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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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oversew / əυvəsəυ/ verb to sew a patch of tissue over a perforation (NOTE: oversewing – oversewed – oversewn)

overt /əυ v! t/ adjective easily seen with the naked eye. Opposite occult

over-the-counter drug / əυvə ðə kaυntə dr"&/ noun a drug which you can buy from a

pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. Also called OTC drug

overweight / əυvə we t/ adjective fatter and heavier than is medically advisable He is several kilos overweight for his age and height.

overwork / əυvə w! k/ noun too much work

He collapsed from overwork. verb to work too much, or make something work too much

He has been overworking his heart.

overwrought / əυvə rɔ t/ adjective very tense and nervous

ovi- /əυvi/ prefix eggs or ova

oviduct / əυvid"kt/ noun same as Fallopian tube

ovulate / ɒvjυle t/ verb to release a mature ovum into a Fallopian tube (NOTE: ovulating – ovulated)

ovulation / ɒvjυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the release of an ovum from the mature ovarian follicle into the Fallopian tube

ovum / əυvəm/ noun a female egg cell which, when fertilised by a spermatozoon, begins to develop into an embryo (NOTE: The plural is ova. For other terms referring to ova, see words beginning with oo-.)

-oxacin /ɒksəs n/ suffix quinolone drug ciprofloxacin

oxidase / ɒks de z/ noun an enzyme which encourages oxidation by removing hydrogen.

monoamine oxidase

oxidation / ɒks de ʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of making oxides by combining with oxygen or removing hydrogen

COMMENT: Carbon compounds form oxides when metabolised with oxygen in the body, producing carbon dioxide.

oxide / ɒksa d/ noun a compound formed with oxygen

oximeter /ɒk s m tə/ noun an instrument which measures the amount of oxygen in something, especially in blood

oxybutynin / ɒksi bju tən n/, oxybutinin noun a drug which reduces the need to pass urine

oxycephalic / ɒksikə f l k/ adjective referring to oxycephaly

oxycephaly / ɒks kefəli/ noun a condition in which the skull is shaped into a point, with exophthalmos and poor sight. Also called turricephaly

oxygen / ɒks d ən/ noun a chemical element that is a common colourless gas which is

present in the air and essential to human life

(NOTE: The chemical symbol is O.)

COMMENT: Oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs and is carried to the tissues along the arteries. It is essential to healthy metabolism and given to patients with breathing difficulties.

oxygenate / ɒks d əne t/ verb to combine blood with oxygen (NOTE: oxygenating – oxy-


oxygenated blood / ɒks d əne t d bl"d/ noun blood which has received oxygen in the lungs and is being carried to the tissues along the arteries. Also called arterial blood. Compare deoxygenated blood (NOTE: Oxygenated blood is brighter red than venous deoxygenated blood.)

oxygenation / ɒks d ə ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the fact of becoming combined or filled with oxygen Blood is carried along the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation. oxygenator / ɒks d ə ne tə/ noun a machine which puts oxygen into the blood, used as an artificial lung in surgery

oxygen cylinder / ɒks d ən s l ndə/ noun a heavy metal tube which contains oxygen and is connected to a patient’s oxygen mask oxygen mask / ɒks d ən mɑ sk/ noun a mask connected to a supply of oxygen, which can be put over the face to help someone with breathing difficulties

oxygen tent / ɒks d ən tent/ noun a type of cover put over a person so that he or she can breathe in oxygen

oxygen therapy / ɒks d ən θerəpi/ noun any treatment involving the administering of oxygen, e.g. in an oxygen tent or in emergency treatment for heart failure oxyhaemoglobin / ɒksi hi mə &ləυb n/ noun a compound of haemoglobin and oxygen, which is the way oxygen is carried in arterial blood from the lungs to the tissues. haemoglobin (NOTE: The US spelling is oxyhemoglobin.)

oxyntic /ɒk s nt k/ adjective referring to glands and cells in the stomach which produce acid

oxyntic cell /ɒk s nt k sel/ noun a cell in the gastric gland which secretes hydrochloric ac-

id. Also called parietal cell oxytetracycline / ɒksi tetrə sa kli n/ noun

an antibiotic which is effective against a wide range of organisms

oxytocic / ɒksi təυs k/ noun a drug which helps to start the process of childbirth, or speeds it up adjective starting or speeding up childbirth by causing contractions in the muscles of the uterus

oxytocin / ɒksi təυs n/ noun a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, which controls the contractions of the uterus and encourages the flow of milk


ozone sickness

COMMENT: An extract of oxytocin is used as an injection to start contractions of the uterus and to assist in the third stage of labour.

oxyuriasis / ɒks jυ ra əs s/ noun same as


Oxyuris / ɒks jυər s/ noun same as Enterobius

ozaena /əυ zi nə/ noun 1. a disease of the nose in which the nasal passage is blocked and mucus forms, giving off an unpleasant smell 2. any unpleasant discharge from the nose (NOTE:

The US spelling is ozena.)

ozone / əυzəυn/ noun a gas present in the atmosphere in small quantities, which is harmful at high levels of concentration

