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1.3.3 Вивчення тексту за фахом. Електрична енергія, її феномен у природі.


"Electric power. Electrical phenomena in nature"


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Самостійна робота №3

Технічний переклад та переказ тексту за фахом: «Електричний струм»

Вправа 1

Прочитайте роз’яснення до слова електрика:


  1. A form of energy, caused by the behavior of electrons and protons.

  2. A fundamental property of matter, appearing in negative and positive kinds.

  3. The flow of charge carriers within a conductor.

  4. A class of physical phenomena

  5. A field a physical science


alternating current (AC

current – n.

energy – n.

power – n.

Вправа 2

Прочитайте текст, випишіть незнайому лексику та вивчіть її:

Electric power. Electrical phenomena in nature

1. At homes, electricity is used for lighting and for operating vacuum cleaners, television sets, and other appliances to make our lives comfortable. It's also often used for cooking and heating. It's used to drive machines and computers in factories and offices. It provides power for telephone and broadcasting systems. It's used to drive electric trains, and when stored in batteries it's used to power certain motor vehicles- it's even possible to have an electrically driven car. The production of electricity supply power for all this thing is carried out by means of generators. Isolated buildings in rural areas, such as farm houses, may have small generators fuelled by petrol to make the electricity they need. Small generators like these are also used to supply electric power to settlements in developing countries. But in most industrialized nations , the making of electricity is done on a huge scale at vast electricity power stations. Here, large generators are used, but these must be driven by some kind of engine or turbine for which energy has to be provided. The turbine may be driven by steam turbine, coal, oil, or natural gas may be passed through the boiler.

2. Before electricity can reach our electric lamps, fires, and other electrically- operated equipment, it has to pass through several stages. First, it has to be made or generated at the power station, by changing one of the natural sources of energy into electrical energy. Then it has to flow through switchgear, which controls its flow and which can shut power off when necessary. From the switch-gear it goes to a transformer which increases the pressure or voltage at which it is generated ready for sending by transmission lines over long distances. High voltage enables relatively thin overhead conductors called power lines, or transmission lines, to carry large amounts of electricity over long distances. The transmission twisted like a rope around a steel core to give strength. They hang from strings of insulators which prevent the electricity escaping to earth and being wasted or giving shocks to people near the line. These transmission lines and pylons make up power networks that serve large areas of the country.

Вправа 3

Вивчіть лексику до тексту:

Rural - сільський

Switch gear - вимикач

Broadcasting system - Радіомовленнєві системи

Supply power - постачання електрики

To shut - припиняти роботу

Twisted - викривлений

Towers- вишки

Pylons - опори

Domestic voltage - внутрішня напруга

To carry large amounts- нести велику кількість

Transmission line - лнія передач

Вправа 4

Складіть 5 типів питань до тексту у перфект них часах та дайте відповіді на питання ваших одногрупників:

Вправа 5

Перекладіть письмово 2 абзац тексту «Electric power. Electrical phenomena in nature» українською мовою.

Вправа 6

Перекладіть українською мовою:

Switch gear, pylons, domestic voltage, nuclear, generator, a flow, network, huge scale, to increase the pressure or voltage, a rope, several stages, transition.

Вправа 7

Прочитайте текст, випишіть незнайому лексику та вивчіть її. Складіть план до тексту та перекажіть основну інформацію з тексту у неозначених часах за своїм планом: