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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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dizygotic / da za &ɒt k/ adjective devel-

oped from two separately fertilised eggs dizygotic twins / da za &ɒt k tw nz/ plu-

ral noun twins who are not identical and not always of the same sex because they come from two different ova fertilised at the same time.

Also called fraternal twins

dizziness / d zinəs/ noun the feeling that everything is going round because the sense of balance has been affected

dizzy / d zi/ adjective feeling that everything is going round because the sense of balance has been affected The ear infection made her feel dizzy for some time afterwards. He experiences dizzy spells.

dl abbr decilitre

DLE abbr disseminated lupus erythematosus dm abbr decimetre

DMD abbr US doctor of dental medicine DNA / di en e / noun one of the nucleic acids, the basic genetic material present in the nucleus of each cel. Full form deoxyribonu-

cleic acid

DNA fingerprint / di en e f ŋ&əpr nt/ noun same as genetic fingerprint

DNA fingerprinting / di en e f ŋ&əpr nt ŋ/ noun same as genetic fingerprinting

DNR abbr do not resuscitate DOA abbr dead on arrival

dobutamine /dəυ bju təmi n/ noun a drug

used to stimulate the heart

doctor / dɒktə/ noun 1. a person who has trained in medicine and is qualified to examine people when they are ill to find out what is wrong with them and to prescribe a course of treatment 2. a title given to a qualified person who is registered with the General Medical Council (NOTE: Doctor is shortened to Dr when written before a name.)

COMMENT: In the UK surgeons are traditionally not called ’Doctor’, but are addressed as ’Mr’, ’Mrs’, etc. The title ’doctor’ is also applied to persons who have a higher degree from a university in a non-medical subject. So ’Dr Jones’ may have a degree in music, or in any other subject without a connection with medicine.

doctor-assisted suicide / dɒktə ə s st d su sa d/ noun the suicide of someone with an incurable disease carried out with the help of a doctor (NOTE: Doctor-assisted suicide is illegal in most countries.)

Döderlein’s bacillus / d! dəla nz bəs l"s/ noun a bacterium usually found in the vagina [After Albert Siegmund Gustav Döderlein (1860–1941), German obstetrician and gynaecologist]

dolicho- /dɒl kəυ/ prefix long dolichocephalic / dɒl kəυse f l k/ adjective referring to a person with an unusually

long skull

dolichocephaly / dɒl kəυ sefəli/ noun a condition of a person who has a skull which is

longer than usual, the measurement across the skull being less than 75% of the length of the head from front to back

dolor / dɒlə/ noun pain

dolorimetry / dɒlə r mətri/ noun the measurement of pain

dolorosa / dɒlə rəυsə/ adiposis dolorosa domiciliary / dɒm s liəri/ adjective at home or in the home

domiciliary care / dɒm s liəri keə/ noun personal, domestic, or nursing care provided at home for people who need it

domiciliary midwife / dɒm s liəri m dwa f/ noun a nurse with special qualification in midwifery, who can assist in childbirth at home domiciliary services / dɒm s liəri s! v s z/ plural noun nursing services which are available to people in their homes domiciliary visit / dɒm s liəri v z t/ noun a visit to the patient’s home

dominance / dɒm nəns/ noun the characteristic of a gene form (allele) that leads to the trait which it controls being shown in any individual carrying it

dominant / dɒm nənt/ adjective important or powerful noun (of an allele) having the characteristic that leads to the trait which it controls being shown in any individual carrying it. Compare recessive

COMMENT: Since each physical trait is governed by two genes, if one is recessive and the other dominant, the resulting trait will be that of the dominant gene.

domino booking / dɒm nəυ bυk ŋ/ noun an arrangement for the delivery of a baby, where the baby is delivered in hospital by a midwife and the mother and child return home soon afterwards

Donald-Fothergill operation / dɒnəld fɒðə& l ɒpə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun an operation to

close the neck of the vagina

donate /dəυ ne t/ verb to agree to give blood, tissue, organs, or reproductive material to be used to treat another person

donor / dəυnə/ noun a person who gives blood, tissue, organs or reproductive material to be used to treat another person

donor card / dəυnə kɑ d/ noun a card carried by people stating that they give permission for their organs to be transplanted into other people after they have died

donor insemination / dəυnə nsem ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun artificial insemination using the sperm of an anonymous donor. Abbr DI dopa / dəυpə/ noun a chemical related to adrenaline and dopamine. It occurs naturally in the body and in the form levodopa is used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

dopamine / dəυpəmi n/ noun a substance found in the medulla of the adrenal glands, which also acts as a neurotransmitter. Lack of



dopamine is associated with Parkinson’s dis-


dopaminergic / dəυpəm n! d k/ adjective referring to a neurone or receptor stimulat-

ed by dopamine

Doppler transducer / dɒplə tr nz dju sə/ noun a device to measure blood flow, commonly used to monitor fetal heart rate

Doppler ultrasound / dɒplə "ltrəsaυnd/ noun the use of the Doppler effect in ultrasound to detect red blood cells

Doppler ultrasound flowmeter / dɒplə"ltrəsaυnd fləυmi tə/ noun a device which

measures the flow of blood and detects steady or irregular flow, allowing abnormalities or blockages to be detected

dormant / dɔ mənt/ adjective inactive for a time The virus lies dormant in the body for several years.

