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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

14.56 Mб

muscle coat


move If you do a lot of exercises you develop strong muscles. The muscles in his legs were still weak after he had spent two months in bed. She had muscle cramp after going into the cold water. See illustration at EYE in Supplement 2. same as muscle tissue

COMMENT: There are two types of muscle: voluntary (striated) muscles, which are attached to bones and move parts of the body when made to do so by the brain, and involuntary (smooth) muscles which move essential organs such as the intestines and bladder automatically. The heart muscle also works automatically.

muscle coat / m"s(ə)l kəυt/ noun one of two layers of muscle forming part of the lining of the intestine

muscle fatigue / m"s(ə)l fə ti &/, muscular fatigue / m"skjυlə fə ti &/ noun tiredness in

the muscles after strenuous exercise

muscle fibre / m"s(ə)l fa bə/ noun a component fibre of muscles (NOTE: There are two types of fibre which form striated and smooth


muscle relaxant / m"s(ə)l r l ksənt/ noun a drug which reduces contractions in the muscles, e.g. baclofen

muscle spasm / m"s(ə)l sp z(ə)m/ noun a sudden contraction of a muscle

muscle spindle / m"s(ə)l sp nd(ə)l/ noun one of the sensory receptors which lie along

striated muscle fibres

muscle tissue / m"s(ə)l t ʃu /, muscular tissue / m"skjυlə t ʃu / noun the specialised

type of tissue which forms the muscles and

which can contract and expand

muscle wasting / m"s(ə)l we st ŋ/ noun a condition in which the muscles lose weight and become thin

muscular / m"skjυlə/ adjective referring to muscle

muscular branch / m"skjυlə brɑ ntʃ/ noun a branch of a nerve to a muscle carrying

efferent impulses to produce contraction muscular defence / m"skjυlə d fens/ noun a rigidity of muscles associated with inflammation such as peritonitis

muscular disorder / m"skjυlə d s ɔ də/ noun a disorder which affects the muscles, e.g.

cramp or strain

muscular dystrophy / m"skjυlə d strəfi/ noun a type of muscle disease where some muscles become weak and are replaced with

fatty tissue. Duchenne muscular dystrophy muscular fatigue / m"skjυlə fə ti &/ noun

same as muscle fatigue

muscularis / m"skjυ leər s/ noun muscular layer of an internal organ

muscular relaxant / m"skjυlə r l ksənt/

noun a drug which relaxes the muscles muscular rheumatism / m"skjυlə ru mə

t z(ə)m/ noun a disease giving pains in the

back or neck, usually caused by fibrositis or inflammation of the muscles

muscular system / m"skjυlə s stəm/ noun the muscles in the body, usually applied only to striated muscles

muscular tissue / m"skjυlə t ʃu / noun same as muscle tissue

musculo- /m"skjυləυ/ prefix relating to or affecting muscle

musculocutaneous / m"skjυləυkju te niəs/ adjective referring to muscle and skin

musculocutaneous nerve / m"skjυləυ kju te niəs n! v/ noun a nerve in the brachi-

al plexus which supplies the muscles in the arm

musculoskeletal / m"skjυləυ skel t(ə)l/ adjective referring to muscles and bone musculotendinous / m"skjυləυ tend nəs/ adjective referring to both muscular and tendinous tissue

mutant / mju t(ə)nt/ adjective in which mutation has occurred noun an organism carrying a mutant gene

mutant gene / mju t(ə)nt d i n/ noun a gene which has undergone mutation

mutate /mju te t/ verb to undergo a genetic change Bacteria can mutate suddenly, and become increasingly able to infect. mutation /mju te ʃ(ə)n/ noun a change in DNA which changes the physiological effect of the DNA on the cell

COMMENT: A mutation in the gene for amyloid precursor protein (APP) in some families causes early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, when unusual deposits of beta amyloid are formed and dementia occurs.

mute /mju t/ adjective 1. unwilling or unable to speak 2. felt or expressed without speech noun somebody who is unable or unwilling to speak (NOTE: This term is sometimes considered offensive.)

mutism / mju t z(ə)m/ noun the condition of being unable to speak. Also called dumbness my- /ma / prefix same as myo- (used before vowels)

myalgia /ma ld ə/ noun a muscle pain

myalgic encephalomyelitis /ma ld k en kefələυma ə la t s/ noun a long-term

condition affecting the nervous system, in which someone feels tired and depressed and has pain and weakness in the muscles. Abbr

ME. Also called chronic fatigue syndrome,

postviral fatigue syndrome

myasthenia / ma əs θi niə/, myasthenia gravis / ma əs θi niə &rɑ v s/ noun a general

weakness and dysfunction of the muscles, caused by poor conduction at the motor end plates

myc- /ma k, ma s/ prefix same as myco-

(used before vowels)


myoclonic epilepsy

mycelium /ma si liəm/ noun a mass of

threads which forms the main part of a fungus mycetoma / ma si təυmə/ noun same as


myco- /ma kəυ/ prefix referring to fungus

Mycobacterium / ma kəυb k t əriəm/ noun one of a group of bacteria including those which cause leprosy and tuberculosis mycology /ma kɒləd i/ noun the study of


Mycoplasma / ma kəυ pl zmə/ noun a type of microorganism, similar to a bacterium, associated with diseases such as pneumonia and urethritis

mycosis /ma kəυs s/ noun any disease caused by a fungus, e.g. athlete’s foot mycosis fungoides /ma kəυs s f"ŋ &ɔ diz/ noun a form of skin cancer, with irritating nodules

mydriasis /ma dra əs s/ noun an enlargement of the pupil of the eye

mydriatic / m dri t k/ noun a drug which makes the pupil of the eye become larger myectomy /ma ektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of part or all of a muscle

myel- /ma əl/ prefix same as myelo- (used before vowels)

myelin / ma əl n/ noun the substance of the cell membrane of Schwann cells that coils into a protective covering around nerve fibres called a myelin sheath

myelinated / ma əl ne t d/ adjective referring to nerve fibre covered by a myelin sheath myelination / ma əl ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the process by which a myelin sheath forms around nerve fibres

myelin sheath / ma əl n ʃi θ/ noun a layer of myelin that insulates some nerve cells and speeds the conduction of nerve impulses. See illustration at NEURONE in Supplement myelitis / ma ə la t s/ noun 1. inflammation of the spinal cord 2. an inflammation of bone marrow

myelo- /ma ələυ/ prefix 1. referring to bone

marrow 2. referring to the spinal cord myeloblast / ma ələbl st/ noun a precursor

of a granulocyte

myelocele / ma ələsi l/ noun same as


myelocyte / ma ələsa t/ noun a cell in bone marrow which develops into a granulocyte myelofibrosis /ma ələfa brəυs s/ noun fibrosis of bone marrow, associated with anaemia

myelogram / ma ələ&r m/ noun a record of the spinal cord taken by myelography myelography / ma ə lɒ&rəfi/ noun an X-ray examination of the spinal cord and subarachnoid space after a radio-opaque substance has been injected

myeloid / ma əlɔ d/ adjective 1. referring to bone marrow, or produced by bone marrow 2.

referring to the spinal cord

myeloid leukaemia / ma əlɔ d lu ki miə/ noun an acute form of leukaemia in adults myeloid tissue / ma əlɔ d t ʃu / noun red bone marrow

myeloma / ma ə ləυmə/ noun a malignant tumour in bone marrow, at the ends of long bones or in the jaw

myelomalacia / ma ələυmə le ʃə/ noun softening of tissue in the spinal cord myelomatosis / ma ələυmə təυs s/ noun a disease where malignant tumours infiltrate the bone marrow

myelomeningocele / ma ələυmə n ŋ&əυ

si l/ noun same as meningomyelocele myelopathy / ma ə lɒpəθi/ noun any disor-

der of the spinal cord or bone marrow myelosuppression / ma ələυsə preʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which the bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells, often occurring after chemotherapy

myenteron /ma entərɒn/ noun a layer of muscles in the small intestine, which produces peristalsis

myiasis / ma əs s/ noun an infestation by larvae of flies

mylohyoid / ma lə ha ɔ d/ noun, adjective referring to the molar teeth in the lower jaw and the hyoid bone

mylohyoid line / ma lə ha ɔ d la n/ noun a line running along the outside of the lower jawbone, dividing the upper part of the bone which forms part of the mouth from the lower part which is part of the neck

myo- /ma əυ/ prefix referring to muscle myoblast / ma əbl st/ noun an embryonic cell which develops into muscle myoblastic / ma əυ bl st k/ adjective referring to myoblast

myocardial / ma əυ kɑ diəl/ adjective referring to the myocardium

myocardial infarction / ma əυ kɑ diəl n fɑ kʃən/ noun the death of part of the heart

muscle after coronary thrombosis. Abbr MI myocarditis / ma əυkɑ da t s/ noun in-

flammation of the heart muscle myocardium / ma əυ kɑ diəm/ noun the middle layer of the wall of the heart, formed of heart muscle. See illustration at HEART in Supplement

myocele / ma əsi l/ noun a condition in which a muscle pushes through a gap in the surrounding membrane

myoclonic / ma əυ klɒn k/ adjective referring to myoclonus

myoclonic epilepsy / ma əυklɒn k ep lepsi/ noun a form of epilepsy where the limbs

jerk frequently



myoclonus /ma ɒklənəs/ noun a muscle spasm which makes a limb give an involuntary jerk

myocyte / ma əυsa t/ noun a muscle cell myodynia / ma əυ d niə/ noun a pain in the muscles

myofibril / ma əυ fa br l/ noun a long thread

of striated muscle fibre

myofibrosis / ma əυfa brəυs s/ noun a condition in which muscle tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue

myogenic / ma əυ d en k/ adjective referring to movement which comes from an invol-

untary muscle

myoglobin / ma əυ &ləυb n/ noun a muscle haemoglobin, which takes oxygen from blood

and passes it to the muscle

myoglobinuria / ma əυ &ləυb njυəriə/ noun the presence of myoglobin in the urine myogram / ma əυ&r m/ noun a record

showing how a muscle is functioning myograph / ma əυ&rɑ f/ noun an instrument

which records the degree and strength of a

muscle contraction

myography /ma ɒ&rəfi/ noun the process of recording the degree and strength of a muscle contraction with a myograph

myokymia / ma əυ k miə/ noun twitching of

a particular muscle

myology /ma ɒləd i/ noun the study of muscles and associated structures and diseases myoma /ma əυmə/ noun a benign tumour in

a smooth muscle

myomectomy / ma əυ mektəmi/ noun 1. the surgical removal of a benign growth from a muscle, especially removal of a fibroid from

the uterus 2. same as myectomy myometritis / ma əυmə tra t s/ noun in-

flammation of the myometrium. Also called


myometrium / ma əυ mi triəm/ noun the

muscular tissue in the uterus

myoneural / ma əυ njυərəl/ adjective relating to or involving both the muscles and the


myoneural junction / ma əυnjυər(ə)l d "ŋkʃ(ə)n/ noun same as neuromuscular


myopathy /ma ɒpəθi/ noun a disease of a muscle, especially one in which the muscle

wastes away

myopia /ma əυpiə/ noun a condition in which someone can see clearly objects which are close, but not ones which are further away. Also called shortsightedness. Opposite longsightedness

myopic /ma ɒp k/ adjective able to see close objects clearly, but not objects which are fur-

ther away. Also called shortsighted myoplasm / ma əυpl z(ə)m/ noun same as


myoplasty / ma əυpl sti/ noun a form of

plastic surgery to repair a muscle myosarcoma / ma əυsɑ kəυmə/ noun 1. a

malignant tumour containing unstriated muscle 2. combined myoma and sarcoma myosis /ma əυs s/ noun another spelling of miosis 1

myositis / ma əυ sa t s/ noun inflammation and degeneration of a muscle

myotatic / ma əυ t t k/ adjective referring

to the sense of touch in a muscle

myotatic reflex / ma əυt t k ri fleks/ noun a reflex action in a muscle which contracts after being stretched

myotic /ma ɒt k/ noun a drug which causes

the pupil of the eye to contract

myotomy /ma ɒtəmi/ noun a surgical oper-

ation to cut a muscle

myotonia / ma əυ təυniə/ noun difficulty in relaxing a muscle after exercise

myotonic / ma əυ tɒn k/ adjective referring

to tone in a muscle

myotonic dystrophy / ma əυtɒn k d strəfi/ noun a hereditary disease with muscle stiffness leading to atrophy of the muscles of the face

and neck

myotonus /ma ɒtənəs/ noun a muscle tone myringa /m r ŋ&ə/ noun same as eardrum myringitis / m r n d a t s/ noun inflamma-

tion of the eardrum

myringoplasty /m r ŋ&əυpl sti/ noun the surgical repair of a perforated eardrum. Also

called tympanoplasty

myringotome /m r ŋ&əυtəυm/ noun a

sharp knife used in myringotomy myringotomy / m r ŋ &ɒtəmi/ noun a surgi-

cal operation to make an opening in the ear-

drum to allow fluid to escape

myx- /m ks/, myxo- /m ksəυ/ prefix referring to mucus

myxoedema / m ksə di mə/ noun a condition caused when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The person, often a middle-aged woman, becomes overweight, moves slowly and develops coarse skin. It can be treated with thyroxine. (NOTE:

The US spelling is myxedema.) myxoedematous / m ksə demətəs/ adjec-

tive referring to myxoedema

myxoid cyst / m ksɔ d s st/ noun a cyst which develops at the base of a fingernail or


myxoma /m k səυmə/ noun a benign tumour of mucous tissue, usually found in subcutane-

ous tissue of the limbs and neck myxosarcoma / m ksəυsɑ kəυmə/ noun a

malignant tumour of mucous tissue myxovirus / m ksəυ va rəs/ noun any virus

which has an affinity for the mucoprotein receptors in red blood cells. One of these viruses causes influenza.


n symbol nano-

nabothian cyst /nə bəυθiən s st/, nabothian follicle /nə bəυθiən fɒl k(ə)l/, nabothian gland /nə bəυθiən &l nd/ noun a cyst which

forms in the cervix of the uterus when the ducts in the cervical glands are blocked

Naegele rule / ne &ələ ru l/ noun a method used to determine when a pregnant woman is likely to go into labour, in which nine months and seven days are added to the date on which her last period started. If the woman does not have a 28-day menstrual cycle, an adjustment is made: e.g., if she has a 26-day cycle you would subtract 2 days from the Naegele’s estimated due date.

naevus / ni vəs/ noun same as birthmark

(NOTE: The plural is naevi.)

Naga sore / nɑ &ə sɔ / noun same as tropical ulcer

nagging pain / n & ŋ pe n/ noun a dull, continuous throbbing pain

NAI abbr non-accidental injury

nail /ne l/ noun a hard growth, made of keratin, which forms on the top surface at the end of each finger and toe. Also called unguis

(NOTE: For terms referring to nail, see words be-

ginning with onych-, onycho-.)

nail avulsion / ne l ə v"lʃən/ noun the act of pulling away an ingrowing toenail

nail bed / ne l bed/ noun the part of the finger which is just under the nail and on which the nail rests

nail biting / ne l ba t ŋ/ noun the obsessive chewing of the fingernails, usually a sign of stress

nail matrix /ne l me tr ks/ noun the internal structure of the nail, the part of the finger from

which the nail grows

naloxone /nə lɒksəυn/ noun a drug resembling morphine, used in the diagnosis of narcotics addiction and to reverse the effects of

narcotics poisoning

named nurse / ne md n! s/ noun a nurse, midwife or health visitor who is responsible for communicating with a particular person and ensuring that his or her needs for care and information are met

nandrolone / n ndrələυn/ noun an anabolic steroid which builds muscle. Its use is banned by the International Amateur Athletics Federation.

nano- /n nəυ/ prefix one thousand millionth (10-9). Symbol n

nanometre / n nəυmitə/ noun a unit of measurement of length equal to one thousand millionth of a metre. Symbol nm

nanomole / n nəυməυl/ noun a unit of measurement of the amount of a substance equal to one thousand millionth of a mole. Symbol nmol

nanosecond / n nəυ sekənd/ noun a unit of measurement of time equal to one thousand millionth of a second. Symbol ns

nape /ne p/ noun the back of the neck. Also called nucha

napkin / n pk n/ noun a soft cloth, used for wiping or absorbing

nappy / n pi/ noun a cloth used to wrap round a baby’s bottom and groin, to keep clothing clean and dry (NOTE: The US term is diaper.)

nappy rash / n pi r ʃ/ noun sore red skin on a baby’s buttocks and groin, caused by long contact with ammonia in a wet nappy (NOTE:

The US term is diaper rash.)

