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7. Підберіть визначення до термінів:

1. joint-stock company

a. the sets of programs or instructions that you put into a computer when you want it to do particular jobs

2. software

b. to encourage an activity to begin or further develop

3. currency

c. sudden changes in something such as the price, amount, or level of something

4. fluctuation

d. a business activity begun, shared, or owned by two or more parties working together

5. law

e. concerning human society and its organization, or the quality of people’s lives

6. social

f. a rule that people in a particular country, city or local area must obey

7. stimulate

g. the system or type of money that a particular country uses

8. Повторіть правила утворення питальних речень. Поставте питання до виділених слів, починайте питання зі слів, поданих в дужках:

1) The banking system of Ukraine dates to March 1991. (When?)

2) Commercial banks varying in type and ownership are set up by legal entities and private persons. (By whom?)

3) Non-resident banks operate correspondent accounts in Ukraine’s banks. (Who?)

4) Ukrainian Inter-bank Currency Exchange trades efficiently Ukrainian and foreign currencies. (What?)

5) The banking sector of Ukraine has a ramified system of correspondent accounts in foreign banks. (Where?)

9. Перекладіть речення:

1) Цей закон визначив, що банківська система повинна бути дворівневою, чи не так?

2) Кредитно-валютна політика національного банку сприяє зміцненню нашої валюти.

3) Уряд надав право засновувати банки як юридичним, так і фізичним особам.

4) Ми ніяк не дійдемо згоди. Як на твою думку, відкрите акціонерне товариство має переваги перед закритим?

5) Нашому акціонерному товариству буде складно застосовувати ці нові обліково-звітні стандарти, нам доведеться найняти ще одного кваліфікованого бухгалтера.

6) Хто допоміг вам створити таку розгалужену систему управління? – Наші зарубіжні партнери.

7) Щоб запобігти значним коливанням на валютному ринку, національний банк запровадив правила, обов’язкові для всіх фінансових установ.

8) Ця серйозна соціальна проблема буде розв’язана до кінця поточного року.

9) Зараз наш системний адміністратор проводить встановлення нового програмного забезпечення.

10) Згідно нового закону, зріс номінальний капітал, але цей банк вже адаптувався до нових умов.

The bank of england

Britain is a major financial centre, housing some of the world’s leading banking, securities and other financial services and markets. The heart of the industry is the collection of banks and other financial institutions in and around the ‘Square Mile’ in the City of London. This area has the greatest concentration of banks in the world – responsible for about 20 per cent of total international bank lending, the largest foreign exchange market in the world.

The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom. Most countries have their own central bank: the Federal Reserve System in the United States, the Deutsche Bundesbank in Germany, the Banque de France, the Bank of Japan.

The Bank of England was founded in 1694 and it is one of the oldest central banks of the world. It started as a commercial bank with private shareholders, and developed a large private banking business, but after 1946 it began to act as public institution carrying out public functions. Now it is considered to be the government’s bank. The Bank has always had the right to issue bank notes in England and Wales, and acquired the monopoly after the Bank Charter Act of 1844. It is known as banker to both banks and the government increasing its influence on monetary policy. It accepts responsibility for advising the government to make the country’s financial policy. The Bank also takes on a degree of responsibility for maintaining money and capital markets in London, and watches over the soundness of the banks.

The Bank’s functions are: first, maintaining the value of the nation’s money, mainly through policies and market operations agreed with the government, it regulates the money supply in the country which is one of the most important functions; second, ensuring the soundness of the financial system, including direct supervision of banks and participants in some City financial markets; and third, promoting the efficiency and competitiveness of the financial system, notably in the field of domestic and international payment and settlement systems, so that the City of London can serve industry and commerce at home and maintain its place as the world’s leading international financial centre.