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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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g abbr gram

GABA / & bə/ abbr gamma aminobutyric acid

gag /& &/ noun an instrument placed between the teeth to stop the mouth from closing verb to experience a reaction similar to that of vomiting Every time the doctor tries to examine her throat, she gags. He started gagging on the endotracheal tube.

gain /&e n/ noun an act of adding or increasing something The baby showed a gain in weight of 25g or showed a weight gain of 25g.

verb to obtain something, or to increase to gain in weight or to gain weight

gait /&e t/ noun a way of walking

galact- /&əl kt/ prefix same as galacto- (used

before vowels)

galactagogue /&ə l ktə&ɒ&/ noun a substance which stimulates the production of milk

galacto- /&əl ktəυ/ prefix referring to milk galactocele /&ə l ktəsi l/ noun a breast tu-

mour which contains milk

galactorrhoea /&ə l ktə r ə/ noun the excessive production of milk

galactosaemia /&ə l ktə si miə/ noun a congenital condition where the liver is incapable of converting galactose into glucose, with the result that a baby’s development may be affected (NOTE: The treatment is to remove galac-

tose from the diet.)

galactose /&ə l ktəυs/ noun a sugar which forms part of milk, and is converted into glucose by the liver

galea / &e liə/ noun 1. any part of the body shaped like a helmet, especially the loose band of tissue in the scalp (NOTE: The plural is galeae.) 2. a type of bandage wrapped round the head

gall /&ɔ l/ noun same as bile

gall bladder / &ɔ l bl də/ noun a sac situated underneath the liver, in which bile produced by the liver is stored. See illustration at DIGES- TIVE SYSTEM in Supplement

COMMENT: Bile is stored in the gall bladder until required by the stomach. If fatty food is present in the stomach, bile moves from the gall bladder along the bile duct to the stom-

ach. Since the liver also secretes bile directly into the duodenum, the gall bladder is not an essential organ and can be removed by surgery.

Gallie’s operation / & liz ɒpə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation where tissues from the thigh are used to hold a hernia in place [Described 1921. After William Edward Gallie (1882–1959), Professor of Surgery at the Uni-

versity of Toronto, Canada.]

gallipot / & lipɒt/ noun a little container for ointment

gallium / & liəm/ noun a metallic element a radioisotope of which is used to detect tumours or other tissue disorders (NOTE: The

chemical symbol is Ga.)

gallop rhythm / & ləp r ð(ə)m/ noun the rhythm of heart sounds, three to each cycle, when someone is experiencing tachycardia gallstone / &ɔ lstəυn/ noun a small stone formed from insoluble deposits from bile in the gall bladder. calculus

COMMENT: Gallstones can be harmless, but some cause pain and inflammation and a serious condition can develop if a gallstone blocks the bile duct. Sudden pain going from the right side of the stomach towards the back indicates that a gallstone is passing through the bile duct.

galvanism / & lvən z(ə)m/ noun a treat-

ment using low voltage electricity galvanocautery / & lvənəυ kɔ təri/ noun

the removal of diseased tissue using an electrically heated needle or loop of wire. Also called electrocautery

gamete / & mi t/ noun a sex cell, either a spermatozoon or an ovum

gamete intrafallopian transfer / & mi t

ntrəfə ləυpiən tr nsf! / noun a technique to combine eggs and sperm outside the body and then insert them into the Fallopian tubes. Abbr GIFT

gametocide /&ə mi təυsa d/ noun a drug

which kills gametocytes

gametocyte /&ə mi təυsa t/ noun a cell which is developing into a gamete gametogenesis /&ə mi təυ d enəs s/ noun the process by which a gamete is formed


gastric juice

gamgee tissue / & md i t ʃu / noun a surgical dressing, formed of a layer of cotton wool between two pieces of gauze

gamma / & mə/ noun the third letter of the Greek alphabet

gamma aminobutyric acid / & mə əmi nəυbju t r k s d/ noun an amino acid

neurotransmitter. Abbr GABA

gamma camera / & mə k m(ə)/ noun a camera for taking photographs of parts of the body into which radioactive isotopes have been introduced

gamma globulin / & mə &lɒbjυl n/ noun a protein found in plasma, forming antibodies as protection against infection

COMMENT: Gamma globulin injections are sometimes useful as a rapid source of protection against a wide range of diseases.

gamma ray / & mə re / noun a ray which is shorter than an X-ray and is given off by radioactive substances

gangli- /& ŋ&li/ prefix referring to ganglia ganglion / & ŋ&liən/ noun 1. a mass of nerve cell bodies and synapses usually covered in connective tissue, found along the peripheral nerves with the exception of the basal ganglia 2. a cyst of a tendon sheath or joint capsule, usually at the wrist, which results in a painless swelling containing fluid (NOTE: [all senses] The plural is ganglia.)

ganglionectomy / & ŋ&liə nektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of a ganglion

ganglionic / & ŋ&li ɒn k/ adjective referring to a ganglion. postganglionic

gangrene / & ŋ&ri n/ noun a condition in which tissues die and decay, as a result of bacterial action, because the blood supply has been lost through injury or disease of the artery After she had frostbite, gangrene set in and her toes had to be amputated. gangrenous / & ŋ&r nəs/ adjective referring to, or affected by, gangrene

Ganser state / & nsə ste t/ noun same as pseudodementia [After Sigbert Joseph Maria Ganser (1853–1931), psychiatrist at Dresden and Munich, Germany]

gargle / &ɑ &(ə)l/ noun a mildly antiseptic solution used to clean the mouth verb to put some antiseptic liquid solution into the back of the mouth and then breathe out air through it

gargoylism / &ɑ &ɔ l z(ə)m/ noun a congenital condition of the metabolism which causes polysaccharides and fat cells to accumulate in the body, resulting in mental impairment, swollen liver and coarse features. Also called

Hurler’s syndrome

gas /& s/ noun 1. a substance such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide or air, which is neither solid nor fluid at ordinary temperatures and can expand infinitely (NOTE: The plural gases is used only when referring to different types of

gas.) 2. gas which accumulates in the stomach or alimentary canal and causes pain

gas and air analgesia / & s ənd eən(ə)l d i ziə/ noun a form of analgesia used

when giving birth, in which a mixture of air

and gas is given

gas chromatography / & s krəυmə tɒ &rəfi/ noun a method of separating chemicals by passing them through a gas, used in analysing compounds and mixtures

gas exchange / & s ks tʃe nd / noun the process by which oxygen in the air is exchanged in the lungs for waste carbon dioxide carried by the blood

gas gangrene /& s & ŋ&ri n/ noun a complication of severe wounds in which the bacterium Clostridium welchii breeds in the wound and then spreads to healthy tissue which is rapidly decomposed with the formation of gas gash /& ʃ/ noun a long deep cut made accidentally by something sharp She had to have three stitches in the gash in her thigh. verb to make a long deep cut in something accidentally She gashed her hand on the broken glass.

gasp /&ɑ sp/ noun a short breath taken with difficulty His breath came in short gasps. verb to breathe with difficulty taking quick breaths She was gasping for breath.

gas pain / & s pe n/ noun a pain caused by excessive formation of gas in the stomach or intestine. flatus

gas poisoning / & s pɔ z(ə)n ŋ/ noun poisoning by breathing in carbon monoxide or

other toxic gas

Gasserian ganglion /&ə s əriən & ŋ&liən/ noun same as trigeminal ganglion [After Johann Laurentius Gasser (1723–65), Professor of Anatomy in Vienna, Austria. He left no writings, and the ganglion was given his name by Anton Hirsch, one of his students, in his thesis of 1765.]

gastr- /& str/ prefix same as gastro- (used before vowels)

gastralgia /& str ld ə/ noun pain in the stomach

gastrectomy /& strektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the stomach

gastric / & str k/ adjective referring to the


gastric acid / & str k s d/ noun hydrochloric acid secreted into the stomach by acidforming cells

gastric artery / & str k ɑ təri/ noun an artery leading from the coeliac trunk to the stomach

gastric flu / & str k flu / noun any mild stomach disorder (informal)

gastric juice / & str k d u s/ noun the mixture of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor and mucus secreted by the cells of the lin-

gastric lavage


ing membrane of the stomach to help the digestion of food (NOTE: Often used in the plural.) gastric lavage / & str k l v d / noun a lavage of the stomach, usually to remove a poisonous substance which has been absorbed. Also called stomach washout

gastric pit / & str k p t/ noun a deep hollow in the mucous membrane forming the walls of the stomach

gastric ulcer / & str k "lsə/ noun an ulcer in the stomach. Abbr GU

gastric vein / & str k ve n/ noun a vein which follows the gastric artery

gastrin / & str n/ noun a hormone which is released into the bloodstream from cells in the lower end of the stomach, stimulated by the presence of protein, and which in turn stimulates the flow of acid from the upper part of the stomach

gastrinoma / & str nəυmə/ noun a tumour of the islet cells, leading to excessive gastric acid

gastritis /& stra t s/ noun inflammation of the stomach

gastro- /& strəυ/ prefix referring to the stomach

gastrocele / & strəυsi l/ noun a condition in which part of the stomach wall becomes weak and bulges out. Also called stomach hernia

gastrocnemius / & strɒk ni miəs/ noun a large calf muscle

gastrocolic / & strəυ kɒl k/ adjective referring to the stomach and colon

gastrocolic reflex / & strəυkɒl k ri fleks/ noun a sudden peristalsis of the colon produced when food is taken into an empty stomach

gastroduodenal / & strəυ dju əυ di n(ə)l/ adjective referring to the stomach and duodenum

gastroduodenal artery / & strəυd* ju əυdi n(ə)l ɑ təri/ noun an artery leading

from the gastric artery towards the pancreas

gastroduodenoscopy / & strəυ dju əυ d nɒskəpi/ noun an examination of the stom-

ach and duodenum

gastroduodenostomy / & strəυ dju əυ d nɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to join

the duodenum to the stomach so as to bypass a blockage in the pylorus

gastroenteritis / & strəυentə ra t s/ noun inflammation of the membrane lining the intestines and the stomach, caused by a viral infection and resulting in diarrhoea and vomiting


/ & strəυentə rɒlə

d st/ noun a doctor who specialises in the digestive system and its disorders

gastroenterology / & strəυentə rɒləd i/ noun the study of the digestive system and its disorders

gastroenterostomy / & strəυentə rɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to join the small intestine directly to the stomach so as to bypass a peptic ulcer

gastroepiploic / & strəυep plɔ k/ adjective referring to the stomach and greater omentum

gastroepiploic artery / & strəυep plɔ k ɑ təri/ noun an artery linking the gastroduodenal artery to the splenic artery

