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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

14.56 Mб
/ "ltrəsaυnd
/ "nkən

ultrasound marker


bruising. It can also destroy bacteria and calculi.

ultrasound marker / "ltrəsaυnd mɑ kə/ noun an unusual physical characteristic seen in an ultrasound examination of a fetus which is an indication of the existence of a genetic or developmental disorder

ultrasound probe / "ltrəsaυnd prəυb/

noun same as ultrasonic probe

ultrasound scan / "ltrəsaυnd sk n/ noun the examination of internal parts of the body, especially a fetus in the womb, using ultrasound technology

ultrasound scanning / "ltrəsaυndsk n ŋ/, ultrasound screening / "ltrəsaυnd

skri n ŋ/ noun a method of gathering information about the body by taking images using high-frequency sound waves

ultrasound treatment

tri tmənt/ noun the treatment of soft tissue inflammation using ultrasound waves ultraviolet adjective referring to the short invisible rays beyond the violet end of the spectrum, which form the element in sunlight which tans the skin, helps the skin produce Vitamin D and kills bacteria. Abbr UV ultraviolet lamp / "ltrə va ələt l mp/ noun a lamp which gives off ultraviolet rays

ultraviolet radiation / "ltrə va ələt re di e ʃ(ə)n/, ultraviolet rays / "ltrə va ələt re s/

noun short invisible rays of ultraviolet light. Abbr UVR

umbilical /"m b l k(ə)l/ adjective referring to the navel

umbilical circulation /"m b l k(ə)l s! kjυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the circulation of blood from the mother’s bloodstream through the umbilical cord into the fetus

umbilical cord /"m b l k(ə)l kɔ d/ noun a cord containing two arteries and one vein which links the fetus inside the uterus to the placenta

COMMENT: The arteries carry the blood and nutrients from the placenta to the fetus and the vein carries the waste from the fetus back to the placenta. When the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and the end tied in a knot. After a few days, this drops off, leaving the navel marking the place where the cord was originally attached.

umbilical hernia /"m b l k(ə)l h! niə/ noun a hernia which bulges at the navel, usually in young children. Also called exomphalos umbilical region /"m b l k(ə)l ri d (ə)n/ noun the central part of the abdomen, below the epigastrium

umbilicated /"m b l ke t d/ adjective with a small depression, like a navel, in the centre

umbilicus /"m b l kəs/ noun same as navel umbo / "mbəυ/ noun a projecting part in the middle of the outer side of the eardrum

un- /"n/ prefix not

unaided /"n e d d/ adjective without any help Two days after the operation, he was able to walk unaided.

unblock /"n blɒk/ verb to remove something which is blocking An operation to unblock an artery.

unciform bone / "ns fɔ m bəυn/ noun one of the eight small carpal bones in the wrist, shaped like a hook. Also called hamate bone

uncinate / "ns nət/ adjective shaped like a hook

uncinate epilepsy / "ns nət ep lepsi/ noun a type of temporal lobe epilepsy, in which the person has hallucinations of smell and taste

unconditioned response

d ʃ(ə)nd r spɒns/ noun a response to a stimulus which occurs automatically, by instinct, and has not been learned

unconscious /"n kɒnʃəs/ adjective not aware of what is happening She was unconscious for two days after the accident. noun

the unconscious (in psychology) the part of the mind which stores feelings, memories or desires that someone cannot consciously call up. subconscious

unconsciousness /"n kɒnʃəsnəs/ noun the state of being unconscious, e.g. as a result of lack of oxygen or from some other external cause such as a blow on the head uncontrollable / "nkən trəυləb(ə)l/ adjective not able to be controlled The uncontrollable spread of the disease through the population.

uncoordinated / "nkəυ ɔ d ne t d/ adjective not working together His finger movements are completely uncoordinated.

uncus / "ŋkəs/ noun a projecting part of the cerebral hemisphere, shaped like a hook undecenoic acid /"n des nəυ k s d/, undecylenic acid /"n d s len k s d/ noun a substance made from castor bean oil, used in the treatment of fungal infections such as thrush

under- /"ndə/ prefix less than usual, too little

undergo / "ndə &əυ/ verb to experience something such as a procedure or operation

He underwent an appendicectomy. There are six patients undergoing physiotherapy. underhydration / "ndəha dre ʃ(ə)n/ noun the condition of having too little water in the body

undernourished / "ndə n"r ʃt/ adjective having too little food

underproduction / "ndəprə d"kʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of producing less than normal undertake / "ndə te k/ verb to carry out a procedure such as a surgical operation Replacement of the joint is mainly undertaken to relieve pain.


unstable angina

underweight / "ndə we t/ adjective weighing less than is medically advisable He is

several pounds underweight for his age. undescended testis /"nd send d test s/

noun a condition in which a testis has not de-

scended into the scrotum

undiagnosed /"n da ə& nəυzd/ adjective not identified as a specific disease or disorder undigested / "nda d est d/ adjective referring to food which is not digested in the body undine / "ndi n/ noun a glass container for a solution to bathe the eyes

undress /"n dres/ verb to remove clothes undulant fever / "ndjυlənt fi və/ same as


unfit /"n f t/ adjective not physically healthy ungual / "ŋ&wəl/ adjective referring to the

fingernails or toenails

unguent / "ŋ&wənt/ noun a smooth oily medicinal substance which can be spread on the

skin to soothe irritations

unguentum /"ŋ &wentəm/ noun (in pharma-

cy) an ointment

unguis / "ŋ&w s/ same as nail

unhealthy /"n helθi/ adjective 1. not in good physical condition 2. not helping someone to be healthy The children have a very un-

healthy diet.

