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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

14.56 Mб



scalding / skɔ ld ŋ/ adjective 1. referring to a liquid which is very hot 2. referring to urine which gives a burning sensation when passed

scale /ske l/ noun 1. a thin flat piece of something such as dead skin 2. same as tartar 3. a system of measurement or valuation based on a series of marks or levels with regular intervals between them a pay scale 4. same as scales verb to remove the calcium deposits from teeth

scalenus /ske li nəs/, scalene / ske li n/ noun one of a group of muscles in the neck which bend the neck forwards and sideways, and also help expand the lungs in deep breathing

scalenus syndrome /ske li nəs s n* drəυm/ noun a pain in an arm, caused by the

scalenus anterior muscle pressing the subclavian artery and the brachial plexus against the vertebrae. Also called thoracic outlet syndrome

scale off / ske l ɒf/ verb to fall off in scales

scaler / ske lə/ noun a surgical instrument for scaling teeth

scales /ske lz/ noun a machine for weighing

The nurses weighed the baby on the scales.

scalp /sk lp/ noun the thick skin and muscle, with the hair, which covers the skull

scalpel / sk lpəl/ noun a small sharp-point- ed knife used in surgery

scaly / ske li/ adjective covered in scales

The pustules harden and become scaly.

scan /sk n/ noun 1. an examination of part of the body using computer-interpreted X-rays to create a picture of the part on a screen 2. a picture of part of the body created on a screen using computer-interpreted X-rays verb to examine part of the body using computer-inter- preted X-rays to create a picture of the part on a screen

scanner / sk nə/ noun 1. a machine which scans a part of the body 2. a person who examines a test slide 3. a person who operates a scanning machine

scanning / sk n ŋ/ noun 1. the act of examining an area with the eyes 2. the act of examining internal organs of the body with a piece of electronic equipment

scanning speech / sk n ŋ spi tʃ/ noun a disorder in speaking, where each sound is spoken separately and given equal stress

scaphocephalic / sk fəυsə f l k/ adjective having a long narrow skull

scaphocephaly / sk fəυ kefəli, sk fəυ sefəli/ noun a condition in which the skull is

unusually long and narrow

scaphoid / sk fɔ d/, scaphoid bone / sk fɔ d bəυn/ noun one of the carpal bones

in the wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplement

scapula / sk pjυlə/ noun one of two large flat bones covering the top part of the back. Also called shoulder blade (NOTE: The plural is scapulae.)

scapular / sk pjυlə/ adjective referring to

the shoulder blade

scapulo- /sk pjυləυ/ prefix relating to the


scapulohumeral / sk pjυləυ hju mərəl/ adjective referring to the scapula and humerus scar /skɑ / noun the mark left on the skin after a wound or surgical incision has healed He still has the scar of his appendicectomy. Also called cicatrix verb to leave a scar on the skin The burns have scarred him for life. Plastic surgeons have tried to repair the scarred arm. Patients were given special clothes to reduce hypertrophic scarring. scarification /sk r f ke ʃ(ə)n/ noun scratching, making minute cuts on the surface of the skin, e.g. for a smallpox vaccination scarificator / sk r fəke tə/ noun an instrument used for scarification

scarlatina / skɑ lə ti nə/, scarlet fever /

skɑ lət fi və/ noun an infectious disease with a fever, sore throat and a red rash. It is caused by a haemolytic streptococcus and can sometimes have serious complications if the

kidneys are infected.

Scarpa’s triangle / skɑ pɑ z tra ŋ&əl/ noun same as femoral triangle [After Antonio Scarpa (1747–1832), Italian anatomist and surgeon]

scar tissue / skɑ t ʃu / noun fibrous tissue which forms a scar

scat- /sk t/, scato- / sk təυ/ prefix referring to the faeces

scatole / sk təυl/ noun a substance in faeces, formed in the intestine, which causes a strong smell (NOTE: Also spelled skatole.)

SCC abbr squamous cell carcinoma

scent /sent/ noun 1. a pleasant smell The scent of flowers makes me sneeze. 2. a cosmetic substance which has a pleasant smell 3. a smell given off by a substance which stimulates the sense of smell

scented / sent d/ adjective with a strong pleasant smell He is allergic to scented soap.

schema / ski mə/ noun same as body image

Scheuermann’s disease / ʃɔ əmənz dzi z/ noun inflammation of the bones and cartilage in the spine, usually affecting adolescents [Described 1920. After Holger Werfel Scheuermann (1877–1960), Danish orthopaed-

ic surgeon and radiologist.]

Schick test / ʃ k test/ noun a test to see if a person is immune to diphtheria [Described 1908. After Bela Schick (1877–1967), paediatrician in Vienna, Austria, and New York, USA.]

COMMENT: In the Schick test, a small amount of diphtheria toxin is injected, and if the point

science ments.


scissor legs

of injection becomes inflamed it shows the person is not immune to the disease (a positive reaction).

