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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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manipulate tissue, organs or parts The patient will need plastic surgery to remove the scars he received in the accident. The surgical ward is for patients waiting for surgery. Two of our patients had to have surgery. She will have to undergo surgery. 2. a room where a doctor or dentist sees and examines patients

There are ten patients waiting in the surgery.

Surgery hours are from 8.30 in the morning to 6.00 at night.

surgical / s! d k(ə)l/ adjective 1. referring to surgery All surgical instruments must be sterilised. 2. referring to a disease which can be treated by surgery We manage to carry out six surgical operations in an hour. surgical belt / s! d k(ə)l belt/ noun a fitted covering, worn to support part of the back, chest or abdomen

surgical boot / s! d k(ə)l bu t/ noun a specially made boot for a person who has an unusually shaped foot, to support or correct it surgical care / s! d k(ə)l keə/ noun looking after patients who have had surgery surgical diathermy / s! d k(ə)l da ə

θ! mi/ noun a procedure which uses a knife or electrode which is heated by a strong electric current until it coagulates tissue

surgical emphysema / s! d k(ə)l emf si mə/ noun air bubbles in tissue, not in the lungs

surgical fixation / s! d k(ə)l f k se ʃ(ə)n/ noun a method of immobilising something such as a bone either externally by the use of a splint or internally by a metal plate and screws surgical gloves / s! d k(ə)l &l"vz/ plural noun thin plastic gloves worn by surgeons

surgical hose noun a strong elastic stocking worn to support a weak joint in a knee or to relieve varicose veins. Also called elastic hose, surgical stocking

surgical intervention / s! d k(ə)l ntə venʃən/ noun the treatment of disease or oth-

er condition by surgery

surgically / s! d kli/ adverb using surgery

The growth can be treated surgically. surgical neck / s! d k(ə)l nek/ noun the narrow part at the top of the humerus, where the arm can easily be broken

surgical needle / s! d k(ə)l ni d(ə)l/ noun a needle for sewing up surgical incisions surgical procedure / s! d k(ə)l prə si d ə/ noun a surgical operation

surgical shoe / s! d k(ə)l ʃu / noun a specially made boot for a person who has an unusually shaped foot, to support or correct it surgical spirit / s! d k(ə)l sp r t/ noun ethyl alcohol with an additive giving it an unpleasant taste, used as a disinfectant or for cleansing the skin. Also called rubbing alcohol

surgical stocking / s! d k(ə)l stɒk ŋ/

noun same as surgical hose

surgical ward / s! d k(ə)l wɔ d/ noun a

ward for patients who have undergone surgery surgical wound / s! d k(ə)l wu nd/ noun

an incision made during a surgical operation surrogate / s"rə&ət/ adjective taking the

place of noun someone or something that takes the place of another person or thing surrogate mother 1. a woman who has a child by artificial insemination for a woman who cannot become pregnant, with the intention of handing the child over to her when it is born 2. a person who takes the place of a natural moth-

er for someone

surround /sə raυnd/ verb to be all around something The wound is several millimetres deep and the surrounding flesh is inflamed. survival /sə va v(ə)l/ noun the act of continuing to live The survival rate of newborn babies has begun to fall.

survive /sə va v/ verb to continue to live

He survived two attacks of pneumonia. The baby only survived for two hours.

survivor /sə va və/ noun a person who survives

susceptibility /sə sept b l ti/ noun lack of resistance to a disease

‘…low birthweight has been associated with increased susceptibility to infection’ [East African Medical Journal]

‘…even children with the milder forms of sickle-cell disease have an increased frequency of pneumococcal infection. The reason for this susceptibility is a profound abnormality of the immune system’ [Lancet]

susceptible /sə sept b(ə)l/ adjective likely to catch a disease She is susceptible to colds

or to throat infections.

suspect noun / s"spekt/ a person who doctors believe may have a disease They are

screening all typhoid suspects. verb /sə spekt/ to think that someone may have a dis-

ease He is a suspected diphtheria carrier. Several cases of suspected meningitis have been reported.

‘…those affected are being nursed in five isolation wards and about forty suspected sufferers are being barrier nursed in other wards’ [Nursing Times]

suspension /sə spenʃən/ noun a liquid with

solid particles in it

suspensory /sə spensəri/ adjective hanging


suspensory bandage /sə spensəri b nd d / noun a bandage to hold a part of the

body which hangs

suspensory ligament /sə spensəri l &əmənt/ noun a ligament which holds a part

of the body in position. See illustration at EYE in Supplement

sustain /sə ste n/ verb 1. to keep, to support, to maintain something These bones can sustain quite heavy weights. He is not eating

405 sympathetic nervous system

enough to sustain life. 2. to experience an injury He sustained a severe head injury. sustentacular / s"stən t kjυlə/ adjective referring to a sustentaculum sustentaculum / s"stən t kjυləm/ noun a part of the body which supports another part suture / su tʃə/ noun 1. a fixed joint where two bones are fused together, especially the bones in the skull 2. a procedure for attaching the sides of an incision or wound with thread, so that healing can take place. Also called stitch 3. a thread used for attaching the sides of a wound so that they can heal verb to attach the sides of a wound or incision together with thread so that healing can take place. Also called stitch