unhygienic /"nha d i n k/ adjective not clean or good for health The conditions in the hospital laundry have been criticised as unhygienic.

uni- /ju ni/ prefix one

unicellular / ju ni seljυlə/ adjective referring to an organism formed of one cell uniform / ju n fɔ m/ noun the set of official clothes worn by a group of people such as the nurses in a hospital to identify them adjective the same or similar Healthy red blood cells are of a uniform shape and size. unigravida / ju ni &r v də/ same as primigravida

unilateral / ju n l t(ə)rəl/ adjective affecting one side of the body only

unilateral oophorectomy / ju nl t(ə)rəl əυəfə rektəmi/ noun the surgical

removal of one ovary

union / ju njən/ noun the joining together of two parts of a fractured bone. Opposite non-

union. malunion

uniovular / ju ni ɒvjυlə/ noun consisting of,

or coming from, one ovum

uniovular twins / ju ni ɒvjυlə tw nz/ plural noun same as identical twins

unipara /ju n pərə/ same as primipara unipolar / ju ni pəυlə/ adjective referring to

a neurone with a single process. Compare bipolar. See illustration at NEURONE in Supple-


unipolar lead / ju nipəυlə li d/ noun an electric lead to a single electrode

unipolar neurone /ju n pəυlə njυərəυn/ noun a neurone with a single process. Compare multipolar neurone, bipolar neurone. See illustration at NEURONE in Supplement

unit / ju n t/ noun 1. a single part of a larger whole 2. a part of a hospital that has a specialised function a burns unit 3. a named and agreed standard amount used for measuring something A gram is an SI unit of weight. 4. a quantity of a drug, enzyme, hormone or of blood, taken as a standard for measurement and producing a given effect three units of blood a unit of insulin 5. a machine or devicea waste-disposal unit

‘…the blood loss caused his haemoglobin to drop dangerously low, necessitating two units of RBCs and one unit of fresh frozen plasma’ [RN Magazine]

United Kingdom Central Council for

Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting

/ju na t d k ŋdəm sentrəl kaυnsəl fən! s ŋ m d w fəri ənd helθ v z t ŋ/ noun

in the UK from 1979 until April 2002, an organisation which regulated nurses, midwives, and health visitors. The UKCC and the four National Boards have now been replaced by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Abbr


univalent / ju ni ve lənt/ adjective same as


universal donor / ju n v! s(ə)l dəυnə/ noun a person with blood group O, whose blood may be given to anyone

Universal Precautions / ju n v! s(ə)l pr

kɔ ʃ(ə)nz/ abbr UP. Standard Precautions

universal recipient / ju n v! s(ə)l r s piənt/ noun a person with blood group AB

who can receive blood from all the other blood groups

unmedicated dressing /"n med ke t d dres ŋ/ noun a sterile dressing with no antiseptic or other medication on it

unprofessional conduct /"nprə feʃən(ə)l kɒnd"kt/ noun action by a professional per-

son such as a doctor or nurse which is considered wrong by the body which regulates the profession

‘…refusing to care for someone with HIV-related disease may well result in disciplinary procedure for unprofessional conduct’ [Nursing Times]

unqualified /"n kwɒl fa d/ adjective referring to someone who has no qualifications or no licence to practise

unsaturated fat /"n s tʃəre t d f t/ noun fat which does not have a large amount of hydrogen, and so can be broken down more easily

unstable /"n ste b(ə)l/ adjective referring to something which may change easily an unstable mental condition.

unstable angina /"n ste b(ə)l n d a nə/ noun angina which has suddenly become worse

/ "nstra e t d



unsteady /"n stedi/ adjective likely to fall down when walking She is still very unsteady on her legs.

unstriated muscle

m"s(ə)l/ noun same as smooth muscle unviable /"n va əb(ə)l/ adjective referring to

a fetus that cannot live if born

unwanted pregnancy /"n wɒnt d pre&nənsi/ noun a condition in which a wom-

an becomes pregnant without wanting to have a child

unwell /"n wel/ adjective ill She felt unwell and had to go home. (NOTE: Not used before a noun: a sick woman but the woman was unwell.)

upper / "pə/ adjective at the top, higher upper arm / "pə ɑ m/ noun the part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow

upper limb / "pə l m/ noun an arm There was damage to the upper limbs only.

upper motor neurone / "pə məυtənjυərəυn/ noun a neurone which takes im-

pulses from the cerebral cortex

upper respiratory infection / "pə r sp rət(ə)ri n fekʃən/ noun an infection in

the upper part of the respiratory system UPPP abbr uvulopalatopharyngoplasty upset noun / "pset/ a slight illness adjec-

tive /"p set/ slightly ill

upside down / "psa d daυn/ adverb with

the top turned to the bottom

upside-down stomach / "psa d daυn

st"mək/ adverb US diaphragmatic hernia uracil / jυərəs l/ noun a pyrimidine base, one

of the four bases in RNA in which it pairs with thymine

uraemia /jυ ri miə/ noun a disorder caused by kidney failure, where urea is retained in the blood, and the person develops nausea, convulsions and in severe cases goes into a coma