Schilling test / ʃ l ŋ test/ noun a test to see if someone can absorb Vitamin B12 through the intestines, to determine cases of pernicious anaemia [After Robert Frederick Schilling (b. 1919), US physician]

-schisis /ska s s/ suffix referring to a fissure or split

schisto- /ʃ stəυ/ prefix referring to something which is split

Schistosoma / ʃ stə səυmə/, schistosome / ʃ stəsəυm/ same as bilharzia

schistosomiasis / ʃ stəsəυ ma əs s/ noun same as bilharziasis

schiz- /sk ts/, schizo- /sk tsəυ/ prefix referring to something which is split

schizoid / sk tsɔ d/ adjective referring to schizophrenia noun a person who has a less severe form of schizophrenia

schizoid personality / sk tsɔ d p! sə n l ti/ noun a disorder in which someone is cold towards other people, thinks mainly about himself or herself and behaves in an odd way. Also called split personality

schizophrenia / sk tsəυ fri niə/ noun a mental disorder in which someone withdraws from contact with other people, has delusions and seems to lose contact with the real world

schizophrenic / sk tsəυ fren k/ noun someone who has schizophrenia adjective having schizophrenia

schizotypal personality disorder /

sk tsəυta pəl p! sə n l ti d s ɔ də/ noun a schizoid personality type disorder

Schlatter’s disease / ʃl təz d zi z/ noun inflammation in the bones and cartilage at the top of the tibia [Described 1903. After Carl Schlatter (1864–1934), Professor of Surgery at Zürich, Switzerland.]

Schlemm’s canal / ʃlemz kə n l/ noun a circular canal in the sclera of the eye, which drains the aqueous humour [Described 1830. After Friedrich Schlemm (1795–1858), Professor of Anatomy in Berlin, Germany.]

Schönlein–Henoch purpura / ʃ! nla n henɒk p! pjυrə/, Schönlein’s purpura /

ʃ! nla nz p! pjυrə/ noun a blood disorder of children, in which the skin becomes purple on the buttocks and lower legs, the joints are swollen and painful and there are gastrointestinal problems

school /sku l/ noun 1. a place where children are taught 2. a specialised section of a university

school health service /sku l helθ s! v s/ noun a special service, part of the local health authority, which looks after the health of children in school

school nurse /sku l n! s/ noun a nurse who works in a school, treating health problems and promoting health and safety

Schwann cells / ʃvɒn selz/ plural noun the cells which form the myelin sheath around a nerve fibre. See illustration at NEURONE in Supplement [Described 1839. After Friedrich Theo-

dor Schwann (1810–82), German anatomist.] schwannoma /ʃvɒ nəυmə/ noun a neurofibroma, a benign tumour of a peripheral nerve

Schwartze’s operation / ʃvɔ ts z ɒpəre*

ʃ(ə)n/ noun the original surgical operation to drain fluid and remove infected tissue from the mastoid process [After Hermann Schwartze (1837–1910), German otologist]

sciatic /sa t k/ adjective 1. referring to the hip 2. referring to the sciatic nerve

sciatica /sa t kə/ noun pain along the sciatic nerve, usually at the back of the thighs and legs

COMMENT: Sciatica can be caused by a slipped disc which presses on a spinal nerve, or can simply be caused by straining a muscle in the back.

sciatic nerve /sa t k n! v/ noun one of two main nerves which run from the sacral plexus into each of the thighs, dividing into a series of nerves in the lower legs and feet. They are the largest nerves in the body.

SCID abbr severe combined immunodeficiency

science / sa əns/ noun a study based on looking at and recording facts, especially facts arranged into a system

scientific / sa ən t f k/ adjective referring to

He carried out scientific experi-

scientist / sa ənt st/ noun a person who specialises in scientific studies

scintigram / s nt &r m/ noun an image recording radiation from radioactive isotopes injected into the body

scintillascope /s n t ləskəυp/ noun an instrument which produces a scintigram scintillator / s nt le tə/ noun a substance which produces a flash of light when struck by radiation

scintiscan / s nt sk n/ noun a scintigram which shows the variations in radiation from one part of the body to another

scirrhous / s rəs/ adjective hard a scirrhous tumour

scirrhus / s rəs/ noun a hard malignant tumour, especially in the breast

scissor leg / s zə le&/ noun a condition in which someone walks with one leg crossing over the other, usually as a result of spasticity of the leg’s adductor muscles

scissor legs / s zə le&z/ plural noun malformed legs, where one leg is permanently crossed over in front of the other



scissors / s zəz/ plural noun an instrument for cutting, made of two blades and two handles fastened together

scissura / s ʃυrə/ noun an opening in something or a splitting of something

scler- /skl ə/ prefix same as sclero- (used before vowels)

sclera / skl ərə/ noun the hard white outer covering of the eyeball. See illustration at EYE in Supplement. Also called sclerotic, sclerotic coat, albuginea oculi

COMMENT: The front part of the sclera is the transparent cornea, through which the light enters the eye. The conjunctiva, or inner skin of the eyelids, connects with the sclera and covers the front of the eyeball.

scleral / skl ərəl/ adjective referring to the sclera

scleral lens / skl ərəl lenz/ noun a large contact lens which covers most of the front of the eye

scleritis /sklə ra t s/ noun inflammation of the sclera

sclero- /skl ərəυ/ prefix 1. hard, thick 2. referring to the sclera

scleroderma / skl ərə d! mə/ noun a collagen disease which thickens connective tissue and produces a hard thick skin

scleroma /sklə rəυmə/ noun a patch of hard skin or hard mucous membrane

scleromalacia / skl ərəυmə le ʃiə pə fɔ rəns/, scleromalacia perforans / skl ərəυmə

le ʃiə/ noun a condition of the sclera in which holes appear in it

sclerosant agent /sklə rəυs(ə)nt e d ənt/ noun an irritating liquid injected into tissue to harden it

sclerosing /sklə rəυs ŋ/ adjective becoming hard, or making tissue hard

sclerosing agent /sklə rəυs ŋ e d (ə)nt/, sclerosing solution /sklə rəυs ŋ sə lu ʃ(ə)n/

noun same as sclerosant agent

sclerosis /sklə rəυs s/ noun a condition in

which tissue becomes hard

sclerotherapy / skl ərəυ θerəpi/ noun the treatment of a varicose vein by injecting a sclerosant agent into the vein, and so encouraging the blood in the vein to clot

sclerotic /sklə rɒt k/ adjective referring to sclerosis, or having sclerosis noun same as sclera

sclerotic coat /sklə rɒt k kəυt/ noun same

as sclera

sclerotome / skl ərətəυm/ noun a sharp knife used in sclerotomy

sclerotomy /sklə rɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to cut into the sclera

scolex / skəυleks/ noun the head of a tapeworm, with hooks which attach it to the wall of the intestine (NOTE: The plural is scolices or scolexes.)

