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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

14.56 Mб



lipoma /l pəυmə/ noun a benign tumour formed of fatty tissue (NOTE: The plural is lipo-

mas or lipomata.)

lipomatosis / l pəυmə təυs s/ noun an excessive deposit of fat in the tissues in tumourlike masses

lipoprotein / l pəυ prəυti n/ noun a protein which combines with lipids and carries them in the bloodstream and lymph system (NOTE: Lipoproteins are classified according to the per-

centage of protein which they carry.) liposarcoma / l pəυsɑ kəυmə/ noun a rare malignant tumour found in fatty tissue (NOTE:

The plural is liposarcomas or liposarcomata.) liposuction / l pəυ s"kʃ(ə)n/ noun the surgical removal of fatty tissue for cosmetic reasons

lipotrophic / l pəυ trɒf k/ adjective referring to a substance which increases the amount of fat present in the tissues

Lippes loop / l pəz lu p/ noun a type of intrauterine device

lipping / l p ŋ/ noun a condition in which bone tissue grows over other bones

lip salve / l p s lv/ noun an ointment, usually sold as a soft stick, used to rub on lips to prevent them cracking

lipuria /l pjυəriə/ noun the presence of fat or oily emulsion in the urine

liquid diet / l kw d da ət/ noun a diet consisting only of liquids The clear liquid diet is a temporary diet used in preparation for surgery.

liquid paraffin / l kw d p rəf n/ noun an oil used as a laxative

liquor / l kə/ noun (in pharmacy) a solution, usually aqueous, of a pure substance

lisp /l sp/ noun a speech condition in which someone replaces ‘s’ sounds with ‘th’ verb to talk with a lisp

Listeria /l st əriə/ noun a genus of bacteria found in domestic animals and in unpasteurised milk products which can cause uterine infection or meningitis

listeriosis /l st əri əυs s/ noun an infectious disease transmitted from animals to humans by the bacterium Listeria

listless / l stləs/ adjective weak and tired listlessness / l stləsnəs/ noun the fact of being generally weak and tired

liter / li tə/ noun US spelling of litre

lith- /l θ/ prefix same as litho- (used before vowels)

lithaemia /l θi miə/ noun an unusual amount of uric acid in the blood. Also called uricaci-

daemia (NOTE: The US spelling is lithemia.) lithagogue / l θə&ɒ&/ noun a drug which helps to remove stones from the urine

lithiasis /l θa əs s/ noun the formation of stones in an organ

lithium / l θiəm/ noun a soft silver-white metallic element that forms compounds, used as a medical treatment for bipolar disorder

litho- prefix referring to a calculus litholapaxy /l θɒləp ksi/ noun the evacuation of pieces of a stone in the bladder after crushing it with a lithotrite. Also called lithotrity

lithonephrotomy / l θəυnə frɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove a stone in the kidney (NOTE: The plural is lithonephrotomies.) lithotomy /l θɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove a stone from the bladder (NOTE: The plural is lithotomies.)

lithotomy position /l θɒtəmi pə z ʃ(ə)n/ noun a position for some medical examinations in which the person lies on his or her back with the legs flexed and the thighs against the abdomen

lithotripsy / l θətr psi/ noun the process of breaking up kidney or gall bladder stones into small fragments that the body can eliminate them unaided

lithotrite / l θətra t/ noun a surgical instrument which crushes a stone in the bladder

lithotrity /l θɒtr ti/ noun same as litholapaxy

lithuresis / l θjυ ri s s/ noun the passage of small stones from the bladder during urination lithuria /l θjυəriə/ noun the presence of excessive amounts of uric acid or urates in the urine

litmus / l tməs/ noun a substance which turns red in acid and blue in alkali

litmus paper / l tməs pe pə/ noun a small piece of paper impregnated with litmus, used to test for acidity or alkalinity

litre / li tə/ noun a unit of measurement of liquids equal to 1.76 pints. Abbr l, L (NOTE: With figures, usually written l or L: 2.5l, but it can be written in full to avoid confusion with the numeral 1. The US spelling is liter.)

little finger / l t(ə)l f ŋ&ə/ noun the smallest finger on the hand

Little’s area / l t(ə)lz eəriə/ noun an area of blood vessels in the nasal septum

Little’s disease / l t(ə)lz d zi z/ noun same as spastic diplegia [Described 1843. After William John Little (1810–94), physician at the London Hospital, UK.]

little toe / l t(ə)l təυ/ noun the smallest toe on the foot Her little toe was crushed by the door.

live adjective /la v/ 1. living, not dead graft using live tissue birth 2. carrying electricity

He was killed when he touched a live wire.

verb /l v/ to be alive She is very ill, and the doctor doesn’t think she will live much longer.

(NOTE: living – lived)



live birth / la v b! θ/ noun the birth of a baby which is alive The number of live births has remained steady.

livedo /l vi dəυ/ noun discoloured spots on the skin

liver / l və/ noun a large gland in the upper part of the abdomen. See illustration at DIGES- TIVE SYSTEM in Supplement (NOTE: For other terms referring to the liver, see words beginning with hepat-, hepato-.)