(NOTE: The US spelling is uremia.)

uraemic /jυ ri m k/ adjective referring to uraemia, or having uraemia (NOTE: The US

spelling is uremic.)

uran- /jυərən/ prefix referring to the palate uraniscorrhaphy / jυərən skɒrəfi/ noun

same as palatorrhaphy

urataemia / jυərə ti miə/ noun a condition in which urates are present in the blood, e.g. in


urate / jυəre t/ noun a salt of uric acid found

in urine

uraturia / jυərə tjυəriə/ noun the presence of excessive amounts of urates in the urine, e.g. in gout

urea /jυ ri ə/ noun a substance produced in the liver from excess amino acids, and excret-

ed by the kidneys into the urine

urease / jυərie z/ noun an enzyme which converts urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide

urecchysis /ju rek s s/ noun a condition in which uric acid leaves the blood and enters connective tissue

uresis /jυ ri s s/ noun the act of passing urine ureter /jυ ri tə, jυər tə/ noun one of the two tubes which take urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. See illustration at KIDNEY in Supplement. Also called urinary duct

ureter- /jυri/ prefix same as uretero- (used

before vowels)

ureteral /jυ ri tərəl/ adjective referring to the ureters

ureterectomy / jυər tə rektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of a ureter

ureteric / jυər ter k/ adjective same as ure-


ureteric calculus / jυər ter k k lkjυləs/ noun a kidney stone in the ureter

ureteric catheter / jυər ter k k θ tə/ noun a catheter passed through the ureter to the kidney, to inject an opaque solution into the kidney before taking an X-ray

ureteritis / jυər tə ra t s/ noun inflammation of a ureter

uretero- /jυri tərəυ/ prefix referring to the ureter

ureterocele /jυ ri tərəυsi l/ noun swelling in a ureter caused by narrowing of the opening where the ureter enters the bladder ureterocolostomy /jυ ri tərəυkɒ lɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to implant the ureter into the sigmoid colon, so as to bypass the bladder

ureteroenterostomy /jυ ri tərəυ entə rɒstəmi/ noun an artificially formed passage

between the ureter and the intestine ureterolith /jυ ri tərəυl θ/ noun a stone in a ureter


/jυ ri tərəυl θɒtəmi/

noun the surgical removal of a stone from the ureter

ureterolysis / jυər tə rɒləs s/ noun a surgical operation to free one or both ureters from adhesions or surrounding tissue

ureteroneocystostomy /jυ ri tərəυni əυsa stɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation

to transplant a ureter to a different location in the bladder

ureteronephrectomy /jυ ri tərəυn frektəmi/ noun same as nephroureterectomy

ureteroplasty /jυ ri tərəυpl sti/ noun a surgical operation to repair a ureter

ureteropyelonephritis /jυ ri tərəυpa ələυn fra t s/ noun inflammation of the

ureter and the pelvis of the kidney to which it is attached

ureteroscope /jυ ri tərəυskəυp/ noun an instrument which is passed into the ureter and up into the kidneys, usually used to locate or remove a stone


urinary incontinence

ureteroscopy / jυər tə rɒskəpi/ noun an examination of the ureter with a ureteroscope

ureterosigmoidostomy /jυ ri tərəυs &* mɔ dɒstəmi/ same as ureterocolostomy

ureterostomy / jυər tə rɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make an artificial opening for the ureter into the abdominal wall, so that urine can be passed directly out of the body

ureterotomy / jυər tə rɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make an incision into the ureter, mainly to remove a stone ureterovaginal /jυ ri tərəυvə d a n(ə)l/ adjective referring to the ureter and the vagina urethr- /juəri θr/ prefix same as urethro-

(used before vowels)

urethra /ju ri θrə/ noun a tube which takes urine from the bladder to be passed out of the body. See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM in Supplement

COMMENT: In males, the urethra serves two purposes: the discharge of both urine and semen. The male urethra is about 20cm long; in women it is shorter, about 3cm and this relative shortness is one of the reasons for the predominance of bladder infection and inflammation (cystitis) in women. The urethra has sphincter muscles at either end which help control the flow of urine.

urethral /ju ri θr(ə)l/ adjective referring to the urethra

urethral catheter /ju ri θr(ə)l k θ tə/ noun a catheter passed up the urethra to allow urine to flow out of the bladder, used to empty the bladder before an abdominal operation. Also called urinary catheter

urethral stricture /ju ri θrəl str ktʃə/ noun a condition in which the urethra is narrowed or blocked by a growth. Also called ure-


urethritis / jυərə θra t s/ noun inflammation of the urethra

urethro- /juri θrəυ/ prefix referring to the urethra

urethrocele /ju ri θrəsi l/ noun 1. a swelling formed in a weak part of the wall of the urethra 2. prolapse of the urethra in a woman urethrogram /ju ri θrə&r m/ noun an X- ray photograph of the urethra urethrography /jυər θrɒ&rəfi/ noun X-ray examination of the urethra

urethroplasty /ju ri θrəpl sti/ noun a surgical operation to repair a urethra urethrorrhaphy /jυər θrɒrəfi/ noun a surgical operation to repair a torn urethra

urethrorrhoea /jυ ri θrə ri ə/ noun the discharge of fluid from the urethra, usually associated with urethritis

urethroscope /jυ ri θrəskəυp/ noun a surgical instrument, used to examine the interior of a man’s urethra

urethroscopy / jυər θrɒskəpi/ noun an examination of the inside of a man’s urethra with a urethroscope

urethrostenosis /jυ ri θrəυstə nəυs s/ noun same as urethral stricture urethrostomy / jυər θrɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make an opening for a man’s urethra between the scrotum and the anus urethrotomy / jυər θrɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to open a blocked or narrowed urethra. Also called Wheelhouse’s operation

uretic /jυ ri t k/ adjective referring to the passing of urine

urge /! d / noun a strong need to do something

urge incontinence / ! d n kɒnt nəns/ noun a condition in which someone feels a very strong need to urinate and cannot retain their urine

urgent / ! d ənt/ adjective needing to be done quickly She had an urgent operation for strangulated hernia.

