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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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priority despatch


by extreme heat or cold. Prions are considered to be the agents responsible for scrapie, BSE, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

priority despatch /pra ɒrəti d sp tʃ/ noun the process of talking to people who need medical help on the telephone in order to make sure that ambulances are sent to the most urgent cases first

priority matrix /pra ɒrəti me tr ks/ noun a way of trying to make sure that each community has a fair number of services for its particular health needs

private / pra vət/ adjective not supported by government or paid for by the National Health Service He runs a private clinic for alcoholics.

private hospital / pra vət hɒsp t(ə)l/ noun a hospital which takes only paying patients

privately / pra vətli/ adverb by a private practitioner or company, not by the National Health Service She decided to have the operation done privately.

private parts / pra vət pɑ ts/ plural noun the genital area (informal) Also called privates private patient / pra vət pe ʃ(ə)nt/ noun a patient who is paying for treatment and who is not being treated under the National Health Service

private practice / pra vət pr kt s/ noun the services of a doctor, surgeon or dentist which are paid for by the patients themselves or by a medical insurance company, but not by the National Health Service

privates / pra vəts/ plural noun same as private parts (informal)

p.r.n. adverb (written on a prescription) as and when required. Full form pro re nata

pro- /prəυ/ prefix before or in front of probang / prəυb ŋ/ noun a surgical instrument like a long rod with a brush at one end, formerly used to test and find strictures in the oesophagus and to push foreign bodies into the stomach

probe /prəυb/ noun 1. an instrument used to explore inside a cavity or wound 2. a device inserted into a medium to obtain information verb to investigate the inside of something

The surgeon probed the wound with a scalpel.

(NOTE: probing – probed)

problem / prɒbləm/ noun 1. something which is difficult to find an answer to Scientists are trying to find a solution to the problem of drug-related disease. 2. a medical disorder

heart problems 3. an addiction to something

has a drug problem

problem child / prɒbləm tʃa ld/ noun a child who is difficult to control

problem drinking / prɒbləm dr ŋk ŋ/ noun alcoholism or heavy drinking which has a bad effect on a person’s behaviour or work

problem-oriented record / prɒbləm ɔ rien t d rekɔ d/ noun a record of patient care which links patients’ clinical data with their problems, so that all aspects of the care process are focused on resolving those problems

problem-solving approach / prɒbləmsɒlv ŋ ə prəυtʃ/ noun the provision of nurs-

ing care based on assessment, problem identification (nursing diagnosis), planning implementation (nursing intervention) and evaluation

procedure /prə si d ə/ noun 1. a standard way of doing something 2. a type of treatment

The hospital has developed some new procedures for treating Parkinson’s disease. 3. a treatment given at one time We are hoping to increase the number of procedures carried out per day.

‘…disposable items now available for medical and nursing procedures range from cheap syringes to expensive cardiac pacemakers’ [Nursing Times]

‘…the electromyograms and CT scans were done as outpatient procedures’ [Southern Medical Journal] process /prəυ ses/ noun 1. a technical or scientific action A new process for testing serum samples has been developed in the research laboratory. 2. a projecting part of the body verb 1. to deal with a person or thing according to a standard procedure 2. to examine or test samples The blood samples are

being processed by the laboratory.

‘…the nursing process serves to divide overall patient care into that part performed by nurses and that performed by the other professions’ [Nursing Times] prochlorperazine / prəυklɔ perəzi n/ noun a drug used to control nausea and vomiting, and to reduce the symptoms of Ménière’s

disease, migraine and anxiety

procidentia / prəυs denʃə/ noun movement of an organ downwards

proct- /prɒkt/ prefix same as procto- (used before vowels)

proctalgia /prɒk t ld ə/ noun pain in the lower rectum or anus, caused by neuralgia proctalgia fugax /prɒk t ld ə fju & ks/ noun a condition in which a person has sudden pains in the rectum during the night, usually relieved by eating or drinking

proctatresia / prɒktə tri ziə/ noun a condition in which the anus does not have an opening. Also called imperforate anus proctectasia /prɒktek te ziə/ noun a condition in which the rectum or anus is dilated because of continued constipation proctectomy /prɒk tektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the rectum (NOTE: The plural is proctectomies.)

proctitis /prɒk ta t s/ noun inflammation of the rectum

procto- /prɒktəυ/ prefix the anus or rectum proctocele / prɒktəsi l/ noun same as rec-




proctoclysis /prɒk tɒkləs s/ noun the intro-

duction of a lot of fluid into the rectum slowly proctocolectomy / prɒktəυkɒ lektəmi/

noun a surgical operation to remove the rectum and the colon (NOTE: The plural is proctocolec-


proctocolitis / prɒktəkə la t s/ noun in-

flammation of the rectum and part of the colon proctodynia / prɒktə d niə/ noun a sensa-

tion of pain in the anus

proctogram / prɒktə&r m/ noun an X-ray photograph of the rectum taken after a contrast

agent is introduced

proctologist /prɒk tɒləd st/ noun a spe-

cialist in proctology

proctology /prɒk tɒləd i/ noun the scientific study of the rectum and anus and their associated diseases

proctorrhaphy /prɒk tɔ rəfi/ noun a surgical operation to stitch up a tear in the rectum or

anus (NOTE: The plural is proctorrhaphies.) proctoscope / prɒktəskəυp/ noun a surgi-

cal instrument consisting of a long tube with a

light in the end, used to examine the rectum proctoscopy /prɒk tɒskəpi/ noun an exam-

ination of the rectum using a proctoscope

(NOTE: The plural is proctoscopies.) proctosigmoiditis / prɒktəυ s &mɔ

da t s/ noun inflammation of the rectum and

the sigmoid colon

proctotomy /prɒk tɒtəmi/ noun 1. a surgical operation to divide a structure of the rectum or anus 2. an opening of an imperforate anus