COMMENT: The liver is situated in the top part of the abdomen on the right side of the body next to the stomach. It is the largest gland in the body, weighing almost 2 kg. Blood carrying nutrients from the intestines enters the liver by the hepatic portal vein; the nutrients are removed and the blood returned to the heart through the hepatic vein. The liver is the major detoxicating organ in the body; it destroys harmful organisms in the blood, produces clotting agents, secretes bile, stores glycogen and metabolises proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Diseases affecting the liver include hepatitis and cirrhosis; the symptom of liver disease is often jaundice.

liver fluke / l və flu k/ noun a parasitic flatworm which can infest the liver

liver spot / l və spɒt/ noun a little brown patch on the skin of the backs of the hands, attributed to sun damage (NOTE: Liver spots are

unconnected with any liver disorder.)

liver transplant / l və tr nsplɑ nt/ noun a surgical operation to give a person the liver of another person who has died

livid / l v d/ adjective referring to skin with a blue colour because of being bruised or because of asphyxiation

living will / l v ŋ w l/ noun a document signed by a person while in good health to specify the decisions he or she wishes to be taken about medical treatment if he or she becomes incapable of making or communicating them

LMC abbr local medical committee

loa loa / ləυə ləυə/ noun a tropical disease of the eye caused when the threadworm Loa loa enters the eye or the skin around the eye

Loa loa / ləυə ləυə/ noun a tropical threadworm which digs under the skin, especially around and into the eye, causing loa loa and loiasis

lobar / ləυbə/ adjective referring to a lobe lobar bronchi / ləυbə brɒŋki / plural noun air passages supplying a lobe of a lung. Also

called secondary bronchi

lobar pneumonia / ləυbə nju məυniə/ noun pneumonia which affects one or more lobes of the lung

lobe /ləυb/ noun 1. a rounded section of an organ such as the brain, lung or liver. See illustration at LUNGS in Supplement 2. the soft fleshy part at the bottom of the ear 3. a cusp on the crown of a tooth

lobectomy /ləυ bektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove one of the lobes of an organ such as the lung The plural is lobectomies.

lobotomy /ləυ bɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation formerly used to treat mental illness by cutting into a lobe of the brain to cut the nerve fibres (NOTE: The plural is lobotomies.) lobular / lɒbjυlə/ adjective relating to a lobule lobular carcinoma

lobule / lɒbju l/ noun a small section of a lobe in the lung, formed of acini

local / ləυk(ə)l/ adjective 1. referring to a separate place 2. confined to one part noun same

as local anaesthetic

local anaesthesia / ləυk(ə)l nəs θi ziə/ noun loss of feeling in a single part of the body local anaesthetic / ləυk(ə)l nəs θet k/ noun an anaesthetic such as lignocaine which removes the feeling in a single part of the body only The surgeon removed the growth under local anaesthetic.

localise / ləυkəla z/, localize verb 1. to restrict the spread of something to a specific area 2. to find where something is 3. to transfer power from a central authority to local organisations (NOTE: localising – localised)

localised / ləυkəla zd/, localized adjective referring to an infection which occurs in one part of the body only. Opposite generalised

Local Medical Committee / ləυk(ə)l med k(ə)l kə m ti/ noun a committee re-

sponsible for monitoring the interests of providers of primary care such as GPs, dentists and pharmacists in a district. Abbr LMC

local supervising authority / ləυk(ə)l su pəva z ŋ ɔ θɒr ti/ noun an organisation

which controls midwife services within its area

lochia / lɒkiə/ noun a discharge from the vagina after childbirth or abortion

lochial / ləυkiəl/ adjective referring to lochia lochiometra / lɒkiəmi trə/ noun a condition in which lochia remains in the uterus after a baby is born, making it swollen

lock /lɒk/ verb to fix something in a position locked-in syndrome / lɒkt n s ndrəυm/ noun a condition in which only the eyes and eyelids can move although the person is fully alert and conscious. It results from severe damage to the brain stem.

locked knee /lɒkt ni / noun a condition in which a piece of the cartilage in the knee slips out of position. The symptom is a sharp pain, and the knee remains permanently bent. locking joint / lɒk ŋ d ɔ nt/ noun a joint which can be locked in an extended position, e.g. the knee or elbow

lockjaw / lɒkjɔ / noun same as tetanus (dated informal)



locomotion / ləυkə məυʃ(ə)n/ noun the fact of being able to move

locomotor / ləυkə məυtə/ adjective relating to locomotion

locomotor ataxia / ləυkə məυtər ə t ksiə/

noun same as tabes dorsalis

loculated / lɒkjυle t d/ adjective referring to an organ or a growth which is divided into many compartments a loculated renal abscess

locule / lɒkju l/ noun same as loculus loculus / lɒkjυləs/ noun a small space in an organ (NOTE: The plural is loculi.)

locum / ləυkəm/ noun a healthcare professional such as a doctor or pharmacist who takes the place of another for a time. Also called locum tenens

locum tenens noun same as locum (NOTE:

The plural is locum tenentes.)

locus / ləυkəs/ noun 1. an area or point where an infection or disease is to be found 2. a position on a chromosome occupied by a gene

(NOTE: The plural is loci.)

lodge /lɒd / verb to stay or stick somewhere, or to stick something somewhere The piece of bone lodged in her throat. The larvae of the tapeworm lodge in the walls of the intestine.

lofepramine /lɒ feprəmi n/ noun an antidepressant drug

log roll / lɒ& rəυl/ noun a method of turning people in bed onto their side by putting them into a straight position and pulling on the sheet under them

logrolling / lɒ&rəυl ŋ/ noun the process of moving a person who is lying down into another position using the log roll method

-logy /ləd i/ suffix 1. science or study psychology embryology 2. speech or expression

loiasis /ləυ a əs s/ noun a tropical disease of the eye caused when the threadworm Loa loa enters the eye or the skin around the eye

loin /lɔ n/ noun the lower back part of the body above the buttocks

Lomotil /ləυ məυt l/ a trade name for a preparation containing diphenoxalate long-acting / lɒŋ kt ŋ/ adjective referring to a drug or treatment which has an effect that lasts a long time

long bone / lɒŋ bəυn/ noun any long limb bone that contains marrow and ends in a part that forms a joint with another bone longitudinal / lɒŋ& tju d n(ə)l/ adjective 1. positioned lengthwise 2. in the direction of the long axis of the body

longitudinal arch / lɒŋ& tju d n(ə)l ɑ tʃ/

noun same as plantar arch

longitudinal fissure / lɒŋ& tju d n(ə)l f ʃə/ noun a groove separating the two cerebral hemispheres

longitudinal lie / lɒŋ& tju d n(ə)l la / noun the usual position of a fetus, lying along the axis of the mother’s body

longitudinal study / lɒŋ& tju d n(ə)l st"* di/ noun a study of individuals or groups of people and of how some aspect such as their health or education changes over a long time longsighted / lɒŋ sa t d/ adjective able to see clearly things which are far away but not things which are close

longsightedness / lɒŋ sa t dnəs/ noun the condition of being longsighted. Also called hypermetropia

long-stay / lɒŋ ste / adjective referring to staying a long time in hospital patients in long-stay units

long stay patient / lɒŋ ste pe ʃ(ə)nt/ noun a patient who will stay in hospital for a long time

long stay ward / lɒŋ ste wɔ d/ noun a ward for patients who will stay in hospital for a long time

loo /lu / noun a toilet, or a room containing a toilet (informal) to go to the loo to urinate or defecate

look after / lυk ɑ ftə/ verb to take care of a person and attend to his or her needs The nurses looked after him very well or He was very well looked after in hospital. She is off work looking after her children who have mumps.

loop /lu p/ noun 1. a curve or bend in a line, especially one of the particular curves in a fingerprint 2. a curved piece of wire placed in the uterus to prevent contraception

loop of Henle / lu p əv henli/ noun a curved tube which forms the main part of a nephron in the kidney

loperamide /ləυ perəma d/, loperamide hydrochloride /ləυ perəma d ha drəυ klɔ ra d/

noun a drug that relieves severe diarrhoea by slowing down the movements of the intestine loratidine /lɒr t di n/ noun an antihistamine drug

lorazepam /lɔ r z p m/ noun a mild tranquilliser that people often receive before surgery to lessen anxiety

lordosis /lɔ dəυs s/ noun excessive forward curvature of the lower part of the spine. kyphosis

lordotic /lɔ dɒt k/ adjective referring to lordosis

lotion / ləυʃ(ə)n/ noun a medicinal liquid used to rub on the skin a mild antiseptic lotion

louse /laυs/ noun a small insect of the Pediculus genus, which sucks blood and lives on the skin as a parasite on animals and humans

(NOTE: The plural is lice.)

COMMENT: There are several forms of louse: the commonest are the body louse, the crab



louse and the head louse. Some diseases can be transmitted by lice.

low /ləυ/ adjective 1. relatively little in height

2. close to the bottom or base of something low blood pressure / ləυ bl"d preʃə/

noun same as hypotension

low-calorie diet / ləυ k ləri da ət/ noun a diet with few calories, to help a person to lose


low-density lipoprotein /ləυ dens ti l pəυprəυti n/ noun a lipoprotein with a large

percentage of cholesterol which deposits fats in muscles and arteries. Abbr LDL

lower / laυə/ adjective in a position below an-

other thing

lower jaw / ləυə d ɔ / noun same as mandi-


lower limb / ləυə l m/ noun a leg

lower motor neurones / ləυə məυtənjυərəυnz/ plural noun linked neurones

which carry motor impulses from the spinal

cord to the muscles

low-fat diet / ləυ f t da ət/ noun a diet with little animal fat, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and alleviate some

skin conditions

low-risk patient / ləυ r sk pe ʃ(ə)nt/ noun a person not likely to catch or develop a partic-

ular disease

low-salt diet / ləυ sɔ lt da ət/ noun a diet with little salt, which has been shown to help reduce high blood pressure

lozenge / lɒz nd / noun a sweet medicinal tablet She was sucking a cough lozenge.

LPN abbr US licensed practical nurse

LRCP abbr licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians

LSA abbr local supervising authority LSD abbr lysergic acid diethylamide

lubb-dupp /l"b d"b/ noun two sounds made by the heart, which represent each cardiac cycle when heard through a stethoscope lubricant / lu br kənt/ noun a fluid which lubricates

lubricate / lu br ke t/ verb to cover something with a fluid to reduce friction (NOTE: lubricating – lubricated)

lubricating jelly / lu br ke t d eli/ noun a jelly used to make a surface slippery

lucid / lu s d/ adjective with a clearly working

mind In spite of the pain, he was still lucid. lucid interval / lu s d ntəv(ə)l/ noun a pe-

riod of clear thinking which occurs between two periods of unconsciousness or of mental


Ludwig’s angina / lu dv &z n d a nə/ noun cellulitis of the mouth and some parts of the neck which causes the neck to swell and may obstruct the airway [Described 1836. After Wilhelm Friedrich von Ludwig (1790–1865), Professor of Surgery and Midwifery at Tübingen,

Germany, and Court Physician to King Frederick II.]

lues / lu i z/ noun a former name for syphilis or the plague

lumbago /l"m be &əυ/ noun pain in the lower back (informal) She has been suffering from lumbago for years. He has had an attack of lumbago.

lumbar / l"mbə/ adjective referring to the lower part of the back

lumbar artery / l"mbə ɑ təri/ noun one of four arteries which supply blood to the back muscles and skin

lumbar cistern / l"mbə s stən/ noun a subarachnoid space in the spinal cord, where the dura mater ends, filled with cerebrospinal fluid

lumbar enlargement / l"mbə n lɑ d mənt/ noun the wider part of the spinal

cord in the lower spine, where the nerves of the lower limbs are attached

lumbar plexus / l"mbə pleksəs/ noun the point where several nerves which supply the thighs and abdomen join together, lying in the upper psoas muscle

lumbar puncture / l"mbə p"ŋktʃə/ noun a surgical operation to remove a sample of cerebrospinal fluid by inserting a hollow needle into the lower part of the spinal canal. Also called spinal puncture (NOTE: The US term is usually spinal tap.)

lumbar region / l"mbə ri d ən/ noun the two parts of the abdomen on each side of the umbilical region

lumbar vertebra / l"mbə v! t brə/ plural noun each of the five vertebrae between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum

lumbo- /l"mbəυ/ prefix the lumbar region lumbosacral / l"mbəυ se krəl/ adjective referring to both the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum

lumbosacral joint / l"mbəυ se krəl d ɔ nt/ noun a joint at the bottom of the back between the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum

lumen / lu m n/ noun 1. an SI unit of light emitted per second 2. the inside width of a passage in the body or of an instrument such as an endoscope 3. a hole at the end of an instrument such as an endoscope

lump /l"mp/ noun a mass of hard tissue which rises on the surface or under the surface of the skin He has a lump where he hit his head on the low door. She noticed a lump in her right breast and went to see the doctor. lumpectomy /l"m pektəmi/ noun a surgical operation to remove a hard mass of tissue such as a breast tumour, leaving the surrounding tissue intact (NOTE: The plural is lumpectomies.) lunate / lu ne t/, lunate bone / lu ne t bəυn/ noun one of the eight small carpal bones in the wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplement

Lund and Browder chart


Lund and Browder chart / l"nd ən braυdə tʃɑ t/ noun a chart for calculating the

surface area of a burn

lung /l"ŋ/ noun one of two organs of respiration in the body into which air is sucked when a person breathes (NOTE: For other terms referring to the lungs, see words beginning with bronch-, broncho-, pneum-, pneumo-, pneu- mon-, pneumono-, pulmo-.)

COMMENT: The two lungs are situated in the chest cavity, protected by the ribcage. The heart lies between the lungs. The right lung has three lobes, the left lung only two. Air goes down into the lungs through the trachea and bronchi. It passes to the alveoli where its oxygen is deposited in the blood in exchange for waste carbon dioxide which is exhaled (gas exchange). Lung cancer can be caused by smoking tobacco, and is commonest in people who are heavy smokers.

lung cancer / l"ŋ k nsə/ noun cancer in the


lunula / lu njυlə/ noun a curved white mark at the base of a fingernail (NOTE: The plural is lunulae.)

lupus / lu pəs/ noun a persistent skin disease, of which there are several unrelated types

lupus erythematosus / lu pəs er θi mə təυsəs/ noun an inflammatory disease of con-

nective tissue of which the more serious, systemic, form affects the heart, joints and blood vessels. Abbr LE

lupus vulgaris / lu pəs v"l &eər s/ noun a form of tuberculosis of the skin in which red spots appear on the face and become infected lutein / lu ti n/ noun a yellow pigment in the corpus luteum

luteinising hormone / lu ti na z ŋ

hɔ məυn/, luteinizing hormone noun a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum in females and of testosterone in males. Abbr

LH. Also called interstitial cell stimulating


luteo- /lu tiəυ/ prefix 1. yellow 2. corpus luteum

luxation /l"k se ʃ(ə)n/ noun same as dislocation

Lyme disease / la m d zi z/ noun a viral disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted by bites from deer ticks. It causes rashes, nervous pains, paralysis and, in extreme cases, death.

lymph /l mf/ noun a colourless liquid containing white blood cells which circulates in the lymph system from all body tissues, carrying waste matter away from tissues to the veins. Also called lymph fluid

COMMENT: Lymph drains from the tissues through capillaries into lymph vessels. It is formed of water, protein and white blood cells (lymphocytes). Waste matter such as infection in the lymph is filtered out and destroyed as it passes through the lymph nodes, which

then add further lymphocytes to the lymph before it continues in the system. It eventually drains into the brachiocephalic (innominate) veins, and joins the venous bloodstream. Lymph is not pumped round the body like blood but moves by muscle pressure on the lymph vessels and by the negative pressure of the large veins into which the vessels empty. Lymph is an essential part of the body’s defence against infection.

lymph- /l mf/ prefix meaning same as lympho- (used before vowels)

lymphaden- /l mf dən/ prefix relating to the

lymph nodes

lymphadenectomy / l mf də nektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of a lymph node

(NOTE: The plural is lymphadenectomies.) lymphadenitis / l mf də na t s/ noun in-

flammation of the lymph nodes lymphadenoma / l mf də nəυmə/ noun

same as lymphoma

lymphadenopathy / l mf də nɒpəθi/ noun any unusual condition of the lymph nodes

(NOTE: The plural is lymphadenopathies.) lymphangi- /l mf nd i/ prefix lymphatic


lymphangiectasis / l mf nd i ektəs s/ noun swelling of the smaller lymph vessels as

a result of obstructions in larger vessels lymphangiography / l mf nd i ɒ&rəfi/

noun an X-ray examination of the lymph vessels following introduction of radio-opaque material (NOTE: The plural is lymphangiographies.)

lymphangioma / l mf nd i əυmə/ noun a benign tumour formed of lymph tissues (NOTE: The plural is lymphangiomas or lymphangiomata.)