COMMENT: Wounds are usually stitched using thread or catgut which is removed after a week or so. Sutures are either absorbable, made of a substance which is eventually absorbed into the body, or non-absorbable, in which case they need to be removed after a certain time.

suxamethonium / s"ksəm θəυniəm/ noun a drug similar to acetylcholine in structure, used as a muscle relaxant during surgery

swab /swɒb/ noun 1. a cotton wool pad, often attached to a small stick, used, e.g., to clean a wound, to apply ointment or to take a specimen 2. a specimen taken with a swab a cervical swab

swallow / swɒləυ/ verb to make liquid, food and sometimes air go down from the mouth to the stomach Patients suffering from nosebleeds should try not to swallow the blood. swallowing / swɒləυ ŋ/ noun same as deglutition

Swan-Ganz catheter / swɒn & ntzk θitə/ noun a special catheter which can be floated through the right chamber of the heart into the pulmonary artery. The balloon at its tip is then inflated to measure arterial pressure. sweat /swet/ noun a salty liquid produced by the sweat glands to cool the body as the liquid evaporates from the skin Sweat was running off the end of his nose. Her hands were covered with sweat. Also called perspiration verb to produce moisture through the sweat glands and onto the skin After working in the fields she was sweating.

sweat duct / swet d"kt/ noun a thin tube connecting the sweat gland with the surface of the skin

sweat gland / swet &l nd/ noun a gland which produces sweat, situated beneath the dermis and connected to the skin surface by a sweat duct

sweat pore / swet pɔ / noun a hole in the skin through which the sweat comes out

sweet /swi t/ adjective one of the basic tastes, not bitter, sour or salt Sugar is sweet, lemons are sour.

swell /swel/ verb to become larger, or cause something to become larger The disease affects the lymph glands, making them swell. The doctor noticed that the patient had swollen glands in his neck. She finds her swollen ankles painful. (NOTE: swelling – swelled – swollen)

swelling / swel ŋ/ noun a condition in which fluid accumulates in tissue, making the tissue become large They applied a cold compress to try to reduce the swelling.

swimmer’s cramp / sw məz kr mp/ noun spasms in arteries and muscles caused by cold water, or by swimming soon after a meal sycosis /sa kəυs s/ noun a bacterial infec-

tion of hair follicles

sycosis barbae /sa kəυs s bɑ bi/ noun an infection of hair follicles on the sides of the face and chin. Also called barber’s itch, bar-

ber’s rash

Sydenham’s chorea / s dnəmz kɒ ri ə/ noun temporary chorea affecting children, frequently associated with endocarditis and rheumatism [Described 1686. After Thomas Sydenham (1624–89), English physician.] symbiosis / s mba əυs s/ noun a condition in which two organisms exist together and help

each other to survive

symblepharon /s m blefərɒn/ noun a condition in which the eyelid sticks to the eyeball symbol / s mbəl/ noun a sign or letter which means something

Syme’s amputation / sa mz mpjυ te ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to amputate the foot above the ankle [Described 1842. After James Syme (1799–1870), Edinburgh surgeon and teacher; one of the first to adopt antisepsis (Joseph Lister was his son-in-law), and

also among the early users of anaesthesia.] symmetry / s mətri/ noun the regularity of

structure and distribution of parts of the body, each side of the body being structurally similar

to the other

sympathectomy / s mpə θektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut part of the sympathetic nervous system, as a treatment of high blood


sympathetic / s mpə θet k/ adjective 1. feeling or showing shared feelings, pity or compassion 2. relating to or belonging to the sympathetic nervous system, or to one of its parts

sympathetic nervous system / s mpəθe t k n! vəs s stəm/, sympathetic system /

s mpəθet k s stəm/ noun part of the autonomic nervous system, which leaves the spinal cord from the thoracic and lumbar regions to go to various important organs such as the heart, the lungs and the sweat glands, and which prepares the body for emergencies and vigorous muscular activity. parasympathetic nervous system



sympatholytic / s mpəθəυ l t k/ noun a drug which stops the sympathetic nervous sys-

tem working

sympathomimetic / s mpəθəυm met k/ adjective referring to a drug such as dopamine hydrochloride which stimulates the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and is used in cardiac shock following myocardial infarction

and in cardiac surgery

sympathy / s mpəθi/ noun 1. the feeling or expression of pity or sorrow for the pain or distress of somebody else 2. the relationship between people which causes one of them to provoke a similar condition to their own in the other one. For example, when the first person yawns, the second feels an urge to yawn too. 3. the influence produced on any part of the body

by disease or change in another part symphysiectomy / s mf zi ektəmi/ noun a

surgical operation to remove part of the pubic

symphysis to make childbirth easier symphysiotomy / s mf zi ɒtəmi/ noun a

surgical operation to make an incision in the pubic symphysis to make the passage for a fetus wider

symphysis / s mfəs s/ noun the point where two bones are joined by cartilage which makes

the joint rigid

symphysis menti / s mfəs s menti/ noun a point in the front of the lower jaw where the two halves of the jaw are fused to form the


symphysis pubis / s mfəs s pju b s/

noun same as pubic symphysis

symptom / s mptəm/ noun a change in the way the body works or a change in the body’s appearance, which shows that a disease or disorder is present and which the person is aware of The symptoms of hay fever are a running nose and eyes. A doctor must study the symptoms before making his diagnosis. The patient presented all the symptoms of rheumatic fever. (NOTE: If a symptom is noticed only by

the doctor, it is a sign.)