(NOTE: [all senses] The plural is proctotomies.) prodromal /prəυ drəυml/ adjective occur-

ring between the appearance of the first symptoms of a disease and the major effect, e.g. a

fever or rash

prodromal rash /prəυ drəυm(ə)l r ʃ/ noun a rash which appears as a symptom of a

disease before the major rash

prodrome / prəυdrəυm/, prodroma /prəυ drəυmə/ noun an early symptom of an attack

of a disease

‘…in classic migraine a prodrome is followed by an aura, then a headache, and finally a recovery phase. The prodrome may not be recognised’ [British Journal of Hospital Medicine]

produce /prə dju s/ verb to make or cause something The drug produces a sensation of dizziness. Doctors are worried by the sideeffects produced by the new painkiller. (NOTE:

producing – produced)

product / prɒd"kt/ noun 1. something which is produced 2. a result or effect of a process productive cough /prə d"kt v kɒf/ noun a cough where phlegm is produced proenzyme /prəυ enza m/ noun the first mature form of an enzyme, before it develops into an active enzyme. Also called zymogen profession /prə feʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a type of job for which special training is needed 2. all

people working in a specialised type of employment for which they have been trained

They are both doctors by profession. professional /prə feʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective re-

ferring to a profession

professional body /prə feʃ(ə)n(ə)l bɒdi/ noun an organisation which acts for all the members of a profession

Professional Conduct Committee /prəfeʃ(ə)n(ə)l kɒnd"kt kə m ti/ noun a com-

mittee of the General Medical Council which decides on cases of professional misconduct.

Abbr PCC

professional misconduct /prə feʃ(ə)n(ə)l m s kɒnd"kt/ noun actions which are consid-

ered to be wrong by the body which regulates a profession, e.g. an action by a doctor which is considered wrong by the Professional Conduct Committee of the General Medical Coun-


profile / prəυfa l/ noun 1. a brief description of the characteristics of a person or thing 2. a set of data, usually in graph or table form, which indicates to what extent something has the same characteristics as a group tested or considered standard 3. the amount that other people notice somebody or something verb to give a short description or assessment of somebody or something (NOTE: profiling – profiled)

profound /prə faυnd/ adjective very great or serious a profound impairment of the immune system

profunda /prə f"ndə/ adjective referring to

blood vessels which lie deep in tissues profundaplasty /prə f"ndəpl sti/ noun a

surgical operation to widen a junction of the femoral artery, in order to relieve narrowing by atherosclerosis (NOTE: The plural is profundaplasties.)

profuse /prə fju s/ adjective existing in very large quantities fever accompanied by profuse sweating pains with profuse internal bleeding

progeny / prɒd əni/ noun a person’s child or children (NOTE: Takes a singular or plural verb.) progeria /prəυ d əriə/ noun a condition of premature ageing. Also called Hutchinson-

Gilford syndrome

progestational /prəυ d es te ʃ(ə)nəl/ adjective referring to the stage of the menstrual cycle after ovulation when progesterone is


progesterone /prəυ d estərəυn/ noun a hormone which is produced in the second part of the menstrual cycle by the corpus luteum and which stimulates the formation of the placenta if an ovum is fertilised (NOTE: Progester-

one is also produced by the placenta itself.) progestogen /prə d estəd ən/ noun any

substance which has the same effect as progesterone

prognathic jaw


COMMENT: Because natural progesterones prevent ovulation during pregnancy, synthetically produced progestogens are used to make contraceptive pills.

prognathic jaw /prɒ& n θ k d ɔ / noun a jaw which protrudes further than the other prognathism / prɒ&nəθiz(ə)m/ noun a condition in which one jaw, especially the lower jaw, or both jaws protrude

prognosis /prɒ& nəυs s/ noun an opinion of how a disease or disorder will develop This cancer has a prognosis of about two years. The prognosis is not good. (NOTE: The plural is prognoses.)

prognostic /prɒ& nɒst k/ adjective referring to a prognosis

prognostic test /prɒ& nɒst k test/ noun a test to suggest how a disease will develop or how long a person will survive after an operation

programme / prəυ&r m/ noun a series of medical treatments given in a set way at set times The doctor prescribed a programme of injections. She took a programme of steroid treatment. (NOTE: The US spelling is program.) progress noun / prəυ&res/ 1. development and improvement Progress has been made in cutting waiting times. 2. the way in which a person is becoming well The doctors seem pleased that she has made such good progress since her operation. verb /prəυ &res/ 1. to develop and improve, or to continue to do well

The patient is progressing well. 2. to move to a more advanced stage As the disease progressed, he spent more and more time sleeping.

progression /prəυ &reʃ(ə)n/ noun development The progression of the disease was swift.

progressive /prə &res v/ adjective developing all the time Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disorder which sees a gradual decline in intellectual functioning.

progressive deafness /prə &res v de* fnəs/ noun a condition, common in people as they get older, in which a person gradually becomes more and more deaf

progressively /prəυ &res vli/ adverb more and more He became progressively more disabled.

progressive muscular atrophy /prə &res vm"skjυlə trəfi/ noun muscular dystrophy,

with progressive weakening of the muscles, particularly in the pelvic and shoulder girdles

proguanil /prəυ &w n l/ noun a drug used in the prevention and treatment of malaria

proinsulin /prəυ nsυl n/ noun a substance produced by the pancreas, then converted to insulin

project /prə d ekt/ verb to protrude or stick out

projection /prə d ekʃən/ noun 1. a part of the body which sticks out or stands out. Also called prominence. Compare promontory 2.