Gastrografin / & strəυ &r f n/ a trade name for an enema used in bowel X-rays gastroileac reflex / & strəυ li k ri fleks/ noun automatic relaxation of the ileocaecal valve when food is present in the stomach gastrointestinal / & strəυ n test n(ə)l/ adjective referring to the stomach and intestine

gastrointestinal bleeding. Abbr GI

gastrojejunostomy / & strəυd d u nɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to join the

jejunum to the stomach

gastrolith / & strəυl θ/ noun a calculus in the stomach

gastrology / & strɒləd i/ noun the study of the stomach and diseases of the stomach

gastro-oesophageal reflux / & strəυsɒfəd iəl ri fl"ks/, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease / & strəυ sɒfəd iəl ri fl"ks

d zi z/ noun the return of bitter-tasting, partly digested food from the stomach to the oesophagus

gastropexy / & strəυpeksi/ noun a surgical operation to attach the stomach to the wall of the abdomen

gastroplasty / & strəυpl sti/ noun surgery to correct a deformed stomach gastroptosis / & strəυ təυs s/ noun a condition in which the stomach hangs down

gastrorrhoea / & strə r ə/ noun an excessive flow of gastric juices

gastroschisis / & strəυ sa s s/ noun a split in the wall of the abdomen, with viscera passing through it

gastroscope / & strəskəυp/ noun an instrument formed of a tube or bundle of glass fibres with a lens attached, which a doctor can pass down into the stomach through the mouth to examine the inside of the stomach gastroscopy /& strɒskəpi/ noun an examination of the stomach using a gastroscope gastrostomy /& strɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to create an opening into the stomach from the wall of the abdomen, so that food can be introduced without passing through the mouth and throat

gastrotomy /& strɒtəmi/ noun a surgical operation to open up the stomach



gastrula /& stru lə/ noun the second stage of the development of an embryo

gathering / & ðər ŋ/ noun a swelling that is filled with pus

Gaucher’s disease / &əυʃe z d zi z/ noun an enzyme disease where fatty substances accumulate in the lymph glands, spleen and liver, causing anaemia, a swollen spleen and darkening of the skin. The disease can be fatal in children. [Described 1882. After Philippe Charles Ernest Gaucher (1854–1918), French physician and dermatologist.]

gauze /&ɔ z/ noun a thin light material used to make dressings

gauze dressing /&ɔ z dres ŋ/ noun a dressing of thin light material

gavage /& vɑ / noun the forced feeding of someone who cannot eat or who refuses to eat

gay /&e / adjective relating to sexual activity among people of the same sex

GDC abbr General Dental Council

Gehrig’s disease / &e r &z d zi z/ noun

same as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Geiger counter / &a &ə kaυntə/ noun an instrument for the detection and measurement of radiation [Described 1908. After Hans Geiger (1882–1945), German physicist who worked with Rutherford at Manchester University, UK.]

gel /d el/ noun a suspension that sets into a jelly-like solid

gelatin / d elət n/ noun a protein found in collagen which is soluble in water, used to make capsules for medicines

gelatinous /d ə l t nəs/ adjective referring to gelatin or something with a texture like jelly gemellus /d meləs/ noun either of the two muscles arising from the ischium. Also called gemellus superior muscle, gemellus inferior


gender / d endə/ noun the fact of being of the male or female sex

gender identity disorder / d endə a den* t ti d s ɔ də/ noun a condition in which someone experiences strong discomfort with his or her birth gender

gender reassignment surgery / d endə ri ə sa nmənt s! d əri/ noun surgery to

change someone’s sex

gender reorientation / d endə ri ɔ riən te ʃ(ə)n/ noun the alteration of a person’s sex through surgical and drug treatment

gene /d i n/ noun a unit of DNA on a chromosome which governs the synthesis of a protein sequence and determines a particular characteristic

COMMENT: A gene may be dominant, in which case the characteristic it controls is always passed on to the child, or recessive, in which case the characteristic only appears if both parents have contributed the same form of the gene.

general amnesia / d en(ə)rəl m ni ziə/ noun a sudden and complete loss of memory, to the extent that a person does not even remember who he or she is

general anaesthesia / d en(ə)rəl nəs θi ziə/ noun loss of feeling and loss of sensation throughout the body, after being given an anaesthetic

general anaesthetic / d en(ə)rəl nəs θet k/ noun a substance given to make someone lose consciousness so that a major surgical operation can be carried out

General Dental Council / d en(ə)rəl dent(ə)l kaυnsəl/ noun in the UK, the offi-

cial body that registers and supervises dentists. Abbr GDC

general hospital / d en(ə)rəl hɒsp t(ə)l/ noun a hospital which does not specialise in particular types of illness or particular age groups

generalise / d en(ə)rəla z/, generalize verb to spread to other parts of the body generalised / d en(ə)rəla zd/, generalized adjective 1. spreading throughout the body. Opposite localised 2. not having a specific cause

generalised anxiety disorder /

d en(ə)rəla zd ŋ za əti d s ɔ də/ noun a state of continual anxiety for which there is no specific cause