/l mf nd iəpl sti/

noun a surgical operation to



lymph channels (NOTE: The


is lym-






/l mf nd iəυsɑ

kəυmə/ noun a malignant tumour of the endothelial cells lining the lymph vessels (NOTE: The plural is lymphangiosarcomas or lymphangiosarcomata.)

lymphangitis / l mf n d a t s/ noun inflammation of the lymph vessels

lymphatic /l m f t k/ adjective referring to


lymphatic capillary /l m f t k kə p ləri/ plural noun any of the capillaries which lead

from tissue and join lymphatic vessels lymphatic duct /l m f t k d"kt/ noun the

main channel for carrying lymph

lymphatic node /l m f t k nəυd/ noun

same as lymph gland

lymphatic nodule /l m f t k nɒdju l/ noun a small lymph node found in clusters in


lymphatic system /l m f t k s stəm/ noun a series of vessels which transport lymph



from the tissues through the lymph nodes and into the bloodstream

lymphatic vessel /l m f t k ves(ə)l/ noun a tube which carries lymph round the body from the tissues to the veins

lymph duct / l mf d"kt/ noun any channel carrying lymph

lymph fluid / l mf flu d/ noun same as lymph

lymph gland / l mf &l nd/, lymph node / l mf nəυd/ noun a mass of lymphoid tissue situated in various points of the lymphatic system, especially under the armpits and in the groin, through which lymph passes and in which lymphocytes are produced. Also called lymphatic node

lympho- /l mfəυ/ prefix meaning lymph lymphoblast / l mfəυbl st/ noun an unusual cell which forms in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia as a result of the change which takes place in a lymphocyte on contact with an antigen

lymphoblastic / l mfəυ bl st k/ adjective referring to lymphoblasts, or forming lymphocytes

lymphocele / l mfəsi l/ noun a cyst containing lymph from injured or diseased lymph nodes or ducts

lymphocyte / l mfəsa t/ noun a type of mature leucocyte or white blood cell formed by the lymph nodes and concerned with the production of antibodies

lymphocytopenia / l mfəυ sa təυ pi niə/ noun same as lymphopenia

lymphocytosis / l mfəυsa təυs s/ noun an increased number of lymphocytes in the blood

lymphoedema / l mfəυ di mə/ noun a swelling caused by obstruction of the lymph vessels or unusual development of lymph vessels (NOTE: The US spelling is lymphedema.)

lymphogranuloma inguinale / l mfəυ &r njυ ləυmə n&w ne li/ noun same as

lymphogranuloma venereum

lymphogranuloma venereum / l mfəυ&r njυ ləυmə və n ərəm/ noun a sexually

transmitted bacterial infection that causes swelling of the genital lymph nodes and, especially in men, a genital ulcer. Abbr l.g.v. lymphography /l m fɒ&rəfi/ noun the making of images of the lymphatic system after having introduced a radio-opaque substance

lymphoid / l mfɔ d/ adjective referring to lymph, lymphatic tissue, or the lymphatic system

lymphoid tissue / l mfɔ d t ʃu / noun tissue in the lymph nodes, the tonsils and the spleen where masses of lymphocytes are supported by a network of reticular fibres and cells

lymphokine / l mfəυka n/ noun a protein produced by lymphocytes that has an effect on other cells in the immune system. cytokine lymphoma /l m fəυmə/ noun a malignant tumour arising from lymphoid tissue. Also called lymphadenoma (NOTE: The plural is lymphomas or lymphomata.)

lymphopenia / l mfəυ pi niə/ noun a reduction in the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Also called lymphocytopenia lymphopoiesis / l mfəυpɔ i s s/ noun the production of lymphocytes or lymphoid tissue

lymphorrhagia / l mfə re d ə/, lymphorrhoea / l mfə riə/ noun escape of lymph from ruptured or severed lymphatic vessels lymphosarcoma / l mfəυsɑ kəυmə/ noun a malignant growth arising from lymphocytes and their cells of origin in the lymph nodes

(NOTE: The plural is lymphosarcomas or lymphosarcomata.)

lymphotropic / l mfə trɒp k/ adjective affecting the lymphatic system

lymphuria /l m fjυəriə/ noun the presence of lymph in the urine

lymph vessel / l mf ves(ə)l/ noun one of the tubes which carry lymph round the body from the tissues to the veins

lyophilisation /la ɒf la ze ʃ(ə)n/, lyophilization noun the act of preserving tissue, plasma or serum by freeze-drying it in a vacuum

lyophilise /la ɒf la z/, lyophilize verb to preserve tissue, plasma or serum by freezedrying in a vacuum (NOTE: lyophilising – lyophilised)

lysergic acid diethylamide /la s! d ks d da eθ ləma d/ noun a powerful hallu-

cinogenic drug which can cause psychosis. Abbr LSD

lysin / la s n/ noun 1. a protein in the blood which destroys the cell against which it is directed 2. a toxin which causes the lysis of cells

lysine / la si n/ noun an essential amino acid

lysis / la s s/ noun 1. the destruction of a cell by a lysin, in which the membrane of the cell is destroyed 2. a reduction in a fever or disease slowly over a period of time. Opposite crisis

-lysis /l s s/ suffix referring to processes which involve breaking up or decaying, or to objects which are doing this haemolysis

lysol / la sɒl/ noun a strong disinfectant, made of cresol and soap

lysosome / la səsəυm/ noun a particle in a cell which contains enzymes which break down substances such as bacteria which enter the cell

lysozyme / la səza m/ noun an enzyme found in the whites of eggs and in tears, which destroys specific bacteria


m symbol 1. metre 2. milli-

M symbol mega-

MAAG abbr medical audit advisory group

macerate / m səre t/ verb to make something soft by letting it lie in a liquid for a time