urgently / ! d əntli/ adverb immediately

The relief team urgently requires more medical supplies.

-uria /jυəriə/ suffix 1. a condition of the urine 2. a disease characterised by a condition of the urine

uric acid / jυər k s d/ noun a chemical compound which is formed from nitrogen in waste products from the body and which also forms crystals in the joints of people who have gout

uricacidaemia / jυər k s d i miə/ noun same as lithaemia

uricosuric / jυər kə sjυər k/ noun a drug which increases the amount of uric acid excreted in the urine

uridrosis / jυər drəυs s/ noun a condition in which excessive urea forms in the sweat urin- /jυər n/ prefix same as urino- (used before vowels)

urinalysis / jυər n ləs s/ noun the analysis of urine, to detect diseases such as diabetes mellitus

urinary / jυər n(ə)ri/ adjective referring to urine

urinary bladder / jυər n(ə)ri bl də/ noun a sac where the urine collects after passing from the kidneys through the ureters, before being passed out of the body through the urethra. See illustration at KIDNEY, UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement

urinary catheter / jυər n(ə)ri k θ tə/ noun same as urethral catheter

urinary duct / jυər n(ə)ri d"kt/ noun same as ureter

urinary incontinence / jυər n(ə)ri n kɒn* t nəns/ noun the involuntary emission of urine

urinary obstruction


urinary obstruction / jυər n(ə)ri əb str"kʃən/ noun a blockage of the urethra,

which prevents urine being passed

urinary retention / jυər n(ə)ri r tenʃən/ noun the inability to pass urine, usually because the urethra is blocked or because the prostate gland is enlarged. Also called urine retention

urinary system / jυər n(ə)ri s stəm/ noun a system of organs and ducts which separate waste liquids from the blood and excrete them as urine, including the kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra

urinary tract / jυər n(ə)ri tr kt/ noun the set of tubes down which the urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder and from the bladder out of the body

urinary tract infection / jυər n(ə)ri tr kt

n fekʃən/ noun a bacterial infection of any part of the urinary system. Symptoms are usually a need to urinate frequently and pain on urination. Abbr UTI

urinate / jυər ne t/ verb to pass urine from the body

urination / jυər ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the passing of urine out of the body. Also called micturition

urine / jυər n/ noun a yellowish liquid, containing water and waste products, mainly salt and urea, which is excreted by the kidneys and passed out of the body through the ureters, bladder and urethra

urine retention / jυər n r tenʃ(ə)n/ noun same as urinary retention

uriniferous / jυər n fərəs/ adjective carrying urine

uriniferous tubule / jυər n f(ə)rəs tju bju l/ noun same as renal tubule

urino- /jυər nəυ/ prefix referring to urine urinogenital / jυər nəυ d en t(ə)l/ adjec-

tive same as urogenital

urinometer / jυər nɒm tə/ noun an instrument which measures the specific gravity of urine

urobilin / jυərəυ ba l n/ noun a yellow pigment formed when urobilinogen comes into contact with air

urobilinogen / jυərəυba l nəd ən/ noun a colourless pigment formed when bilirubin is reduced to stercobilinogen in the intestines urocele / jυərəsi l/ noun a swelling in the scrotum which contains urine

urochesia / jυərə ki ziə/ noun the passing of urine through the rectum, due to injury of the urinary system (NOTE: The US spelling is


urochrome / jυərəkrəυm/ noun the pigment which colours the urine yellow urodynamics / jυərəυda n m ks/ plural noun the active changes which occur during

the function of the bladder, urethral sphincter

and pelvic floor muscles

urogenital / jυərəυ d en t(ə)l/ adjective referring to the urinary and genital systems. Also

called urinogenital

urogenital diaphragm /jυərə d en t(ə)lda ə fr m/ noun a fibrous layer beneath the prostate gland through which the urethra pass-


urogenital system / jυərəυ d en t(ə)ls stəm/ noun the whole of the urinary tract

and reproductive system

urogram / jυərə&r m/ noun an X-ray pic-

ture of the urinary tract, or of a part of it urography /jυ rɒ&rəfi/ noun an X-ray exam-

ination of part of the urinary system after in-

jection of radio-opaque dye

urokinase / jυərəυ ka ne z/ noun an enzyme formed in the kidneys, which begins the

process of breaking down blood clots urolith / jυərəl θ/ noun a stone in the urinary


urological / jυərə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective re-

ferring to urology

urologist /jυ rɒləd st/ noun a doctor who specialises in urology

urology /jυ rɒləd i/ noun the scientific study

of the urinary system and its diseases urostomy /jυ rɒstəmi/ noun the surgical cre-

ation of an artificial urethra

urticaria / ! t keəriə/ noun an allergic reaction to injections, particular foods or plants where the skin forms irritating reddish patches. Also called hives, nettle rash