General Medical Council / d en(ə)rəl med k(ə)l kaυnsəl/ noun in the UK, the of-

ficial body that licenses qualified doctors to practise medicine. Abbr GMC

General Optical Council / d enrəl ɒp* t k(ə)l kaυnsəl/ noun in the UK, the official

body that registers and supervises opticians general practice / d en(ə)rəl pr kt s/ noun a medical practice where doctors offer first-line medical care for all types of illness to people who live locally, refer them to hospital if necessary and encourage health promotion

general practitioner / d en(ə)rəl pr k t ʃ(ə)/ noun a doctor who provides firstline medical care for all types of illness to people who live locally, refers them to hospital if necessary and encourages health promotion. Abbr GP

gene replacement therapy / d i n r ple smənt θerəpi/ noun the replacement of

missing genes or damaging gene variations in cells by the insertion of appropriate genes to treat a genetic disorder. Also called gene therapy

COMMENT: Gene replacement therapy has been used successfully in animals, and is in the early stages of research in humans, but may be useful in the future treatment of cystic fibrosis, thalassaemia and other genetic disorders.

generic /d ə ner k/ adjective 1. referring to medicine which does not have a special trade-



mark or brand name given to it by its manufacturer 2. referring to a genus The generic name of this type of bacterium is Staphylococcus.

-genesis /d enəs s/ suffix production or origin

gene therapy / d i n θerəpi/ noun same as gene replacement therapy

genetic /d ə net k/ adjective referring to genes

genetic code /d ə net k kəυd/ noun the characteristics of the DNA of a cell which are passed on when the cell divides and so are inherited by a child from its parents

genetic counselling /d ə net k kaυnsəl ŋ/ noun advice and support given to

people if they or their children might be affected by inherited genetic disorders

genetic disorder /d ə net k d s ɔ də/ noun a disorder or disease caused by a damaging gene variation that may be inherited

genetic engineering /d ə net k end n ər ŋ/ noun same as genetic modification


genetic fingerprint /d ə net k f ŋ&əpr nt/ noun the pattern of sequences of

genetic material unique to an individual. Also called DNA fingerprint

genetic fingerprinting /d ə net k f ŋ&əpr nt ŋ/ noun a method of revealing an individual’s genetic profile, used in paternity queries and criminal investigations. Also called

DNA fingerprinting

geneticist /d ə net s st/ noun a person who specialises in the study of the way in which characteristics and diseases are inherited through the genes

genetic modification, genetic manipulation noun the combination of genetic material from different sources to produce organisms with altered characteristics

genetics /d ə net ks/ noun the study of genes, and of the way characteristics and diseases are inherited through the genes genetic screening /d ə net k skri n ŋ/ noun the process of testing large numbers of people to see if anyone has a particular genetic disorder

gene tracking / d i n tr k ŋ/ noun the method used to trace throughout a family the inheritance of a gene such as those causing cystic fibrosis or Huntington’s Chorea, in order to diagnose and predict genetic disorders

-genic /d en k/ suffix referring to a product or something which produces

genicular /d e n kjυlə/ adjective referring to the knee

genital / d en t(ə)l/ adjective referring to the reproductive organs plural noun genitals same as genital organs

genitalia / d en te liə/ noun the genital organs

genital organs / d en t(ə)l ɔ &ənz/ plural noun the external organs for reproduction, i.e. the penis and testicles in males and the vulva in females. Also called genitals, genitalia genital wart / d en t(ə)l wɔ t/ noun a wart in the genital or anal area, caused by a sexually transmitted virus

genito- /d en təυ/ prefix referring to the reproductive system

genitourinary / d en təυ jυər nəri/ adjective referring to both the reproductive and urinary systems. Abbr GU

genitourinary system / d en təυ jυər nəri s stəm/ noun the organs of repro-

duction and urination, including the kidneys genome / d i nəυm/ noun the set of all the genes of an individual

genotype / d enəta p/ noun the genetic makeup of an individual. Compare phenotype gentamicin / d entə ma s n/ noun an antibiotic that is effective against a variety of different disease-causing organisms. Patients usually receive it by injection and it can cause serious side effects.

gentian violet / d enʃən va ələt/ noun an antiseptic blue dye, used to paint on skin infections and also to stain specimens. Also called

crystal violet

genu / d enju / noun the knee

genual / d enjuəl/ adjective referring to the knee

genucubital position / d enju kju b t(ə)l pə z ʃ(ə)n/ noun the position of

someone resting on their knees and elbows

genupectoral position / d enju pektər(ə)l pə z ʃ(ə)n/ noun the position of

someone resting on their knees and upper chest

genus / d i nəs/ noun a category of related living organisms A genus is divided into different species. (NOTE: The plural is genera.) genu valgum / d enju v l&əm/ noun same as knock-knee

genu varum / d enju veərəm/ noun same as bow legs

geri- /d eri/ prefix referring to old age geriatric / d eri tr k/ adjective 1. referring to old people 2. specialising in the treatment of old people geriatric unit

geriatrician / d eriə tr ʃ(ə)n/ noun a doctor who specialises in the treatment or study of diseases of old people

geriatrics /d eri tr ks/ noun the study of the diseases and disorders of old people. Compare paediatrics

germ /d ! m/ noun 1. a microorganism which causes a disease, e.g. a virus or bacterium