(NOTE: macerating – macerated)

maceration / m sə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of softening a solid by letting it lie in a liquid so that the soluble matter dissolves

Mackenrodt’s ligaments / m kənrəυdzl &əmənts/ plural noun same as cardinal liga-


Macmillan nurse /mək m lən n! s/ noun a nurse who specialises in cancer care and is employed by the organisation Macmillan Cancer Relief

macro- /m krəυ/ prefix large. Opposite micro-

macrobiotic / m krəυba ɒt k/ adjective referring to food which has been produced naturally without artificial additives or preservatives

COMMENT: Macrobiotic diets are usually vegetarian and are prepared in a special way. They consist of beans, coarse flour, fruit and vegetables. They may not contain enough protein or trace elements, especially to satisfy the needs of children.

macrocephaly / m krəυ kefli/ noun the condition of having an unusually large head

macrocheilia / m krəυ ka liə/ noun the condition of having large lips

macrocyte / m krəυsa t/ noun an unusually large red blood cell found in people who have pernicious anaemia

macrocythaemia / m krəυsa θi miə/ noun same as macrocytosis

macrocytic / m krəυ s t k/ adjective referring to macrocytes

macrocytic anaemia / m krəυs t k ə ni miə/ noun anaemia in which someone has unusually large red blood cells macrocytosis / m krəυsa təυs s/ noun the condition of having macrocytes in the blood. Also called macrocythaemia

macrodactyly / m krəυ d kt li/ noun a condition in which a person has unusually large or long fingers or toes

macrogenitosoma / m krəυ d en tə səυmə/ noun premature development of the

body with the genitals being of an unusually large size

macroglobulin / m krəυ &lɒbjυl n/ noun a class of immunoglobulin, a globulin protein of high molecular weight, which serves as an antibody

macroglossia / m krəυ &lɒsiə/ noun the condition of having an unusually large tongue

macrognathia / m krəυ ne θiə/ noun a condition in which the jaw is larger than usual macrolide drug / m krəla d dr"&/ noun a drug used in the treatment of bacterial infection, often in place of penicillin in people sensitive to penicillin (NOTE: Macrolide drugs have names ending in -omycin: erythromycin.)

macromastia / m krəυ m stiə/ noun overdevelopment of the breasts

macromelia / m krəυ mi liə/ noun a condition in which a person has unusually large limbs

macronutrient / m krəυ nju triənt/ noun a substance which an organism needs in large amounts for normal growth and development, e.g. nitrogen, carbon or potassium. Compare


macrophage / m krəυfe d / noun any of several large cells which destroy inflammatory tissue, found in connective tissue, wounds, lymph nodes and other parts

macropsia /m krɒpsiə/ noun a condition in which a person sees objects larger than they really are, caused by an unusual development in the retina

macroscopic / m krəυ skɒp k/ adjective able to be seen with the naked eye macrosomia / m krəυ səυmiə/ noun a condition in which the body grows too much macrostomia / m krəυ stəυmiə/ noun a condition in which the mouth is too wide because the bones of the upper and lower jaw have not fused, either on one or on both sides


malarial therapy

macula / m kjυlə/ noun 1. same as macule 2. a small coloured area, e.g. a macula lutea 3. an area of hair cells inside the utricle and sac-

cule of the ear (NOTE: The plural is maculae.) macula lutea / m kjυlə lu tiə/ noun a yellow spot on the retina, surrounding the fovea, the part of the eye which sees most clearly. Also called yellow spot

macular / m kjυlə/ adjective referring to a macula

macular degeneration / m kjυlə dd enə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun an eye disorder in eld-

erly people in which fluid leaks into the retina and destroys cones and rods, reducing central vision

macular oedema / m kjυlə di mə/ noun a disorder of the eye in which fluid gathers in the fovea

macule / m kju l/ noun a small flat coloured spot on the skin. Compare papule maculopapular / m kjυləυ p pjυlə/ adjective made up of both macules and papules maculopapular rash

mad cow disease noun same as bovine

spongiform encephalopathy (informal)

maduromycosis /mə djυərəυma kəυs s/, maduromycetoma /mə djυərəυ ma sə təυmə/, Madura foot /mə djυərə fυt/ noun a

tropical fungus infection in the feet which can

destroy tissue and infect bones

Magendie’s foramen /mə d end z fə re men/ noun an opening in the fourth ventricle of the brain which allows cerebrospinal fluid to flow [Described 1828. After François Magendie (1783–1855), French physician and physiologist.]

magna / m &nə/ cisterna magna magnesium /m & ni ziəm/ noun a chemical element found in green vegetables, which is essential especially for the correct functioning of muscles (NOTE: The chemical symbol is


magnesium sulphate /m & ni ziəm s"l* fe t/ noun a magnesium salt used as a laxative. Also called Epsom salts

magnesium trisilicate /m & ni ziəm tra s l kət/ noun a magnesium compound used to treat peptic ulcers

magnetic /m & net k/ adjective able to attract objects, like a magnet

magnetic field /m & net k fi ld/ noun an area round an object which is under the influence of the magnetic force exerted by the object

magnetic resonance imaging /m & net k rezənəns m d ŋ/ noun a scanning tech-

nique which exposes the body to a strong magnetic field and uses the electromagnetic signals emitted by the body to form an image of soft tissue and cells. Abbr MRI

magnum / m &nəm/ foramen magnum

maim /me m/ verb to incapacitate someone

with a major injury

main bronchi /me n brɒŋki / plural noun the two main air passages which branch from the trachea outside the lung. Also called primary bronchi