(in psychology) mental action in which a person blames another person for his or her own faults projection tract /prə d ekʃ(ə)n tr kt/ noun fibres connecting the cerebral cortex with the lower parts of the brain and spinal cord

prolactin /prəυ l kt n/ noun a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which stimulates the production of milk. Also called lactogenic hormone

prolapse / prəυl ps/ noun a condition in which an organ has moved downwards out of its usual position verb to move downwards out of the usual position (NOTE: prolapsing – prolapsed)

prolapsed intervertebral disc /prəυl psd ntə v! təbrəl d sk/ noun a condition

in which an intervertebral disc becomes displaced or where the soft centre of a disc passes through the hard cartilage of the exterior and presses onto a nerve. Abbr PID. Also called slipped disc

prolapse of the rectum / prəυl ps əv ðə rektəm/ noun a condition in which mucous

membrane of the rectum moves downwards and passes through the anus

prolapse of the uterus / prəυl ps əv ðə ju tərəs/, prolapse of the womb / prəυl ps

əv ðə wu m/ noun a movement of the uterus downwards due to weakening of the structures of the pelvic floor, e.g. because of age or a difficult childbirth. Also called metroptosis, prolapsed uterus, uterine prolapse

proliferate /prə l fəre t/ verb to produce many similar cells or parts, and so grow (NOTE: proliferating – proliferated)

proliferation /prə l fə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of proliferating

proliferative /prə l fərət v/ adjective multiplying

proliferative phase /prə l fərət v fe z/ noun a period when a disease is spreading fast proline / prəυl n/ noun an amino acid found in proteins, especially in collagen

prolong /prə lɒŋ/ verb to make something last longer The treatment prolonged her life by three years.

prolonged /prə lɒŋd/ adjective very long

She had to undergo a prolonged course of radiation treatment.

promethazine /prəυ meθəzi n/ noun an antihistamine drug used in the treatment of allergies and motion sickness

prominence / prɒm nəns/ noun a part of the body which sticks out or stands out. Also called projection. Compare promontory

prominent / prɒm nənt/ adjective standing out, very visible She had a prominent scar


prostatic massage

on her neck which she wanted to have removed.

promontory / prɒmənt(ə)ri/ noun a section of an organ, especially the middle ear and sacrum which stands out above the rest. Compare

projection, prominence

promote /prə məυt/ verb 1. to help something to take place The drug is used to promote blood clotting. 2. to raise a person to a more senior job or a higher position (NOTE:

promoting – promoted)

pronate / prəυne t/ verb 1. to lie face downwards 2. to turn the hand so that palm faces downwards (NOTE: pronating – pronated) pronation /prəυ ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of turning the hand round so that the palm faces downwards. Opposite supination. See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplement

pronator /prəυ ne tə/ noun a muscle which makes the hand turn face downwards

prone /prəυn/ adjective 1. lying face downwards. Opposite supine 2. referring to the arm with the palm facing downwards pronounced /prə naυnst/ adjective very obvious or marked She has a pronounced limp. propagate / prɒpə&e t/ verb to multiply something, or cause something to multiply

(NOTE: propagating – propagated) propagation / prɒpə &e ʃ(ə)n/ noun an act of causing something to spread or multiply properdin / prəυpəd n/ noun protein in blood plasma which can destroy Gram-nega- tive bacteria and neutralise viruses when acting together with magnesium

prophase / prəυfe z/ noun the first stage of mitosis when the chromosomes are visible as long thin double threads

prophylactic / prɒfə l kt k/ noun a substance which helps to prevent the development of a disease adjective preventive prophylaxis / prɒfə l ks s/ noun 1. the prevention of disease 2. a preventive treatment

(NOTE: [all senses] The plural is prophylaxes.) proportion /prə pɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun a quantity of something, especially as compared to the whole A high proportion of cancers can be treated by surgery. The proportion of outpatients to inpatients is increasing.

‘…the target cells for adult myeloid leukaemia are located in the bone marrow, and there is now evidence that a substantial proportion of childhood leukaemias also arise in the bone marrow’ [British Medical Journal]

propranolol /prəυ p nəlɒl/ noun a drug that slows heart rate and heart output, used in the treatment of angina pectoris, irregular heart rhythms, migraine and high blood pressure proprietary /prə pra ət(ə)ri/ adjective belonging to a commercial company proprietary medicine /prə pra ət(ə)ri med(ə)s(ə)n/, proprietary drug /prə

pra ət(ə)ri dr"&/ noun a drug which is sold under a trade name. patent medicine proprietary name /prə pra ət(ə)ri ne m/ noun a trade name for a drug proprioception / prəυpriə sepʃən/ noun the reaction of nerves to body movements and the relaying of information about movements to the brain

proprioceptive / prəυpriə sept v/ adjective referring to sensory impulses from the joints, muscles and tendons, which relay information about body movements to the brain proprioceptor / prəυpriə septə/ noun the end of a sensory nerve which reacts to stimuli from muscles and tendons as they move

proptosis /prɒp təυs s/ noun forward displacement of the eyeball

prop up / prɒp "p/ verb to support a person, e.g. with pillows (NOTE: propping up – propped up)

prospective /prə spekt v/ adjective 1. applying to the future. retrospective 2. following what happens to selected patients prostaglandin / prɒstə &l nd n/ noun any of a class of unsaturated fatty acids found in all mammals which control smooth muscle contraction, inflammation and body temperature, are associated with the sensation of pain and have an effect on the nervous system, blood pressure and in particular the uterus at menstruation

prostate / prɒste t/ noun same as prostate gland (NOTE: Do not confuse with prostrate.) prostate trouble inflammation or enlargement of the prostate gland (informal) prostate cancer / prɒste t k nsə/ noun a malignant tumour of the prostate gland, found especially in men over 55

prostatectomy / prɒstə tektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove all or part of the prostate gland (NOTE: The plural is prostatectomies.)