(informal) Germs are not visible to the naked



eye. 2. a part of an organism capable of developing into a new organism

German measles / d ! mən mi z(ə)lz/ noun same as rubella

germ cell / d ! m sel/ noun a cell which is capable of developing into a spermatozoon or ovum. Also called gonocyte

germinal / d ! m n(ə)l/ adjective referring to an embryo

germinal epithelium / d ! m n(ə)l ep θi liəm/ noun the outer layer of the ovary

germ layer / d ! m le ə/ noun one of two or three layers of cells in animal embryos which form the organs of the body

gerontologist / d erən tɒləd st/ noun a specialist in gerontology

gerontology / d erən tɒləd i/ noun the study of the process of ageing and the diseases of old people

Gerstmann’s syndrome / &! stm nzs ndrəυm/ noun a condition in which some-

one no longer recognises his or her body image, cannot tell the difference between left and right, cannot recognise his or her different fingers and is unable to write

Gesell’s developmental chart /&ə zels dveləp ment(ə)l tʃɑ t/ noun a chart showing

the development of motor reactions and growth patterns in children

gestate /d e ste t/ verb to carry a baby in the womb from conception to birth

gestation /d e ste ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the process of development of a baby from conception to birth in the mother’s womb 2. same as gestation period

‘…evaluation of fetal age and weight has proved to be of value in the clinical management of pregnancy, particularly in high-risk gestations’ [Southern Medical Journal]

gestational age /d e ste ʃ(ə)n(ə)l e d / noun the age of a fetus, calculated from the mother’s last period to the date of birth gestational diabetes /d e ste ʃ(ə)n(ə)lda ə bi ti z/ noun a form of diabetes mellitus which develops in a pregnant woman gestation period /d e ste ʃ(ə)n p əriəd/ noun the period, usually of 266 days, from conception to birth, during which the baby develops in the mother’s womb. Also called pregnancy

gestodene / d estədi n/ noun an oral contraceptive

get around / &et ə raυnd/ verb to move about Since she had the accident she gets around using crutches.

get better / &et betə/ verb 1. to become healthy again after being ill He was seriously ill, but seems to be getting better. 2. (of an illness) to stop or become less severe Her cold has got better.

get dressed / &et drest/ verb to put your clothes on This patient still needs helps to get dressed.

get on with / &et ɒn w ð/ verb to continue to do some work I must get on with the blood tests.

get over / &et əυvə/ verb to become better after an illness or a shock He got over his cold. She never got over her mother’s death. getting on / &et ŋ ɒn/ adjective becoming elderly Her parents are getting on.

get up / &et "p/ verb 1. to stand up Try to get up from your chair slowly and walk across the room. 2. to get out of bed What time did you get up this morning?

get well / &et wel/ verb to become healthy again after being ill We hope your mother will get well soon.

GFR abbr glomerular filtration rate

GH abbr growth hormone

Ghon’s focus / &ɒnz fəυkəs/ noun a spot on the lung produced by the tuberculosis bacillus [Described 1912. After Anton Ghon (1866– 1936), Professor of Pathological Anatomy at Prague, Czech Republic.]

GI abbr gastrointestinal

giant cell / d a ənt sel/ noun a very large cell, e.g. an osteoclast or megakaryocyte giant-cell arteritis / d a ənt sel ɑ tə ra t s/ noun a disease of old people, which often affects the arteries in the scalp

giant hives / d a ənt ha vz/ noun a large flat white blister caused by an allergic reaction

Giardia /d i ɑ diə/ noun a microscopic protozoan parasite which causes giardiasis

giardiasis / d i ɑ da əs s/ noun a disorder of the intestine caused by the parasite Giardia lamblia, usually with no symptoms, but in heavy infections the absorption of fat may be affected, causing diarrhoea. Also called lam-


gibbosity /& bɒsəti/ noun a sharp angle in the curvature of the spine caused by the weakening of a vertebra as a result of tuberculosis of the backbone

gibbus / & bəs/ noun same as gibbosity giddiness / & dinəs/ noun a condition in which someone has difficulty in standing up and keeping their balance because of a feeling that everything is turning around He began to experience attacks of giddiness.

giddy / & di/ adjective feeling that everything is turning round She has had several giddy spells.

GIFT /& ft/ noun a procedure in which a surgeon removes eggs from a woman’s ovary, mixes them with sperm and places them in one of her Fallopian tubes to help her conceive a child. Full form gamete intrafallopian transfer



gigantism /d a & nt z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which someone grows very tall, caused by excessive production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland

Gilbert’s syndrome / & lbəts s ndrəυm/ noun an inherited disorder where the liver does not deal with bilirubin correctly

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome / i də l tυə ret s ndrəυm/ noun same as Tourette’s


Gilliam’s operation / & liəmz ɒpə re*

ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to correct retroversion of the uterus [After David Tod Gilliam (1844–1923), physician, Columbus, Ohio, USA]

gingiv- /d nd v/ prefix referring to the gums

gingiva /d n d a və/ noun same as gum

(NOTE: The plural is gingivae.)

gingival / d nd v(ə)l/ adjective relating to the gums

gingivectomy / d nd vektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of excess gum tissue

gingivitis / d nd va t s/ noun inflammation of the gums as a result of bacterial infection

ginglymus / d ŋ&l məs/ noun a joint which allows movement in two directions only, e.g. the knee or elbow. Also called hinge joint. Compare ball and socket joint

ginseng / d nsen&/ noun a plant root widely used as a tonic and a traditional Chinese herbal remedy

gippy tummy / d pi t"mi/ noun same as diarrhoea (informal)

girdle / &! d(ə)l/ noun a set of bones making a ring or arch

Girdlestone’s operation / &! dəlstəυnz ɒpə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to re-

lieve osteoarthritis of the hip [After Gathorne Robert Girdlestone (1881–1950), Nuffield Professor of Orthopaedics at Oxford, UK]

give up / & v "p/ verb not to do something any more He was advised to give up smoking.