symptomatic / s mptə m t k/ adjective being a symptom of something The rash is

symptomatic of measles.

symptomatology / s mptəmə tɒləd i/ noun a branch of medicine concerned with the study of symptoms. Also called semeiology syn- /s n/ prefix joint, or fused

synalgia /s n ld ə/ noun a pain which is felt in one part of the body, but is caused by a condition in another part, e.g. pain in the groin which can be a symptom of a kidney stone or pain in the right shoulder which can indicate gall bladder infection. Also called referred pain

synapse / sa n ps/ noun a point in the nervous system where the axons of neurones are in contact with the dendrites of other neurones verb to link something with a neurone

synaptic /s n pt k/ adjective referring to a synapse

synaptic connection /s n pt k kə nekʃ(ə)n/ noun a link between the dendrites of one neurone with another neurone synarthrosis / s nɑ θrəυs s/ noun a joint, e.g. in the skull, where the bones have fused together

synchondrosis / s nkɒn drəυs s/ noun a joint, as in children, where the bones are linked by cartilage, before the cartilage has changed to bone

synchysis / s ŋk s s/ noun a condition in which the vitreous humour in the eye becomes soft

syncope / s ŋkəpi/ noun a condition in which someone becomes unconscious for a short time because of reduced flow of blood to the brain. Also called fainting fit

syncytium /s n s ʃiəm/ noun a continuous length of tissue in muscle fibres

syndactyl /s n d kt l/ adjective having two or more fingers or toes joined together when born

syndactyly /s n d kt li/, syndactylism /s n d kt l z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which two toes or fingers are joined together with tissue syndesm- /s ndesm/, syndesmo- /s n desməυ/ prefix referring to ligaments syndesmology / s ndes mɒləd i/ noun a branch of medicine which studies joints

syndesmosis / s ndes məυs s/ noun a joint where the bones are tightly linked by ligaments

syndrome / s ndrəυm/ noun a group of symptoms and other changes in the body’s functions which, when taken together, show that a particular disease is present. complex synechia /s nekiə/ noun a condition in which the iris sticks to another part of the eye

syneresis /s n ərəs s/ noun the releasing of fluid as in a blood clot when it becomes harder synergism / s nəd z(ə)m/ noun a situation where two or more things are acting together in such a way that both are more effective. Also called synergy

synergist / s nəd st/ noun a muscle or drug which acts with another and increases the effectiveness of both

synergy / s nəd i/ noun same as synergism syngeneic / s nd ə ni k/ adjective referring to individuals or tissues that have an identical or closely similar genetic make-up, especially one that will allow the transplanting of tissue without provoking an immune response

syngraft / s n&rɑ ft/ noun same as isograft synoptophore /s nɒptəfɔ / noun an instrument used to correct a squint

synostosed / s nɒ stəυzd/ adjective (of bones) fused together with new bone tissue


systematic desensitisation

synostosis / s nɒ stəυs s/ noun the fusing of two bones together by the formation of new

bone tissue

synovectomy / s nəυ vektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the synovial mem-

brane of a joint

synovia /sa nəυviə/ noun same as synovial


synovial /sa nəυviəl/ adjective referring to

the synovium

synovial cavity /sa nəυviəl k v ti/ noun a space inside a synovial joint. See illustration at SYNOVIAL JOINT in Supplement

synovial fluid /sa nəυviəl flu d/ noun a fluid secreted by a synovial membrane to lubricate a joint. See illustration at SYNOVIAL

JOINT in Supplement

synovial joint /sa nəυviəl d ɔ nt/ noun a joint where the two bones are separated by a space filled with synovial fluid which nourishes and lubricates the surfaces of the bones.

Also called diarthrosis

synovial membrane /sa nəυviəl mem bre n/, synovium noun a smooth membrane which forms the inner lining of the capsule covering a joint and secretes the fluid which lubricates the joint. See illustration at SYNOVIAL JOINT in Supplement

synovioma / s nəυvi əυmə/ noun a tumour in a synovial membrane

synovitis / sa nə va t s/ noun inflammation of the synovial membrane

synovium /s nəυviəm/ same as synovial membrane

‘70% of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers develop the condition in the metacarpophalangeal joints. The synovium produces an excess of synovial fluid which is abnormal and becomes thickened’ [Nursing Times]

synthesis / s nθəs s/ noun 1. the process of combining different ideas or objects into a new whole 2. a new unified whole resulting from the combination of different ideas or objects 3. the formation of compounds through chemical reactions involving simpler compounds or elements 4. in psychiatry, the fusing together of all the various elements of the personality

(NOTE: The plural is syntheses.)