scoliosis / skəυli əυs s/ noun a condition in which the spine curves sideways

scoliotic / skəυli ɒt k/ adjective referring to a spine which curves sideways

scoop stretcher / sku p stretʃə/ noun a type of stretcher formed of two jointed sections which can slide under someone and lock together

-scope /skəυp/ suffix referring to an instrument for examining by sight

scopolamine /skə pɒləmi n/ noun a colourless thick liquid poisonous alkaloid found in some plants of the nightshade family. It is used especially to prevent motion sickness and as a sedative.

scorbutic /skɔ bju t k/ adjective referring to scurvy

scorbutus /skɔ bju təs/ noun same as


scoto- /skəυtə/ prefix dark

scotoma /skɒ təυmə/ noun a small area in the field of vision where someone cannot see

scotometer /skəυ tɒm tə/ noun an instrument used to measure areas of impaired vision scotopia /skəυ təυpiə/ noun the power of the eye to adapt to poor lighting conditions and darkness

scotopic /skəυ tɒp k/ adjective referring to scotopia

scotopic vision /skəυ tɒp k v (ə)n/ noun vision in the dark and in dim light, where the rods of the retina are used instead of the cones, which are used for photopic vision. dark adaptation

scrape /skre p/ verb to remove the surface of something by moving a sharp knife across it

scratch /skr tʃ/ noun a slight wound on the skin made when a sharp point is pulled across it She had scratches on her legs and arms. Wash the dirt out of that scratch in case it gets infected. verb to harm the skin by moving a sharp point across it The cat scratched the girl’s face. Be careful not to scratch yourself on the wire.

scratch test / skr tʃ test/ noun a test for allergy, in which a small amount of a substance is placed on a lightly scratched area of skin to see if a reaction occurs

scream /skri m/ noun a loud sharp cry verb to make a loud sharp cry

screen /skri n/ noun 1. a light wall, sometimes with a curtain, which can be moved about and put round a bed to shield a person 2. same as screening verb to examine large numbers of people to test them for a disease

The population of the village was screened for meningitis.

‘…in the UK the main screen is carried out by health visitors at 6–10 months. With adequately staffed and trained community services, this method of screening can be extremely effective’ [Lancet]



secondary amenorrhoea

screening / skri n ŋ/ noun the process of testing large numbers of people to see if any of them have a particular type of disease. genetic screening

‘GPs are increasingly requesting blood screening for patients concerned about HIV’ [Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners]

screening test / skri n ŋ test/ noun a test for a particular disease which is given to people who have no symptoms in order to identify how many of them have that disease or are showing early signs of it

scrip /skr p/ noun a doctor’s prescription


scrofula / skrɒfjυlə/ noun a form of tuberculosis in the lymph nodes in the neck, formerly caused by unpasteurised milk but now rare scrofuloderma / skrɒfjυləυ d! mə/ noun a form of tuberculosis of the skin, forming ulcers, and secondary to tuberculous infection of an underlying lymph gland or structure scrota / skrəυtə/ plural of scrotum

scrotal / skrəυt(ə)l/ adjective referring to the scrotum

scrototomy /skrəυ tɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to open up and examine the scrotum

(NOTE: The plural is scrototomies.)

scrotum / skrəυtəm/ noun a bag of skin hanging from behind the penis, containing the testes, epididymides and part of the spermatic cord. See illustration at

(MALE) in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is scro-

tums or scrota.)

scrub nurse / skr"b n! s/ noun a nurse who cleans the operation site on someone’s body before an operation

scrub typhus / skr"b ta fəs/ noun same as

tsutsugamushi disease

scrub up / skr"b "p/ verb (of a surgeon or theatre nurse) to clean the hands and arms thoroughly before performing surgery (NOTE:

scrubbing up – scrubbed up)

scrumpox / skr"mpɒks/ noun a form of herpes simplex found especially in male sports players, passed on easily due to the presence of small cuts in the skin combined with the abrasive effects of facial stubble

scurf /sk! f/ noun same as dandruff scurvy / sk! vi/ noun a disease caused by lack of vitamin C or ascorbic acid which is found in fruit and vegetables. Also called scorbutus

COMMENT: Scurvy causes general weakness and anaemia, with bleeding from the gums and joints, and under the skin. In severe cases, the teeth drop out. Treatment consists of vitamin C tablets and a change of diet to include more fruit and vegetables.

scybalum / s bələm/ noun very hard faeces seasick / si s k/ adjective feeling sick because of the movement of a ship As soon as the ferry started to move she felt seasick.

