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Lexical exercises

1. Match the following noun phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1.judicial power 1.Верховний суд України

2.impartial adjudication 2.судовi засiдання

of disputes 3.обласнi суди

3.the Constitutional Court 4.судовi рiшення

of Ukraine 5.судова влада

4.judges' inviolability 6.недоторканнiсть суддiв

5.the Supreme Court of 7.неупереджене рiшення

Ukraine суперечок

6.political activity 8.Конституцiйний суд

7.the Supreme Court of України

Arbitration 9.юридична освiта

8.legal education 10.районнi суди

9.regional courts 11.Арбiтражний суд

10.judicial proceedings 12.полiтична дiяльнiсть

11.district courts

12.judicial decisions

2. Match the following verbs and verbal phrases with their English equivalents:

1. to subject to the law 1. набувати силу закона

2. to be elected for a 2. звiльнити вiд обов'язкiв

permanent term 3. бути опротестованим

3. to be appointed 4. зобов'язувати

4. to relieve of duties 5. пiдкорятися (правилам)

5. to be based on 6. виконувати якусь роботу

6. to be protested 7. пiдкорятися закону

7. to take the force of law 8. бути обраним на невизначений

8. to bind термін

9. to comply with 9. базуватися на

10. to carry out some work 10. бути призначеним

3. Translate the following words and word combinations:

A fair and impartial adjudication of disputes, civil proceedings, criminal proceedings, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, judges' inviolability, the Supremе Court of Ukraine, a permanent term, the Supreme Council of Ukraine, district courts, Constitutional law, regional courts, political and business activities, legal profession, the equality of both parties, unprejudiced decisions, objective analysis of facts, the court of first instance,the annulment and appeals procedure, governmental bodies, bodies of local and regional governments.

4. Give English equivalents for the Ukrainian words and word combinations: Судочинство, незалежна судова влада, неупереджене розв’язання суперечок, суперечки мiж державою та приватними особами, судовi засiдання, районний суд, обласний суд, Верховний суд, Конституцiйний суд, Арбiтражний суд, термін перебування на посадi, виносити судове рiшення, звiльнити вiд обов'язкiв, Верховна Рада Украiни, суд першоi iнстанцii, апеляцiйна процедура, виконувати рiшення суду.

5. Read and translate the text.


Ukraine as a state which operates under the rule of law should have independent judiciary power. It`s task is a fair and impartial adjudication of disputes between individuals,and between the state and individuals.

1.Judicial power belongs exclusively to the courts in the form of constitutional,civil,criminal and administrative proceedings.

2.The judicial system consists of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine , the Supreme Court of Ukraine,the Supreme Court of Arbitration, administrative courts, regional and district courts.

3.Judges are independent and subject only to the law, judges` inviolability is guaranteed by the law.

4.Judges are to be elected and appointed for a permanent term by the President of Ukraine.

5.Judges should not be changed during their tenure.They should retire upon reaching the age of retirement.They may be relieved of their duties only according to the provisions of the Constitutional law.

6.Judges must not belong to political parties, movements, trade unions, must not take part in political or business activities. But they may carry out scientific work and lecturing.

7.Any citizen of Ukraine who has reached the age of 25 , who has a higher legal education and has been in the legal profession for 2 years, has resided in Ukraine for ten years, may become a judge. Members of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court are elected for a nine year term.

8.All judicial proceedings must be public and open.They should be based on the equality of both parties before the law.

9.Judicial decisions should be reasoned, unprejudiced and based upon a complete and objective analysis of facts.

10.Decisions of the court that have taken the force of law are binding on all governmental bodies,business institutions and organizations , bodies of local and regional governments , citizens and their associations,officials and must be observed throughout the territory of Ukraine.

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