major / me d ə/ adjective 1. important or serious 2. more important or serious than others of the same type The operation was a major

one. opposite minor

major surgery / me d ə s! d əri/ noun surgical operations involving important organs in the body. Compare minor surgery

mal /m l/ noun an illness or disease mal- /m l/ prefix bad or unusual

malabsorption / m ləb sɔ pʃən/ noun a situation where the intestines are unable to absorb the fluids and nutrients in food properly

malabsorption syndrome / m ləb sɔ pʃən s ndrəυm/ noun a group of symp-

toms and signs, including malnutrition, anaemia, oedema and dermatitis, which results from steatorrhoea and malabsorption of vitamins, protein, carbohydrates and water malacia /mə le ʃə/ noun the pathological sof-

tening of an organ or tissue

maladjusted / m lə d "st d/ adjective referring to a person who has difficulty fitting

into society or family

maladjustment / m lə d "stmənt/ noun difficulty experienced in fitting into society or family

malaise /mə le z/ noun a feeling of discomfort

malaligned / m lə la nd/ adjective not in the correct position relative to other parts of

the body

malalignment / m lə la nmənt/ noun a condition in which something is malaligned, especially in which a tooth is not in its correct position in the mouth

malar / me lə/ adjective referring to the cheek malar bone / me lə bəυn/ noun same as


malaria /mə leəriə/ noun a mainly tropical disease caused by a parasite Plasmodium, which enters the body after a bite from the female anopheles mosquito

COMMENT: Malaria is a recurrent disease. It produces headaches, shivering, vomiting, sweating and sometimes hallucinations which are caused by toxins coming from the waste of the parasite Plasmodium in the blood.

malarial /mə leəriəl/ adjective referring to


malarial parasite /mə leəriəl p rəsa t/ noun a parasite transmitted into the human bloodstream by the bite of the female anophe-

les mosquito

malarial therapy /mə leəriə θerəpi/ noun a treatment in which a person is given a form of malaria in the belief that the high fevers they

male menopause


experience can stimulate the immune system to fight off serious diseases such as syphilis

and HIV

male menopause /me l menəpɔ z/ noun a period in middle age when a man may feel insecure and anxious about the fact that his phys-

ical powers are declining (informal)

male sex hormone / me l seks hɔ məυn/

noun same as testosterone

male sex organs / me l seks ɔ &ənz/ plural noun the testes, epididymis, vasa deferentia, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts and penis malformation / m lfɔ me ʃ(ə)n/ noun an unusual variation in the shape, structure or development of something

malformed /m l fɔ md/ adjective unusual in

shape, structure or development malfunction /m l f"ŋkʃən/ noun a situation

in which a particular organ does not work in the usual way Her loss of consciousness was due to a malfunction of the kidneys or to a kidney malfunction. verb to fail to work correctly During the operation his heart began to malfunction.

malignancy /mə l &nənsi/ noun 1. the state of being malignant The tests confirmed the malignancy of the growth. 2. a cancerous growth (NOTE: The plural is malignancies.) malignant /mə l &nənt/ adjective likely to cause death or serious disablement if not properly treated

malignant hypertension /mə l &nəntha pə tenʃən/ noun dangerously high blood


malignant melanoma /mə l &nənt melə nəυmə/ noun a dark tumour which develops

on the skin from a mole, caused by exposure to

strong sunlight

malignant pustule /mə l &nənt p"stju l/ noun a pus-filled swelling that results from infection of the skin with anthrax

malignant tumour /mə l &nənt tju mə/ noun a tumour which is cancerous and can grow again or spread into other parts of the body, even if removed surgically. Opposite be-

nign tumour

malingerer /mə l ŋ&ərə/ noun a person who pretends to be ill

malingering /mə l ŋ&ər ŋ/ adjective the act of pretending to be ill

malleolar /mə li ələ/ adjective referring to a


malleolus /mə li ələs/ noun one of two bony prominences at each side of the ankle (NOTE:

The plural is malleoli.)

mallet finger / m l t f ŋ&ə/ noun a finger which cannot be straightened because the tendon attaching the top joint has been torn malleus / m liəs/ noun the largest of the three ossicles in the middle ear, shaped like a hammer. See illustration at EAR in Supplement

Mallory bodies / m ləri bɒdiz/ plural noun large irregular masses which occur in the cytoplasm of damaged liver cells, often a sign of an alcohol-related disease

Mallory’s stain / m ləriz ste n/ noun trichrome stain, used in histology to distinguish collagen, cytoplasm and nuclei

Mallory-Weiss syndrome / m ləri va ss ndrəυm/, Mallory-Weiss tear / m ləri

va s teə/ noun a condition in which there is a tearing in the mucous membrane where the stomach and oesophagus join, e.g. because of strain on them due to vomiting [Described 1929. After G. Kenneth Mallory (b. 1900), Professor of Pathology, Boston University, USA; Konrad Weiss (1898–1942) US physician.] malnourished /m l n"r ʃt/ adjective not having enough to eat or having only poor-qual- ity food, leading to ill-health

malnutrition / m lnjυ tr ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a lack of food or of good-quality food, leading to ill-health 2. the state of not having enough to eat

malocclusion / m lə klu (ə)n/ noun a condition in which the teeth in the upper and lower jaws do not meet properly when the person’s mouth is closed

malodorous /m l əυdərəs/ adjective with a strong unpleasant smell

Malpighian body /m l p &iən bɒdi/, Malpighian corpuscle /m l p &iən kɔ p"s(ə)l/

noun same as renal corpuscle [Described 1666. After Marcello Malpighi (1628–94), anatomist and physiologist in Rome and Bologna, Ita-