COMMENT: The maximum amount of ozone which is considered safe for humans to breathe is 80 parts per billion. Even in lower concentrations it irritates the throat, makes people cough and gives headaches and asthma attacks similar to hay fever. The ozone layer in the stratosphere acts as a protection against the harmful effects of the sun’s radiation, and the destruction or reduction of the layer has the effect of allowing more radiation to pass through the atmosphere with harmful effects such as skin cancer on humans.

ozone sickness / əυzəυn s knəs/ noun a condition experienced by jet travellers, due to levels of ozone in aircraft


P substance P

Pa abbr pascal

pacemaker / pe sme kə/ noun 1. a node in the heart which regulates the heartbeat. Also called sinoatrial node, SA node 2. cardiac pacemaker, epicardial pacemaker

COMMENT: An electrode is usually attached to the epicardium and linked to the device which can be implanted in various positions in the chest.

pachy- /p ki/ prefix thickening

pachydactyly / p ki d kt li/ noun a condition in which the fingers and toes become thicker than usual

pachydermia / p ki d! miə/, pachyderma

/ p ki d! mə/ noun a condition in which the skin becomes thicker than normal pachymeningitis / p ki men n d a t s/ noun inflammation of the dura mater

pachymeninx / p ki mi n ŋks/ noun same as dura mater

pachyonychia / p kiə n kiə/ noun unusual thickness of the nails

pachysomia / p ki səυmiə/ noun a condition in which soft tissues of the body become unusually thick

pacifier / p s fa ə/ noun US a child’s dummy

pacing / pe s ŋ/ noun a surgical operation to implant or attach a cardiac pacemaker

Pacinian corpuscle /pə s niən kɔ p"s(ə)l/ noun a sensory nerve ending in the skin which is sensitive to touch and vibrations

pack /p k/ noun 1. a tampon of gauze or cotton wool, used to fill an orifice such as the nose or vagina 2. a piece of wet material folded tightly, used to press on the body 3. a treatment in which a blanket or sheet is used to wrap round the body 4. a box or bag of goods for sale a pack of sticking plaster The cough tablets are sold in packs of fifty. verb 1. to fill an orifice with a tampon The ear was packed with cotton wool to absorb the discharge. 2. to put things in cases or boxes The transplant organ arrived at the hospital packed in ice.

packed cell volume / p kt sel vɒlju m/ noun the volume of red blood cells in a person’s blood shown against the total volume of blood. Also called haematocrit

packing / p k ŋ/ noun absorbent material put into a wound or part of the body to absorb fluids

pack up / p k "p/ verb to stop working

(informal) His heart simply packed up under the strain.

PACT abbr prescribing analyses and cost

pad /p d/ noun 1. a piece or mass of soft absorbent material, placed on part of the body to protect it She wrapped a pad of soft cotton wool round the sore. 2. a thickening of part of the skin

paed- /pi d/ prefix same as paedo- (used before vowels) (NOTE: The US spelling is ped-.)

paediatric / pi di tr k/ adjective referring to the treatment of the diseases of children A new paediatric hospital has been opened. Parents can visit children in the paediatric wards at any time.

‘Paediatric day surgery minimizes the length of hospital stay and therefore is less traumatic for both child and parents’ [British Journal of Nursing]

paediatrician / pi diə tr ʃ(ə)n/ noun a doctor who specialises in the treatment of diseases of children

paediatrics / pi di tr ks/ noun the study of children, their development and diseases. Compare geriatrics

paedo- /pi dəυ/ prefix referring to children paedodontia noun another spelling of pedodontia

Paget’s disease / p d əts d zi z/ noun 1. same as osteitis deformans 2. a form of breast cancer which starts as an itchy rash round the nipple [Described 1877. After Sir James Paget (1814–99), British surgeon.]

pain /pe n/ noun the feeling of severe discomfort which a person has when hurt The doctor gave him an injection to relieve the pain. She is suffering from back pain. (NOTE: Pain can be used in the plural to show that it recurs:

She has pains in her left leg.) to be in great



pain to have very sharp pains which are difficult to bear

COMMENT: Pain is carried by the sensory nerves to the central nervous system. From the site it travels up the spinal column to the medulla and through a series of neurones which use Substance P as the neurotransmitter to the sensory cortex. Pain is the method by which a person knows that part of the body is damaged or infected, though the pain is not always felt in the affected part. See synalgia.

pain clinic / pe n kl n k/ noun a centre which looks after people with severe persistent pain and whose staff include professionals from many specialist areas of medicine

painful / pe nf(ə)l/ adjective causing pain

She has a painful skin disease. His foot is so painful he can hardly walk. Your eye looks very red – is it very painful?

painkiller / pe nk lə/ noun a drug that reduces pain

painless / pe nləs/ adjective not causing pain

a painless method of removing warts

pain pathway / pe n pɑ θwe / noun a series of linking nerve fibres and neurones which carry impulses of pain from the site to the sensory cortex

pain receptor / pe n r septə/ noun a nerve ending which is sensitive to pain

pain relief / pe n r li f/ noun the act of easing pain by using analgesics

paint /pe nt/ noun a coloured antiseptic, analgesic or astringent liquid which is put on the surface of the body verb to cover a wound with an antiseptic, analgesic or astringent liquid or lotion She painted the rash with calamine.