naproxen /n prɒksen/ noun a drug which reduces inflammation and pain, used in the treatment of arthritis

narcissism / nɑ s s z(ə)m/ noun in psychiatry, a personality disorder in which someone has a very confident opinion about their own appearance and abilities, and a great need to be admired by other people. It sometimes involves sexual interest in their own body. narco- / kəυ/ prefix referring to sleep or stupor

narcoanalysis / nɑ kəυə n ləs s/ noun the use of narcotics to induce a comatose state in someone about to undergo psychoanalysis which may be emotionally disturbing narcolepsy / nɑ kəlepsi/ noun a condition in which someone has an uncontrollable tendency to fall asleep at any time



narcoleptic / nɑ kə lept k/ adjective 1. causing narcolepsy 2. having narcolepsy noun 1. a substance which causes narcolepsy 2. someone who has narcolepsy

narcosis /nɑ kəυs s/ noun a state of lowered consciousness induced by a drug

narcotic /nɑ kɒt k/ noun a pain-relieving drug which makes someone sleep or become unconscious The doctor put her to sleep with a powerful narcotic. adjective causing sleep or unconsciousness the narcotic side-effects of an antihistamine

COMMENT: Although narcotics are used medicinally as painkillers, they are highly addictive. The main narcotics are barbiturates, cocaine and opium, and drugs derived from opium, such as morphine, codeine and heroin. Addictive narcotics are widely used for the relief of pain in terminally ill patients.

nares / neəri z/ plural noun the nostrils (NOTE: The singular is naris.)

narrow / n rəυ/ adjective not wide The blood vessel is a narrow channel which takes blood to the tissues. The surgeon inserted a narrow tube into the vein. verb to make something narrow, or become narrow The bronchial tubes are narrowed causing asthma.

nasal / ne z(ə)l/ adjective referring to the nose

nasal apertures / ne z(ə)l pətʃəs/ plural noun the two openings shaped like funnels leading from the nasal cavity to the pharynx. choana

nasal bone / ne z(ə)l bəυn/ noun one of two small bones which form the bridge at the top of the nose

nasal cartilage / ne z(ə)l kɑ təl d / noun one of two cartilages in the nose. The upper is attached to the nasal bone and the front of the maxilla. The lower is thinner and curls round each nostril to the septum.

nasal cavity / ne z(ə)l k v ti/ noun the cavity behind the nose between the cribriform plates above and the hard palate below, divided in two by the nasal septum and leading to the nasopharynx

nasal conchae / ne z(ə)l kɒŋki / plural noun the three ridges of bone, called the superior, middle and inferior conchae, which project into the nasal cavity from the side walls. Also called turbinate bones

nasal congestion / ne z(ə)l kən d estʃ(ə)n/ noun the blocking of the nose by inflammation as a response to a cold or other infection nasal drops / ne z(ə)l drɒps/ plural noun drops of liquid inserted into the nose

nasal septum / ne z(ə)l septəm/ noun a wall of cartilage between the two nostrils and the two parts of the nasal cavity

nasal spray / ne z(ə)l spre / noun a spray of liquid into the nose

nascent / n s(ə)nt, ne s(ə)nt/ adjective 1. in the process of coming into existence and starting to develop 2. referring to a substance, especially hydrogen, in the process of being created. At this stage it is often in a highly ac-

tive form.

Naseptin /n sept n/ a trade name for a mixture containing chlorhexidine and neomycin, used to treat nasal infection by organisms

such as staphylococci

nasion / ne ziən/ noun the place at which the bridge of the nose meets the forehead

naso- /ne zəυ/ prefix referring to the nose nasogastric / ne zəυ & str k/ adjective re-

ferring to the nose and stomach nasogastrically / ne zəυ & str kli/ adverb referring to a method of feeding someone via a tube passed through the nose into the stomach

‘…all patients requiring nutrition are fed enterally, whether nasogastrically or directly into the small in-

testine’ [British Journal of Nursing] nasogastric tube / ne zəυ & str k tju b/

noun a tube passed through the nose into the


nasolacrimal / ne zəυ l kr m(ə)l/ adjective referring to the nose and the tear glands nasolacrimal duct / ne zəυ l kr m(ə)l d"kt/ noun a duct which drains tears from the

lacrimal sac into the nose

nasopharyngeal / ne zəυ f r n d i əl/

adjective referring to the nasopharynx nasopharyngitis / ne zəυ f r n d a t s/

noun inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal part of the pharynx nasopharynx / ne zəυ f r ŋks/ noun the top part of the pharynx which connects with

the nose

nasosinusitis / ne zəυ sa nə sa t s/ noun a condition in which the nose and sinuses swell up

nasty / nɑ sti/ adjective unpleasant This medicine has a nasty taste. This new drug has some nasty side-effects. (NOTE: nastier – nastiest)

nates / ne ti z/ noun same as buttock

National Boards / n ʃ(ə)nəl bɔ rdz/ plural noun the National Boards for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting, which were formerly responsible for the education of professionals in these fields in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

National Council for Vocational Qualifications / n ʃ(ə)nəl kaυns(ə)l fə vəυke ʃ(ə)nəl kwɒl f ke ʃ(ə)nz/ noun full

form of NCVQ

National Health Service / n ʃ(ə)nəl helθs! v s/ noun a government service in the UK which provides medical services free of charge at the point of delivery, or at reduced cost, to the whole population. The service is paid for out of tax revenue. Abbr NHS on the NHS paid for by the NHS He had his operation on



the NHS. She went to see a specialist on the NHS. Compare privately

‘…figures reveal that 5% more employees in the professional and technical category were working in the NHS compared with three years before’ [Nursing Times]

National Institute for Clinical Excellence / n ʃ(ə)n(ə)l nst tju t fə kl n k(ə)l eksələns/ noun an organisation in the UK

which produces recommendations for treatments based on clinical evidence and cost-ef- fectiveness. Abbr NICE

National Insurance / n ʃ(ə)nəl n ʃυərəns/ noun a weekly payment from a per-

son’s wages, with a supplement from the employer, which pays for state assistance and medical treatment, in the UK

natriuretic / ne trijυ ret k/ noun something which helps sodium to be excreted in the urine natural / n tʃ(ə)rəl/ adjective 1. usual or expected in particular conditions It’s natural for people to be anxious before an operation.