glabella /&lə belə/ noun a flat area of bone in the forehead between the eyebrows gladiolus / &l di əυləs/ noun the middle section of the sternum

gland /&l nd/ noun an organ in the body containing cells that secrete substances such as hormones, sweat or saliva which act elsewhere

glanders / &l ndəz/ noun a bacterial disease of horses, which can be caught by humans, with symptoms of high fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes

glandular / &l ndjυlə/ adjective referring to glands

glandular fever / &l ndjυlə fi və/ noun same as infectious mononucleosis

glans /&l nz/ noun a rounded part at the end of the penis or clitoris. See illustration at URO-


glare /&leə/ noun 1. a long stare that expresses a negative emotion such as anger 2. an uncomfortably or dazzlingly bright light 3. scattered bright light when examining something with a microscope verb 1. to stare angrily 2. to shine uncomfortably brightly 3. to be very obvious or conspicuous

Glasgow coma scale / &lɑ s&əυ kəυməske l/, Glasgow scoring system / &lɑ s&əυ skɔ r ŋ s stəm/ noun a seven-point scale for

evaluating someone’s level of consciousness

glass eye /&lɑ s a / noun an artificial eye made of glass

glaucoma /&lɔ kəυmə/ noun a condition of the eyes, caused by unusually high pressure of fluid inside the eyeball, resulting in disturbances of vision and blindness

gleet /&li t/ noun a thin discharge from the vagina, penis, a wound or an ulcer glenohumeral / &li nəυ hu mərəl/ adjective referring to both the glenoid cavity and the humerus

glenohumeral joint / &li nəυ hu mərəl d ɔ nt/ noun the shoulder joint

glenoid / &li nɔ d/ adjective shaped like a small shallow cup or socket

glenoid cavity / &li nɔ d k v ti/, glenoid fossa / &li nɔ d fɒsə/ noun a socket in the

shoulder joint into which the head of the humerus fits

glia / &li ə/ noun connective tissue of the central nervous system, surrounding cell bodies, axons and dendrites. Also called neuroglia

glial cell / &li əl sel/ noun a cell in the glia glial tissue / &li əl t ʃu / noun same as glia glibenclamide /&l beŋkləma d/ noun a sulphonylurea drug used to treat Type II diabetes mellitus

gliclazide / &l kləza d/ noun an antibacterial drug used to treat Type II diabetes mellitus

glio- /&la əυ/ prefix referring to brain tissue glioblastoma / &la əυbl stəυmə/ noun a rapidly developing malignant tumour of the glial tissue in the brain or spinal cord. Also called spongioblastoma

glioma /&la əυmə/ noun any tumour of the glial tissue in the brain or spinal cord gliomyoma / &la əυma əυmə/ noun a tumour of both the nerve and muscle tissue

glipizide / &l p za d/ noun a drug used to reduce the glucose level in the blood

Glisson’s capsule / &l s(ə)nz k psju l/ noun a tissue sheath in the liver containing the blood vessels [After Francis Glisson (1597– 1677), philosopher, physician and anatomist at Cambridge and London, UK]



globin / &ləυb n/ noun a protein which combines with other substances to form compounds such as haemoglobin and myoglobin globule / &lɒbju l/ noun a round drop, espe-

cially of fat

globulin / &lɒbjυl n/ noun a protein, present in blood, belonging to a group that includes antibodies

globulinuria / &lɒbjυl njυəriə/ noun the

presence of globulins in the urine

globus / &ləυbəs/ noun any ball-shaped part of the body

globus hystericus / &ləυbəs h ster kəs/ noun a feeling of not being able to swallow, caused by worry or embarrassment glomangioma /&lə m nd i əυmə/ noun a tumour of the skin at the ends of the fingers and toes

glomerular /&lɒ merυlə/ adjective referring to a glomerulus

glomerular capsule /&lɒ merυlə

k psju l/ noun same as Bowman’s capsule

glomerular filtration rate /&lɒ merυlə f l tre ʃ(ə)n re t/ noun the rate at which the kid-

neys filter blood and remove waste matter glomerular tuft /&lɒ merυlə t"ft/ noun a

group of blood vessels in the kidney which filter the blood

glomeruli /&lɒ merυli/ plural of glomerulus glomerulitis /&lɒ merυ la t s/ noun inflammation causing lesions of glomeruli in the kid-


glomerulonephritis /&lɒ merυləυn

fra t s/ noun same as Bright’s disease glomerulus /&lɒ merυləs/ noun a group of

blood vessels which filter waste matter from the blood in a kidney (NOTE: The plural is glomeruli.)

gloss- /&lɒs/ prefix same as glosso- (used be-

fore vowels)

glossa / &lɒsə/ noun same as tongue glossal / &lɒs(ə)l/ adjective relating to the


glossectomy /&lɒ sektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the tongue