seasickness / si s knəs/ noun illness, with nausea, vomiting and sometimes headache, caused by the movement of a ship Take some seasickness tablets if you are going on a long


seasonal affective disorder / si z(ə)n(ə)l ə fekt v d s ɔ də/, seasonal affective disorder syndrome / si z(ə)n(ə)l ə fekt v d sɔ də s ndrəυm/ noun a condition in which a

person becomes depressed and anxious during the winter when there are fewer hours of daylight. Its precise cause is not known, but it is thought that the shortage of daylight may provoke a reaction between various hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. Abbr SAD,


seat-belt syndrome / si t belt s ndrəυm/ noun a group of injuries between the neck and the abdomen which occur in a car accident when a person is using either a lap belt or a shoulder belt incorrectly, not over the strongest part of the chest

sebaceous /sə be ʃəs/ adjective 1. referring

to sebum 2. producing oil

sebaceous cyst /sə be ʃəs s st/ noun a cyst which forms when a sebaceous gland is blocked. steatoma

sebaceous gland /sə be ʃəs &l nd/ noun a gland in the skin which secretes sebum at the base of each hair follicle

seborrhoea / sebə ri ə/ noun an excessive secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands, common in young people at puberty, and sometimes linked to seborrhoeic dermatitis

(NOTE: The US spelling is seborrhea.) seborrhoeic / sebə ri k/ adjective 1. caused by seborrhoea 2. having an oily secretion

(NOTE: [all senses] The US spelling is sebor-


seborrhoeic dermatitis / sebəri k d! mə ta t s/, seborrhoeic eczema / sebəri k ek*

s mə/ noun a type of eczema where scales

form on the skin

seborrhoeic rash / sebəri k r ʃ/ noun seborrhoeic dermatitis

sebum / si bəm/ noun an oily substance secreted by a sebaceous gland, which makes the skin smooth. It also protects the skin against bacteria and the body against rapid evapora-

tion of water.

second / sekənd/ noun a unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute adjective coming after the


secondary / sekənd(ə)ri/ adjective 1. occurring after the first stage 2. less important than something else 3. referring to a condition which develops from another condition noun a malignant tumour which has developed and spread from another malignant tumour.

primary (NOTE: The plural is secondaries.)

secondary amenorrhoea / sekənd(ə)ri e menə ri ə/ noun a situation in which a pre-

secondary biliary cirrhosis


menopausal woman’s menstrual periods have stopped

secondary biliary cirrhosis / sekənd(ə)rib liəri sə rəυs s/ noun cirrhosis of the liver

caused by an obstruction of the bile ducts

secondary bronchi / sekənd(ə)ri brɒŋki / plural noun same as lobar bronchi

secondary care / sekənd(ə)ri keə/ noun treatment provided by the professional team in a hospital, rather than by a GP or other primary care provider and the primary health care team. Compare primary care, tertiary care. Also called secondary health care

secondary cartilaginous joint /

sekənd(ə)ri kɑ tə l d nəs d ɔ nt/ noun a joint where the surfaces of the two bones are connected by a piece of cartilage so that they cannot move, e.g. the pubic symphysis secondary dysmenorrhoea / sekənd(ə)ri d s menə ri ə/ noun dysmenorrhoea which

starts at some time after the first menstruation secondary growth / sekənd(ə)ri &rəυθ/

noun same as metastasis

secondary haemorrhage / sekənd(ə)ri hem(ə)r d / noun a haemorrhage which occurs some time after an injury, usually due to

infection of the wound

secondary health care / sekənd(ə)ri helθ

keə/ noun same as secondary care

secondary infection / sekənd(ə)ri n fekʃən/ noun an infection which affects a per-

son while he or she is weakened through hav-

ing another infection

secondary medical care / sekənd(ə)ri med k(ə)l keə/ noun specialised treatment provided by a hospital

secondary peritonitis / sekənd(ə)ri per tə na t s/ noun peritonitis caused by infection from an adjoining tissue, e.g. from the rupturing of the appendix

secondary prevention / sekənd(ə)ri pr venʃən/ noun the use of methods such as

screening tests which avoid a serious disease by detecting it early

secondary sexual characteristic /

sekənd(ə)ri sekʃuəl k r ktə r st k/ noun a sexual characteristic which develops after puberty, e.g. pubic hair or breasts second-degree burn / sekənd d &ri b! n/ noun a burn where the skin becomes very red and blisters

second-degree haemorrhoids / sekənd d &ri hemərɔ ds/ plural noun haemorrhoids

which protrude into the anus but return into the rectum automatically

second intention / sekənd n tenʃ(ə)n/ noun healing of an infected wound or ulcer, which takes place slowly and leaves a prominent scar

second-level nurse / sekənd lev(ə)l n! s/, second-level registered nurse /

sekənd lev(ə)l red stəd n! s/ noun a trained person who delivers nursing care under the direction and supervision of a first-level nurse. Compare first-level nurse

second molar / sekənd məυlə/ noun any of the molars at the back of the jaw, before the wisdom teeth, erupting at about 12 years of age

second opinion / sekənd ə p njən/ noun a diagnosis or opinion on treatment from a second doctor, often a hospital specialist secrete /s kri t/ verb (of a gland) to produce a substance such as hormone, oil or enzyme

(NOTE: secreting – secreted)

secretin /s kri t n/ noun a hormone secreted by the duodenum which encourages the production of pancreatic juice

secretion /s kri ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the process by which a substance is produced by a gland

The pituitary gland stimulates the secretion of hormones by the adrenal gland. 2. a substance produced by a gland Sex hormones are bodily secretions.

secretor /s kri tə/ noun a person who secretes substances indicating ABO blood group into mucous fluids such as semen or saliva secretory /s kri təri/ adjective referring to, accompanied by or producing a secretion

secretory otitis media /s kri təri əυta t s mi diə/ noun same as glue ear

section / sekʃən/ noun 1. a part of something

the middle section of the aorta 2. the action of cutting tissue 3. a cut made in tissue 4. a slice of tissue cut for examination under a microscope 5. a part of a document such as an Act of Parliament She was admitted under section 5 of the Mental Health Act.