2. referring to something which comes from nature and is not made by humans natural products 3. relaxed and not consciously changed His behaviour seemed quite natural.

natural childbirth / n tʃ(ə)rəl tʃa ldb! θ/ noun childbirth where the mother is not given any pain-killing drugs or anaesthetic but is encouraged to give birth after having prepared herself through relaxation and breathing exercises and a new psychological outlook natural immunity / n tʃ(ə)rəl mju n ti/ noun the immunity from disease which a newborn baby has from birth and which is inherited or acquired in the uterus or from the mother’s milk

natural killer cell / n tʃ(ə)rəl k lə sel/ noun a white blood cell which can recognise microorganisms and tumour cells as foreign without any previous exposure to them, and destroy them

natural mother / n tʃ(ə)rəl m"ðə/, natural parent / n tʃ(ə)rəl peərənt/ noun same

as birth mother, birth parent

nature / ne tʃ-ə/ noun 1. the essential quality of something 2. kind or sort 3. the genetic make-up which affects personality, behaviour or risk of disease. nurture 4. plants and animals

nature nurture debate / ne tʃə n! tʃə dbe t/ noun the arguments put forward about whether human beings behave in the way they do because of their genetic make-up and instincts or because of the way they are educated and the influences they are exposed to when they are young

naturopathy / ne tʃə rɒpəθi/ noun a method of treatment of diseases and disorders which does not use medical or surgical means, but

natural forces such as light, heat, massage, eating natural foods and using herbal remedies nausea / nɔ ziə/ noun a feeling that you want to vomit She suffered from nausea in the morning. He felt slight nausea after getting onto the boat.

COMMENT: Nausea can be caused by eating habits, such as eating too much rich food or drinking too much alcohol. It can also be caused by sensations such as unpleasant smells or motion sickness. Other causes include stomach disorders, such as gastritis, ulcers and liver infections. Nausea is commonly experienced by women in the early stages of pregnancy, and is called morning sickness.

nauseated / nɔ zie t d/ adjective feeling as if you are about to vomit The casualty may feel nauseated. (NOTE: The US term is nauseous.)

nauseous / nɔ ziəs/ adjective having the feeling in the stomach that precedes the urge to vomit

navel / ne v(ə)l/ noun the scar with a depression in the middle of the abdomen where the umbilical cord was detached after birth. Also called umbilicus (NOTE: For other terms referring to the navel, see words beginning with om- phal-, omphalo-.)

navicular /nə v kjυlə/ adjective relating to a

navicular bone noun same as navicular bone navicular bone /nə v kjυlə bəυn/ noun one

of the tarsal bones in the foot. See illustration at FOOT in Supplement

NCVQ noun a government body in the UK responsible for setting standards of qualification for specific jobs. Full form National Council for Vocational Qualifications

NDU abbr Nursing Development Unit nearsighted /n ə sa t d/ adjective same as myopic

nearsightedness / n ə sa t dnəs/ noun

same as myopia

nebula / nebjυlə/ noun 1. a slightly cloudy spot on the cornea 2. a spray of medicinal solution, applied to the nose or throat using a


nebuliser / nebjυla zə/, nebulizer noun same as atomiser

Necator /ne ke tə/ noun a genus of hookworm which infests the small intestine necatoriasis /ne ke tə ra əs s/ noun infestation of the small intestine by the parasite Necator

neck /nek/ noun 1. the part of the body which joins the head to the body He is suffering from pains in the neck. The front of the neck is swollen with goitre. The jugular veins run down the side of the neck. 2. a narrow part of a bone or organ neck of the femur, femoral neck the narrow part between the head and the diaphysis of the femur neck of a tooth point where a tooth narrows slightly, between the crown and the root

neck collar


COMMENT: The neck is formed of the seven cervical vertebrae, and is held vertical by strong muscles. Many organs pass through the neck, including the oesophagus, the larynx and the arteries and veins which connect the brain to the bloodstream. The front of the neck is usually referred to as the throat.

neck collar / nek kɒlə/ noun a strong high collar to support the head of a person with neck injuries or a condition such as cervical spondylosis

necro- /nekrəυ/ prefix referring to death necrobiosis / nekrəυba əυs s/ noun 1. the death of cells surrounded by living tissue 2. the

gradual localised death of a part or tissue necrology /ne krɒləd i/ noun the scientific

study of mortality statistics

necrophilia / nekrəυ f liə/, necrophilism

/ne krɒf l z(ə)m/ noun 1. unusual pleasure in corpses 2. sexual attraction to dead bodies necropsy / nekrɒpsi/ noun same as post


necrosed / nekrəυsd/ adjective referring to

dead tissue or bone

necrosis /ne krəυs s/ noun the death of a part of the body such as a bone, tissue or an organ as a result of disease or injury Gangrene is a form of necrosis.

necrospermia / nekrəυ sp! miə/ noun a condition in which dead sperm exist in the semen

necrotic /ne krɒt k/ adjective referring to, or affected with, necrosis necrotic tissue

necrotising enterocolitis / nekrəta z ŋ

entərəυkə la t s/ noun a disorder in which patches of dead tissue are found in the small or large intestine as a result of severe bacterial infection. It occurs in babies, especially premature ones.

necrotising fasciitis / nekrəta z ŋ f ʃi a t s/ noun a severe bacterial infection that causes cell tissue to decay rapidly (NOTE: It is sometimes referred to in the media as the ‘flesh-

eating bug’.)

