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Домашні завдання з англійської мови для студентів 2 курсу спец. «Фінанси і кредит» заочної форми навчання на 2015-2016 н.Р.

2 Курс (3 сесія)

Завдання до лексичних тем:

1. Прочитати перелічені нижче тексти, виписати з них нові слова в словник і вивчити їх, зробити письмовий переклад текстів, переказати тексти:

1) My Future Profession

2) Banks

3) Bank Accounts

4) The Banking System of Ukraine

5) The Bank of England

6) The Federal Reserve System

2. Письмово зробити вказані вправи до перелічених текстів:

1) My Future Profession (письмові вправи 1-10)

2) Banks (письмові вправи 1-8)

3) Bank Accounts (письмові вправи 1-8)

4) The Banking System of Ukraine (письмові вправи 1-9)

5) The Bank of England (письмові вправи 1-8)

6) The Federal Reserve System (письмові вправи 1-8)

Завдання до граматичних тем:

1. Повторити всі часові форми дієслова.

2. Письмово зробити 15 вправ (assignments 1-15) з розділу «Граматика» (стор. 22-27) на закріплення часових форм дієслова.

3. Законспектувати та вивчити граматичну тему «Модальні дієслова».

4. Письмово зробити 24 вправи на модальні дієслова (assignments 1-24) з розділу «Граматика» (стор. 28-38)

My future profession (Finance and Credit)

I am a student of Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics. Our institute offers a variety of courses in many professional areas such as accounting and auditing, finance and credit, management, marketing, international trade, economics, economic cybernetics, etc. I study at the correspondence department of the faculty of Finance and Economics, majoring in finance and credit. After graduation I shall receive a degree of Master (Bachelor) in this field.

My future profession is finance and credit. All of us will work in different financial institutions such as treasury, banks, tax inspection, which execute state policy with regards to monetary circulation, credit and currency transactions. They coordinate the activities of the banking system and exercise control over the activities of different businesses and organizations. Finance is the function in a business that is responsible for planning, budgeting, auditing, managing taxes, advising top management on financial matters, obtaining funds, managing funds within a business and controlling them. You must be sure that without a thoroughly calculated financial plan the firm has little chance for survival. Financial position of a firm is reflected by its business policy. A carefully constructed business policy assists in maximizing profitability.

To comply with the demand of the time, we, the students of Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute, must do our best to master our future profession. I’ve chosen this profession because it is a very prospective one and it offers a lot of opportunities in professional career. There is a wide choice of positions in the job market and I hope to find something interesting for myself. So, I must study hard to become a good expert in the chosen field.