Glossina /&lɒ sa nə/ noun a genus of African flies which cause trypanosomiasis, e.g. the tsetse fly

glossitis /&lɒ sa t s/ noun inflammation of the surface of the tongue

glosso- / &lɒsəυ/ prefix referring to the


glossodynia / &lɒsəυ d niə/ noun pain in the tongue

glossopharyngeal / &lɒsəυf r n d i əl/

adjective relating to the tongue and pharynx glossopharyngeal nerve / &lɒsəυf r n

d i əl n! v/ noun the ninth cranial nerve which controls the pharynx, the salivary glands and part of the tongue

glossoplegia / &lɒsəυ pli d ə/ noun paralysis of the tongue

glossotomy /&lɒ sɒtəmi/ noun a surgical incision into the tongue

glottis / &lɒt s/ noun an opening in the larynx between the vocal cords, which forms the entrance to the main airway from the pharynx

gluc- /&lu k/ prefix referring to glucose glucagon / &lu kə&ɒn/ noun a hormone se-

creted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, which increases the level of blood sugar by stimulating the breakdown of glycogen glucagonoma / &lu kə&ɒ nəυmə/ noun a tumour of the cells of the pancreas that produces glucagon

glucocorticoid / &lu kəυ kɔ t kɔ d/ noun any corticosteroid which breaks down carbohydrates and fats for use by the body, produced by the adrenal cortex

gluconeogenesis / &lu kəυ ni əυ d enəs s/ noun the production of glucose in the liver from protein or fat reserves glucose / &lu kəυz/ noun a simple sugar found in some fruit, but also broken down from white sugar or carbohydrate and absorbed into the body or secreted by the kidneys. Also called dextrose

COMMENT: Combustion of glucose with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water is the body’s main source of energy.

glucose tolerance test / &lu kəυztɒlərəns test/ noun a test for diabetes melli-

tus, in which someone eats glucose and his or her urine and blood are tested at regular intervals. Abbr GTT

glucosuria / &lu kəυ sjυəriə/ noun same as


glucuronic acid / &lu kjυrɒn k s d/ noun an acid formed by glucose that acts on bilirubin

glue ear /&lu ə/ noun a condition in which fluid forms behind the eardrum and causes deafness. Also called secretory otitis media glue-sniffing / &lu sn f ŋ/ noun solvent


glutamic acid /&lu t m k s d/ noun an amino acid

glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase

/&lu t m k ɒksələυə si t k tr ns m * ne z/ noun an enzyme used to test for viral hepatitis

glutamic pyruvic transaminase /&lut m k pa ru v k tr ns m ne z/ noun an

enzyme produced in the liver and released into the blood if the liver is damaged glutaminase /&lu t m ne z/ noun an enzyme in the kidneys that helps to break down glutamine

glutamine / &lu təmi n/ noun an amino acid gluteal / &lu tiəl/ adjective referring to the buttocks

gluteal artery


gluteal artery / &lu tiəl ɑ təri/ noun one of the two arteries supplying the buttocks, the inferior gluteal artery or the superior gluteal artery

gluteal muscle / &lu tiəl m"s(ə)l/ noun a muscle in the buttock. gluteus

gluteal vein / &lu tiəl ve n/ noun one of two veins draining the buttocks, the inferior gluteal vein and the superior gluteal vein

gluten / &lu t(ə)n/ noun a protein found in some cereals, which makes the grains form a sticky paste when water is added

gluten enteropathy same as gluten-in- duced enteropathy

gluten-free diet / &lu t(ə)n fri da ət/ noun a diet containing only food containing no gluten

gluten-induced enteropathy / &lu t(ə)n

n dju st entə rɒpəθi/ noun 1. an allergic disease mainly affecting children, in which the lining of the intestine is sensitive to gluten, preventing the small intestine from digesting fat 2. a condition in adults where the villi in the intestine become smaller and so reduce the surface which can absorb nutrients (NOTE: Symptoms include a swollen abdomen, pale diarrhoea, abdominal pains and anaemia.) also called coeliac disease

gluteus / &lu tiəs/ noun one of three muscles in the buttocks, responsible for movements of the hip. The largest is the gluteus maximus, while the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are smaller.

glyc- /&la k/ prefix same as glyco- (used before vowels)

glycaemia /&la si miə/ noun the level of glucose found in the blood. hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia

glycerin / &l sər n/, glycerine, glycerol /

&l sərɒl/ noun a colourless viscous sweettasting liquid present in all fats (NOTE: Synthetic glycerin is used in various medicinal preparations and also as a lubricant in items such as toothpaste and cough medicines.)

glycine / &la si n/ noun an amino acid

glyco- /&la kəυ/ prefix referring to sugar glycocholic acid / &la kəυkɒl k s d/ noun one of the bile acids

glycogen / &la kəd ən/ noun a type of starch, converted from glucose by the action of insulin, and stored in the liver as a source of energy

glycogenesis / &la kəυ d enəs s/ noun the process by which glucose is converted into glycogen in the liver

glycogenolysis / &la kəυd ə nɒləs s/ noun the process by which glycogen is broken down to form glucose

glycolysis /&la kɒləs s/ noun the metabolic breakdown of glucose to release energy

glycoside / &la kəυsa d/ noun a chemical compound of a type which is formed from a simple sugar and another compound (NOTE: Many of the drugs produced from plants are gly-


glycosuria / &la kəυ sjυəriə/ noun a high level of sugar in the urine, a symptom of diabetes mellitus

