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English for future economists.docx
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IX. Read, translate and learn by heart 10 phrases very often used in the

language of advertisements.

  1. Your may never need some other (product advertised) in your life.

  2. You will be happier (healthier, more desirable) after buying our product.

  1. Try it!

  2. It works. Study proves it.

  3. Make the right choice.

  1. Made better (to do something) better.

  2. It is safe. You'll see it after buying our product.

  3. Come home to quality.

  4. Let us change our life for better.

10. Nobody does (some kind of work) better than (product advertised).

X. Read some catchphrases from advertising and identify which of the

following goods is being promoted:

coffee, a strong alcoholic drink, a soft drink, sport shoes (trainers), tooth paste, chewing gum, jewelry, lady's clothes, baby food.

a. Still going strong!

b. Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk.

c. A shining smile and protection from caries.

d. The best smell that can wake you up in the morning!

e. We’ll make you run faster!

f. Why not wear what makes you look twice as pretty?

g. More health and energy for your baby.

h. Obey your thirst!

i. Give her what she deserves!

Do you like these catchphrases? Why, or why not? In small groups of 3 or 4 students, make up catchphrases for 5 of these products.

XI. Translate into English.

  1. Реклама — це найважливіший елемент сучасних маркетин­гових комунікацій.

  2. Реклама має відповідати загальній маркетинговій стратегії компанії — її планам щодо того, яким чином вона досягатиме успіху на конкретних ринках.

  3. Головною проблемою є досягнення потрібної цільової аудито­рії, тому вибір засобів реклами є життєво важливим.

  4. Рекламні щити, буклети та каталоги використовують для реклами товарів в усьому світі.

  5. Виробники парфюмерно-косметичних товарів часто пропонують безкоштовні зразки покупцям, щоб вони спробували новий продукт.

  6. Поява знаменитості у Вашому рекламному ролику викличе інтерес до продукту.

  7. Ви повинні вміти визначати, який саме вид реклами буде працювати краще.

  8. Реклама, як правило, розробляється рекламними агентства­ми, з якими підприємства підписують угоди.

9. Агентства розробляють для клієнтів рекламний бриф з пропози- ціями стосовно того, що можна використати у рекламній кампанії.

10. Реклама, граючи на емоціях, змушує людей купувати речі, які їм не потрібні.

XII. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Advertising is defined as__________ .

  2. Advertising media include__________.

  3. Advertising serves the following functions:_____________.

  4. Advertising is classified by __________.

  5. An effective advertisement is one that____________ .

XII. Text b Consumer behaviour from the advertising perspective

Because their job is to match people and products, advertisers are keenly interested in consumer buying behaviour. The objectives of consumer advertising are to motivate, modify, or reinforce consumer attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and behaviour. This requires the effective blending of the behavioral sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychology) with the communicating arts (writing, drama, graphics, photography). The behavioral characteristics of large groups of people give directional force to advertising aimed at those groups. Thus, advertising uses trends in mass-consumer behaviour to create fashion or habit in specific consumer behaviour.

Social scientists have developed many sophisticated theories of consumer behaviour. They have given the marketing community a wealth of data and a variety of theoretical models to explain the sequence of behaviours involved in making a purchase decision. For our purposes, we shall look at this informa­tion from the viewpoint of the advertiser.

The primary mission of advertising is to reach prospective customers to influence their awareness, attitudes, and buying behaviour. To do this, an advertiser must make the marketing communication process work at its highest level of efficiency.

The moment a medium delivers an ad message to the consumer, his mental computer runs a rapid evaluation program called the consumer decision-making process. This involves a series of subprocesses that are affected by a variety of influences.

First, three personal processes govern the way the consumer discerns raw data (stimuli) and translates them into feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and actions. These include the perception, the learning, and the motivation processes. These processes determine how consumers see the world around them, how they learn information and habits, and how they actualize their personal needs and motives.

Second, an advertiser needs to understand how the consumer’s mental processes and behaviour are affected by two sets of influences. Interpersonal influences on consumer behaviour include the consumer's family, society, and culture. Nonpersonal influences—factors often outside the consumer's control— include such things as time, place, and environment. All of these further affect the personal processes (perception, learning, motivation) mentioned above.

After dealing with all these processes and influences, the consumer faces the pivotal decision, to buy or not to buy? But taking that final step typically requires yet another process, the evaluation of selection alternatives—where brands, sizes, styles, and colours are chosen. And even if the purchase is made, the consumer’s postpurchase evaluation will have a dramatic impact on all his subsequent purchases.

Like the marketing communication process, the decision-making process is circular in nature. The advertiser who understands this process can de­velop messages that are more capable of reaching and being understood by consumers.

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