synthesise / s nθəsa z/, synthesize verb to make a chemical compound from its separate components Essential amino acids cannot be synthesised. The body cannot synthesise essential fatty acids and has to absorb them from food.

synthetic /s n θet k/ adjective made by humans, made artificially

synthetically /s n θet kli/ adverb made artificially Synthetically produced hormones are used in hormone therapy.

syphilide / s f la d/ noun a rash or open sore which is a symptom of the second stage of syphilis

syphilis / s fəl s/ noun a sexually transmitted disease caused by a spirochaete Treponema pallidum

COMMENT: Syphilis is a serious sexually transmitted disease, but it is curable with penicillin injections if the treatment is started early. Syphilis has three stages: in the first, or primary, stage, a hard sore (chancre) appears on the genitals or sometimes on the mouth; in the second, or secondary, stage about two or three months later, a rash appears, with sores round the mouth and genitals. It is at this stage that the disease is particularly infectious. After this stage, symptoms disappear for a long time, sometimes many years. The disease reappears in the third, or tertiary, stage in many different forms: blindness, brain disorders, ruptured aorta or general paralysis leading to mental disorder and death. The tests for syphilis are the Wassermann test and the less reliable Kahn test.

syring- /s r nd / prefix same as syringo-

(used before vowels)

syringe /s r nd / noun a medical instrument made of a tube with a plunger which either slides down inside the tube, forcing the contents out through a needle as in an injection, or slides up the tube, allowing a liquid to be sucked into it verb to wash out the ears using a syringe

syringo- /s r ŋ əυ/ prefix referring to tubes, especially the central canal of the spinal cord syringobulbia /s r ŋ əυ b!lbiə/ noun syringomyelia in the brain stem

syringocystadenoma /s r ŋ əυs stədnəυmə/, syringoma / s r ŋ əυmə/ noun a

benign tumour in sweat glands and ducts syringomyelia /s r ŋ əυma i liə/ noun a disease which forms cavities in the neck section of the spinal cord, affecting the nerves so that the person loses the sense of touch and pain

syringomyelitis /s r ŋ əυma ə la t s/ noun a swelling of the spinal cord, which results in the formation of cavities in it syringomyelocele /s r ŋ əυ ma ələυsi l/ noun a severe form of spina bifida where the spinal cord pushes through a hole in the spine

systaltic /s s t lt k/ adjective describing an organ such as the heart that contracts and relaxes alternately

system / s stəm/ noun 1. the body as a whole

Amputation of a limb gives a serious shock to the system. 2. the arrangement of particular parts of the body so that they work together the lymphatic system

systematic desensitisation / s stəm t k di sens ta ze ʃ(ə)n/ noun a therapy for pho-

bias and other anxiety disorders in which patients are gradually given longer and longer exposures to the object of their fears

Système International d’Unités /s stemnteən sjənɑ l du n te / noun the Interna-

tional System of units. SI



systemic /s sti m k/ adjective referring to or affecting the whole body Septicaemia is a systemic infection.

systemic circulation /s sti m k s! kjυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the circulation of blood around the whole body, except the lungs, starting with the aorta and returning through the venae cavae

systemic lupus erythematosus /ssti m k lu pəs er θi mə təυsəs/ noun one

of several collagen diseases which are forms of lupus, where red patches form on the skin and spread throughout the body. Abbr SLE

systole / s stəli/ noun a phase in the beating of the heart when it contracts as it pumps blood out. Opposite diastole the heart is in systole the heart is contracting and pumping systolic /s stɒl k/ adjective referring to the systole

systolic murmur /s stɒl k m! mə/ noun a sound produced during systole which indicates an unusual condition of a heart valve systolic pressure /s stɒl k preʃə/ noun the high point of blood pressure which occurs during the systole. Systolic pressure is always higher than diastolic pressure.


T symbol tera-

TAB abbr typhoid-paratyphoid A and B He was given a TAB injection. TAB injections give only temporary immunity against paratyphoid. TAB vaccine

tabes / te bi z/ noun a condition in which someone is wasting away

tabes dorsalis / te bi z dɔ se l s/ noun a disease of the nervous system, caused by advanced syphilis, in which the person loses the sense of feeling, control of the bladder and the ability to coordinate movements of the legs, and has severe pains. Also called locomotor ataxia

tabes mesenterica / te bi z mesen ter kə/ noun the wasting of glands in the abdomen

tabetic /tə bet k/ adjective wasting away or affected by tabes dorsalis

tablet / t blət/ noun 1. a small flat round object containing medicine that is taken by swallowing a bottle of aspirin tablets Take two tablets three times a day. 2. any tablet, pill or capsule taken by swallowing (informal) taboparesis / te bəυpə ri s s/ noun the final stage of syphilis in which the person has locomotor ataxia, general paralysis and mental deterioration