necrotomy /ne krɒtəmi/ noun the dissection of a dead body (NOTE: The plural is necrotomies.)

needle / ni d(ə)l/ noun 1. a thin metal instrument with a sharp point at one end and a hole at the other for attaching a thread, used for sewing up surgical incisions 2. the hollow pointed end of a hypodermic syringe, or the syringe itself

needle myopathy / ni d(ə)l ma ɒpəθi/ noun destruction of muscle tissue caused by using a large needle for intramuscular injections

needlestick / ni d(ə)lst k/ noun an accidental pricking of your own skin by a needle, as by

a nurse picking up a used syringe needlestick injury / ni d(ə)lst k nd əri/

noun the real or potential harm resulting from

a prick with a needle previously used to take blood or give an injection. The main concern is the risk of HIV or hepatitis B infection. needling / ni dl ŋ/ noun the puncture of a

cataract with a needle

needs assessment / ni dz ə sesmənt/ noun the investigation of what a particular group of people need in terms of health and social care, so that services can be matched to

their needs

needs deprivation / ni dz depr ve ʃ(ə)n/ noun a state in which someone does not have the opportunity or capacity to fulfil his or her basic needs

negative / ne&ət v/ adjective 1. meaning or showing ‘no’ the answer is in the negative the answer is ‘no’ 2. indicating that something being tested for is not present The test results were negative. Opposite positive negative feedback / ne&ət v fi db k/ noun a situation in which the result of a process represses the process which caused it negativism / ne&ət v z(ə)m/ noun the attitude of a person who opposes advice or instructions

COMMENT: There are two types of negativism: active, where someone does the opposite of what a doctor tells him or her, and passive, where someone does not do what he or she has been asked to do.

negligence / ne&l d əns/ noun the act of causing injury or harm to another person or to property as the result of doing something wrongly or failing to provide a proper level of


Negri body / ne &ri bɒdi/ noun a round or oval inclusion in the cytoplasm of nerve cells of people or animals who have rabies [Described 1903. After Adelchi Negri (1876–1912),

Professor of Bacteriology at Pavia, Italy.]

Neil Robertson stretcher / ni l rɒbətsənstretʃə/ noun a stretcher to which a person

can be strapped and moved about in an upright position

Neisseria /na s əriə/ noun a genus of bacteria which includes gonococcus, which causes gonorrhoea, and meningococcus, which caus-

es meningitis

nematode / nemətəυd/ noun a type of parasitic roundworm, e.g. a hookworm, pinworm or roundworm

neo- /ni əυ/ prefix new

neoadjuvant chemotherapy / ni əυd υvənt ki məυ θerəpi/ noun chemother-

apy given to people with tumours instead of immediate surgery or radiotherapy, in the hope of reducing the need for these later neocerebellum / ni əυserə beləm/ noun the middle part of the cerebellum (NOTE: The plural is neocerebellums or neocerebella.) neomycin / ni əυ ma s n/ noun a drug used externally to treat bacterial infections

/ nefrəυ k psjυ



neonatal / ni əυ ne t(ə)l/ adjective referring to the first few weeks after birth

‘…one of the most common routes of neonatal poisoning is percutaneous absorption following topical administration’ [Southern Medical Journal]

neonatal death rate / ni əυne t(ə)l deθre t/ noun the number of babies who die soon

after birth, shown per thousand babies born neonatal maceration / ni əυne t(ə)l

m sə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun softening or rotting of fetal tissue after the fetus has died in the uterus

and has remained in the amniotic fluid

neonatal screening / ni əυ ne t(ə)l skri n ŋ/ noun a set of tests performed on ba-

bies soon after birth so that any problems can be treated immediately (NOTE: Tests for certain diseases such as hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria are a legal duty.)

neonate / ni əυne t/ noun a baby which is

less than four weeks old

neonatologist / ni ənə tɒləd st/ noun a specialist who looks after babies during the first few weeks of life, or premature babies and

babies with some congenital disorders neonatology / ni əυnə tɒləd i/ noun the

branch of medicine dealing with babies in the

first few weeks of life

neonatorum / ni əυne tɔ rəm/ asphyxia neonatorum

neoplasia / ni əυ ple ziə/ noun the forma-

tion of tumours

neoplasm / ni əυpl z(ə)m/ noun any new and morbid formation of tissue

‘…testicular cancer comprises only 1% of all malignant neoplasms in the male, but it is one of the most frequently occurring types of tumours in late adolescence’ [Journal of American College Health]

neoplastic / ni əυ pl st k/ adjective referring to neoplasms, neoplasty or neoplasia neoplasty noun the surgical repair or replacement of damaged tissue

neostigmine / ni əυ st &mi n/ noun a white crystalline compound used in the treatment of muscle fatigue myasthenia and to reverse the effects of muscle relaxant drugs

nephr- /nefr/ prefix kidney

nephralgia /ne fr ld ə/ noun pain in the kidney

nephralgic /ne fr ld k/ adjective relating to pain in the kidney

nephrectomy /ne frektɒmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the whole kidney (NOTE:

The plural is nephrectomies.)

nephric / nefr k/, nephritic /ne fr t k/ adjective referring to the kidneys

nephritis /ne fra t s/ noun inflammation of the kidney

COMMENT: Acute nephritis can be caused by a streptococcal infection. Symptoms can include headaches, swollen ankles, and fever.