dorsa / dɔ sə/ plural of dorsum

dorsal / dɔ s(ə)l/ adjective 1. referring to the back. Opposite ventral 2. referring to the back of the body

dorsal vertebrae / dɔ s(ə)l v! t bre / plural noun the twelve vertebrae in the back between the cervical vertebrae and the lumbar vertebrae

dorsi- / si/ prefix referring to the back dorsiflexion / dɔ s flekʃən/ noun flexion towards the back of part of the body, e.g. raising the foot at the ankle. Compare plantar flexion

dorso- / səυ/ prefix same as dorsi- dorsoventral / dɔ səυ ventrəl/ adjective 1.

referring to both the front and the back of the body 2. extending from the back of the body to the front

dorsum / dɔ səm/ noun the back of any part of the body (NOTE: The plural is dorsa.) dosage / dəυs d / noun a measured quantity of a drug calculated to be necessary for someone a low dosage The doctor decided to increase the dosage of antibiotics. The dosage for children is half that for adults.

dose /dəυs/ noun 1. a measured quantity of a drug or radiation which is to be given to someone at one time It is dangerous to exceed the prescribed dose. 2. a short period of experiencing a minor illness (informal) a dose of flu 3. an infection with a sexually transmitted disease (informal) verb to provide someone with medication (informal) She has been dosing herself with laxatives.

dosimeter /dəυ s m tə/ noun an instrument which measures the amount of X-rays or other radiation received

dosimetry /dəυ s mətri/ noun the act of measuring the amount of X-rays or radiation received, using a dosimeter

double-blind randomised controlled trial

/ d"b(ə)l bla nd r ndəma zd kən trəυld

tra əl/ noun a trial used to test new treatments in which patients are randomly placed in either the treatment or the control group without either the patient or doctor knowing which group any particular patient is in

double blind study / d"b(ə)l bla nd st"di/ noun an investigation to test an intervention in which neither the patient nor the doctor knows if the patient is receiving active medication or a placebo

double-jointed / d"b(ə)l d ɔ nt d/ adjective able to bend joints to an unusual degree


double pneumonia / d"b(ə)l nju məυniə/

noun same as bilateral pneumonia

double uterus / d"b(ə)l ju t(ə)rəs/ noun a condition in which the uterus is divided into two sections by a membrane. Also called uter-

us didelphys. dimetria

double vision / d"b(ə)l v (ə)n/ noun same as diplopia (informal)

douche /du ʃ/ noun a liquid forced into the body to wash out a cavity, or a device used for washing out a cavity

Douglas bag / d"&ləs b &/ noun a bag used for measuring the volume of air breathed out of the lungs

Douglas’ pouch / d"&ləs z paυtʃ/ noun the rectouterine peritoneal recess

down below /daυn b ləυ/ adverb used to refer politely to the genital area (informal)

Down’s syndrome / daυnz s ndrəυm/ noun a condition due to the existence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, in which a baby is born with slanting eyes, a wide face, speech difficulties and usually some degree of learning difficulty [Described 1866. After John Langdon Haydon Down (1828–96), British physician

at Normansfield Hospital, Teddington, UK.] downstairs /daυn steəz/ adverb used to refer politely to the genital area (informal)

down there /daυn ðeə/ adverb used to refer politely to the genital area (informal) doxepin / dɒks p n/ noun a drug used as a sedative and antidepressant

doxycycline / dɒksi sa kli n/ noun a widely used antibiotic derived from tetracycline

doze /dəυz/ verb to sleep lightly for a short time

dozy / dəυzi/ adjective sleepy These antihistamines can make you feel dozy.

DPT abbr diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

DPT vaccine / di pi ti v ksi n/, DPT immunisation / di pi ti mjυna ze ʃ(ə)n/

noun a combined vaccine or immunisation against the three diseases, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus

Dr abbr doctor (NOTE: used when writing someone’s name: Dr Smith)



drachm /dr m/ noun a measure used in pharmacy, equal to 3.8g dry weight or 3.7ml liquid measure

dracontiasis / dr kɒn ta əs s/, dracunculiasis /drə k"ŋkjυ la əs s/ noun a tropical

disease caused by the guinea worm Dracunculus medinensis which enters the body from infected drinking water and forms blisters on the skin, frequently leading to secondary arthritis, fibrosis and cellulitis

Dracunculus /drə k"ŋkjυləs/ noun a parasitic worm which enters the body and rises to the skin to form a blister. The infection frequently leads to secondary arthritis, fibrosis and cellulitis. Also called guinea worm dragee /dr e / noun a sugar-coated tablet or pill

drain /dre n/ noun a tube to remove liquid from the body verb to remove liquid from the body an operation to drain the sinus They drained the pus from the abscess. drainage / dre n d / noun the removal of liquid from the site of an operation or pus from an abscess by means of a tube or wick left in the body for a time

drape /dre p/ noun a thin material used to place over someone about to undergo surgery, leaving the operation site uncovered

draw /drɔ / verb to drain a liquid such as blood, pus or water from a wound or incision

drawn /drɔ n/ adjective appearing tired and careworn, usually as a result of anxiety, grief

or illness

draw-sheet / drɔ ʃi t/ noun a sheet under a person in bed, folded so that it can be pulled out as it becomes soiled

drepanocyte / drepənəυsa t/ noun same as

sickle cell



/ drepənəυsa təυs s/

noun same as sickle-cell anaemia

dress /dres/ verb 1. to put on clothes, or put clothes on someone 2. to clean a wound and put a covering over it Nurses dressed the

wounds of the accident victims.

dresser / dresə/ noun someone who assists a surgeon during operations

dressing / dres ŋ/ noun a covering or bandage applied to a wound to protect it The patient’s dressings need to be changed regularly. dribble / dr b(ə)l/ verb to let liquid flow slowly out of an opening, especially saliva out of the mouth

dribbling / dr bl ŋ/ noun 1. the act of letting saliva flow out of the mouth 2. same as incontinence (informal)

drill /dr l/ noun a tool which rotates very rapidly to make a hole, especially a surgical instrument used in dentistry to remove caries verb to make a hole with a drill A small hole is drilled in the skull. The dentist drilled one of her molars.