Section 47 / sekʃən fɔ ti sev(ə)n/ noun a UK law under which a local authority has the power to seek an order from a magistrate’s court authorising the removal of a person at severe risk from their home. The authority must have a doctor’s certificate that the person is either suffering from a grave and chronic disease or is unable to look after himself or herself and is not receiving proper care and attention from other people.

security blanket /s kjυərəti bl ŋk t/ noun a familiar blanket, toy or other object which a child carries around because it makes him or her feel safe

sedate /s de t/ verb to calm a person by giving them a drug which acts on the nervous system and relieves stress or pain, and in larger doses makes the person sleep Elderly or confused patients may need to be sedated to prevent them wandering. (NOTE: sedating – sedated)

sedation /s de ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of calming someone using a sedative under sedation having been given a sedative He was



still under sedation, and could not be seen by the police.

sedative / sedət v/ noun an anxiolytic or hypnotic drug such as benzodiazepine, which acts on the nervous system to help a person sleep or to relieve stress (dated) She was prescribed sedatives by the doctor. adjective acting to help a person sleep or to relieve stress

sedentary / sed(ə)nt(ə)ri/ adjective involving a lot of sitting and little exercise

‘…changes in lifestyle factors have been related to the decline in mortality from ischaemic heart disease. In many studies a sedentary lifestyle has been reported as a risk factor for ischaemic heart disease’ [Journal of the American Medical Association]

sedentary occupation / sed(ə)nt(ə)riɒkjυ pe ʃ(ə)n/ noun a job where the workers

sit down for most of the time

sediment / sed mənt/ noun solid particles, usually insoluble, which fall to the bottom of a liquid

sedimentation / sed men te ʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of solid particles falling to the bottom of a liquid

sedimentation rate / sed men te ʃ(ə)n re t/ noun the rate at which solid particles are deposited from a solution, measured especially in a centrifuge

segment / se&mənt/ noun a part of an organ or piece of tissue which is clearly separate from other parts

segmental /se& ment(ə)l/ adjective formed of segments

segmental ablation /se& ment(ə)l ble ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to remove part of a nail, e.g. treatment for an ingrowing toenail

segmental bronchi /se& ment(ə)l brɒŋki / plural noun air passages supplying a

segment of a lung. Also called tertiary bronchi segmentation / se&mən te ʃ(ə)n/ noun the movement of separate segments of the wall of the intestine to mix digestive juice with the food before it is passed along by the action of peristalsis

segmented / se&mənt d/ adjective formed of segments

segregation / se&r &e ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the act of separating one person, group or thing from others, or of dividing people or things into separate groups which are kept apart from each other 2. the separation of the alleles of each gene and their distribution to separate sex cells during the formation of these cells in organisms with paired chromosomes

seizure / si ə/ noun a fit, convulsion or sudden contraction of the muscles, especially in a heart attack, stroke or epileptic fit

select /s lekt/ verb to choose one person, thing or group, but not others She was selected to go on a midwifery course

selection /s lekʃən/ noun an act of choosing one person, thing or group, but not others the selection of a suitable donor for a bone marrow transplant The candidates for the post have to go through a selection process. selective /s lekt v/ adjective choosing only one person, thing or group, and not others

selective oestrogen receptor modulator /s lekt v i strəd (ə)n r septə mɒdjυ

le tə/, selective estrogen receptor modulator noun a drug which acts on specific oestrogen receptors to prevent bone loss without affecting other oestrogen receptors, e.g. raloxifene hydrochloride. Abbr SERM

selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor

/s lekt v serə təυn n ri "pte k n h b tə/ noun a drug which causes a selective accumulation of serotonin in the central nervous system, and is used in the treatment of depression, e.g. fluoxetine. Abbr SSRI

COMMENT: The drug should not be started immediately after stopping an MAOI and should be withdrawn slowly.

selenium /sə li niəm/ noun a non-metallic trace element (NOTE: The chemical symbol is


self- /self/ prefix yourself

self-abuse / self ə bju s/ noun same as self-


self-actualisation /self ktjuəla ze ʃ(ə)n/, self-actualization noun the successful development and use of personal talents and abili-


self-admitted / self əd m t d/ adjective referring to a patient who has admitted himself or herself to hospital without being sent by a


self-care /self keə/ noun the act of looking after yourself properly, so that you remain


self-catheterisation /self k θitəra ze ʃ(ə)n/, self-catheterization noun a procedure in which a person puts a catheter through the urethra into his or her own bladder to emp-

ty out the urine

self-defence / self d fens/ noun the act of defending yourself when someone is attacking


self-examination / self & z m ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the regular examination of parts of your

own body for signs of disease

self-governing hospital /self &"vən ŋ hɒsp t(ə)l/ noun in the UK, a hospital which

earns its revenue from services provided to the District Health Authorities and family doctors. Also called hospital trust

self-harm / self hɑ m/ noun a deliberate act by which someone injures part of their body as the result of a personal trauma. Cutting and burning are two of the most common forms of self-harm. Also called self-abuse, self-injury, self-mutilation, self-wounding



self-image /self m d / noun the opinion which a person has about how worthwhile, attractive, or intelligent he or she is

self-injury / self nd əri/, self-mutilation /

self mju t le ʃ(ə)n/ noun same as selfharm

self-retaining catheter /self r te n ŋ k θitə/ noun a catheter which remains in place until it is deliberately removed self-wounding noun same as self-harm sella turcica / selə t! s kə/ noun a hollow in the upper surface of the sphenoid bone in which the pituitary gland sits. Also called pituitary fossa

semeiology / si ma ɒləd i/ noun same as symptomatology

semen / si mən/ noun a thick pale fluid containing spermatozoa, produced by the testes and seminal vesicles and ejaculated from the penis

semi- /semi/ prefix half

semicircular / semi s! kjυlə/ adjective

shaped like half a circle

semicircular canal / semis! kjυlə kə n l/ noun any one of three tubes in the inner ear which are partly filled with fluid and help to maintain balance. See illustration at EAR in Supplement