prostate gland / prɒ ste t &l nd/ noun an O-shaped gland in males which surrounds the urethra below the bladder and secretes a fluid containing enzymes into the sperm. See illus-

tration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supple-

ment. Also called prostate

COMMENT: As a man grows older, the prostate gland tends to enlarge and constrict the point at which the urethra leaves the bladder, making it difficult to pass urine.

prostatic /prɒ st t k/ adjective referring to or belonging to the prostate gland

prostatic hypertrophy /prɒ st t k ha p! trəfi/ noun an enlargement of the prostate


prostatic massage /prɒ st t k m sɑ / noun the removal of fluid from the prostate gland through the rectum

prostatic urethra


prostatic urethra /prɒ st t k jυ ri θrə/ noun a section of the urethra which passes

through the prostate gland

prostatic utricle /prɒ st t k ju tr k(ə)l/ noun a sac branching off the urethra as it pass-

es through the prostate gland

prostatism / prɒste t z(ə)m/ noun a disorder of the prostate gland, especially enlargement that blocks or inhibits urine flow prostatitis / prɒstə ta t s/ noun inflamma-

tion of the prostate gland

prostatocystitis / prɒst təυs sta t s/ noun inflammation of the prostatic urethra and the bladder

prostatorrhoea / prɒstətə ri ə/ noun discharge of fluid from the prostate gland (NOTE: The US spelling is prostatorrhea.) prosthesis /prɒs θi s s/ noun a device which is attached to the body to take the place of a part which is missing, e.g. an artificial leg or glass eye (NOTE: The plural is prostheses.)

‘The average life span of a joint prosthesis is 10–15 years’ [British Journal of Nursing]

prosthetic /prɒs θet k/ adjective replacing a part of the body which has been amputated or removed He was fitted with a prosthetic


prosthetic dentistry /prɒs θet k dent stri/ noun the branch of dentistry which deals with replacing missing teeth parts of the jaw, and fitting dentures, bridges and crowns. Also called prosthodontics

prosthetics /prɒs θet ks/ noun the study and making of prostheses

prosthetist / prɒsθət st/ noun a qualified person who fits prostheses

prosthodontics / prɒsθə dɒnt ks/ noun same as prosthetic dentistry (NOTE: Takes a

singular verb.)

prostrate / prɒstre t/ adjective lying face down (NOTE: Do not confuse with prostate.) prostration /prɒ stre ʃ(ə)n/ noun extreme tiredness of body or mind

protamine / prəυtəmi n/ noun a simple protein found in fish, used with insulin to slow

down the insulin absorption rate protanopia / prəυtə nəυpiə/ noun same as


protease / prəυtie z/ noun a digestive enzyme which breaks down protein in food by splitting the peptide link. Also called proteolytic enzyme

protect /prə tekt/ verb to keep a person or thing safe from harm The population must be protected against the spread of the virus. protection /prə tekʃən/ noun 1. the act of keeping a person or thing safe from harm 2. something which protects Children are vaccinated as a protection against disease.

Protection of Children Act 1999 /prətekʃən əv tʃ ldrən kt/ noun in the UK, an

Act of Parliament to protect children by restricting the employment of certain nurses, teachers or other workers whose jobs bring them into contact with children, on grounds such as misconduct or health

protective /prə tekt v/ adjective providing


protective isolation /prə tekt v a sə le ʃ(ə)n/ noun a set of procedures used to protect people who have impaired resistance to infectious disease, e.g. those with leukaemia and lymphoma, Aids and graft patients. Also

called reverse isolation

protein / prəυti n/ noun a nitrogen compound which is present in and is an essential part of all living cells in the body, formed by the linking of amino acids

COMMENT: Proteins are necessary for growth and repair of the body’s tissue. They are mainly formed of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in various combinations as amino acids. Foods such as beans, meat, eggs, fish and milk are rich in protein.

protein balance / prəυti n b ləns/ noun a situation when the nitrogen intake in protein is

equal to the excretion rate in the urine protein-bound iodine / prəυti n baυnd

a ədi n/ noun a compound of thyroxine and


protein-bound iodine test / prəυti n baυnd a ədi n test/ noun a test to measure if

the thyroid gland is producing adequate quan-

tities of thyroxine. Abbr PBI test

protein deficiency / prəυti n d f ʃ(ə)nsi/

noun a lack of enough proteins in the diet proteinuria / prəυt njυəriə/ noun a condi-

tion in which there are proteins in the urine proteolysis / prəυti ɒləs s/ noun the break-

ing down of proteins in food into amino acids

by enzymes

proteolytic / prəυtiəυ l t k/ adjective refer-

ring to proteolysis

proteolytic enzyme / prəυtiəυl t k enza m/

noun same as protease

proteose / prəυtiəυs/ noun a water-soluble compound formed during hydrolytic processes

such as digestion

Proteus / prəυtiəs/ noun a genus of bacteria

commonly found in the intestines prothrombin /prəυ θrɒmb n/ noun a protein

in blood which helps blood to coagulate and which needs Vitamin K to be effective. Also

called Factor II

prothrombin time /prəυ θrɒmb n ta m/ noun the time taken in Quick test for clotting to

take place

proto- /prəυtəυ/ prefix first or at the begin-


protocol / prəυtəkɒl/ noun the set of instructions for the clinical management of a particular condition, including tests, surgery and drug treatments



proton pump / prəυtɒn p"mp/ noun an enzyme system within the gastric mucosa that secretes gastric acids The drug acts on the pro-

ton pump mechanism.