Drinker respirator / dr ŋkə resp re tə/ noun a machine which encloses the whole of the body except the head, and in which air pressure is increased and decreased, so forcing the person to breathe in and out. Also called iron lung

drip /dr p/ noun a system for introducing liquid slowly and continuously into the body, by which a bottle of liquid is held above a person and the fluid flows slowly down a tube into a needle in a vein or into the stomach After her operation, the patient was put on a drip.

drip feed / dr p fi d/ noun a drip containing nutrients

drop /drɒp/ noun 1. a small quantity of liquid 2. a sudden reduction or fall in the quantity of something a drop in pressure plural noun drops liquid medicine for the eye, nose, or ear administered with a dropper verb 1. to fall or let something fall Pressure in the artery dropped suddenly. 2. to reduce suddenly

drop attack / drɒp ə t k/ noun a condition in which a person suddenly falls down, though he or she is not unconscious, caused by sudden weakness of the spine

droperidol /drɒ per dɒl/ noun a drug used to keep someone in a calm state before an operation

drop foot / drɒp fυt/ noun a condition, caused by a muscular disorder, in which the ankle is not strong and the foot hangs limp droplet / drɒplət/ noun a very small quantity of liquid

droplet infection / drɒplət n fekʃən/ noun an infection developed by inhaling droplets containing a virus, e.g. from a sneeze

drop off / drɒp ɒf/ verb (informal) 1. to fall asleep 2. to get less

dropper / drɒpə/ noun a small glass or plastic tube with a rubber bulb at one end, used to suck up and expel liquid in drops

dropsy / drɒpsi/ noun same as oedema


drop wrist /drɒp r st/ noun a condition caused by a muscular disorder, in which the wrist is not strong and the hand hangs limp drown /draυn/ verb to die by inhaling liquid drowning / draυn ŋ/ noun death as a result of inhaling liquid

drowsiness / draυzinəs/ noun sleepiness

The medicine is likely to cause drowsiness. drowsy / draυzi/ adjective sleepy The injection will make you feel drowsy.

drug /dr"&/ noun 1. a natural or synthetic chemical substance which is used in medicine and affects the way in which organs or tissues function She was prescribed a course of pain-killing drugs. The drug is being monitored for possible side-effects. 2. a substance taken by choice which produces a strong effect



on a person’s feelings and state of mind recreational drug controlled drugs

COMMENT: There are three classes of controlled drugs: Class ‘A’ drugs such as cocaine, heroin, crack and LSD; Class ‘B’ drugs such as amphetamines and codeine; and Class ‘C’ drugs such as cannabis and benzphetamine. The drugs are covered by five schedules under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations: Schedule 1: drugs which are not used medicinally, such as cannabis and LSD, for which possession and supply are prohibited. Schedule 2: drugs which can be used medicinally such as heroin, morphine, cocaine, and amphetamines: these are fully controlled as regards prescriptions by doctors, safe custody in pharmacies, registering of sales, etc. Schedule 3: barbiturates, which are controlled as regards prescriptions, but need not be kept in safe custody; Schedule 4: benzodiazepines, which are controlled as regards registers of purchasers; Schedule 5: other substances for which invoices showing purchasers; Schedule 5: other substances for which invoices showing purchase must be kept.

drug abuse / dr"& ə bju s/ noun sub-

stance abuse

drug abuser / dr"& ə bju zə/ noun a person who regularly uses drugs for non-medical purposes

drug addict / dr"& d kt/ noun a person who is physically and mentally dependent on taking a particular drug regularly a heroin

addict a morphine addict

drug addiction / dr"& ə d kʃən/ noun the fact of being mentally and physically dependent on taking a particular drug regularly. Also called drug dependence

drug allergy / dr"& ləd i/ noun a reaction

to a particular drug

drug dependence / dr"& d pendəns/ noun same as drug addiction

drug-related / dr"& r le t d/ adjective associated with the taking of drugs

drug tolerance / dr"& tɒlərəns/ noun a condition in which a drug has been given to someone for so long that his or her body no longer reacts to it, and the dosage has to be increased

drunk /dr"ŋk/ adjective intoxicated with too much alcohol

dry /dra / adjective 1. not wet The surface of the wound should be kept dry. 2. containing only a small amount of moisture She uses a cream to soften her dry skin. (NOTE: drier – driest) verb to remove moisture from some-

thing (NOTE: dries – drying – dried)

dry beriberi / dra beri beri/ noun beriberi

associated with loss of feeling and paralysis dry burn / dra b! n/ noun an injury to the

skin caused by touching a very hot dry surface dry drowning / dra draυn ŋ/ noun death in

which someone’s air passage has been constricted by being under water, though he or she does not inhale any water

dry-eye syndrome /dra a s ndrəυm/

noun same as xerosis

dry gangrene / dra & ŋ&ri n/ noun a condition in which the blood supply to a limb has been cut off and the tissue becomes black dry ice / dra a s/ noun solid carbon dioxide dryness / dra nəs/ noun the state of being dry dryness in the eyes, accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis She complained of dry-

ness in her mouth.

dry out / dra aυt/ verb 1. same as dry 2. to treat someone for alcoholism, or undergo treatment for alcoholism (informal)

dry socket /dra sɒk t/ noun inflammation of the socket of a tooth which has just been removed

DTC abbr diagnostic and treatment centre DTs abbr delirium tremens

Duchenne muscular dystrophy /du ʃenm"skjυlə d strəfi/, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy /du ʃenz m"skjυlə d strəfi/,

Duchenne /du ʃen/ noun an inherited form of muscular dystrophy that weakens the muscles of the upper respiratory and pelvic areas. It usually affects boys and causes early death.