painter’s colic / pe ntəz kɒl k/ noun a form of lead poisoning caused, especially formerly, by working with paint

pain threshold / pe n θreʃhəυld/ noun the point at which a person finds it impossible to bear pain without crying

palatal / p lət(ə)l/ adjective referring to the palate

palate / p lət/ noun the roof of the mouth and floor of the nasal cavity, formed of the hard and soft palates

palate bone / p lət bəυn/ noun one of two bones which form part of the hard palate, the orbits of the eyes and the cavity behind the nose. Also called palatine bone

palatine / p ləta n/ adjective referring to the palate

palatine arch / p ləta n ɑ tʃ/ noun a fold of tissue between the soft palate and the pharynx

palatine bone / p ləta n bəυn/ noun same as palate bone

palatine tonsil / p ləta n tɒns(ə)l/ noun same as tonsil

palato- /p lətəυ/ prefix the palate

palatoglossal arch / p lətəυ &lɒs(ə)l ɑ tʃ/ noun a fold between the soft palate and the tongue, anterior to the tonsil palatopharyngeal arch / p lətəυf r nd əl ɑ tʃ/ noun a fold between the soft pal-

ate and the pharynx, posterior to the tonsil palatoplasty / p lətəpl sti/ noun plastic surgery of the roof of the mouth, e.g. to repair a cleft palate

palatoplegia / p lətə pli d ə/ noun paralysis of the soft palate

palatorrhaphy / p lə tɔ rəfi/ noun a surgical operation to suture and close a cleft palate. Also called staphylorrhaphy, uraniscorrhaphy

pale /pe l/ adjective light coloured or white

After her illness she looked pale and tired. to turn pale to become white in the face, because the flow of blood is reduced Some people turn pale at the sight of blood.

paleness / pe lnəs/ noun the fact of being pale

pali- /p l / prefix same as palin-

palilalia / p l le liə/ noun a speech disorder in which the person repeats words

palin- / p l n/ prefix repeating palindromic / p l n drəυm k/ adjective re-

curring a palindromic disease

palliative / p liət v/ noun a treatment or drug which relieves symptoms but does nothing to cure the disease which causes the symptoms. For example, a painkiller can reduce the pain in a tooth, but will not cure the caries which causes the pain. adjective providing relief

‘…coronary artery bypass grafting is a palliative procedure aimed at the relief of persistent angina pectoris’ [British Journal of Hospital Medicine]

palliative care / p liət v keə/, palliative treatment / p liət v tri tmənt/ noun treat-

ment which helps to reduce the symptoms of a disease, especially a terminal or chronic condition, but does not cure it

COMMENT: Palliative care may involve giving antibiotics, transfusions, pain-killing drugs, low-dose chemotherapy and psychological and social support to help the person and their family adjust to the illness. The treatment is often provided in a hospice.

pallidotomy / p l dɒtəmi/ noun an operation on the brain which can reduce many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as tremor, bradykinesia and bent posture pallium / p liəm/ noun the layer of grey matter on the surface of the cerebral cortex pallor / p lə/ noun the condition of being pale

palm /pɑ m/ noun the inner surface of the hand, extending from the bases of the fingers to the wrist

palmar / p lmə/ adjective referring to the palm of the hand

palmar arch


palmar arch / p lmər ɑ tʃ/ noun one of two arches or joins within the palm formed by two arteries which link together

palmar fascia / p lmə fe ʃə/ noun the tendons in the palm of the hand

palmar interosseus / p lmər nter ɒsiəs/ noun a deep muscle between the bones

in the hand

palmar region / p lmə ri d (ə)n/ noun an area of skin around the palm

palpable / p lpəb(ə)l/ adjective 1. able to be felt when touched 2. able to be examined with the hand

‘…mammography is the most effective technique available for the detection of occult (non-palpable) breast cancer. It has been estimated that mammography can detect a carcinoma two years before it becomes palpable’ [Southern Medical Journal]

palpate /p l pe t/ verb to examine part of the body by feeling it with the hand

palpation /p l pe ʃ(ə)n/ noun an examination of part of the body by feeling it with the hand

palpebra / p lp brə/ noun same as eyelid

(NOTE: The plural is palpebrae.)

palpebral / p lp brəl/ adjective referring to the eyelids

palpitate / p lp te t/ verb to beat rapidly or irregularly

palpitation /p lp te ʃ(ə)n/ noun awareness that the heart is beating rapidly or irregularly, possibly caused by stress or by a disease

pan- /p n/ prefix referring to everything panacea / p nə si ə/ noun a medicine which is supposed to cure everything

Panadol / p nədɒl/ a trade name for paracetamol

panarthritis / p nɑ θra t s/ noun inflammation of all the tissues of a joint or of all the joints in the body

pancarditis / p nkɑ da t s/ noun inflammation of all the tissues in the heart, i.e. the heart muscle, the endocardium and the pericardium

pancreas / p ŋkriəs/ noun a gland which lies across the back of the body between the kidneys. See illustration at DIGESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplement

COMMENT: The pancreas has two functions: the first is to secrete the pancreatic juice which goes into the duodenum and digests proteins and carbohydrates; the second function is to produce the hormone insulin which regulates the use of sugar by the body. This hormone is secreted into the bloodstream by the islets of Langerhans which are in the pancreas.

pancreatectomy / p ŋkriə tektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of all or part of the pancreas

pancreatic / p ŋkri t k/ adjective referring to the pancreas

pancreatic duct / p ŋkri t k d"kt/ noun a duct leading through the pancreas to the du-


pancreatic juice / p ŋkri t k d u s/, pancreatic secretion / p ŋkri t k s

kri ʃ(ə)n/ noun a digestive juice, formed of enzymes produced by the pancreas, which di-

gests fats and carbohydrates

pancreatin / p ŋkriət n/ noun a substance made from enzymes secreted by the pancreas, used to treat someone whose pancreas does not produce pancreatic enzymes

pancreatitis / p ŋkriə ta t s/ noun inflammation of the pancreas

pancreatomy / p ŋkri təmi/, pancreatotomy / p ŋkriə tɒtəmi/ noun a surgical opera-

tion to open the pancreatic duct pancytopenia / p nsa tə pi niə/ noun a condition in which there are too few red and white blood cells and blood platelets pandemic /p n dem k/ noun an epidemic disease which affects many parts of the world. Compare endemic, epidemic adjective widespread

pang /p ŋ/ noun a sudden sharp pain, especially in the intestine After not eating for a

day, she suffered pangs of hunger. panhysterectomy / p nh stə rektmi/

noun the surgical removal of all the uterus and the cervix

panic / p n k/ noun a feeling of great fear which cannot be stopped and which sometimes results in irrational behaviour He was in a panic as he sat in the consultant’s waiting room. verb to be suddenly afraid She panicked when the surgeon told her she might need to have an operation.

panic attack / p n k ə t k/ noun a sudden

onset of panic

panic disorder / p n k d s ɔ də/ noun a condition in which somebody has frequent panic attacks

panniculitis /pə n kjυ la t s/ noun inflammation of the panniculus adiposus, producing

tender swellings on the thighs and breasts panniculus /pə n kjυləs/ noun a layer of

membranous tissue

panniculus adiposus /pə n kjυləsd pəυsəs/ noun a layer of fat underneath

the skin

pannus / p nəs/ noun a growth on the cornea containing tiny blood vessels

panophthalmia / p nɒf θ lmiə/, panophthalmitis / p nɒfθ l ma t s/ noun inflamma-

tion of the whole of the eye

panosteitis / p nɒsti a t s/, panostitis

/p nɒ sta t s/ noun inflammation of the whole of a bone

panotitis / p nəυ ta t s/ noun inflammation affecting all of the ear, but especially the middle ear


paraguard stretcher

panproctocolectomy / p nprɒktəkə le* ktəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the whole

of the rectum and the colon

pant /p nt/ verb to take short breaths because of too much exercise, to gasp for breath He was panting when he reached the top of the stairs.

pant- /p nt/ prefix same as pan- panto- /p ntəυ/ prefix same as pan-

pantothenic acid / p ntə θen k s d/ noun a vitamin of the vitamin B complex, found in liver, yeast and eggs

pantotropic / p ntə trɒp k/, pantropic

/p n trɒp k/ adjective referring to a virus which attacks many different parts of the body

Papanicolaou test / p pən kə le u test/ noun a method of staining samples from various body secretions to test for malignancy, e.g. testing a cervical smear sample to see if cancer is present. Also called Pap test [Described 1933. After George Nicholas Papanicolaou (1883–1962), Greek anatomist and physician who worked in the USA.]

papaveretum /pə p və ri təm/ noun a preparation of opium used to reduce pain papilla /pə p lə/ noun a small swelling which sticks up above the usual surface level The upper surface of the tongue is covered with papillae. (NOTE: The plural is papillae.) papillary /pə p ləri/ adjective referring to papillae

papillitis / p p la t s/ noun inflammation of the optic disc at the back of the eye papilloedema / p p ləυ di mə/ noun an accumulation of fluid in the optic disc at the back of the eye

papilloma / p p ləυmə/ noun a benign tumour on the skin or mucous membrane (NOTE: The plural is papillomas or papillomata.) papillomatosis / p p ləυmə təυs s/ noun

1. being affected with papillomata 2. the formation of papillomata

papillotomy / p p lɒtəmi/ noun the operation of cutting into the body at the point where the common bile duct and pancreatic duct meet to go into the duodenum, in order to improve bile drainage and allow any stones to pass out

papovavirus /pə pəυvəva rəs/ noun a family of viruses which start tumours, some of which are malignant, and some of which, such as warts, are benign

Pap test / p p test/, Pap smear / p p sm ə/ noun same as Papanicolaou test

papular / p pjυlə/ adjective referring to a papule

papule / p pju l/ noun a small coloured spot raised above the surface of the skin as part of a rash (NOTE: A flat spot is a macule.)