proton-pump inhibitor / prəυtɒn p"mp nh b tə/ noun a drug which suppresses the final stage of gastric acid secretion by the proton

pump in the gastric mucosa

protopathic / prəυtəυ p θ k/ adjective 1. referring to nerves which are able to sense only strong sensations 2. referring to a first symptom or lesion 3. referring to the first sign of partially restored function in an injured nerve

compare epicritic

protoplasm / prəυtəυ pl z(ə)m/ noun a substance like a jelly which makes up the larg-

est part of each cell

protoplasmic / prəυtəυ pl zm k/ adjective

referring to protoplasm

protoporphyrin IX / prəυtəυ pɔ fər n na n/ noun the commonest form of porphyrin, found in haemoglobin and chlorophyll

protozoa / prəυtə zəυə/ plural of protozoon protozoan / prəυtə zəυən/ adjective refer-

ring to protozoa

protozoon noun a tiny simple organism with a single cell (NOTE: The plural is protozoa or protozoons.)

COMMENT: Parasitic protozoa can cause several diseases, including amoebiasis, malaria and other tropical diseases.

protract /prəυ tr kt/ verb 1. to make something last a long time 2. to extend or lengthen a body part

protractor /prə tr ktə/ noun a muscle with the function of extending a body part protrude /prə tru d/ verb to stick out She wears a brace to correct her protruding teeth.Protruding eyes are associated with some forms of goitre. (NOTE: protruding – protruded)

protuberance /prə tju b(ə)rəns/ noun a rounded part of the body which projects above

the rest

proud flesh / praυd fleʃ/ noun new vessels and young fibrous tissue which form when a wound, incision or lesion is healing

provide /prə va d/ verb to supply something

A balanced diet should provide the necessary proteins required by the body. The hospital provides an ambulance service to the whole area. (NOTE: providing – provided) provider /prə va də/ noun a hospital which provides secondary care which is paid for by another body such as a PCG or social services.


provision /prə v (ə)n/ noun 1. the act of providing something the provision of aftercare facilities for patients recently discharged from hospital 2. something provided provisional /prə v (ə)n(ə)l/ adjective temporary and which may be changed The hos-

pital has given me a provisional date for the operation. The paramedical team attached sticks to the broken leg to act as provisional splints.

provisionally /prə v (ə)nəli/ adverb in a temporary way, not certainly She has provisionally accepted the offer of a bed in the hospital.

provitamin /prəυ v təm n/ noun a chemical compound which is converted to a vitamin during usual biochemical processes, e.g. the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted to niacin, and beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A

provoke /prə vəυk/ verb 1. to make a person angry 2. to make something happen The medication provoked a sudden rise in body temperature. The fit was provoked by the shock of the accident. 3. to make something be felt His lack of visitors provoked the nurses’ sympathy. (NOTE: provokes – provoking – provoked)

proximal / prɒks m(ə)l/ adjective near the midline, the central part of the body

proximal convoluted tubule / prɒk s m(ə)l kɒnvəlu t d tju bju l/ noun a part

of the kidney filtering system between the loop of Henle and the glomerulus

proximal interphalangeal joint / prɒk s m(ə)l ntəfə l nd iəl d ɔ nt/ noun a joint

nearest the point of attachment of a finger or toe. Abbr PIP

proximally / prɒks mli/ adverb further towards the centre or point of attachment. Opposite distally. See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplement

Prozac / prəυz k/ a trade name for fluoxetine

prurigo /pruə ra &əυ/ noun an itchy eruption of papules

pruritus /pruə ra təs/ noun an irritation of the skin which makes a person want to scratch. Also called itching

pruritus ani /prυə ra t s e na / noun itching round the anal orifice

pruritus vulvae /prυə ra t s v"lvi / noun itching round the vulva

prussic acid / pr"s k s d/ noun same as cyanide

PSA test / pi es e test/ noun a blood test for prostate cancer which detects a protein produced by prostate cells. Full form prostatic specific antigen test

pseud- /sju d/ prefix same as pseudo- (used before vowels)

pseudarthrosis /sju dɑ θrəυs s/ noun a false joint, as when the two broken ends of a fractured bone do not bind together but heal separately (NOTE: The plural is pseudarthroses.)



pseudo- /sju dəυ/ prefix similar to something but not the same

pseudoangina / sju dəυ n d a nə/ noun pain in the chest, caused by worry but not indicating heart disease

pseudocoxalgia / sju dəυkɒk s ld ə/ noun the degeneration of the upper end of the femur in young boys which prevents the femur from growing properly and can result in a permanent limp. Also called Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

pseudocrisis / sju dəυ kra s s/ noun a sudden fall in the temperature of a person with fever which does not mark the end of the fever pseudocroup / sju dəυ kru p/ noun 1. same as laryngismus 2. a form of asthma in which contractions take place in the larynx pseudocyesis / sju dəυsa i s s/ noun a condition in which a woman has the physical symptoms of pregnancy but is not pregnant. Also called phantom pregnancy, pseudopregnancy

pseudocyst / sju dəυs st/ noun a space which fills with fluid in an organ but without the walls which would form a cyst, as a result of softening or necrosis of the tissue pseudodementia / sju dəυd menʃə/ noun a condition of extreme apathy found in hysterical people in which their behaviour corresponds to what they imagine to be insanity, though they show no signs of true dementia

pseudogynaecomastia / sju dəυ&a n kəυ m stiə/ noun enlargement of the

male breast because of extra fatty tissue (NOTE:

The US spelling is pseudogynecomastia.)

pseudohermaphroditism / sju dəυh! m frəda t z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which

a person has either ovaries or testes but external genitalia that are not clearly of either sex

pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy / sju dəυha pə trɒf k m"skjυlə d s*

trəfi/ noun a hereditary disease affecting the muscles, which swell and become weak, beginning in early childhood. Also called Duch-

enne muscular dystrophy

pseudohypertrophy / sju dəυha p! trəfi/ noun an overgrowth of fatty or fi-

brous tissue in a part or organ, which results in the part or organ being enlarged pseudomonad / sju dəυ məυnəd/ noun a rod-shaped bacterium which lives in soil or decomposing organic material and can cause disease in plants and sometimes in humans pseudomyxoma / sju dəυm k səυmə/ noun a tumour rich in mucus (NOTE: The plural is pseudomyxomas or pseudomyxomata.)

pseudo-obstruction / sju dəυ əb str"kʃən/ noun a condition in which symp-

toms such as stomach cramps, nausea and bloating indicate a blockage in the intestines although no blockage exists

pseudoplegia / sju dəυ pli d ə/, pseudoparalysis / sju dəυpə r ləs s/ noun 1. loss

of muscular power in the limbs without true paralysis 2. paralysis caused by hysteria pseudopolyposis / sju dəυpɒli pəυs s/ noun a condition in which polyps are found in many places in the intestine, usually resulting from an earlier infection pseudopregnancy / sju dəυ pre&nənsi/ noun also called pseudocyesis

psilosis /sa ləυs s/ noun a disease of the small intestine which prevents a person from absorbing food properly. Also called sprue

COMMENT: The condition is often found in the tropics, and results in diarrhoea and loss of weight.

psittacosis / s tə kəυs s/ noun a disease of parrots which can be transmitted to humans. It is similar to typhoid fever, but atypical pneumonia is present. Symptoms include fever, diarrhoea and distension of the abdomen. Also called parrot disease

psoas / səυəs/ noun either of two pairs of muscles in the groin, psoas major and psoas minor, which help to move the hip joint psoas major / səυ s me d ə/ noun a muscle in the groin which flexes the hip

psoas minor / səυ s ma nə/ noun a small muscle similar to the psoas major but not always present

psoriasis /sə ra əs s/ noun a common inflammatory skin disease where red patches of skin are covered with white scales

psoriatic / sɔ ri t k/ adjective referring to psoriasis

psoriatic arthritis / sɔ ri t k ɑ θra t s/ noun a form of psoriasis which is associated with arthritis

psych- /sa k/ prefix same as psycho- (used before vowels)

psychasthenia / sa k s θi niə/ noun 1. any psychoneurosis other than hysteria 2. psychoneurosis characterised by fears and phobias

psyche / sa ki/ noun the mind

psychedelic / sa kə del k/ adjective referring to drugs such as LSD which expand a person’s consciousness

psychiatric / sa ki tr k/ adjective referring to psychiatry He is undergoing psychiatric treatment.

psychiatric hospital / sa ki tr k hɒs p t(ə)l/ noun a hospital which specialises in the treatment of patients with mental disorders

psychiatrist /sa ka ətr st/ noun a doctor who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioural disorders

psychiatry /sa ka ətri/ noun a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioural disorders

/ sa kə



psychic / sa k k/, psychical / sa k k(ə)l/ adjective 1. referring to a person who is supposedly able to guess thoughts which people have not expressed, or to foresee the future 2. relating to or originating in the human mind

psycho- /sa kəυ/ prefix referring to the mind

psychoanalysis / sa kəυə n ləs s/ noun a form of treatment for mental disorders in which a specialist and patient talk and together analyse the patient’s condition and past events which may have contributed to it

psychoanalyst / sa kəυ n(ə)l st/ noun a person who is trained in psychoanalysis

psychodrama / sa kəυ drɑ mə/ noun a type of psychotherapy in which patients act out roles in dramas illustrating their emotional problems, in front of other patients psychodynamics / sa kəυda n m ks/ noun the study of how the forces which affect human behaviour and mental states work, especially on a subconscious level

psychogenic / sa kə d en k/, psychogenetic / sa kəυd ə net k/, psychogenous /sa

kɒd ənəs/ adjective referring to an illness which starts in the mind, rather than in a physical state

psychogeriatrics / sa kəυd eri tr ks/ noun the study of the mental disorders of the late stages of the natural life span psychological / sa kə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective referring to psychology, or caused by a mental state

psychological dependence

lɒd k(ə)l d pendəns/, psychological drug dependence / sa kə lɒd k(ə)l dr"& dpendəns/ noun a state in which a person is ad-

dicted to a drug such as cannabis or alcohol but does not suffer physical effects if he or she stops taking it

psychologically / sa kə lɒd kli/ adverb in a way which is caused by a mental state He is psychologically addicted to tobacco. psychologist /sa kɒləd st/ noun a person who specialises in the study of the mind and mental processes

psychology /sa kɒləd i/ noun the study of the mind and mental processes

psychometrics / sa kə metr ks/ noun a way of measuring intelligence and personality in which the result is shown as a number on a scale

psychomotor / sa kə məυtə/ adjective referring to muscle movements caused by mental activity

psychomotor disturbance / sa kəməυtə d st! bəns/ noun muscle movements caused by a mental disorder, e.g. twitching

psychomotor epilepsy / sa kəməυtə ep lepsi/ noun epilepsy in which fits are charac-

terised by blurring of consciousness and ac-

companied by coordinated but wrong movements

psychomotor retardation / sa kəməυtəri tɑ de ʃ(ə)n/ noun the slowing of movement and speech, caused by depression

psychoneuroimmunology / sa kəυnjυərəυ mjυ nɒləd i/ noun a branch of

medicine which deals with how emotions affect the immune system

psychoneurosis / sa kəυnjυ rəυs s/ noun any of a group of mental disorders in which a person has a faulty response to the stresses of life. neurosis (NOTE: The plural is psychoneuroses.)