[Described 1849. After Guillaume Benjamin Ar-

naud Duchenne (1806–75), French neurologist.]

Ducrey’s bacillus /du kre z bə s ləs/ noun a type of bacterium found in the lungs, causing chancroid [Described 1889. After Augusto Ducrey (1860–1940), Professor of Dermatology in Pisa, then Rome, Italy.]

duct /d"kt/ noun a tube which carries liquids,

especially one which carries secretions

duct gland / d"kt &l nd/ noun same as exocrine gland

ductless / d"ktləs/ adjective without a duct ductless gland / d"ktləs &l nd/ noun

same as endocrine gland

ductule / d"ktju l/ noun a very small duct ductus / d"ktəs/ noun same as duct ductus arteriosus / d"ktəs ɑ t əri əυsəs/

noun in a fetus, the blood vessel connecting the left pulmonary artery to the aorta so that blood

does not pass through the lungs

ductus deferens / d"ktəs defərənz/ noun one of two tubes along which sperm pass from the epididymus to the seminal vesicles near the prostate gland. Also called vas deferens. See

illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in


ductus venosus / d"ktəs v nəυsəs/ noun in a fetus, the blood vessel connecting the portal sinus to the inferior vena cava

dull /d"l/ adjective referring to pain which is not strong but which is continuously present

She complained of a dull throbbing pain in her head. He felt a dull pain in the chest. verb to make a sensation or awareness of a sensation less sharp The treatment dulled the pain for a while. The drug had dulled her senses.

/ d skrəυmə tɒpsiə/



dumb /d"m/ adjective not able to speak dumbness / d"mnəs/ noun same as mutism dumping syndrome / d"mp ŋ s ndrəυm/

noun same as postgastrectomy syndrome

duo- /dju əυ/ prefix two

duoden- /dju əυdi n/ prefix referring to the


duodenal / dju əυ di n(ə)l/ adjective refer-

ring to the duodenum

duodenal papillae /dju əυ di n(ə)l pə p li / plural noun small projecting parts in the duodenum where the bile duct and pancreatic duct


duodenal ulcer /dju əυ di n(ə)l "lsə/ noun

an ulcer in the duodenum

duodenoscope / dju əυ di nəυskəυp/ noun an instrument used to examine the inside

of the duodenum

duodenostomy / dju əυd nɒstəmi/ noun a permanent opening made between the duodenum and the abdominal wall

duodenum / dju ə di nəm/ noun the first part of the small intestine, going from the stomach to the jejunum. See illustration at DI-

GESTIVE SYSTEM in Supplement

COMMENT: The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine, about 250 mm long. It takes bile from the gall bladder and pancreatic juice from the pancreas and continues the digestive processes started in the mouth and


duplex imaging / dju pleks m d ŋ/ noun a type of ultrasonic imaging where the speed

of the flow of blood is measured

Dupuytren’s contracture /du pwi trənz kən tr ktʃə/ noun a condition in which the

palmar fascia becomes thicker, causing the fingers, usually the middle and fourth fingers, to bend forwards [Described 1831. After Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (1775–1835), French sur-


dura / djυərə/ noun same as dura mater dural / djυər(ə)l/ adjective referring to the

dura mater

dura mater / djυərə me tə/ noun the thicker outer membrane of the three covering the brain. Also called dura, pachymeninx. arachnoid

duty / dju ti/ noun the activities which a person has to do as part of their job What are the duties of a night sister? (NOTE: The plural is duties.) to be on duty to be working She’s on duty from 2 p.m. till 10 p.m. a duty of care the requirement to treat a patient in an appropriate way, as part of the work of being a

health professional

duty nurse / dju ti n! s/ noun a nurse who is

on duty

duty rota / dju ti rəυtə/ noun a list of duties which have to be done and the names of the people who will do them

d.v.t., DVT abbr deep-vein thrombosis

dwarfism / dwɔ f z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which the growth of a person has stopped, leaving him or her much smaller than average

COMMENT: Dwarfism may be caused by achondroplasia, where the long bones in the arms and legs do not develop fully but the trunk and head are of average size. Dwarfism can have other causes such as rickets or deficiency in the pituitary gland.

dynamic splint /da n m k spl nt/ noun a splint which uses springs to help the person move

dynamometer / da nə mɒm tə/ noun an instrument for measuring the force of muscular contraction