TAB vaccine / ti ei bi v ksi n/ noun a vaccine which immunises against typhoid fever and paratyphoid A and B

tachy- /t ki/ prefix fast

tachyarrhythmia / t kiə r ðmiə/ noun a fast irregular heartbeat

tachycardia / t ki kɑ diə/ noun a rapid beating of the heart

tachyphrasia / t ki fre ziə/, tachyphasia /

t ki fe ziə/ noun a particularly rapid way of speaking, as occurs with some people with mental disorders

tachyphyl(l)axis / t kifə l ks s/ noun an effect of a drug or neurotransmitter which becomes less with repeated doses

tachypnoea / t k p ni ə/ noun very fast breathing

tacrolimus / t krə li məs/ noun a powerful immunosuppressant drug used to reduce the risk of organ transplant rejection

tactile / t kta l/ adjective able to be sensed by touch

tactile anaesthesia / t kta l nəs θi ziə/ noun the loss of the sensation of touch

taenia / ti niə/ noun 1. a long ribbon-like part of the body 2. a large tapeworm of the genus


COMMENT: The various species of Taenia which affect humans are taken into the body from eating meat which has not been properly cooked. The most obvious symptom of tapeworm infestation is a sharply increased appetite, together with a loss of weight. The most common infestations are with Taenia solium, found in pork, where the larvae develop in the body and can form hydatid cysts, and Taenia saginata, the adult form of which grows to between four and eight metres long in the human intestine.

taeniacide / ti niəsa d/ noun a substance which kills tapeworms

taenia coli / ti niə kəυla / noun the outer band of muscle running along the large intestine

taeniafuge / ti niəfju d / noun a substance which makes tapeworms leave the body

taeniasis /ti na əs s/ noun infestation of the intestines with tapeworms

Tagamet / t &əmet/ a trade name for a preparation of cimetidine

tai chi / ta tʃi /, t’ai chi noun an ancient Chinese system of exercises designed for health, self-defence and spiritual development

take /te k/ verb 1. to swallow a medicine

She has to take her tablets three times a day. The medicine should be taken in a glass of water. 2. to do particular actions The dentist took an X-ray of his teeth. The patient has been allowed to take a bath. 3. (of graft) to be accepted by the body The skin graft hasn’t taken. The kidney transplant took easily.

(NOTE: taking – took – taken)

take after / te k ɑ ftə/ verb to be like one or other parent He takes after his father.

take care of


take care of / te k keə əv/ verb to look after someone The nurses will take care of the accident victims.

take off / te k ɒf/ verb to remove something, especially clothes The doctor asked him to take his shirt off or to take off his shirt.

talc /t lk/ noun a soft white powder used to dust on irritated skin

talcum powder / t lkəm paυdə/ noun scented talc

tali / te li/ plural of talus

talipes / t l pi z/ noun a foot with a shape that does not allow usual walking, a congenital condition. Also called cleft foot, club foot

COMMENT: The most usual form of talipes (talipes equinovarus) is where the person walks on the toes because the foot is permanently bent forward. In other forms, the foot either turns towards the inside (talipes varus), towards the outside (talipes valgus) or upwards at the ankle (talipes calcaneus) so that the person cannot walk on the sole of the foot.

tall /tɔ l/ adjective high, usually higher than other people He’s the tallest in the family – he’s taller than all his brothers. How tall is he? He’s 5 foot 7 inches (5’7") tall or 1.25 metres tall.

talo- /te ləυ/ prefix referring to the ankle bone talus / te ləs/ noun the top bone in the tarsus which articulates with the tibia and fibula in the leg, and with the calcaneus in the heel. Also called anklebone. See illustration at FOOT in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is tali.) tamoxifen /tə mɒks fen/ noun a drug which helps to prevent the actions of oestrogen, used especially in the treatment of breast cancer and some types of infertility

tampon / t mpɒn/ noun 1. a wad of absorbent material put into a wound to soak up blood during an operation 2. a cylindrical plug of soft material put into the vagina to absorb blood during menstruation

tamponade / t mpə ne d/ noun 1. the action of putting a tampon into a wound 2. abnormal pressure on part of the body

tan /t n/ verb (of skin) to become brown in sunlight He tans easily. She is using a tanning lotion.

tannin / t n n/, tannic acid / t n k s d/ noun a substance found in the bark of trees and in tea and other liquids, which stains brown tantalum / t ntələm/ noun a rare metal, used to repair damaged bones (NOTE: The

chemical symbol is Ta.)

tantalum mesh / t ntələm meʃ/ noun a type of net made of tantalum wire, used to repair cranial conditions

tantrum / t ntrəm/ noun a sudden episode of bad behaviour, usually in a child, where the child throws things or lies on the floor and screams

tap /t p/ noun 1. a surgical procedure to drain off body fluid with a hollow needle or a tube 2. a pipe with a closing valve and a handle which can be turned to make a liquid or gas come out of a container verb 1. to remove or drain liquid from part of the body. spinal 2. to hit someone or something lightly The doctor tapped his chest with his finger.

tape /te p/ noun a long thin flat piece of material

tapeworm / te pw! m/ noun a parasitic worm with a small head and long body like a ribbon. Tapeworms enter the intestine when a person eats raw meat or fish. The worms attach themselves with hooks to the side of the intestine and grow longer by adding sections to their bodies.

tapotement /tə pəυtmənt/ noun a type of massage where the therapist taps the person with his or her hands

tapping / t p ŋ/ noun same as paracentesis target / tɑ & t/ noun a place which is to be hit by something target cell, target organ 1. cell or organ which is affected by a drug, by a hormone or by a disease 2. large red blood cell which shows a red spot in the middle when stained