COMMENT: The three semicircular canals are on different planes. When a person’s head moves, as when he or she bends down, the fluid in the canals moves and this movement is communicated to the brain through the vestibular section of the auditory nerve.

semicircular duct / semis! kjυlə d"kt/ noun a duct in the semicircular canals in the


semicomatose / semi kəυmətəυs/ adjective almost unconscious or half asleep, but ca-

pable of being woken up

semi-conscious / semi kɒnʃəs/ adjective half conscious, only partly aware of what is going on She was semi-conscious for most of the operation.

semi-liquid / semi l kw d/ adjective half liquid and half solid

semilunar / semi lu nə/ adjective shaped

like half a moon

semilunar cartilage / semi lu nə

kɑ təl d / noun same as meniscus semilunar valve / semi lu nə v lv/ noun

either of two valves in the heart, the pulmonary valve and the aortic valve, through which

blood flows out of the ventricles

seminal / sem n(ə)l/ adjective referring to se-


seminal fluid / sem n(ə)l flu d/ noun the fluid part of semen, formed in the epididymis

and seminal vesicles

seminal vesicle / sem n(ə)l ves k(ə)l/ noun one of two glands at the end of the vas deferens which secrete the fluid part of semen.

See illustration at urogenital system (male) in Supplement

seminiferous tubule /semi n fərəs tju bju l/ noun a tubule in the testis which carries semen

seminoma / sem nəυmə/ noun a malignant tumour in the testis (NOTE: The plural is seminomas or seminomata.)

semipermeable / semi p! miəb(ə)l/ adjective allowing some types of particle to pass through but not others

semipermeable membrane / semip! miəb(ə)l membre n/ noun a membrane

which allows some substances in liquid solution to pass through but not others semiprone /semi prəυn/ adjective referring to a position in which someone lies face downwards, with one knee and one arm bent forwards and the face turned to one side

semi-solid / semi sɒl d/ adjective half solid and half liquid

SEN abbr State Enrolled Nurse senescence /s nesəns/ noun the ageing process

senescent /s nesənt/ adjective approaching the last stages of the natural life span

Sengstaken tube / seŋzte kən tju b/ noun a tube with a balloon, which is passed through the mouth into the oesophagus to stop oesophageal bleeding [After Robert William Sengstaken (b. 1923), US surgeon]

senile / si na l/ adjective 1. referring to the last stages of the natural life span or to the medical conditions associated with it 2. referring to someone whose mental faculties have become weak because of age

senile cataract / si na l k tər kt/ noun a cataract which occurs in an elderly person senile dementia / si na l d menʃə/ noun mental degeneration affecting elderly people


senile plaque / si na l pl k/ noun a spherical deposit of beta amyloid in brain areas in Alzheimer’s disease

senilis /sə na l s/ arcus senilis

senility /sə n ləti/ noun the deterioration of mental activity associated with the last stages of the natural life span

senior / si niə/ adjective 1. older than another person or other people 2. holding a more important position than others He is the senior anaesthetist in the hospital. Senior members of staff are allowed to consult the staff records.

noun a senior person

senna / senə/ noun a laxative made from the dried fruit and leaves of a tropical tree

sensation /sen se ʃ(ə)n/ noun a feeling or information about something which has been sensed by a sensory nerve and is passed to the brain

/ sensəb(ə)l



sense /sens/ noun 1. one of the five faculties by which a person notices things in the outside world: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch

When she had a cold, she lost her sense of smell. 2. the ability to discern or judge something verb to notice something by means other than sight Teeth can sense changes in temperature.

sense of balance / sens əv b ləns/ noun a feeling that keeps a person upright, governed by the fluid in the inner ear balance mechanism

sense organ /sens ɔ &ən/ noun an organ in which there are various sensory nerves which can detect environmental stimuli such as scent, heat or pain, and transmit information about them to the central nervous system, e.g. the nose or the skin

sensibility / sens b l ti/ noun the ability to detect and interpret sensations

sensible / sens b(ə)l/ adjective 1. showing common sense or good judgment 2. able to be detected by the senses

sensible perspiration

p! spə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun drops of sweat which can be seen on the skin, secreted by the sweat glands

sensitisation / sens ta ze ʃ(ə)n/, sensitization noun 1. the process of making a person sensitive to something 2. an unexpected reaction to an allergen or to a drug, caused by the presence of antibodies which were created when the person was exposed to the drug or allergen in the past

sensitise / sens ta z/, sensitize verb to make someone sensitive to a drug or allergen

(NOTE: sensitising – sensitised)

sensitised person / sens ta zd p! s(ə)n/, sensitized person noun a person who is allergic to a drug

sensitising agent / sens ta z ŋ e d ənt/, sensitizing agent noun a substance which, by acting as an antigen, makes the body form antibodies

sensitive / sens t v/ adjective 1. able to detect and respond to an outside stimulus 2. having an unexpected reaction to an allergen or to a drug, caused by the presence of antibodies which were created when the person was exposed to the drug or allergen in the past sensitivity / sens t v ti/ noun 1. the fact of being able to detect and respond to an outside stimulus 2. the rate of positive responses in a test from persons with a specific disease. A high rate of sensitivity means a low rate of people being incorrectly classed as negative. Compare specificity

sensorineural deafness / sensəri njυərəl

defnəs/, sensorineural hearing loss /

sensəri njυərəl h ər ŋ lɒs/ noun deafness caused by a disorder in the auditory nerves or