-dynia /d niə/ suffix pain

dys- /d s/ prefix difficult or impaired

dysaesthesia / d si s θi ziə/ noun 1. the impairment of a sense, in particular the sense of touch 2. an unpleasant feeling of pain experienced when the skin is touched lightly dysarthria /d s ɑ θriə/, dysarthrosis / d sɑ θrəυs s/ noun difficulty in speaking words clearly, caused by damage to the central nervous system

dysbarism / d sbɑ r z(ə)m/ noun any disorder caused by differences between the atmospheric pressure outside the body and the pressure inside

dysbasia /d s be ziə/ noun difficulty in walking, especially when caused by a lesion to a nerve

dyschezia /d s ki ziə/ noun difficulty in passing faeces

dyschondroplasia / d skɒndrəυ ple ziə/ noun a condition in which the long bones are shorter than usual


noun a condition where someone cannot distinguish colours

dyscoria /d s kɔ riə/ noun 1. an unusually shaped pupil of the eye 2. an unusual reaction of the pupil

dyscrasia /d s kre ziə/ noun any unusual body condition (dated)

dysdiadochokinesia / d sda dəkəυka ni siə/, dysdiadochokinesis / d sdadəkəυka ni s s/ noun the inability to carry

out rapid movements, caused by a disorder or lesion of the cerebellum

dysenteric / d sən ter k/ adjective referring to dysentery

dysentery / d s(ə)ntri/ noun an infection and inflammation of the colon, causing bleeding and diarrhoea

COMMENT: Dysentery occurs mainly in tropical countries. The symptoms include diarrhoea, discharge of blood and pain in the intestines. There are two main types of dysentery: bacillary dysentery, caused by the bacterium Shigella in contaminated food, and amoebic dysentery or amoebiasis, caused by a para-



sitic amoeba Entamoeba histolytica spread through contaminated drinking water.

dysfunction /d s f"ŋkʃən/ noun an unusual functioning of an organ

dysfunctional /d s f"ŋkʃən(ə)l/ adjective 1. not working properly 2. unable to relate to other people emotionally or socially

dysfunctional uterine bleeding /d sf"ŋkʃən(ə)l ju təra n bli d ŋ/ noun bleed-

ing in the uterus not caused by a menstrual period

dysgenesis /d s d enəs s/ noun unusual development

dysgerminoma /d s d ! m nəυmə/ noun a malignant tumour of the ovary or testicle dysgraphia /d s &r fiə/ noun difficulty in writing caused by a brain lesion dyskariosis /d s k ri əυs s/ noun the fact of becoming mature in an unusual way dyskinesia / d ska ni ziə/ noun the inability to control voluntary movements

dyslalia /d s le liə/ noun a disorder of speech, caused by an unusual development of the tongue

dyslexia /d s leksiə/ noun a disorder of development, where a person is unable to read or write properly and confuses letters

dyslexic /d s leks k/ adjective referring to dyslexia noun a person suffering from dyslexia

dyslipidaemia / d sl p di miə/ noun an imbalance of lipids

dyslogia /d s ləυd ə/ noun difficulty in putting ideas into words

dysmaturity / d smə tʃυər ti/ noun a condition affecting newborn babies, shown by wrinkled skin, long fingernails and toenails and relatively little body fat

dysmenorrhoea / d smenə ri ə/ noun pain experienced at menstruation

dysostosis / d sɒs təυs s/ noun unusual formation of bones

dyspareunia / d sp ru niə/ noun difficult or painful sexual intercourse in a woman dyspepsia /d s pepsiə/ noun a condition in which a person feels pains or discomfort in the stomach, caused by indigestion

dyspeptic /d s pept k/ adjective referring to dyspepsia

dysphagia /d s fe d iə/ noun difficulty in swallowing

dysphasia /d s fe ziə/ noun difficulty in speaking and putting words into the correct order

dysphemia /d s fi miə/ noun same as stam-


dysphonia /d s fəυniə/ noun difficulty in speaking caused by impairment of the vocal cords, or by laryngitis

dysplasia /d s ple ziə/ noun an unusual development of tissue

dyspnoea /d sp ni ə/ noun difficulty or pain in breathing

dyspnoeic /d sp ni k/ adjective difficult or painful when breathing

dyspraxia /d s pr ksiə/ noun difficulty in carrying out coordinated movements dysrhythmia /d s r ðmiə/ noun an unusual rhythm, either in speaking or in electrical impulses in the brain

dyssocial /d s səυʃ(ə)l/ adjective same as antisocial

dyssynergia / d s n! d iə/ noun same as


dystaxia /d s t ksiə/ noun an inability to co-

ordinate the muscles

dystocia /d s təυsiə/ noun difficult child-


dystonia /d s təυniə/ noun disordered muscle tone, causing involuntary contractions

which make the limbs deformed dystrophia /d s trəυfiə/ noun the wasting of

an organ, muscle or tissue due to lack of nutrients in that part of the body. Also called dystrophy

dystrophia adiposogenitalis /d s trəυfiəd pəυsəυd en te l s/ noun same as Fröh-

lich’s syndrome

dystrophia myotonica /d s trəυfiəma əυ tɒn kə/ noun same as myotonic dys-


dystrophy / d strəfi/ noun same as dys-


dysuria /d s jυəriə/ noun difficulty in passing urine


ear / ə/ noun an organ on the side of the head which is used for hearing (NOTE: For other terms referring to ears, see auricular and words beginning with ot-, oto-.)

COMMENT: The outer ear is shaped in such a way that it collects sound and channels it to the eardrum. Behind the eardrum, the three ossicles in the middle ear vibrate with sound and transmit the vibrations to the cochlea in the inner ear. From the cochlea, the vibrations are passed by the auditory nerve to the brain.