psychopath / sa kəp θ/ noun a person with a long-term mental disorder characterised by antisocial and often violent behaviour

psychopathic / sa kə p θ k/ adjective referring to psychopaths or psychopathy psychopathological / sa kəυp θə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective referring to psychopathology

psychopathology / sa kəpə θɒləd i/ noun a branch of medicine concerned with the pathology of mental disorders and diseases psychopathy /sa kɒpəθi/ noun any disease of the mind (NOTE: The plural is psychopathies.)

psychopharmacology / sa kəυ fɑ mə kɒləd i/ noun the study of the actions and ap-

plications of drugs which have a powerful effect on the mind and behaviour psychophysiological / sa kəυ f ziə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective referring to psychophysiology

psychophysiology / sa kəυ f zi ɒləd i/ noun the physiology of the mind and its functions

psychoses /sa kəυsi z/ plural of psychosis

psychosexual / sa kəυ sekʃuəl/ adjective relating to the mental and emotional aspects of sexuality and sexual development

psychosexual development / sa kəυsekʃuəl d veləpmənt/ noun the develop-

ment of human personality in stages based upon the ability to experience sexual pleasure, and the way in which sexuality plays a role in a person’s life

psychosis /sa kəυs s/ noun any serious mental disorder in which a person has a distorted perception of reality (NOTE: The plural is psychoses.)

psychosocial / sa kəυ səυʃ(ə)l/ adjective relating to the interaction of psychological and social factors

‘…recent efforts to redefine nursing have moved away from the traditional medically dominated approach towards psychosocial care and forming relationships with patients’ [British Journal of Nursing]



psychosomatic / sa kəυsə m t k/ adjective referring to the relationship between body and mind

COMMENT: Many physical disorders, including duodenal ulcers and high blood pressure, can be caused by mental conditions like worry or stress, and are then termed psychosomatic in order to distinguish them from the same conditions having physical or hereditary causes.

psychosurgery / sa kəυ s! d əri/ noun brain surgery, used as a treatment for psychological disorders

psychosurgical / sa kəυ s! d k(ə)l/ adjective referring to psychosurgery psychotherapeutic / sa kəυθerə pju t k/ adjective referring to psychotherapy psychotherapist / sa kəυ θerəp st/ noun a person trained to give psychotherapy psychotherapy / sa kəυ θerəpi/ noun the treatment of mental disorders by psychological methods, as when a psychotherapist encourages a person to talk about his or her problems. therapy

psychotic /sa kɒt k/ adjective 1. referring to psychosis 2. characterised by mental disorder

psychotropic / sa kə trɒp k/ adjective referring to a drug such as a stimulant or sedative which affects a person’s mood

pt abbr pint

pterion / t əriɒn/ noun the point on the side of the skull where the frontal, temporal parietal and sphenoid bones meet pteroylglutamic acid / terəυa l&lut m k s d/ noun same as folic acid

pterygium /tə r d iəm/ noun a degenerative condition in which a triangular growth of conjunctiva covers part of the cornea, with its apex towards the pupil

pterygo- /ter &əυ/ suffix the pterygoid process

pterygoid plate / ter &ɔ d ple t/ noun a small flat bony projection on the pterygoid process

pterygoid plexus / ter &ɔ d pleksəs/ noun a group of veins and sinuses which join together behind the cheek

pterygoid process / ter &ɔ d prəυses/ noun one of two projecting parts on the sphenoid bone

pterygomandibular / ter &əυm n d bjυlə/ adjective referring to the pterygoid process and the mandible

pterygopalatine fossa / ter &əυp ləta n fɒsə/ noun the space between the pterygoid process and the upper jaw

pterygopalatine ganglion / ter &əυ p ləta n & ŋ&liən/ noun a ganglion in the

pterygopalatine fossa associated with the maxillary nerve. Also called sphenopalatine ganglion

ptomaine / təυme n/ noun a group of nitrogenous substances produced in rotting food, which gives the food a special smell (NOTE:

Ptomaine poisoning was the term formerly used to refer to any form of food poisoning.) ptosis / təυs s/ noun 1. prolapse of an organ 2. drooping of the upper eyelid, which makes the eye stay half closed

-ptosis /təυs s/ suffix prolapse

PTSD abbr post-traumatic stress disorder ptyal- /ta əl/ prefix same as ptyalo- (used before vowels)

ptyalin / ta əl n/ noun an enzyme in saliva which cleanses the mouth and converts starch into sugar

ptyalism / ta əl z(ə)m/ noun the production of an excessive amount of saliva

ptyalith / ta əl θ/ noun same as sialolith

ptyalo- /ta ələυ/ prefix referring to saliva ptyalography / ta ə lɒ&rəfi/ noun same as


pubertal / pju bət(ə)l/, puberal / pju bərəl/

adjective referring to puberty

puberty / pju bəti/ noun 1. the physical and psychological changes which take place when childhood ends and adolescence and sexual maturity begin and the sex glands become active 2. the time when these changes take place

COMMENT: Puberty starts at about the age of 10 in girls, and slightly later in boys.