papulo- /p pjυləυ/ prefix relating to a papule

papulopustular / p pjυləυ p"stjυlə/ adjective referring to a rash with both papules and pustules

papulosquamous / p pjυləυ skwe məs/ adjective referring to a rash with papules and a scaly skin

para- /p/ prefix 1. similar to or near 2. changed or beyond

parabiosis / p rəba əυs s/ noun a condition in which two individuals are joined, e.g. conjoined twins

paracentesis / p rəsen ti s s/ noun the procedure of draining fluid from a cavity inside the body using a hollow needle, either for diagnostic purposes or because the fluid is harmful. Also called tapping

paracetamol / p rə si təmɒl/ noun a common drug used to relieve mild to moderate pain and reduce fever (NOTE: The US name is


paracolpitis / p rəkɒl pa t s/ same as peri-


paracusis / p rə kju s s/, paracousia /

p rə ku siə/ noun a disorder of hearing

paradoxical breathing / p rədɒks k(ə)l bri ð ŋ/, paradoxical respiration / p rədɒk s k(ə)l resp re ʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition af-

fecting someone with broken ribs, where the chest appears to move in when he or she breathes in, and appears to move out when he or she breathes out

paradoxical sleep / p rədɒks k(ə)l sli p/ noun same as REM sleep

paradoxus / p rə dɒksəs/ pulsus paradoxus

paraesthesia / p ri s θi ziə/ noun an unexplained tingling sensation. pins and needles

(NOTE: The plural is paraesthesiae.)

‘…the sensory symptoms are paraesthesiae which may spread up the arm over the course of about 20 minutes’ [British Journal of Hospital Medicine]

paraffin / p rəf n/ noun an oil produced from petroleum, forming the base of some ointments, and also used for heating and light paraffin gauze / p rəf n &ɔ z/ noun gauze covered with solid paraffin, used as a dressing parageusia / p rə &ju siə/ noun 1. a disorder of the sense of taste 2. an unpleasant taste in the mouth

paragonimiasis / p rə&ɒnə ma əs s/ noun a tropical disease in which the lungs are infested with the fluke of the genus Paragonimus and the person has bronchitis and coughs up blood. Also called endemic haemoptysis paragraphia / p rə &r fiə/ noun the writing of different words or letters from the ones intended, as a result of a stroke or disease paraguard stretcher / p rə&ɑ d stretʃə/ noun a type of strong stretcher to which the injured person is attached securely, so that he or she can be carried upright. It is used for rescu-

para-influenza virus


ing people from mountains or from tall build-


para-influenza virus / p rə nflu enzəva rəs/ noun a virus which causes upper respiratory tract infection. In its structure it is identical to paramyxoviruses and the measles virus.

paralyse / p rəla z/ verb to make a part of the body unable to carry out voluntary movements by weakening or damaging muscles or nerves so that they cannot function, or by using a drug His arm was paralysed after the stroke. She is paralysed from the waist down. (NOTE: The US spelling is paralyze.) paralysis /pə r ləs s/ noun a condition in which part of the body cannot be moved because the motor nerves have been damaged or the muscles have been weakened The condition causes paralysis of the lower limbs. He suffered temporary paralysis of the right arm.

COMMENT: Paralysis can have many causes: the commonest are injuries to or diseases of the brain or the spinal column.

paralysis agitans /pə r ləs s d təns/ noun same as Parkinsonism

paralytic / p rə l t k/ adjective 1. referring to paralysis 2. referring to a person who is paralysed

paralytica /p rə l t kə/ dementia paralyt-


paralytic ileus / p rəl t k liəs/ noun an obstruction in the ileum caused by paralysis of the muscles of the intestine. Also called adynamic ileus

paralytic poliomyelitis / p rəl t kpəυliəυ ma ə la t s/ noun poliomyelitis

which affects the muscles

paramedian / p rə mi diən/ adjective near

the midline of the body

paramedian plane / p rə mi diən ple n/ noun a plane near the midline of the body, parallel to the sagittal plane and at right angles to the coronal plane. See illustration at ANATOMI- CAL TERMS in Supplement

paramedic / p rə med k/ noun a person whose work involves the restoration of health and normal functioning (NOTE: Paramedic is used to refer to all types of services and staff, from therapists and hygienists, to ambulance drivers and radiographers, but does not include

doctors, nurses or midwives.)

paramedical / p rə med k(ə)l/ adjective referring to services linked to those given by

nurses, doctors and surgeons

paramesonephric duct / p rəmesə nefr kd"kt/ noun one of the two ducts in an embryo

which develop into the uterus and Fallopian tubes. Also called Müllerian duct parameter /pə r m tə/ noun a measurement of something such as blood pressure which may be an important consideration in treating the condition which the person has

parametritis / p rəm tra t s/ noun inflammation of the parametrium

parametrium / p rə mi triəm/ noun the connective tissue around the uterus paramnesia / p r m ni ziə/ noun a disorder of the memory in which someone remem-

bers events which have not happened paramyxovirus / p rəm ksəυ va rəs/

noun one of a group of viruses, which cause mumps, measles and other infectious diseases paranasal / p rə ne z(ə)l/ adjective by the side of the nose

paranasal sinus / p rəne z(ə)l sa nəs/, paranasal air sinus / p rəne z(ə)l eə

sa nəs/ noun one of the four pairs of sinuses in the skull near the nose, which open into the nasal cavity and are lined with sticky mucus