Ear, Nose & Throat / ə nəυz ən θrəυt/ noun the study of the ear, nose and throat. Abbr

ENT. Also called otorhinolarngology

earache / əre k/ noun pain in the ear. Also called otalgia

ear canal / ə kə n l/ noun one of several passages in or connected to the ear, especially the external auditory meatus, the passage from the outer ear to the eardrum

eardrum / ədr"m/ noun the membrane at the end of the external auditory meatus leading from the outer ear, which vibrates with sound and passes the vibrations on to the ossicles in the middle ear. Also called myringa, tympanum (NOTE: For other terms referring to the eardrum, see words beginning with tympan-, tym- pano-.)

early / ! l / adjective 1. happening at the beginning of a period of time early diagnosis diagnosis made at the onset of an illness early treatment treatment given almost as soon as the illness has started 2. (of a condition or illness) in its first stage early synovitis during early pregnancy within the first months of pregnancy adverb at the beginning of a period of time The treatment is usually successful if the condition is diagnosed early.

early onset pre-eclampsia / ! li ɒnsetpri kl mpsiə/ noun pre-eclampsia which

appears earlier than the 37th week of the pregnancy

ear ossicle / ə ɒs k(ə)l/ noun auditory ossicles

earwax / əw ks/ noun same as cerumen

ease /i z/ verb to make pain or worry less

She had an injection to ease the pain in her leg.

The surgeon tried to ease the patient’s fears about the results of the scan.

eating disorder / i t ŋ d s ɔ də/ noun an illness that causes the usual pattern of eating to be disturbed, e.g. anorexia or bulimia

eating habits / i t ŋ h b ts/ plural noun the types and quantities of food regularly eaten by a person The dietitian advised her to change

her eating habits.

Ebola virus / bəυlə va rəs/ noun a highly contagious virus found in West Africa. Patients who are affected with it vomit, have bloody diarrhoea and blood seeps through their skin.

eburnation / i bə ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the conversion of cartilage into a hard mass with a shiny surface like bone

ecbolic /ek bɒl k/ noun a substance which produces contraction of the uterus and so induces childbirth or abortion adjective caus-

ing contraction of the uterus

ecchondroma / ekən drəυmə/ noun a benign tumour on the surface of cartilage or bone ecchymosis / ek məυs s/ noun a dark area on the skin made by blood which has escaped into the tissues after a blow. Also called bruise, contusion

eccrine / ekr n/ adjective referring to a gland, especially a sweat gland, which does not disintegrate and remains intact during secretion. Also called merocrine

eccyesis / eksa s s/ noun same as ectopic pregnancy

ecdysis / ekd s s/ noun same as desquamation

ECG abbr electrocardiogram

echinococciasis / ka nəυkɒ ka əs s/, echinococcosis / ka nəυkə kəυs s/ noun a

disorder caused by a tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus which forms hydatid cysts in the lungs, liver, kidneys or brain

Echinococcus granulosus /

ka nəυkɒkəs &r njυ ləυsəs/ noun a type of tapeworm, usually found in animals, but sometimes transmitted to humans, causing hydatid cysts in the lungs, liver, kidneys or brain echo- /ekəυ/ prefix referring to sound



echocardiogram / ekəυ kɑ diə&r m/ noun a record of heart movements made using


echocardiography / ekəυkɑ di ɒ&rəfi/

noun the use of ultrasound to examine the heart

echoencephalography / ekəυen kefə lɒ &rəfi/ noun the use of ultrasound to examine

the brain

echography /e kɒ&rəfi/ noun same as ultra-


echokinesis / ekəυka ni s s/ noun same as echopraxia

echolalia / ekəυ le liə/ noun the repetition of

words spoken by another person echopraxia / ekəυ pr ksiə/ noun the mean-

ingless imitation of another person’s actions echovirus / ekəυ va rəs/ noun one of a

group of viruses which can be isolated from the intestine and which can cause serious illnesses such as aseptic meningitis, gastroenteritis and respiratory infection in small chil-

dren. Compare reovirus

eclabium / kle biəm/ noun the turning out-

wards of the lips. eversion

eclampsia / kl mpsiə/ noun a serious condition of pregnant women at the end of pregnancy, caused by toxaemia, in which the woman has high blood pressure and may go into a coma. pre-eclampsia

ecmnesia /ek ni ziə/ noun a condition in which someone is not able to remember recent events, while remembering clearly events

which happened some time ago

E. coli / i kəυla / noun same as Escherichia


economy class syndrome / kɒnəmi klɑ s s ndrəυm/ noun same as deep-vein

thrombosis (informal)

écraseur / e krɑ z! / noun a surgical instrument, usually with a wire loop, used to cut a

part or a growth off at its base

ecstasy / ekstəsi/ noun 1. feeling of extreme happiness 2. a powerful stimulant and hallucinatory illegal drug (informal) Also called methylenedioxymethamphetamine