USP abbr United States Pharmacopeia. pharmacopoeia

usual / ju uəl/ adjective expected or typical uter- /ju/ prefix same as utero- (used before vowels)

uteri / ju t(ə)ri/ plural of uterus

uterine / ju təra n/ adjective referring to the


uterine cavity / ju təra n k v ti/ noun the

inside of the uterus

uterine fibroid / ju təra n fa brɔ d/, uterine fibroma / ju təra n fa brəυmə/ noun

same as fibroid tumour

uterine procidentia / ju təra n prəυs denʃə/, uterine prolapse / ju tə ra n prəυl ps/ noun a condition in which part of

the uterus has passed through the vagina, usually after childbirth

COMMENT: Uterine procidentia has three stages of severity: in the first the cervix descends into the vagina, in the second the cervix is outside the vagina, but part of the uterus is still inside, and in the third stage, the whole uterus

passes outside the vagina.

uterine retroflexion / ju təra n retrəυ flekʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which the uter-

us bends backwards away from its usual position

439 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

uterine retroversion / ju təra n retrəυ v! ʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which the uterus slopes backwards away from its usual position

uterine subinvolution / ju təra n s"b

nvə lu ʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which the uterus does not go back to its previous size af-

ter childbirth

uterine tube / ju təra n tju b/ noun same as

Fallopian tube

utero- /ju tərəυ/ prefix referring to the uterus uterocele / ju tərəsi l/ noun a hernia of the

uterus. Also called hysterocele uterogestation / ju tərəd e ste ʃ(ə)n/

noun a standard pregnancy, where the fetus de-

velops in the uterus

uterography / ju tə rɒ&rəfi/ noun an X-ray

examination of the uterus

utero-ovarian / ju tərəυ əυ veəriən/ adjec-

tive referring to the uterus and the ovaries

uterosalpingography / ju tərəυs lp ŋ

&ɒ&rəfi/ same as hysterosalpingography uterovesical / ju tərəυ ves k(ə)l/ adjective

referring to the uterus and the bladder uterus / ju t(ə)rəs/ noun the hollow organ in a woman’s pelvic cavity, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum in which the embryo develops before birth. Also called womb. See

illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (FEMALE) in Supplement (NOTE: For other terms referring to the uterus, see words beginning with hyster-, hystero-, metr-, metro-.)

COMMENT: The top of the uterus is joined to the Fallopian tubes which link it to the ovaries, and the lower end (cervix uteri) opens into the vagina. When an ovum is fertilised it becomes implanted in the wall of the uterus and develops into an embryo inside it. If fertilisation and pregnancy do not take place, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed during menstruation. At childbirth, strong contractions of the wall of the uterus (myometrium) help push the baby out through the vagina.

uterus didelphys / ju t(ə)rəs da delf s/ noun same as double uterus

UTI abbr urinary tract infection

utricle / ju tr k(ə)l/, utriculus /jυ tr kjυləs/ noun a large sac inside the vestibule of the ear, which relates information about the upright position of the head to the brain

UV abbreviation ultraviolet

UV-absorbing lens /ju vi əb zɔ b ŋ lenz/ noun a lens devised to absorb UVR in order to protect the eyes against the sun

uvea / ju viə/ noun a layer of organs in the eye beneath the sclera, formed of the iris, the ciliary body and the choroid. Also called uveal tract

uveal / ju viəl/ adjective referring to the uvea uveal tract / ju viəl tr kt/ noun same as uvea

uveitis / ju vi a t s/ noun inflammation of any part of the uvea

uveoparotid fever / ju viə p rət d fi və/, uveoparotid syndrome / ju viə p rət ds ndrəυm/ noun inflammation of the uvea

and of the parotid gland

UVR abbr ultraviolet radiation

uvula / ju vjυlə/ noun a piece of soft tissue which hangs down from the back of the soft palate

uvular / ju vjυlə/ adjective referring to the uvula

uvulectomy / ju vjυ lektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the uvula

uvulitis / ju vjυ la t s/ noun inflammation of the uvula

uvulopalatopharyngoplasty / ju vjυləυp lətəυfə r ŋ&əυpl sti/ noun a surgical op-

eration to remove the uvula and other soft tissue in the palate, in order to widen the airways and treat the problem of snoring. Abbr UPPP


vaccinate / v ks ne t/ verb to introduce vaccine into a person’s body in order to make the body create its own antibodies, so making the person immune to the disease (NOTE: You vaccinate someone against a disease.) vaccination / v ks ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of vaccinating someone

COMMENT: Originally the words vaccination and vaccine applied only to smallpox immunisation, but they are now used for immunisation against any disease. Vaccination is mainly given against cholera, diphtheria, rabies, smallpox, tuberculosis, and typhoid.

