

to preside over a court - бути головою у судi

limited jurisdiction - обмежена юрисдикцiя

Crown Court – Королівський Суд

Magistrates Courts – мирові суди

divorce - розлучення

bankruptcy case - справа про банкрутство

County Courts - суди графств

juvenile courts - суди у справах неповнолiтнiх

offender - правопорушник

coroners` courts - суди коронерiв


1. Match the given English noun phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1.juvenile courts 1.Королівський Суд

2.ruling class 2.правова система

3.trial courts 3.суди у справах неповнолiтнiх

4.general jurisdiction 4.обмежна юрисдикцiя

5.the County Courts 5.мирові суди

6.limited jurisdiction 6.Вищий Суд

7.the Crown Court 7.Суди графств

8.the legal system 8.Палата лордiв

9.the Magistrates Courts 9.загальна юрисдикцiя

10.administrative tribunals 10.суди першоi iнстанцiї

11.the High Court 11.керуючий клас

12.the House of Lords 12.адмiнiстративнi трибунали

2. Match the given verbs and English verbal phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1.to refer cases 1.мати справу з правопорушниками

2.to investigate cases 2.мати обмежену юрисдикцiю

3.to make fair decisions 3.розслiдувати справу

4.to deal with offenders 4.виносити справедливi рiшення

5.to preside over a court 5.направляти справи

6.to hear appeals 6.розглядати апеляцiї

7.to have limited jurisdiction. 7.бути головою у судi

3. Translate the following words and word combinations:

the Crown Court, appeals, the County Courts, the Magistrates Courts, divorce, bankruptcy case, outlook, offender, violent or unnatural deaths, administrative tribunals, fair decisions, taxation, disputes between individuals and government departments, criminal cases, civil cases, a legal fiction, coroners` courts, juvenile courts.

    1. Give English equivalents for the words given below:

загальне право; рiшення суду; мировий суддя; Суд Корони; громадянська

справа; суди графств; суд з справ неповнолiтнiх; правопорушник; кримiнальна справа; правова система; палата лордiв.

5. Reаd and translate the text.


English law and judicial system have been made by the judges and Parliament who had the same economic, political and moral outlook as the ruling class they have represented.

At the present time the English judicial system is pyramidal in organization. There are two separate systems of trial courts in England : one for criminal cases, the other for civil cases. The separation of the civil and criminal courts is largely a legal fiction, the same judges are presiding over both courts.

On the civil side are the High Court, a court of general jurisdiction and the County Courts, which have only limited jurisdiction. On the criminal side are the Crown Court, as a court of general jurisdiction, and the Magistrates`Courts having only limited jurisdiction.

The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrates` court. More serious criminal cases then go to the Crown Court, which has 90 branches in different towns and cities. Civil cases (for example, divorce or bankruptcy cases) are dealt with in County courts.

Appeals are heard by higher courts. For example, appeals from magistrates` courts are heard in the Crown Court, unless they are appeals on points of law.

The highest court of appeals in England and Wales is the House of Lords. Certain cases may be referred to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

The legal system also includes juvenile courts(which deal with offenders under seventeen) and coroners`courts (which investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths). There are administrative tribunals, which make quick, cheap and fair decisions with much less formality. Tribunals deal with professional standards, disputes between individuals and government departments (for example, over taxation).

Comprehension Questions.

1.Who has English law and judicial system been made by?

2.What are the systems of trial courts in England?

3.What courts are on the civil side?

4.What courts are on the criminal side?

5.What is the most common type of law court in England and Wales?

6.What is the highest court of appeals in England and Wales?

7.What other kinds of courts are there in the legal system of England?

8.What do these courts deal with?

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