(NOTE: They are the frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses.)

paranoia / p rə nɔ ə/ noun a behaviour characterised by mistaken ideas or delusions of persecution or self-importance paranoiac / p rə nɔ k/ noun a person affected by paranoia

paranoid / p rənɔ d/ adjective having a

fixed delusion

paranoid disorder / p rənɔ d d s ɔ də/ noun a mental disorder which causes someone experiencing it to believe strongly that something is not right with them, with someone else or with the world generally and to maintain the belief even when given evidence against it

(NOTE: The preferred term is delusional disorder.)

paranoid schizophrenia / p rənɔ dsk tsəυ fri niə/ noun a form of schizophrenia in which the person believes he or she is being persecuted

paraparesis / p rəpə ri s s/ noun incomplete paralysis of the legs

paraphasia / p rə fe ziə/ noun a speech disorder in which the person uses a wrong sound in the place of the correct word or phrase

paraphimosis / p rəfa məυs s/ noun a condition in which the foreskin around the penis is tight and may have to be removed by circumcision

paraphrenia / p rə fri niə/ noun a dated term for a mental disorder involving delusions without severe personality deterioration paraplegia / p rə pli d ə/ noun paralysis which affects the lower part of the body and the legs, usually caused by an injury to the spinal cord

paraplegic / p rə pli d k/ noun someone who has paraplegia adjective paralysed in

the lower part of the body and legs paraprofessional / p rəprə feʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ noun somebody with training who acts as an assistant to a professional person


parent cell

parapsoriasis / p rəsə ra əs s/ noun a group of skin diseases with scales, similar to


parapsychology / p rəsa kɒləd i/ noun the study of effects of the mind which appear not to be explained by known psychological or scientific principles, e.g. extrasensory percep-

tion and telepathy

Paraquat / p rəkwɒt/ a trade name for dimethyl dupyridilium used as a weedkiller


/ p rə s d t(ə)l/ adjective

near the midline of the body


plane / p rə s d t(ə)l

ple n/ noun a plane near the midline of the body, parallel to the sagittal plane and at right angles to the coronal plane. Also called paramedian plane. See illustration at ANATOMICAL TERMS in Supplement

parasitaemia / p rəs ti miə/ noun the presence of parasites in the blood

parasite / p rəsa t/ noun a plant or animal which lives on or inside another organism and draws nourishment from that organism

COMMENT: The commonest parasites affecting humans are lice on the skin, and various types of worms in the intestines. Many diseases such as malaria and amoebic dysentery are caused by infestation with parasites.

parasitic / p rə s t k/ adjective referring to parasites

parasitic cyst / p rəs t k s st/ noun a cyst caused by the growing larvae of a parasite in the body

parasiticide / p rə sa t sa d/ noun a substance which kills parasites adjective killing


parasitology / p rəsa tɒləd i/ noun the scientific study of parasites

parasuicide /p rə su sa d/ noun an act where someone tries to kill himself or herself, but without really intending to do so, rather as a way of drawing attention to his or her psy-

chological condition

parasympathetic / p rəs mpə θet k/ adjective referring to the parasympathetic nervous system

parasympathetic nervous system /

p rəs mpə θet k n! vəs s stəm/, parasympathetic system / p rəs mpə θet ks stəm/ noun one of two parts of the auto-

nomic nervous system. Its messages reach the organs of the body through the cranial and sacral nerves to the eyes, the gastrointestinal system and other organs. sympathetic nervous system

COMMENT: The parasympathetic nervous system acts in opposition to the sympathetic nervous system, slowing down the action of the heart, reducing blood pressure and increasing the rate of digestion.

parasympatholytic / p rəs m p θə l * t k/ noun a drug which reduces the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system by relax-

ing smooth muscle, reducing the amount of sweat and saliva produced and widening the pupil of the eye. An example is atropine. adjective relating to a parasympatholytic drug

parasympathomimetic / p rəs mp θəυm met k/ noun a drug which stimu-

lates the parasympathetic nervous system by making smooth muscle more tense, widening the blood vessels, slowing the heart rate, increasing the amount of sweat and saliva produced and contracting the pupil of the eye adjective producing effects similar to those of a parasympathomimetic drug

parathormone /p rə θɔ məυn/ noun the hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands which regulates the level of calcium in blood plasma. Also called parathyroid hormone

parathyroid / p rə θa rɔ d/ noun same as parathyroid gland adjective 1. relating to a parathyroid gland 2. located close to the thyroid gland

parathyroidectomy / p rə θa rɔ dektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of a par-

athyroid gland

parathyroid gland /p rə θa rɔ d &l nd/ noun one of four small glands which are situated in or near the wall of the thyroid gland and secrete a hormone which controls the way in which calcium and phosphorus are deposited in bones

parathyroid hormone /p rə θa rɔ dhɔ məυn/ noun same as parathormone paratyphoid / p rə ta fɔ d/, paratyphoid fever / p rə ta fɔ d fi və/ noun an infectious disease which has similar symptoms to typhoid and is caused by bacteria transmitted by humans or animals