the brain centres which receive impulses from the nerves. Also called perceptive deafness

sensory / sensəri/ adjective referring to the detection of sensations by nerve cells sensory cortex / sensəri kɔ teks/ noun the area of the cerebral cortex which receives information from nerves in all parts of the body


sensory deprivation / sensəri depr ve ʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which a person becomes confused because they lack sensations

sensory nerve / sensəri n! v/ noun a nerve which registers a sensation such as heat, taste or smell and carries impulses to the brain and spinal cord. Also called afferent nerve sensory neurone / sensəri njυərəυn/ noun a nerve cell which transmits impulses relating to sensations from the receptor to the central nervous system

sensory receptor / sensəri r septə/ noun a cell which senses a change in the surrounding environment, e.g. cold or pressure, and reacts to it by sending out an impulse through the nervous system. Also called nerve ending separate verb / sepəre t/ to move two or more people or things apart The surgeons believe it may be possible to separate the conjoined twins. The retina has become separated from the back of the eye. (NOTE: separating – separated) adjective / sep(ə)rət/ 1. not touching, together or in the same place 2. distinct and not related or the same

separation / sepə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of separating or dividing two or more people or things, or the state of being separated separation anxiety / sepə re ʃ(ə)n ŋza əti/ noun a state of anxiety caused in someone, especially a young child, by the thought or fact of being separated from his or her mother or primary caregiver

sepsis / seps s/ noun the presence of bacteria and their toxins in the body, which kill tissue and produce pus, usually following the infection of a wound

sept- /sept/ prefix same as septi- (used before vowels)

septa / septə/ plural of septum

septal / sept(ə)l/ adjective referring to a septum

septal defect / sept(ə)l di fekt/ noun a congenital condition in which a hole exists in the wall between the left and right sides of the heart allowing an excessive amount of blood to flow through the lungs, leading in severe cases to pulmonary hypertension and sometimes heart failure

septate / septe t/ adjective divided by a septum

septi- /sept / prefix referring to sepsis



septic / sept k/ adjective referring to or produced by sepsis

septicaemia / sept si miə/ noun a condition in which bacteria or their toxins are present in the blood, multiply rapidly and destroy tissue. blood poisoning (NOTE: The US

spelling is septicemia.)

septicaemic / sept si m k/ adjective caused by septicaemia, associated with septi-

caemia (NOTE: The US spelling is septicemic.) septicaemic plague / sept si m k ple &/

noun a form of bubonic plague in which the symptoms are generalised throughout the body

septic shock / sept k ʃɒk/ noun shock caused by bacterial toxins in the blood as a result of infection. There is a dramatic drop in blood pressure, preventing the delivery of blood to the organs. Toxic shock syndrome is

one type of septic shock.

septo- /septəυ/ prefix referring to a septum septoplasty / septəυpl sti/ noun a surgical

operation to straighten the cartilage in the sep-

tum (NOTE: The plural is septoplasties.)

Septrin / septr n/ a trade name for co-tri-


septum / septəm/ noun a wall between two parts of an organ, e.g. between two parts of the heart or between the two nostrils in the nose. See illustration at HEART in Supplement (NOTE:

The plural is septa.)

septum defect / septəm di fekt/ noun a condition in which a hole exists in a septum, usually the septum of the heart

sequela /s kwi lə/ noun a disease or disorder that is caused by a disease or injury which the person had previously a case of osteomyelitis as a sequela of multiple fractures of the mandible biochemical and hormonal sequelae of the eating disorders Kaposi’s sarcoma can be a sequela of Aids. (NOTE: The plural is


sequence / si kwəns/ noun a series of things, numbers etc., which follow each other in order verb 1. to put things in order 2. to show how amino acids are linked together in chains to form protein (NOTE: sequences – se-

quencing – sequenced)

sequestra /s kwestrə/ plural of sequestrum

sequestration / si kwe stre ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the act of putting someone in an isolated place 2. the loss of blood into spaces in the body, reducing the circulating volume. It can occur naturally or can be produced artificially by applying tourniquets. pulmonary sequestration A dry hacking cough can cause sequestration of the peritoneum in the upper abdo-

men. 3. the formation of a sequestrum sequestrectomy / si kw strektəmi/ noun

a surgical operation to remove a sequestrum

(NOTE: The plural is sequestrectomies.)

sequestrum /s kwestrəm/ noun a piece of dead bone which is separated from whole bone

(NOTE: The plural is sequestra.)

ser- /s ər/ prefix same as sero- (used before vowels)

sera / s ərə/ plural noun plural of serum serine / ser n/ noun an amino acid produced

in the hydrolysis of protein

serious / s əriəs/ adjective 1. having very bad consequences He’s had a serious illness. There was a serious accident on the motorway.There is a serious shortage of plasma. 2. thoughtful and not superficial or humorous a serious discussion on the appropriateness of

the treatment serious about becoming a GP seriously / s əriəsli/ adverb in a serious way

She is seriously ill.