vaccine / v ksi n/ noun a substance which contains antigens to a disease or a weak form of a disease, used to protect people against it vaccinotherapy / v ks nəυ θerəpi/ noun the treatment of a disease with a vaccine vacuole / v kjuəυl/ noun a space in a fold of a cell membrane

vacuum / v kjuəm/ noun a space which is completely empty of all matter, including air vacuum extraction / v kjuəm kstr kʃən/ noun the procedure of pulling on the head of the baby with a suction instrument to aid birth

vacuum extractor / v kjuəm k str ktə/ noun a surgical instrument formed of a rubber suction cup which is used in vacuum extraction during childbirth

vacuum suction / v kjuəm s"kʃən/ noun a method used to achieve an abortion, after dilatation of the cervix. Also called aspiration vagal / ve &(ə)l/ adjective referring to the vagus nerve

vagal tone / ve &(ə)l təυn/ noun the action of the vagus nerve to slow the beat of the sinoatrial node

vagin- /vəd a n/ prefix referring to the vagina vagina /və d a nə/ noun a passage in a woman’s reproductive tract between the entrance to the uterus, the cervix, and the vulva, able to stretch enough to allow a baby to pass through during childbirth. See illustration at UROGENI-

TAL SYSTEM (FEMALE) in Supplement (NOTE: For other terms referring to the vagina, see words beginning with colp-, colpo-.)

vaginal /və d a n(ə)l/ adjective referring to the vagina

vaginal bleeding /və d a n(ə)l bli d ŋ/ noun bleeding from the vagina

vaginal delivery /və d a n(ə)l d l v(ə)ri/ noun the birth of a baby through the mother’s vagina, without surgical intervention vaginal diaphragm /və d a n(ə)l da əfr m/ noun a circular contraceptive device for women, which is inserted into the vagina and placed over the neck of the uterus before sexual intercourse

vaginal discharge /və d a n(ə)l d stʃɑ d / noun the flow of liquid from the vagina vaginal douche /və d a n(ə)l du ʃ/ noun

1. the process of washing out the vagina 2. a device or liquid for washing out the vagina vaginal examination /və d a n(ə)l &z m ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of checking the vagina for signs of disease or growth

vaginalis / v d ne l s/ noun 1. same as Trichomonas vaginalis 2. same as tunica vaginalis

vaginal orifice /və d a n(ə)l ɒr f s/ noun an opening leading from the vulva to the uterus

vaginal proctocele /və d a n(ə)l prɒktəsi l/ noun a condition associated with

prolapse of the uterus, where the rectum protrudes into the vagina

vaginal suppository noun same as pessary


vaginectomy / v d nektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the vagina or part of it

vaginismus / v d n zməs/ noun a painful contraction of the vagina which prevents sexual intercourse

vaginitis / v d na t s/ noun inflammation of the vagina which is mainly caused by the bacterium Trichomonas vaginalis or by a fungus Candida albicans

vaginography / v d nɒ&rəfi/ noun an X- ray examination of the vagina vaginoplasty /və d a nəpl sti/ noun a surgical operation to graft tissue on to the vagina



vaginoscope / v d nəυskəυp/ noun same as colposcope

vago- /ve/ prefix referring to the vagus nerve

vagotomy /ve &ɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut through the vagus nerve which controls the nerves in the stomach, as a treatment for peptic ulcers

vagus / ve &əs/, vagus nerve / ve &əs n! v/ noun either of the tenth pair of cranial nerves which carry sensory and motor neurons serving the heart, lungs, stomach, and various other organs and control swallowing. Also called pneumogastric nerve

valgus / v l&əs/, valgum / v l&əm/, valga / v l&ə/ adjective turning outwards. hallux valgus. Compare varus

validity /və l d ti/ noun (of a study) the fact of being based on sound research and methods which exclude alternative explanations of a result

valine / ve li n/ noun an essential amino acid

Valium / v liəm/ a trade name for diazepam vallate papillae / v le t pə pili / plural noun large papillae which form a line towards the back of the tongue and contain taste buds vallecula /və lekjυlə/ noun a natural depression or fissure in an organ as between the hemispheres of the brain (NOTE: The plural is valleculae.)

Valsalva’s manoeuvre /v l s lvəz mənu və/ noun the process of breathing out while holding the nostrils closed and keeping the mouth shut, used in order to test the functioning of the Eustachian tubes or to adjust the pressure in the middle ear

value / v lju / noun 1. the degree to which something is useful or necessary food with low nutritional value 2. a number or amount that is unknown and is shown as a symbol plural noun values the views someone has about the appropriate way to behave respect for different cultural values

valve /v lv/ noun a flap which opens and closes to allow liquid to pass in one direction only, e.g. in the heart, blood vessels or lymphatic vessels

valvotomy /v l vɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut into a valve to make it open wider

valvula / v lvjυlə/ noun a small valve (NOTE: The plural is valvulae.)

valvular / v lvjυlə/ adjective referring to a valve

valvular disease of the heart / v lvjυlə d zi z əv ði hɑ t/ noun an inflammation of the membrane which lines the valves of the heart. Abbr VDH

valvulitis / v lvjυ la t s/ noun inflammation of a valve in the heart

valvuloplasty / v lvjυləυpl sti/ noun surgery to repair valves in the heart without opening the heart

‘…in percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty a catheter introduced through the femoral vein is placed across the aortic valve and into the left ventricle; the catheter is removed and a valve-dilating catheter bearing a 15mm balloon is placed across the valve’ [Journal of the American Medical Association]

valvulotomy / v lvjυ lɒtəmi/ noun same as valvotomy

vancomycin / v ŋkəυ ma s n/ noun an antibiotic which is effective against some bacteria which are resistant to other antibiotics. Strains of bacteria resistant to vancomycin have now developed.

van den Bergh test / v n den b! & test/ noun a test of blood serum to see if a case of jaundice is caused by an obstruction in the liver or by haemolysis of red blood cells [After A.A. Hijmans van den Bergh (1869–1943), Dutch physician]

vaporise / ve pəra z/, vaporize verb to turn a liquid into a vapour

vaporiser / ve pəra zə/, vaporizer noun a device which warms a liquid to which medicinal oil has been added, so that it provides a vapour which someone can inhale

vapour / ve pə/ noun 1. a substance in the form of a gas 2. steam from a mixture of a liquid and a medicinal oil (NOTE: The US spelling is vapor.)