COMMENT: There are three forms of paratyphoid fever, known by the letters A, B, and C, caused by three types of bacterium, Salmonella paratyphi A, B, and C. TAB injections give immunity against paratyphoid A and B, but not against C.

paravertebral / p rə v! t brəl/ adjective near the vertebrae, beside the spinal column

paravertebral injection / p rə v! t brəl

n d ekʃən/ noun an injection of local anaesthetic into the back near the vertebrae

parenchyma /pə reŋk mə/ noun tissues which contain the working cells of an organ

parenchymal /pə reŋk məl/ adjective relating to parenchyma

parent / peərənt/ noun a biological or adoptive mother or father verb to carry out the role of a parent

‘…in most paediatric wards today open visiting is the norm, with parent care much in evidence. Parents who are resident in the hospital also need time spent with them’ [Nursing Times]

parent cell / peərənt sel/ noun an original cell which divides into daughter cells by mitosis



parenteral /p rentərəl/ adjective referring to medication which is not given by mouth but in the form of injections or suppositories.

Compare enteral, oral

parenteral nutrition /p rentərəl nju tr ʃ(ə)n/, parenteral feeding /p rentərəl

fi d ŋ/ noun the process of feeding someone by means other than the digestive tract, especially by giving injections of glucose to someone critically ill

parenthood / peərənthυd/ noun the state of being a parent

parenting / peərənt ŋ/ noun the activities involved in bringing up children parenting skills the abilities and experience that make someone a good parent

paresis /pə ri s s/ noun partial paralysis paresthesia / p ri s θi ziə/ noun US same as paraesthesia

paries / peər i z/ noun 1. a superficial part of a structure of an organ 2. the wall of a cavity

(NOTE: [all senses] The plural is parietes.) parietal /pə ra ət(ə)l/ adjective referring to

the wall of a cavity or any organ

parietal bone /pə ra ət(ə)l bəυn/, parietal

/pə ra ət(ə)l/ noun one of two bones which form the sides of the skull

parietal cell /pə ra ət(ə)l sel/ noun same as

oxyntic cell

parietal lobe /pə ra ət(ə)l ləυb/ noun the middle lobe of the cerebral hemisphere, which is associated with language and other mental processes, and also contains the postcentral gyrus

parietal pericardium /pə ra ət(ə)l peri kɑ diəm/ noun the outer layer of the serous

pericardium, not in direct contact with the heart muscle, which lies inside and is attached to the fibrous pericardium

parietal peritoneum /pə ra ət(ə)l per tə ni əm/ noun part of the peritoneum which lines the abdominal cavity and covers the ab-

dominal viscera

parietal pleura /pə ra ət(ə)l plυərə/ noun a membrane attached to the diaphragm and covering the chest cavity. Also called outer pleura. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplement

-parin /pər n/ suffix used for anticoagulants heparin

Paris / p r s/ plaster of Paris

parity / p r ti/ noun 1. equality of status or position, especially in terms of pay or rank 2. the number of children that a woman has given

birth to

parkinsonian / pɑ k n səυniən/ adjective referring to Parkinson’s disease parkinsonian tremor

Parkinsonism / pɑ k nsən z(ə)m/ noun a progressive nervous disorder, which may be an effect of some drugs, repeated head injuries or brain tumours. The main symptoms are trem-

bling hands and a slow shuffling walk. Also called paralysis agitans

Parkinson’s disease / pɑ k nsənz d zi z/ noun a progressive nervous disorder without a known cause which is a type of Parkinsonism, the main symptoms of which are trembling hands, a slow shuffling walk and difficulty in speaking [Described 1817. After James Parkinson (1755–1824), English physician.]

COMMENT: Parkinson’s disease affects the basal ganglia of the brain which control movement, due to the destruction of dopaminergic neurones. Some cases can be improved by treatment with levodopa, which is the precursor of the missing neurotransmitter dopamine, or by drugs which inhibit the breakdown of dopamine.

paronychia / p rə n kiə/ noun inflammation near the nail which forms pus, caused by an infection in the fleshy part of the tip of a finger. whitlow

parosmia /pə rɒzmiə/ noun a disorder of the sense of smell

parotid /pə rɒt d/ adjective near the ear parotid gland /pə rɒt d &l nd/, parotid /pə rɒt d/ noun one of the glands which produces saliva, situated in the neck behind the joint of the jaw and ear

parotitis / p rə ta t s/ noun inflammation of the parotid glands

COMMENT: Mumps is the commonest form of parotitis, where the parotid gland becomes swollen and the sides of the face appear fat.