SERM abbr selective (o)estrogen receptor modulator

sero- /s ərəυ/ prefix 1. referring to blood se-

rum 2. referring to the serous membrane seroconvert / s ərəυkən v! t/ verb to pro-

duce specific antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen such as a bacterium or


serological / s ərə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective re-

ferring to serology

serological diagnosis / s ərəυlɒd k(ə)lda ə& nəυs s/ noun a diagnosis which comes

from testing serum

serological type / s ərəlɒd k(ə)l ta p/

noun same as serotype

serology /s ə rɒləd i/ noun the scientific study of serum and the antibodies contained in


seronegative / s ərəυ ne&ət v/ adjective referring to someone who gives a negative reac-

tion to a serological test

seropositive / s ərəυ pɒz t v/ adjective referring to someone who gives a positive reac-

tion to a serological test

seropus / s ərəυ p"s/ noun a mixture of se-

rum and pus

serosa /s rəυsə/ noun same as serous membrane (NOTE: The plural is serosas or serosae.) serositis / s ərəυ sa t s/ noun inflammation

of a serous membrane

serotherapy / s ərəυ θerəpi/ noun treatment of a disease using serum from immune people or immunised animals

serotonin / s ərə təυn n/ noun a compound which is a neurotransmitter and exists mainly in blood platelets. It is released after tissue is injured and is important in sleep, mood and va-


serotype / s ərəυta p/ noun 1. a category of microorganisms or bacteria which have some antigens in common 2. a series of common antigens which exists in microorganisms and bacteria also called serological type verb to group microorganisms and bacteria accord-



ing to their antigens (NOTE: serotyping – serotyped)

serous / s ərəs/ adjective referring to, pro-

ducing, or like serum

serous membrane / s ərəs membre n/ noun a membrane which both lines an internal cavity and covers the organs in the cavity, e.g. the peritoneum lining the abdominal cavity or pleura lining the chest cavity. Also called serosa

serous pericardium / s ərəs peri kɑ diəm/ noun the inner part of the pericar-

dium, forming a double sac which contains fluid to prevent the two parts of the pericardium from rubbing together

serpens / s! penz/ erythema serpens serpiginous /sə p d nəs/ adjective 1. referring to an ulcer or eruption which creeps across the skin 2. referring to a wound or ulcer with a wavy edge

serrated /sə re t d/ adjective with a zigzag or saw-like edge

serration /sə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun one of the points in a zigzag or serrated edge

Sertoli cells /sə təυli selz/ plural noun cells which support the seminiferous tubules in the testis [Described 1865. After Enrico Sertoli (1842–1910), Italian histologist, Professor of Ex-

perimental Physiology at Milan, Italy.] sertraline / s! trəli n/ noun an antidepressant drug which extends the action of the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is also used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

serum / s ərəm/ noun 1. a fluid which separates from clotted blood and is similar to plasma except that it has no clotting agents. Also called blood serum 2. blood serum taken from an animal which has developed antibodies to bacteria, used to give humans temporary immunity to a disease. Also called antiserum 3. any clear watery body fluid, especially a fluid that comes from a serous membrane (NOTE: The plural is serums or sera.)

COMMENT: Blood serum is plasma without the clotting agents. It contains salt and small quantities of albumin, globulin, amino acids, fats and sugars; its main component is water. serum albumin / s ərəm lbjυm n/ noun a

major protein in blood plasma

serum bilirubin / s ərəm b l ru b n/ noun bilirubin in serum, converted from haemo-

globin as red blood cells are destroyed serum globulin / s ərəm &lɒbjυl n/ noun a

major protein in blood serum that is an antibody

serum glutamic–oxalacetic transaminase / s ərəm &lu t m k ɒks ləsi t k

tr ns m ne z/ noun an enzyme excreted by damaged heart muscle, which appears in the blood of people who have had a heart attack. Abbr SGOT

serum glutamic–pyruvic transaminase

/ s ərəm &lu t m k pa ru v k tr ns m ne z/ noun an enzyme secreted by the parenchymal cells of the liver, occurring in increased amounts in the blood of people with infectious hepatitis. Abbr SGPT

serum hepatitis / s ərəm hepə ta t s/ noun a serious form of hepatitis transmitted by infected blood, unsterilised surgical instruments, shared needles or sexual intercourse. Also called hepatitis B, viral hepatitis serum sickness / s ərəm s knəs/ noun an allergic reaction to serum therapy which was formerly used as a way of boosting passive immunity

serum therapy noun the administration of treated serum, often from horses, formerly used as a way of boosting passive immunity

serve verb 1. to give a person food or drink

Lunch is served in the ward at 12:30. 2. to be useful or helpful to a person or group The clinic serves the local community well. 3. to have a particular effect or result The letter serves to remind you of your outpatients’ appointment. (NOTE: [all senses] serves – serving

– served)

service / s! v s/ noun 1. the act or fact or serving a person or group 2. a group of people working together

sesamoid / sesəmɔ d/, sesamoid bone / sesəmɔ d bəυn/ noun any small bony nodule

in a tendon, the largest being the kneecap

sessile / sesa l/ adjective referring to something, especially a tumour, which has no stem. Opposite pedunculate

session / seʃ(ə)n/ noun a visit to a therapist for treatment She has two sessions a week of physiotherapy. The evening session had to be cancelled because the therapist was ill.

set /set/ verb 1. to put the parts of a broken bone back into their proper places and keep the bone fixed until it has mended The doctor set the man’s broken arm. 2. (of a broken bone) to mend, to form a solid bone again His arm has set very quickly. Her broken wrist is setting very well. reset (NOTE: setting – set) settle / set(ə)l/ verb 1. to begin to feel comfortable or at ease, or to make a person feel comfortable or at ease (NOTE: settles – settling

– settled) 2. (of a sediment) to fall to the bottom of a liquid 3. (of a parasite) to attach itself, to stay in a part of the body The fluke settles in the liver. (NOTE: settles – settling – settled) sever / sevə/ verb to cut something off His hand was severed at the wrist. Surgeons tried to sew the severed finger back onto the patient’s hand.

severe /s v ə/ adjective very bad or dangerous The patient experienced severe bleedingA severe outbreak of whooping cough occurred during the winter.

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