/ nefrəυbl stəυmə/

noun a malignant tumour in the kidneys in

young children, usually under the age of 10, leading to swelling of the abdomen. It is treated by removal of the affected kidney. Also called Wilms’ tumour (NOTE: The plural is ne-

phroblastomas or nephrobrastomata.) nephrocalcinosis / nefrəυ k ls nəυs s/

noun a condition in which calcium deposits are found in the kidney


lektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove the capsule round a kidney (NOTE: The plural is


nephrogram / nefrə&r m/ noun a radiographic examination of the kidney nephrolith / nefrəl θ/ noun a stone in the kidney

nephrolithiasis / nefrəυl θa əs s/ noun a

condition in which stones form in the kidney nephrolithotomy / nefrəυl θɒtəmi/ noun a

surgical operation to remove a stone in the kid-

ney (NOTE: The plural is nephrolithotomies.) nephrologist /ne frɒləd st/ noun a doctor who specialises in the study of the kidney and its diseases

nephrology /ne frɒləd i/ noun the study of

the kidney and its diseases

nephroma /ne frəυmə/ noun a tumour in the kidney, or a tumour derived from renal substances (NOTE: The plural is nephromas or ne-


nephron / nefrɒn/ noun a tiny structure in the kidney through which fluid is filtered

COMMENT: A nephron is formed of a series of tubules, the loop of Henle, Bowman’s capsule and a glomerulus. Blood enters the nephron from the renal artery, and waste materials are filtered out by the Bowman’s capsule. Some substances return to the bloodstream by reabsorption in the tubules. Urine is collected in the ducts leading from the tubules to the ureters.

nephropathy /ne frɒpəθi/ noun a disease or medical disorder of the kidney (NOTE: The plu-

ral is nephropathies.)

nephropexy / nefrəυpeksi/ noun a surgical operation to attach a mobile kidney (NOTE: The

plural is nephropexies.)

nephroptosis / nefrɒp təυs s/ noun a condition in which a kidney is mobile. Also called

floating kidney

nephrosclerosis / nefrəυsklə rəυs s/ noun a kidney disease due to vascular change nephroscope / nefrəskəυp/ noun a type of

endoscope used to examine the kidneys nephrosis /ne frəυs s/ noun degeneration of

the tissue of a kidney

nephrostomy /ne frɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to make a permanent opening into the pelvis of the kidney from the surface (NOTE: The plural is nephrostomies.)

nephrotic /ne frɒt k/ adjective relating to or caused by nephrosis

nephrotic syndrome


nephrotic syndrome /ne frɒt k s n drəυm/ noun increasing oedema, albuminuria and raised blood pressure resulting from nephrosis

nephrotomy /ne frɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut into a kidney (NOTE: The plural

is nephrotomies.)

nephrotoxic / nefrəυ tɒks k/ adjective poisonous or damaging to kidney cells

nephroureterectomy / nefrəυ jυər tə rektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove

all or part of a kidney and the ureter attached to it. Also called ureteronephrectomy (NOTE: The plural is nephroureterectomies.)

nerve /n! v/ noun 1. a bundle of fibres that can transmit electrochemical impulses and that forms part of the network that connects the brain and spinal cord to the body’s organs 2. the sensitive tissue in the root of a tooth (NOTE: For other terms referring to nerves, see words beginning with neur-, neuro-.)

COMMENT: Nerves are the fibres along which impulses are carried. Motor nerves or efferent nerves take messages between the central nervous system and muscles, making the muscles move. Sensory nerves or afferent nerves transmit impulses such as sight or pain from the sense organs to the brain.

nerve block / n! v blɒk/ noun the act of stopping the function of a nerve by injecting an anaesthetic

nerve centre / n! v sentə/ noun the point at which nerves come together

nerve ending /n! v end ŋ/ noun same as sensory receptor

nerve entrapment syndrome / n! v n tr pmənt s ndrəυm/ noun pain caused by

pressure on a nerve, especially where nerves occur in narrow passages such as the wrist

(NOTE: The most common nerve entrapment syndrome in the body is carpal tunnel syn-


nerve fibre / n! v fa bə/ noun a thin structure leading from a nerve cell and carrying nerve impulses, e.g. an axon

nerve gas / n! v & s/ noun a gas which attacks the nervous system

nerve impulse /n! v mp"ls/ noun an electrochemical impulse which is transmitted by nerve cells

nerve regeneration / n! v r &enə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun the growth of new nerve tissue after damage has occurred

nerve root / n! v ru t/ noun the first part of a nerve as it leaves or joins the spinal column

(NOTE: The dorsal nerve root is the entry for a sensory nerve, and the ventral nerve root is the exit for a motor nerve.)

nerve tissue / n! v t ʃu / noun tissue which forms nerves, and which is able to transmit the nerve impulses

nervosa /nə vəυsə/ anorexia nervosa

nervous / n! vəs/ adjective 1. referring to nerves 2. very easily worried Don’t be nerv-

ous – the operation is a very simple one. nervous breakdown / n! vəs bre kdaυn/

noun any sudden mental illness (informal) nervous complaint / n! vəs kəm ple nt/,

nervous disorder noun an emotional or mental

illness (informal)

nervousness / n! vəsnəs/ noun the state of

being nervous

nervous system / n! vəs s stəm/ noun the nervous tissues of the body, including the peripheral nerves, spinal cord, ganglia and nerve centres

nervy / n! vi/ adjective worried and nervous


nether parts / neðə pɑ ts/, nether regions /

neðə ri d (ə)ns/ plural noun the lower part of the body, especially the buttocks or genital area (informal)

nettle rash / net(ə)l r ʃ/ noun same as urticaria

network / netw! k/ noun an interconnecting system of lines and spaces, like a net a net-

work of fine blood vessels

Neuman’s model / nɔ mənz mɒd(ə)l/ noun a modern model for nursing in which prevention is the primary nursing aim (NOTE: Prevention focuses on keeping both the things which cause stress and the patient’s response to stress from having a damaging effect on the


neur- /njυər/ prefix same as neuro- (used be-

fore vowels)