‘…the target cells for adult myeloid leukaemia are located in the bone marrow’ [British Medical Journal]

tarry stool / tɑ ri stu l/ noun dark and sticky solid matter which is passed out of the bowels

tars- / s/ prefix same as tarso- (used before vowels)

tarsal / tɑ s(ə)l/ adjective referring to the tarsus noun same as tarsal bone

tarsal bone / tɑ s(ə)l bəυn/ noun one of seven small bones in the ankle, including the talus and calcaneus. Also called tarsal

tarsalgia /tɑ s ld ə/ noun a pain in the ankle

tarsal gland / tɑ s(ə)l &l nd/ noun same as

meibomian gland

tarsectomy /tɑ sektəmi/ noun 1. a surgical operation to remove one of the tarsal bones in the ankle 2. a surgical operation to remove the tarsus of the eyelid

tarsitis /tɑ sa t s/ noun an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid

tarso- / səυ/ prefix 1. relating to the ankle 2. relating to the edge of the eyelid tarsorrhaphy /tɑ sɒrəfi/ noun an operation to join the two eyelids together to protect the eye after an operation

tarsotomy /tɑ sɒtəmi/ noun an incision of the tarsus of the eyelid

tarsus / tɑ səs/ noun 1. the seven small bones of the ankle. See illustration at FOOT in Supplement 2. a connective tissue which supports an eyelid (NOTE: The plural is tarsi.)



COMMENT: The seven bones of the tarsus are: calcaneus, cuboid, the three cuneiforms, navicular and talus.

tartar / tɑ tə/ noun a hard deposit of calcium which forms on teeth, and has to be removed by scaling. Also called scale

tartrazine / tɑ trəzi n/ noun a yellow substance (E102) added to food to give it an attractive colour. Although widely used, tartrazine provokes reactions in hypersensitive people and is banned in some countries.

task allocation / tɑ sk lə ke ʃ(ə)n/ noun a system in which patient care is divided into tasks which are given to different nurses with specific skills

taste /te st/ noun one of the five senses, where food or substances in the mouth are noticed through the tongue She doesn’t like the taste of onions. He has a cold, so food seems to have lost all taste or seems to have no taste.

verb 1. to notice the taste of something with the tongue I have a cold so I can’t taste anything You can taste the salt in this butter. 2. to have a taste The tablets taste of peppermint.

taste bud / te st b"d/ noun a tiny sensory receptor in the vallate and fungiform papillae of the tongue and in part of the back of the mouth

COMMENT: The taste buds can tell the difference between salt, sour, bitter and sweet tastes. The buds on the tip of the tongue identify salt and sweet tastes, those on the sides of the tongue identify sour, and those at the back of the mouth the bitter tastes. Note that most of what we think of as taste is in fact smell, and this is why when someone has a cold and a blocked nose, food seems to lose its taste. The impulses from the taste buds are received by the taste cortex in the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere.

taurine / tɔ ri n/ noun an amino acid which forms bile salts

taxis / t ks s/ noun the procedure of pushing or massaging dislocated bones or hernias to make them return to their usual position

-taxis /t ks s/ suffix manipulation taxonomy /t k sɒnəmi/ noun 1. the practice or principles of classification generally Any diagnostic task can be aided by a taxonomy of symptoms and a taxonomy of causes together with connections between them. 2. the science of classifying plants, animals and microorganisms into increasingly broader categories based on shared features. Traditionally, organisms were grouped by physical resemblances, but recently other criteria such as genetic matching have also been used.

Tay-Sachs disease / te s ks d zi z/ noun an inherited condition affecting the metabolism, characterised by progressive paralysis of the legs, blindness and learning disabilities [Described 1881. After Warren Tay (1843– 1927), British ophthalmologist; Bernard Sachs (1858–1944), US neurologist.]

TB abbr tuberculosis He is suffering from TB. She has been admitted to a TB sanatorium.

T bandage / ti b nd d / noun a bandage shaped like the letter T, used for bandaging the area between the legs

TBI abbreviation total body irradiation

T-cell / ti sel/ noun same as T-lymphocyte

TCP a trade name for various mild antiseptic liquids

t.d.s., TDS adverb (written on prescriptions) three times a day. Full form ter in diem sumendus

tea /ti / noun 1. the dried leaves of a plant used to make a hot drink 2. a hot drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leaves of a plant

teach /ti tʃ/ verb 1. to give lessons in something Professor Smith teaches neurosurgery.

2. to show someone how to do something

She was taught first aid by her mother. (NOTE:

teaching – taught)

teaching hospital / ti tʃ ŋ hɒsp t(ə)l/ noun a hospital attached to a medical school where student doctors work and study as part of their training

team /ti m/ noun a group of people who work together The heart-lung transplant was carried out by a team of surgeons.

team nursing / ti m n! s ŋ/ noun a system in which the care of a group of patients is assigned to a team of four or five health workers, led by a professional nurse who assigns them various tasks. They meet at the beginning and end of each shift to exchange information. tear /t ə/ noun 1. a drop of the salty fluid which forms in the lacrimal gland. The fluid keeps the eyeball moist and clean and is produced in large quantities when a person cries.