parous / peərəs/ adjective referring to a woman who has given birth to one or more children

paroxetine /pə rɒks ti n/ noun an antidepressant drug which prolongs the effects of serotonin in the brain

paroxysm / p rəks z(ə)m/ noun 1. a sudden movement of the muscles She suffered paroxysms of coughing during the night. 2. the sudden re-appearance of symptoms of the disease 3. a sudden attack of coughing or sneezing

paroxysmal / p rək s zm(ə)l/ adjective referring to a paroxysm, or similar to a paroxysm paroxysmal dyspnoea /p rək s zm(ə)l d sp ni ə/ noun an attack of breathlessness at night, usually caused by congestive heart failure

paroxysmal tachycardia /p rək s zm(ə)l t ki kɑ diə/ noun same as nodal tachycardia parrot disease / p rət d zi z/ noun same as psittacosis

pars /pɑ z/ noun the Latin word for part

part /pɑ t/ noun a piece, one of the sections which make up a whole organ or body

partial / pɑ ʃ(ə)l/ adjective not complete, affecting only part of something He only made a partial recovery.



partial amnesia / pɑ ʃ(ə)l m ni ziə/ noun an inability to remember specific facts, such as names of people

partial deafness / pɑ ʃ(ə)l defnəs/ noun the condition of being able to hear some sounds but not all

partial denture / pɑ ʃ(ə)l dentʃə/ noun part of a set of false teeth, replacing only a few teeth

partial gastrectomy / pɑ ʃ(ə)l & strektəmi/ noun an operation to remove part

of the stomach

partially / pɑ ʃ(ə)li/ adverb not completely

He is partially paralysed in his right side. partially deaf able to hear some sounds but not all partially sighted having only partial vision Large print books are available for people who are partially sighted.

partially sighted register / pɑ ʃ(ə)li sa t d red stə/ noun a list of people who

have poor sight but are not blind, and may require some special services

partial mastectomy / pɑ ʃ(ə)l m stektəmi/ noun an operation to remove part

of a breast

partial pancreatectomy / pɑ ʃ(ə)lp ŋkriə tektəmi/ noun an operation to re-

move part of the pancreas

partial thickness burn / pɑ ʃ(ə)l θ knəs b! n/ noun a burn which leaves enough tissue for the skin to grow again. Also called superficial thickness burn

partial vision / pɑ ʃ(ə)l v (ə)n/ noun the ability to see only a part of the total field of vision, or not being able to see anything very clearly

particle / pɑ t k(ə)l/ noun a very small piece of matter

particulate /pɑ t kjυlət/ adjective 1. referring to or composed of particles 2. made up of separate particles

particulate matter /pɑ t kjυlət m tə/ noun particles of less than a specified size, usually of carbon, which are used as a measure of air pollution and can affect asthma

partly / pɑ tli/ adverb not completely She is partly paralysed.

parturient /pɑ tjυəriənt/ adjective referring to childbirth noun a woman who is in labour parturifacient / pɑ tjυəri fe ʃənt/ adjective starting off birth or making it easier to give birth noun a drug that starts off birth or makes it easier to give birth

parturition / pɑ tjυ r ʃ(ə)n/ noun same as childbirth

parulis /pə ru l s/ same as gumboil Paschen bodies / p ʃken bɒdiz/ plural noun particles which occur in the skin lesions of people who have smallpox [After Enrique Paschen (1860–1936), German pathologist]

pass /pɑ s/ verb to allow faeces, urine or any other body product to come out of the body

Have you passed anything this morning? He passed a small stone in his urine. to pass blood to produce faeces or urine that contain blood to pass water to urinate (informal) passage / p s d / noun 1. a long narrow channel inside the body 2. the process of moving from one place to another 3. evacuation of the bowels 4. the introduction of an instrument into a cavity air passage a tube which takes air to the lungs

pass away / pɑ s ə we / verb used to avoid saying ‘die’ (informal) Mother passed away during the night.

passive / p s v/ adjective receiving rather

than initiating an action

passive immunity / p s v mju n ti/ noun immunity which is acquired by a baby in the uterus or by a person through an injection

with an antitoxin

passive movement / p s v mu vmənt/ noun movement of a limb or other body part by

a doctor or therapist, not by the person passive smoking / p s v sməυk ŋ/ noun

the act of breathing in smoke from other people’s cigarettes when you do not smoke yourself

pass on / pɑ s ɒn/ verb 1. to give a disease to someone Haemophilia is passed on by a woman to her sons. The disease was quickly passed on by carriers to the rest of the population. 2. used to avoid saying ‘die’ My father passed on two years ago.

pass out / pɑ s aυt/ verb to faint (informal)

When we told her that her father was ill, she passed out.

past /pɑ st/ adjective referring to time which has passed

paste /pe st/ noun a medicinal ointment which is very thick and is spread or rubbed onto the skin

Pasteurella / p stə relə/ noun a genus of parasitic bacteria, one of which causes the


pasteurisation / pɑ stʃəra ze ʃ(ə)n/, pasteurization noun the process of heating food or food products to destroy bacteria [After Louis Pasteur (1822–95), French chemist and bacteriologist]

COMMENT: Pasteurisation is carried out by heating food for a short time at a lower temperature than that used for sterilisation: the two methods used are heating to 72°C for fifteen seconds (the high-temperature shorttime method) or to 65°C for half an hour, and then cooling rapidly. This will kill tuberculosis bacteria that may be present in milk, for example.

pasteurise / pɑ stʃəra z/, pasteurize verb to kill bacteria in food by heating it The government is telling people to drink only pasteurised milk.

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