ECT abbr electroconvulsive therapy

ect- /ekt/ prefix same as ecto- (used before vowels)

ectasia /ek te ziə/ noun the dilatation of a passage

ecthyma /ek θa mə/ noun a skin disorder that is a serious form of impetigo which pene-

trates deep under the skin and leaves scars ecto- /ektəυ/ prefix outside

ectoderm / ektəυd! m/ noun the outer layer of an early embryo. Also called embryonic ec-


ectodermal / ektəυ d! m(ə)l/ adjective re-

ferring to the ectoderm

-ectomy /ektəmi/ suffix referring to the removal of a part by surgical operation

ectoparasite / ektəυ p rəsa t/ noun a parasite which lives on the skin. Compare en-


ectopia /ek təυpiə/ noun a condition in which an organ or part of the body is not in its usual position

ectopic /ek tɒp k/ adjective not in the usual

position. Opposite entopic

ectopic heartbeat /ek tɒp k hɑ tbi t/ noun an unusual extra beat of the heart which originates from a point other than the sinoatrial node. Also called extrasystole, premature


ectopic pacemaker /ek tɒp k pe sme kə/ noun an unusual focus of the heart muscle

which takes the place of the sinoatrial node ectopic pregnancy /ek tɒp k pre&nənsi/

noun a pregnancy where the fetus develops outside the uterus, often in one of the Fallopian tubes. Also called extrauterine pregnancy, ec-


ectro- /ektrəυ/ prefix referring to a usually

congenital absence or lack of something ectrodactyly / ektrəυ d kt li/ noun a con-

genital absence of all or part of a finger ectrogeny /ek trɒd əni/ noun a congenital

absence of a part at birth

ectromelia / ektrəυ mi liə/ noun a congeni-

tal absence of one or more limbs

ectropion /ek trəυpiən/ noun a turning of the edge of an eyelid outwards. eversion eczema / eks mə/ noun a non-contagious inflammation of the skin, with an itchy rash and


eczematous /ek semətəs/ adjective refer-

ring to eczema

eczematous dermatitis /ek semətəsd! mə ta t s/ noun an itchy inflammation or irritation of the skin due to an allergic reaction to a substance which a person has touched or absorbed

EDD abbr expected date of delivery

edema / di mə/ noun US same as oedema edentulous / dentjυləs/ adjective having

lost all teeth

edible / ed b(ə)l/ adjective able to be eaten without causing harm

EDTA noun a colourless chemical that can bind to heavy metals to remove them from the bloodstream. Full form ethylene diamine tet-


Edwards’ syndrome / edwədz s ndrəυm/ noun a severe genetic disorder that results in malformations of the brain, kidney, heart, hands and feet. It is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 18 and those people who have it usually die within six months.

EEG abbr electroencephalogram

EFA abbr essential fatty acid

effacement / fe smənt/ noun the thinning of the cervix before it dilates in childbirth



effect / fekt/ noun a result of a drug, treatment, disease or action The antiseptic cream has had no effect on the rash. verb to make something happen (formal) They will have to effect a change in procedures. In some circumstances these drugs can effect surprising cures.

effective / fekt v/ adjective having an effect

Embolisation is an effective treatment for severe haemoptysis.

effective dose / fekt v dəυs/ noun a size of dose which will produce the effect required effector / fektə/ noun a nerve ending in muscles or glands which is activated to produce contraction or secretion

efferens / efərəns/ vas efferens

efferent / efərənt/ adjective carrying something away from part of the body or from the centre. Opposite afferent

efferent duct / efərənt d"kt/ noun a duct which carries a secretion away from a gland efferent nerve / efərənt n! v/ noun same as

motor nerve

efferent vessel / efərənt ves(ə)l/ noun a vessel which drains lymph from a gland effleurage / efl! rɑ / noun a form of massage where the skin is stroked in one direction to increase blood flow

effort syndrome / efət s ndrəυm/ noun same as disordered action of the heart

effusion / fju (ə)n/ noun 1. a discharge of blood, fluid or pus into or out of an internal cavity 2. fluid, blood or pus which is discharged

egg /e&/ noun 1. a reproductive cell produced in the female body by an ovary, and which, if fertilised by the male sperm, becomes an embryo 2. an egg with a hard shell, laid by a hen or other bird, which is used for food

egg cell / e& sel/ noun an immature ovum or female cell

ego / i &əυ, e&əυ/ noun (in psychology) the part of the mind which is consciously in contact with the outside world and is influenced by experiences of the world

Egyptian ophthalmia / d pʃ(ə)n ɒf θ lmiə/ noun same as trachoma

EHO abbr Environmental Health Officer

EIA abbr exercise-induced asthma

eidetic imagery /a det k m d əri/ noun the recall of extremely clear pictures in the mind

Eisenmenger syndrome / a zənmeŋəs ndrəυm/ noun heart disease caused by a

septal defect between the ventricles, with pulmonary hypertension [Described 1897. After Victor Eisenmenger (1864–1932), German phy-


ejaculate / d kjυ le t/ verb to send out semen from the penis

ejaculation / d kjυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the sending out of semen from the penis ejaculatio praecox / d kjυ le ʃiəυ pri kɒks/ noun a situation where a man ejaculates too early during sexual intercourse ejaculatory / d kjυlətri/ adjective referring to ejaculation

ejaculatory duct / d kjυlətri d"kt/ noun one of two ducts leading from the seminal vesicles through the prostate gland to the urethra.