Tears ran down her face. (NOTE: For other terms referring to tears, see words beginning with dacryo- or lacrimal.) she burst into tears she suddenly started to cry 2. /teə/ a hole or a split in a tissue often due to over-stretch- ing An episiotomy was needed to avoid a tear in the perineal tissue. verb to make a hole or a split in a tissue by pulling or stretching it too much He tore a ligament in his ankle. They carried out an operation to repair a torn ligament. (NOTE: tearing – tore – torn) tear duct / t ə d"kt/ noun same as lacrimal duct

tear gland / t ə &l nd/ noun same as lacrimal gland

teat /ti t/ noun a rubber nipple on the end of a baby’s feeding bottle

technician /tek n ʃ(ə)n/ noun a qualified person who does practical work in a laboratory or scientific institution He is a laboratory technician in a laboratory attached to a teaching hospital.



technique /tek ni k/ noun a way of doing scientific or medical work a new technique for treating osteoarthritis She is trying out a new laboratory technique.

‘…few parts of the body are inaccessible to modern catheter techniques, which are all performed under local anaesthesia’ [British Medical Journal]

‘…the technique used to treat aortic stenosis is similar to that for any cardiac catheterization’ [Journal of the American Medical Association]

‘…cardiac resuscitation techniques used by over half the nurses in a recent study were described as ‘completely ineffective’’ [Nursing Times]

tectorial membrane /tek tɔ riəl mem* bre n/ noun a membrane in the inner ear which contains the hair cells which transmit impulses

to the auditory nerve

tectospinal tract / tektəυ spa n(ə)l tr kt/ noun a tract which takes nerve impulses from the mesencephalon to the spinal cord TED abbr thrombo-embolic deterrent stocking teeth /ti θ/ plural of tooth

teething / ti ð ŋ/ noun the period when a baby’s milk teeth are starting to erupt, and the baby is irritable He is awake at night because he is teething. She has teething trouble and won’t eat.

Teflon / teflɒn/ trademark a synthetic polymer injected into the joints of the larynx to in-

crease movement and help hoarseness of voice tegmen / te&mən/ noun the covering for an

organ (NOTE: The plural is tegmina.) tegument / te&jυmənt/ noun a covering, es-

pecially the protective outer covering of an organism

tel- /tel/ prefix same as tele- (used before vowels)

tela / ti lə/ noun a delicate part or tissue in the body with a fine or intricate pattern like a web telangiectasia /te l nd iek te siə/ noun a condition in which the small blood vessels, especially in the face and thighs, are permanent-

ly dilated producing dark red blotches telangiectasis /te l nd i ektəs s/, tel-

angiectasia /te l nd iek te siə/ noun small dark red spots on the skin, formed by swollen


telangioma /te l nd i əυmə/ noun a tumour or haematoma of the blood capillaries tele- /teli/ prefix referring to distance teleceptor / tel septə/ noun a sensory receptor which receives sensations from a distance. These occur in the eyes, ears and nose. Also

called telereceptor

telemedicine / telimed(ə)s n/ noun the provision of diagnosis and health care from a distance using media such as interactive computer programs or off-site advisers telencephalon / telen kefəlɒn/ noun same

as cerebrum

telepathy /tə lepəθi/ noun the apparent communication directly from one person’s mind to

another person’s, without the use of speech, writing or other signs or symbols teleradiography / tel re di ɒ&rəfi/ noun a type of radiography where the source of the X- rays is at a distance from the person being X- rayed

teleradiology / telire di ɒləd i/ noun the process of transmitting scans and other images electronically so that they can be viewed by surgeons or other health care workers in different locations at the same time teleradiotherapy /tel re diəυ θerəpi/ noun a type of radiotherapy, where the person being treated is some way away from the source of radiation

telereceptor / tel r septə/ noun same as tel-


telo- /teləυ/ prefix referring to an end telophase / teləυfe z/ noun the final stage of mitosis, the stage in cell division after anaphase

temazepam /tə m z p m/ noun a hypnotic drug used in the short-term treatment of insomnia

temperature / tempr tʃə/ noun 1. the heat of the body or of the surrounding air, measured in degrees The doctor asked the nurse what the patient’s temperature was. His temperature was slightly above normal. The thermometer showed a temperature of 99°F. to take a patient’s temperature to insert a thermometer in someone’s body to see what his or her body temperature is They took his temperature every four hours. When her temperature was taken this morning, it was normal. 2. illness when your body is hotter than normal

He’s in bed with a temperature. Her mother says she’s got a temperature, and can’t come to work.