pubes1 / pju bi z/ noun the part of the body just above the groin, where the pubic bones are


pubes2 / pju bi z/ plural of pubis pubescent /pju besənt/ adjective reaching or having reached puberty

pubic / pju b k/ adjective referring to the area

near the genitals

pubic bone / pju b k bəυn/ noun the bone in front of the pelvis. Also called pubis. See il-

lustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Sup-


pubic hair / pju b k heə/ noun tough hair

growing in the genital region

pubic louse / pju b k laυs/ noun also

called Pediculus pubis

pubic symphysis / pju b k s mfəs s/ noun a piece of cartilage which joins the two sections of the pubic bone. Also called symphysis pubis

COMMENT: In a pregnant woman, the pubic symphysis stretches to allow the pelvic girdle to expand so that there is room for the baby to pass through.

pubiotomy / pju bi ɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to divide the pubic bone during labour, in order to make the pelvis wide enough for the child to be born safely (NOTE: The plural is pubiotomies.)

pubis / pju b s/ noun a bone forming the front part of the pelvis. See illustration at PEL-

VIS in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is pubes.)


pulmonary vein

public health / p"bl k helθ/ noun the study of illness, health and disease in the community

public health laboratory service / p"bl khelθ lə bɒrət(ə)ri s! v s/ noun in the UK, a

former service of the NHS which detected, diagnosed and monitored suspected cases of infectious disease in a countrywide network of laboratories. Abbr PHLS

public health medicine / p"bl k helθ med(ə)s(ə)n/ noun the branch of medicine concerned with health and disease in populations, with the responsibilities of monitoring health, identification of health needs, development of policies which promote health and evaluation of health services

public health nurse / p"bl k helθ n! s/ noun a nurse such as a school nurse, health visitor or other community nurse who monitors health and works to prevent illness in community situations

public health physician / p"bl k helθ f z ʃ(ə)n/ noun a consultant who has special training in public health medicine

pudenda /pju dendə/ plural of pudendum pudendal /pju dend(ə)l/ adjective referring to the pudendum

pudendal block /pju dend(ə)l blɒk/ noun an operation to anaesthetise the pudendum during childbirth

pudendum /pju dendəm/ noun an external genital organ of a woman (NOTE: The plural is pudenda.)

puerpera /pju ! p(ə)/ noun a woman who has recently given birth, or is giving birth, and whose uterus is still distended (NOTE: The plural is puerperae.)

puerperal /pju ! p(ə)rəl/ adjective 1. referring to the puerperium 2. referring to childbirth 3. occurring after childbirth

puerperal infection /pju ! p(ə)rəl n fekʃən/, puerperal fever /pju ! p(ə)rəl

fi və/ noun an infection of the uterus and genital tract after the birth of a baby, which is more common in women who have had a caesarean section. It causes a high fever, and occasionally sepsis, which can be fatal and was commonly so in the past. Also called postpartum fever puerperalism /pju ! p(ə)rəl z(ə)m/ noun an illness of a baby or its mother resulting from or associated with childbirth puerperal psychosis /pju ! p(ə)rəl sa kəυs s/ noun a psychiatric disorder that some women may experience in the first two weeks after giving birth

puerperal sepsis /pju ! p(ə)rəl seps s/ noun blood poisoning following childbirth, caused by infection of the placental site puerperium / pju ə p əriəm/ noun a period of about six weeks which follows immediately after the birth of a child, during which the mother’s sexual organs recover from childbirth

puerperous /pju ! prəs/ adjective same as puerperal

puke /pju k/ verb same as vomit (informal)

Pulex / pju leks/ noun a genus of human fleas

pull /pυl/ verb to make a muscle move in a wrong direction He pulled a muscle in his back. to pull the plug to switch off life support (informal) to pull yourself together to become calmer Although he was very angry he soon pulled himself together.

pulley / pυli/ noun a device with rings through which wires or cords pass, used in traction to make wires tense

pull through / pυl θru / verb to recover from a serious illness (informal) The doctor

says she is strong and should pull through. pulmo- / p"lməυ/, pulmon- / p"lmən/ prefix

referring to the lungs

pulmonale / p"lmə ne li/ cor pulmonale pulmonary / p"lmən(ə)ri/ adjective refer-

ring to the lungs

pulmonary artery / p"lmən(ə)ri ɑ təri/ noun one of the two arteries which take deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation. See illustration at HEART in Sup-


pulmonary circulation / p"lmən(ə)ris! kjυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the circulation of blood from the heart through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs for oxygenation and back to the heart through the pulmonary veins. Also called

lesser circulation

pulmonary embolism / p"lmən(ə)ri embəl z(ə)m/ noun a blockage of a pulmo-

nary artery by a blood clot. Abbr PE

pulmonary hypertension / p"lmən(ə)riha pə tenʃən/ noun high blood pressure in

the blood vessels supplying blood to the lungs

pulmonary insufficiency / p"lmən(ə)rinsə f ʃ(ə)nsi/, pulmonary incompetence /

p"lmən(ə)ri n kɒmp t(ə)ns/ noun a condition characterised by dilatation of the main pulmonary artery and stretching of the valve

ring, due to pulmonary hypertension pulmonary oedema / p"lmən(ə)ri

di mə/ noun the collection of fluid in the

lungs, as occurs in left-sided heart failure pulmonary stenosis / p"lmən(ə)ri ste

nəυs s/ noun a condition in which the opening to the pulmonary artery in the right ventricle becomes narrow

pulmonary tuberculosis / p"lmən(ə)ri tju b! kjυ ləυs s/ noun tuberculosis in the

lungs, which makes the person lose weight, cough blood and have a fever

pulmonary valve / p"lmən(ə)ri v lv/ noun a valve at the opening of the pulmonary artery pulmonary vein / p"lmən(ə)ri ve n/ noun one of the four veins which carry oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the left atrium of

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