See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (MALE) in


eject / d ekt/ verb to send out something with force Blood is ejected from the ventricle during systole.

ejection / d ekʃən/ noun the act of sending out something with force

EKG abbr US electrocardiogram

elastic / l st k/ adjective which can be stretched and compressed and return to its former shape

elastic bandage / l st k b nd d / noun a stretchy bandage used to support a weak joint or for the treatment of a varicose vein elastic cartilage / l st k kɑ təl d / noun flexible cartilage, e.g. in the ear and epiglottis elastic fibre / l st k fa bə/ noun fibre which can expand easily and is found in elastic cartilage, the skin and the walls of arteries and the lungs. Also called yellow fibre

elastic hose / l st k həυz/ noun same as surgical hose

elasticity / l st s ti/ noun the ability to expand and be compressed and to return to the former shape

elastic tissue / l st k t ʃu / noun connective tissue which contains elastic fibres, e.g. in the walls of arteries or of the alveoli in the lungs

elastin / l st n/ noun a protein which occurs in elastic fibres

elation / le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the state of being happy, stimulated and excited

elbow / elbəυ/ noun a hinged joint where the upper arm bone (humerus) joins the forearm bones (radius and ulna)

elbow crutch / elbəυ kr"tʃ/ noun a crutch which surrounds the arms at the elbows and has a handle to hold lower down the shaft elderly / eldəli/ adjective older than 65 a home for elderly single women She looks after her two elderly parents. noun the elderly people aged over 65

elective / lekt v/ adjective 1. referring to a chemical substance which tends to combine with one substance rather others 2. referring to surgery or treatment which someone can choose to have but is not urgently necessary to save their life



elective care / lekt v keə/ noun hospital care which is planned in advance, rather than a response to an emergency

Electra complex / lektrə kɒmpleks/ noun

(in psychology) a condition in which a girl feels sexually attracted to her father and sees her mother as an obstacle

electric shock / lektr k ʃɒk/ noun a sudden passage of electricity into the body, causing a nervous spasm or, in severe cases, death

electric shock treatment / lektr k ʃɒktri tmənt/ noun same as electroconvulsive

therapy (informal)

electro- / lektrəυ/ prefix referring to electricity

electrocardiogram / lektrəυ kɑ diə&r m/ noun a chart which records the electrical impulses in the heart muscle. Abbr ECG, EKG electrocardiograph / lektrəυ kɑ diə&rɑ f/ noun an apparatus for measuring and recording the electrical impulses of the muscles of the heart as it beats

electrocardiography / lektrəυkɑ d ɒ&rəfi/ noun the process of recording the

electrical impulses of the heart

electrocardiophonography / lektrəυ kɑ diəυfə nɒ&rəfi/ noun the process of elec-

trically recording the sounds of the heartbeats electrocautery / lektrəυ kɔ təri/ noun same as galvanocautery

electrochemical / lektrəυ kem k(ə)l/ adjective referring to electricity and chemicals and their interaction

electrocoagulation / lektrəυkəυ &jυ le ʃ(ə)n/ noun the control of haemorrhage in surgery by passing a high-frequency electric current through divided blood vessels

electroconvulsive therapy / lektrəυkənv"ls v θerəpi/ noun the treatment of severe

depression and some mental disorders by giving someone who has been anaesthetised small electric shocks in the brain to make him or her have convulsions. Abbr ECT. Also called electroplexy

electrode / lektrəυd/ noun the conductor of an electrical apparatus which touches the body and carries an electric shock electrodesiccation / lektrəυdes ke ʃ(ə)n/ noun same as fulguration

electroencephalogram / lektrəυ n sefələ&r m/ noun a chart on which the elec-

trical impulses in the brain are recorded. Abbr


electroencephalograph / lektrəυ n sefələ &rɑ f/ noun an apparatus which records the electrical impulses in the brain

electroencephalography / lektrəυ nsefə lɒ&rəfi/ noun the process of recording the

electrical impulses in the brain

electrolysis / lek trɒləs s/ noun the destruction of tissue such as unwanted hair by apply-

ing an electric current

electrolyte / lektrəla t/ noun a chemical so-

lution which can conduct electricity electrolyte mixture / lektrəla t m kstʃə/

noun a pint (0.56 litres) of boiled water with a teaspoonful of sugar and a generous pinch of

table salt used for the prevention of diarrhoea electrolytic / lektrə l t k/ adjective refer-

ring to electrolytes or to electrolysis electromyogram / lektrə ma əυ&r m/

noun a chart showing the electric currents in

active muscles. Abbr EMG electromyography / lektrəυma ɒ&rəfi/

noun the study of electric currents in active


electronic stethoscope / elektrɒn k steθəskəυp/ noun a stethoscope with an am-

plifier which makes sounds louder

electronystagmography /e lektrəυn st & mɒ&rəfi/ noun measuring of nystag-


electrooculogram / lektrəυ ɒkjυlə&r m/ noun a record of the electric currents round the

eye, induced by eye movements electrooculography / lektrəυ ɒkjυ lɒ

&rəfi/ noun recording the electric currents round the eye, induced by eye movements, es-

pecially for use in remote control electrophoresis / lektrəυfə ri s s/ noun

the analysis of a substance by the movement of charged particles towards an electrode in a so-


electroplexy / lektrəpleksi/ noun same as

electroconvulsive therapy electroretinogram / kektrəυ ret nə&r m/

noun the printed result of electroretinography.

Abbr ERG

electroretinography / lektrəυret nɒ &rəfi/ noun the process of recording electrical

changes in the retina when stimulated by light electrosurgery / lektrəυ s! d əri/ noun an

operation in which the surgeon uses an electri-

cal current to cut or cauterise tissue electrotherapy / lektrəυ θerəpi/ noun the

treatment of a disorder such as some forms of paralysis by using low-frequency electric current to try to revive the muscles

element / el mənt/ noun a basic simple chemical substance which cannot be broken down into simpler substances. trace element elephantiasis / el fən ta əs s/ noun a condition in which parts of the body swell and the skin becomes hardened, frequently caused by infestation with various species of the parasitic worm Filaria

elevate / el ve t/ verb to raise something or to lift something up To control bleeding, apply pressure and elevate the part.

elevation / elə ve ʃ(ə)n/ noun a raised part

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