COMMENT: The average body temperature is about 37° Celsius or 98° Fahrenheit. This temperature may vary during the day, and can rise if a person has taken a hot bath or had a hot drink. If the environmental temperature is high, the body has to sweat to reduce the heat gained from the air around it. If the outside temperature is low, the body shivers, because rapid movement of the muscles generates heat. A fever will cause the body temperature to rise sharply, to 40°C (103°F) or more. Hypothermia exists when the body temperature falls below about 35°C (95°F).

temperature chart / tempr tʃə tʃɑ t/ noun a chart showing changes in a person’s temperature over a period of time

temperature graph / tempr tʃə &rɑ f/ noun a graph showing how a person’s temperature rises and falls over a period of time temper tantrum / tempə t ntrəm/ noun


temple / tempəl/ noun the flat part of the side of the head between the top of the ear and the eye



temporal / temp(ə)rəl/ adjective referring to the temple

temporal arteritis / temp(ə)rəl ɑ tə ra t s/ noun a headache caused by inflammation of the region over the temporal artery, usually occurring in older people

temporal bone / tempərəl bəυn/ noun one of the bones which form the sides and base of the cranium. See illustration at EAR in Supplement

COMMENT: The temporal bone is in two parts: the petrous part forms the base of the skull and the inner and middle ears, while the squamous part forms the side of the skull. The lower back part of the temporal bone is the mastoid process, while the part between the ear and the cheek is the zygomatic arch.

temporal fossa / temp(ə)rəl fɒsə/ noun a depression in the side of the head, in the temporal bone above the zygomatic arch

temporalis / tempə re l s/, temporalis muscle / tempə re l s m"s(ə)l/ noun a flat

muscle running down the side of the head from the temporal bone to the coronoid process, which makes the jaw move up

temporal lobe / temp(ə)rəl ləυb/ noun the lobe above the ear in each cerebral hemisphere

temporal lobe epilepsy / temp(ə)rəl ləυb ep lepsi/ noun epilepsy due to a disorder of

the temporal lobe and causing impaired memory, hallucinations and automatism temporary / temp(ə)rəri/ adjective not permanent The dentist gave him a temporary filling. The accident team put a temporary bandage on the wound.

temporo- /tempərəυ/ prefix 1. referring to the temple 2. referring to the temporal lobe temporomandibular / tempərəυm n d bjυlə/ adjective relating to the temporal bone and the mandible

temporomandibular joint / tempərəυ m n d bjυlə d ɔ nt/ noun a joint between

the jaw and the skull, in front of the ear

temporomandibular syndrome /

tempərəυm n d bjυlə s ndrəυm/ noun a painful condition affecting the temporomandibular joint and the muscles used for chewing, usually associated with a faulty meeting of the teeth in biting and sometimes causing clicking sounds

tenacious /t ne ʃəs/ adjective sticking or clinging to something else, especially a surface

tenaculum /tə n kjυləm/ noun a surgical instrument shaped like a hook, used to pick up small pieces of tissue during an operation

tend /tend/ verb 1. to tend to do something to be inclined to do something as a normal process The prostate tends to enlarge as a man grows older. 2. to care for or attend to someone or something

tendency / tendənsi/ noun the fact of being likely to do something to have a tendency to something to be likely to have something

There is a tendency to obesity in her family. The children of the area show a tendency to vi- tamin-deficiency diseases.

‘…premature babies have been shown to have a higher tendency to develop a squint during childhood’ [Nursing Times]

tender / tendə/ adjective referring to skin or a body part which is painful when touched

The bruise is still tender. Her shoulders are still tender where she got sunburnt. A tender spot on the abdomen indicates that an organ is


tenderness / tendənəs/ noun a feel of pain when touched Tenderness when pressure is applied is a sign of inflammation.

tendinitis / tend na t s/ noun an inflammation of a tendon, especially after playing sport, and often associated with tenosynovitis tendinous / tend nəs/ adjective referring to

a tendon

tendo calcaneus / tendəυ k l ke niəs/ noun the Achilles tendon, the tendon at the back of the ankle which connects the calf muscles to the heel and which acts to pull up the

heel when the calf muscle is contracted tendon / tendən/ noun a strip of connective

tissue which attaches a muscle to a bone. Also called sinew (NOTE: For other terms referring to

a tendon, see words beginning with teno-.) tendonitis / tendə na t s/ noun same as


tendon sheath / tendən ʃi θ/ noun a tube of

membrane which covers and protects a tendon tendovaginitis / tendəυv d na t s/ noun

an inflammation of a tendon sheath, especially in the thumb

tenesmus /tə nezməs/ noun a condition in which someone feels the need to pass faeces, or sometimes urine, but is unable to do so and

experiences pain

tennis elbow / ten s elbəυ/ noun an inflammation of the tendons of the extensor muscles in the hand which are attached to the bone near

the elbow. Also called lateral epicondylitis teno- /tenəυ/ prefix referring to a tendon tenonitis / tenəυ na t s/ noun the inflamma-

tion of a tendon

Tenon’s capsule / ti nɒns k psju l/ noun a tissue which lines the orbit of the eye [After Jacques René Tenon (1724–1816), French sur-


tenoplasty / tenəpl sti/ noun a surgical op-

eration to repair a torn tendon

tenorrhaphy /te nɒrəfi/ noun a surgical operation to stitch pieces of a torn tendon togeth-


tenosynovitis / tenəυ sa nə va t s/ noun a painful inflammation of the tendon sheath and the tendon inside. Also called peritendinitis

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