neural / njυərəl/ adjective referring to a nerve or the nervous system

neural arch / njυərəl ɑ tʃ/ noun a curved part of a vertebra, which forms the space

through which the spinal cord passes

neural crest / njυərəl krest/ noun the ridge of cells in an embryo which forms nerve cells of the sensory and autonomic ganglia neuralgia /njυ r ld ə/ noun a spasm of pain

which runs along a nerve

neural groove / njυərəl &ru v/ noun a groove on the back of an embryo formed as the

neural plate closes to form the neural tube neural plate / njυərəl ple t/ noun a thicken-

ing of an embryonic disc which folds over to form the neural tube

neural tube / njυərəl tju b/ noun a tube lined with ectodermal cells running the length of an embryo, which develops into the brain

and spinal cord

neural tube defect / njυərəl tju b dfekt/ noun a congenital anomaly which occurs when the edges of the neural tube do not close up properly while the fetus develops in the uterus, e.g. spina bifida (NOTE: There is less risk of a neural tube defect if the mother takes folic acid during her pregnancy.)

/ njυərəυ


neurological assessment

neurapraxia / njυərə pr ksiə/ noun a lesion of a nerve which leads to paralysis for a very short time, giving a tingling feeling and loss of function

neurasthenia / njυərəs θi niə/ noun a type of neurosis in which a person is mentally and physically irritable and extremely fatigued neurasthenic / njυərəs θen k/ noun a person affected by neurasthenia

neurectasis /njυ rektəs s/ noun a surgical operation to stretch a peripheral nerve (NOTE: The plural is neurectases.)

neurectomy /njυ rektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove all or part of a nerve

(NOTE: The plural is neurectomies.) neurilemma / njυər lemə/ noun the outer sheath, formed of Schwann cells, which covers the myelin sheath around a nerve fibre. Also called neurolemma. See illustration at NEU- RONE in Supplement

neurilemmoma / njυərile məυmə/, neurinoma /njυəri nəυmə/ noun a benign tumour

of a nerve, formed from the neurilemma (NOTE: The plurals are neurilemmomas or neurolemmomata and neurinomas or neurinomata.)

neuritis /njυ ra t s/ noun inflammation of a nerve, giving a constant pain

neuro- /njυərəυ/ prefix nerve or nervous system

neuroanatomy / njυərəυə n təmi/ noun the scientific study of the structure of the nervous system

neuroblast / njυərəυbl st/ noun a cell in the embryonic spinal cord which forms a nerve cell

neuroblastoma / njυərəυbl stəυmə/ noun a malignant tumour formed from the neural crest, found mainly in young children

(NOTE: The plural is neuroblastomas or neuroblastomata.)

neurocranium / njυərəυ kre niəm/ noun a part of the skull which encloses and protects the brain (NOTE: The plural is neurocraniums or neurocrania.)

neurodegenerative / njυərəυd d enərətiv/ adjective referring to a disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease that causes damage to the nerves neurodermatitis / njυərəυd! mə ta t s/ noun inflammation of the skin caused by psychological factors

neurodermatosis / njυərəυd! mə təυs s/ noun a nervous condition involving the skin

neuroendocrine system / njυərəυ endəkr n s stəm/ noun a system in which

the central nervous system and hormonal systems interact to control the function of organs and tissues

neuroepithelial / njυərəυep θi liəl/ adjective referring to the neuroepithelium

neuroepithelioma / njυərəυepiθi li əυmə/ noun a malignant tumour in the retina (NOTE: The plural is neuroepitheliomas or neuroepi-


neuroepithelium / njυərəυep θi liəm/ noun the layer of epithelial cells forming part of the lining of the mucous membrane of the

nose or the labyrinth of the middle ear neurofibril / njυərəυ fa br l/ noun a fine

thread in the cytoplasm of a neurone neurofibrilla / njυərəυ f br lə/ noun same

as neurofibril. see illustration at NEURONE in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is neurofibril-


neurofibroma / njυərəυfa brəυmə/ noun a benign tumour of a nerve, formed from the neurilemma (NOTE: The plural is neurofibro-

mas or neurofibromata.) neurofibromatosis / njυərəυ fa brəυmə təυs s/ noun a hereditary condition in which a person has neurofibromata on the nerve trunks, limb plexuses or spinal roots, and pale brown spots appear on the skin. Abbr NF. Also called molluscum fibrosum, von Reckling-

hausen’s disease

neurogenesis / njυərəυ d enəs s/ noun the development and growth of nerves and nervous tissue

neurogenic / njυərəυ d en k/ adjective 1. coming from the nervous system 2. referring to


neurogenic bladder / njυərəυd en k bl də/ noun a disturbance of the bladder function caused by lesions in the nerve supply

to the bladder

neurogenic shock / njυərəυ d en k ʃɒk/ noun a state of shock caused by bad news or an unpleasant surprise

neuroglandular junction

&l ndjυlə d "ŋkʃən/ noun the point where a nerve joins the gland which it controls neuroglia /njυ rɒ&liə/ noun same as glia neurohormone / njυərəυ hɔ məυn/ noun a hormone produced in some nerve cells and secreted from the nerve endings neurohypophysis / njυərəυha pɒfəs s/ noun the lobe at the back of the pituitary gland, which secretes oxytocin and vasopressin

(NOTE: The plural is neurohypophyses.) neurolemma / njυərəυ lemə/ noun same as


neuroleptic / njυərəυ lept k/ noun an antipsychotic drug which calms a person and stops him or her from worrying, e.g. chlorpromazine


neurological / njυərə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective referring to neurology

neurological assessment /

njυərəlɒd k(ə)l ə sesmənt/ noun an evaluation of the health of a person with a disorder of the nervous system, using interviews, a

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