Malpighian glomerulus /m l p &iən &lɒ merυləs/ noun same as Bowman’s capsule

Malpighian layer /m l p &iən leiə/ noun the deepest layer of the epidermis malposition / m lpə z ʃ(ə)n/ noun an unusual or unexpected position of something such as a fetus in the uterus or fractured bones malpractice /m l pr kt s/ noun 1. illegal, unethical, negligent or immoral behaviour by a professional person, especially a healthcare professional The surgeon was found guilty of malpractice. 2. wrong treatment of a patient for which a healthcare professional may be tried in court

malpresentation / m lprez(ə)n te ʃ(ə)n/ noun an unusual position of a fetus in the uter-

us just before it is ready to be born

Malta fever / mɔ ltə fi və/ noun same as brucellosis

maltase / mɔ lte z/ noun an enzyme in the small intestine which converts maltose into glucose

maltose / mɔ ltəυs/ noun a sugar formed by

digesting starch or glycogen

malunion /m l ju njən/ noun a bad join of the pieces of a broken bone

noun a



mamilla /mə m lə/ noun another spelling of mammilla

mamillary / m m lri/ adjective another spelling of mammillary

mamm- prefix same as mammo- (used before vowels)

mamma / m mə/ noun same as breast

(NOTE: The plural is mammae.)

mammary / m məri/ adjective referring to

the breast

mammary gland / m məri &l nd/ noun a gland in female mammals which produces milk

mammilla /mə m lə/, mamilla noun the protruding part in the centre of the breast, containing the milk ducts through which the milk flows. Also called nipple

mammillary / m m l(ə)ri/, mamillary adjec-

tive referring to the nipple

mammillary body / m m l(ə)ri bɒdi/ noun one of two little projections on the base of the hypothalamus

mammo- prefix referring to breasts mammogram / m mə&r m/ noun a picture of a breast made using a special X-ray tech-


mammography /m mɒ&rəfi/ noun examination of the breast using a special X-ray technique

‘…mammography is the most effective technique available for the detection of occult (non-palpable) breast cancer. It has been estimated that mammography can detect a carcinoma two years before it becomes palpable.’ [Southern Medical Journal]

mammoplasty / m məpl sti/ noun plastic

surgery to alter the shape or size of the breasts mammothermography / m məυθ! mɒ

&rəfi/ noun thermography of a breast manage / m n d / verb 1. to be in charge or control of something She manages the ward very efficiently. Bleeding can usually be managed, but sometimes an operation may be necessary. 2. to be able to do something, or to succeed in doing something Did you manage to phone the doctor? Can she manage to

feed herself? (NOTE: managing – managed) management / m n d mənt/ noun 1. the

organising or running of an organisation such as a hospital, clinic or health authority 2. the organisation of a series of different treatments for a person

manager / m n d ə/ noun a person in charge of a department in the health service or

in charge of a group of hospitals

Manchester operation / m ntʃ stər ɒpəre ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to correct downward movement of the uterus, involving removal of the cervix

mandible / m nd b(ə)l/ noun the lower bone in the jaw. Also called lower jaw

COMMENT: The jaw is formed of two bones, the mandible which is attached to the skull with a

hinge joint and can move up and down, and the maxillae which are fixed parts of the skull. mandibular /m n d bjυlə/ adjective refer-

ring to the lower jaw

mandibular fossae /m n d bjυlə fɒsi/ plural noun sockets in the skull into which the

ends of the lower jaw fit

mandibular nerve /m n d bjυlə n! v/ noun a sensory nerve which supplies the teeth in the lower jaw, the temple, the floor of the mouth and the back part of the tongue

mane / me ni/ adverb (used on prescriptions) during the daytime. Opposite nocte

‘…he was diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus at age 14, and was successfully controlled on insulin 15 units mane and 10 units nocte’ [British Journal

of Hospital Medicine]

manganese / m ŋ&əni z/ noun a metallic trace element (NOTE: The chemical symbol is


mania / me niə/ noun a state of bipolar disorder in which the person is excited, very sure of his or her own abilities and has increased energy

-mania /me niə/ suffix obsession with something

maniac / me ni k/ noun a person who behaves in an uncontrolled way or is considered to have an obsession (NOTE: This term is regarded as offensive.)

manic / m n k/ adjective referring to mania manic depression / m n k d preʃ(ə)n/

noun same as bipolar disorder manic-depressive / m n k d pres v/ ad-

jective relating to bipolar disorder person with bipolar disorder

manic-depressive illness / m n k d

pres v lnəs/, manic-depressive psychosis

/ m n k d pres v sa kəυs s/ noun same as bipolar disorder

manifestation / m n fe ste ʃ(ə)n/ noun a sign, indication or symptom of a disease

‘…the reason for this susceptibility is a profound abnormality of the immune system in children with sickle cell disease. The major manifestations of pneumococcal infection in SCD are septicaemia, meningitis and pneumonia.’ [Lancet]

manikin / m n k n/ noun an anatomical model of the human body, used in teaching anatomy

manipulate /mə n pjυ le t/ verb to rub or move parts of the body with the hands to treat a joint, a slipped disc or a hernia (NOTE: manipulating – manipulated)

manipulation /mə n pjυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun a form of treatment that involves moving or rubbing parts of the body with the hands, e.g. to treat a disorder of a joint

manner / m nə/ noun a way of doing something or of behaving He was behaving in a strange manner. bedside manner mannitol / m n tɒl/ noun a diuretic drug used in the treatment of oedema of the brain

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