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English for future economists.docx
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V. Give the English equivalents of the following.

підкреслювати важливість, вигідний обмін, майбутній спожи­вач, для власного користування, перепродаж, роздрібний торговець, оптовик, незадоволені потреби, бажання та спроможність, ретельно вивчати, зосереджувати зусилля, цільовий ринок, мати справу з..., встановлювати ціну, приймати рішення, потрібний товар, комплекс маркетингу, виведення на ринок, життєвий цикл товару, зрілість, неконтрольовані перемінні фактори.

VI. Match the following terms their definitions.

  1. market

a. a means of communication between the seller and buyer

  1. marketing mix

b. a middleman who sells to consumers

  1. product life cycle

c. the existence of a product over four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

  1. retailer

d. a good, service, or idea to satisfy the consumer's needs

5. wholesale

e. a felt need that is shaped by a person's culture, knowledge, and personality

6. need

f. a means of getting the product into the consumers hands

7. product

g. that which occurs when a person feels deprived of food, clothing, or shelter

8. price

h. a marketing controllable factors: product, price, promotion, place

9. promotion

i. the trade of things of value between buyer and seller so that each is better off after the trade


j. what is exchanged for the product


k. a middleman who sells to other middleman, usually to retailers

12. want

1. people with the desire and ability to buy a specific product

VII. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is marketing?

  2. Who are prospective customers?

  3. What are four factors for marketing to occur?

  4. What are the major tasks of marketing?

  5. What is a target market?

  6. What is the marketing mix?

  7. What are uncontrollable marketing variables?

8. What is the key concept of marketing selection and planning?

VIII. Use the following phrases to complete the conversation.

  1. And then the fourth area is physical evidence.

  2. It covers both goods and services offered by the company.

  3. Exactly — and the desire to buy the product. And, finally, people, which means employees, agents and customers. The idea is to keep everyone happy, make personal contact.

  4. Yes. This means any visual presence or signs suggesting the company.

  5. The second area is place — also called distribution — meaning the movement of goods from the producer to the customer.

  6. Well, we identified six areas where improvement is necessary.

  7. After place, process. Process is the interaction between people and systems at all stages, from market research, design, production, delivery and after- sale.

  8. The first is product.

  9. Promotion.

Claire: So, what have you got to report?


Claire: Really? What are they?


Claire: And what exactly does the term cover?


Claire: I see. What else?

Brian:(d) ___

Claire: And after place, what's next?


Claire: Yes, I understand — co-ordination of systems.


Claire: Physical evidence?


Claire: Everything visual. Right, I follow you. And what's the next area?


Claire: So, that's creating consumer awareness and establishing the brand


Brian:(i) _________________________________

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