Vaquez-Osler disease /v ke z ɒslə dzi z/ noun same as polycythaemia vera [After Henri Vaquez (1860–1936), French physician, Sir William Osler (1849–1919), Professor of Medicine in Montreal, Philadelphia, Baltimore and then Oxford]

vara / veərə/ adjective same as varus variant CJD / veəriənt si d e di / noun a form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which was observed first in the 1980s, especially affecting younger people. Abbr vCJD

variation / veəri e ʃ(ə)n/ noun a change from one level to another There is a noticeable variation in his pulse rate. The chart shows the variations in the patient’s temperature over a twenty-four hour period. varicectomy / v ri sektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove a vein or part of a vein

varicella / v ri selə/ noun same as chickenpox

varicella-zoster virus / v riselə zɒstəva rəs/ noun a herpes virus that causes chickenpox and shingles

varices / v r si z/ plural of varix varicocele / v r kəυsi l/ noun swelling of a vein in the spermatic cord which can be corrected by surgery

varicose / v r kəυs/ adjective 1. affected with or having varicose veins 2. designed for

varicose eczema


the treatment of varicose veins 3. relating to or producing swelling

varicose eczema / v r kəυs eks mə/ noun eczema which develops on the legs, caused by bad circulation. Also called hypo-

static eczema

varicose ulcer / v r kəυs "lsə/ noun an ulcer in the leg as a result of bad circulation and varicose veins

varicose vein / v r kəυs ve n/ noun a vein, usually in the legs, which becomes twisted and swollen

varicosity / v r kɒs ti/ noun (of veins) the condition of being swollen and twisted varicotomy / v r kɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make a cut into a varicose vein varifocals / veəri fəυk(ə)lz/ plural noun spectacles with lenses which have varying focal lengths from top to bottom, for looking at things at different distances from the wearer

variola /və ra ələ/ noun same as smallpox varioloid / veəriəlɔ d/ noun a type of mild smallpox which affects people who have already had smallpox or have been vaccinated against it

varix / veər ks/ noun a swollen blood vessel, especially a swollen vein in the leg (NOTE: The

plural is varices.)

Varolii /və rəυli / pons Varolii

varus / veərəs/, varum / veərəm/, vara / veərə/ adjective turning inwards. coxa vara.

Compare valgus

vary / veəri/ verb 1. to change The dosage varies according to the age of the patient. 2. to try different actions The patient was recommended to vary her diet.

vas /v s/ noun a tube in the body (NOTE: The plural is vasa.)

vas- /v s/ prefix same as vaso-

vasa efferentia / ve sə efə rentiə/ plural noun the group of small tubes which sperm

travel down from the testis to the epididymis vasa vasorum / ve sə ve sɔ rəm/ plural

noun tiny blood vessels in the walls of larger blood vessels

vascular / v skjυlə/ adjective referring to blood vessels

vascular dementia / v skjυlə d menʃə/ noun a form of mental degeneration due to disease of the blood vessels in the brain vascularisation / v skjυləra ze ʃ(ə)n/, vascularization noun the development of new blood vessels

vascular lesion / v skjυlə li (ə)n/ noun damage to a blood vessel

vascular system / v skjυlə s stəm/ noun the series of vessels such as veins, arteries and capillaries, carrying blood around the body vasculitis / v skjυ la t s/ noun inflammation of a blood vessel

vas deferens / v s defərenz/ noun see il-

lustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in Supplement. also called ductus deferens, sperm duct (NOTE: The plural is vasa deferentia.) vasectomy /və sektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut a vas deferens, in order to prevent sperm travelling from the epididymis up the duct. bilateral vasectomy

vas efferens / v s efərenz/ noun one of many tiny tubes which take the spermatozoa from the testis to the epididymis (NOTE: The plural is vasa efferentia.)

vaso- /ve zəυ/ prefix 1. referring to a blood vessel 2. referring to the vas deferens

vasoactive / ve zəυ kt v/ adjective having an effect on the blood vessels, especially constricting the arteries

vasoconstriction / ve zəυkən str kʃən/ noun a contraction of blood vessels which makes them narrower

vasoconstrictor / ve zəυkən str ktə/ noun a chemical substance which makes blood vessels become narrower, so that blood pressure rises, e.g. ephedrine hydrochloride

vasodilatation / ve zəυ da lə te ʃ(ə)n/, vasodilation / ve zəυda le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the re-

laxation of blood vessels, especially the arteries, making them wider and leading to increased blood flow or reduced blood pressure vasodilator / ve zəυda le tə/ noun a chemical substance which makes blood vessels become wider, so that blood flows more easily and blood pressure falls, e.g. hydralazine hydrochloride

‘Volatile anaesthetic agents are potent vasodilators and facilitate blood flow to the skin.’ [British Journal of Nursing]

vaso-epididymostomy / ve zəυ ep d d mɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to reverse

a vasectomy in which the cut end of the vas deferens is joined to a tubule within the epididymis above a blockage in it

vasoinhibitor / ve zəυin h b tə/ noun a chemical substance that reduces or stops the activity of the nerves that control the widening or narrowing of the blood vessels vasoligation / ve zəla &e ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to tie the vasa deferentia to prevent infection entering the epididymis from the urinary system

vasomotion /ve zə məυʃ(ə)n/ noun the control of the diameter of blood vessels and thus of blood flow. vasoconstriction, vasodilatation

vasomotor / ve zəυ məυtə/ adjective referring to the control of the diameter of blood vessels

vasomotor centre / ve zə məυtə sentə/ noun a nerve centre in the brain which changes the rate of heartbeat and the diameter of blood vessels and so regulates blood pressure



vasomotor nerve / ve zəυ məυtə n! v/ noun a nerve in the wall of a blood vessel which affects the diameter of the vessel

vasopressin / ve zəυ pres n/ noun same as

antidiuretic hormone

vasopressor / ve zəυ presə/ noun a substance which increases blood pressure by narrowing the blood vessels

vasospasm / ve zəυsp zm/ noun a muscle spasm causing the fingers to become cold, white and numb. Raynaud’s disease vasovagal / ve zəυ ve &(ə)l/ adjective referring to the vagus nerve and its effect on the heartbeat and blood circulation

vasovagal attack / ve zəυ ve &(ə)l ə t k/ noun a fainting fit as a result of a slowing down of the heartbeats caused by excessive activity of the vagus nerve

vasovasostomy / ve zəυvə sɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to reverse a vasectomy vasovesiculitis / ve zəυves kju la t s/ noun inflammation of the seminal vesicles and a vas deferens

vastus intermedius / v stəs ntə mi diəs/, vastus medialis / v stəs mi di e l s/, vastus lateralis / v stəs l tə re l s/

noun three of the four parts of the quadriceps femoris, the muscle of the thigh (NOTE: The fourth is the rectus femoris.)

vault /vɔ lt/ noun vault of the skull part of the skull which includes the frontal bone, the temporal bones and the occipital bone

VBAC abbr vaginal birth after Caesarean section

vCJD abbr variant CJD

VD abbr venereal disease

VD clinic / vi di kl n k/ noun a clinic specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases

VDH abbr valvular disease of the heart

vectis / vekt s/ noun a curved surgical instrument used in childbirth

vector / vektə/ noun an insect or animal which carries a disease and can pass it to humans The tsetse fly is a vector of sleeping sickness.

vegan / vi &ən/ noun someone who does not eat meat, dairy produce, eggs or fish and eats only vegetables and fruit adjective involving a diet of only vegetables and fruit vegetarian / ved teəriən/ noun someone who does not eat meat, but eats mainly vegetables and fruit and sometimes dairy produce, eggs or fish adjective involving a diet without meat

vegetation / ved te ʃ(ə)n/ noun a growth on a membrane, e.g. on the cusps of valves in the heart

vegetative / ved tət v/ adjective 1. referring to growth of tissue or organs 2. referring

to a state after brain damage, where a person is alive and breathing but shows no responses vehicle / vi k(ə)l/ noun a liquid in which a dose of a drug is put

vein /ve n/ noun a blood vessel which takes deoxygenated blood containing waste carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the heart

(NOTE: For other terms referring to veins see words beginning phleb-, phlebo- or vene-,


vena cava / vi nə ke və/ noun one of two large veins which take deoxygenated blood from all the other veins into the right atrium of the heart. See illustration at HEART in Supplement, KIDNEY in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is venae cavae.)

COMMENT: The superior vena cava brings blood from the head and the top part of the body, while the inferior vena cava brings blood from the abdomen and legs.

vene- /ven / prefix referring to veins venene /və ni n/ noun a mixture of different venoms, used to produce antivenene venepuncture / ven p"ŋktʃə/ noun the act of puncturing a vein either to inject a drug or to take a blood sample

venereal /və n əriəl/ adjective 1. relating to sex acts or sexual desire 2. relating to the genitals 3. referring to an infection or disease which is transmitted through sexual inter-

course venereal warts

venereal disease /v n əriəl d zi z/ noun a disease which is passed from one person to another during sexual intercourse. Abbr VD

(NOTE: Now usually called a sexually transmit-

ted disease (STD).)

venereal wart /və n əriəl wɔ t/ noun a wart on the genitals or in the urogenital area venereologist /və n əri ɒləd st/ noun a doctor who specialises in the study of venereal diseases

venereology /və n əri ɒləd i/ noun the scientific study of venereal diseases

venereum /və n əriəm/ lymphogranulo-

ma venereum

veneris / venər s/ mons

venesection / ven sekʃən/ noun an operation where a vein is cut so that blood can be removed, e.g. when taking blood from a donor venipuncture / ven p"ŋktʃə/ noun same as venepuncture

veno- /vi nəυ/ prefix referring to veins venoclysis /və nɒkləs s/ noun the proce-

dure of slowly introducing a saline or other solution into a vein

venogram / vi nə&r m/ noun same as phle-


venography /v nɒ&rəfi/ noun same as phle-


venom / venəm/ noun a poison in the bite of a snake or insect

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