GMC abbr General Medical Council gnathic / n θ k/ adjective referring to the jaw

gnathoplasty / n θəυ pl sti/ noun surgery on the jaw

gnawing / nɔ ŋ/ adjective referring to a physical or emotional feeling that is persistent and uncomfortable a gnawing pain gnaw-

ing anxiety

goblet cell / &ɒblət sel/ noun a tube-shaped cell in the epithelium which secretes mucus

GOC abbr General Optical Council

go down / &əυ daυn/ verb to become smaller The swelling has started to go down. The blood sugar level went down.

goitre / &ɔ tə/ noun an excessive enlargement of the thyroid gland, seen as a swelling round the neck, caused by a lack of iodine (NOTE: The US spelling is goiter.)

goitrogen / &ɔ trəd ən/ noun a substance

which causes goitre

gold /&əυld/ noun a soft yellow-coloured precious metal, used as a compound in various drugs, and sometimes as a filling for teeth

(NOTE: The chemical symbol is Au.)

golden eye ointment / &əυld(ə)n aɔ ntmənt/ noun a yellow ointment, made of

an oxide of mercury, used to treat inflamma-

tion of the eyelids

gold injection / &əυld n d ekʃən/ noun an injection of a solution containing gold, used to relieve rheumatoid arthritis

golfer’s elbow / &ɒlfəz elbəυ/ noun inflammation of the tendons of the elbow

Golgi apparatus / &ɒld i pə re təs/ noun a folded membranous structure inside the cell cytoplasm which stores and transports enzymes and hormones [Described 1898. After Camillo Golgi (1843–1926), Professor of Histology and later Rector of the University of Pavia, Italy. In 1906 he shared the Nobel Prize with Santiago Ramón y Cajal for work on the nervous


Golgi cell / &ɒld i sel/ noun a type of nerve cell in the central nervous system, either with long axons (Golgi Type 1) or without axons (Golgi Type 2)

gomphosis /&ɒm fəυs s/ noun a joint which cannot move, like that between a tooth and the jaw

gonad / &əυn d/ noun a sex gland which produces gametes and also sex hormones, e.g. a testicle in males or an ovary in females

/&r m


Gram-negative bacterium

gonadotrophic hormone / &əυnədəυ trɒ f k hɔ məυn/ noun one of two hormones, the

follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinising hormone, produced by the anterior pituitary gland which have an effect on the ovaries

in females and on the testes in males gonadotrophin / &əυnədəυ trəυf n/ noun

any of a group of hormones produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates the sex glands at puberty. human chorionic gonadotrophin

(NOTE: The US spelling is gonadotropin.) gonagra /&ɒ n &rə/ noun a form of gout

which occurs in the knees

goni- /&əυni/ prefix same as gonio- (used be-

fore a vowel)

gonio- /&əυniəυ/ prefix referring to an angle gonion / &əυniɒn/ noun the outer point at

which the lower jawbone angles upwards goniopuncture / &əυniəυ p"ŋktʃə/ noun a

surgical operation for draining fluid from the

eyes of someone who has glaucoma gonioscope / &əυniəskəυp/ noun a lens for

measuring the angle of the front part of the eye goniotomy / &əυni ɒtəmi/ noun a surgical

operation to treat glaucoma by cutting Schlemm’s canal

gonococcal / &ɒnə kɒk(ə)l/ adjective refer-

ring to gonococcus

gonococcus / &ɒnə kɒkəs/ noun a type of bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoea, which caus-

es gonorrhoea (NOTE: The plural is gonococci.) gonocyte / &ɒnəsa t/ noun same as germ


gonorrhoea / &ɒnə ri ə/ noun a sexually transmitted disease which produces painful irritation of the mucous membrane and a watery discharge from the vagina or penis gonorrhoeal / &ɒnə ri əl/ adjective referring to gonorrhoea

Goodpasture’s syndrome /&υd pɑ stʃəzs ndrəυm/ noun a rare lung disease in which

someone coughs up blood, is anaemic, and may have kidney failure [Described 1919. After Ernest William Goodpasture (1886–1960), US


goose bumps / &u s b"mps/, goose flesh /

&u s fleʃ/, goose pimples / &u s p mp(ə)lz/ noun a reaction of the skin when someone is cold or frightened, the skin being raised into many little bumps by the action of the arrector

pili muscles. Also called cutis anserina

Gordh needle / &ɔ d ni d(ə)l/ noun a needle with a bag attached, so that several injections can be made one after the other

gorget / &ɔ d t/ noun a surgical instrument used to remove stones from the bladder gouge /&aυd / noun a surgical instrument like a chisel, used to cut bone

goundou / &u ndu / noun a condition caused by yaws, in which growths form on either side of the nose

gout /&aυt/ noun a disease in which unusual quantities of uric acid are produced and form crystals in the cartilage round joints. Also called podagra

COMMENT: Gout was formerly associated with drinking strong wines such as port, but is now believed to arise in three ways: excess uric acid in the diet, overproduction of uric acid in the body and inadequate excretion of uric acid. It is likely that both overproduction and inadequate excretion are due to inherited biochemical developments. Excess intake of alcohol can provoke an attack by interfering with the excretion of uric acid.

gown /&aυn/ noun a long robe worn over other clothes to protect them The surgeons were wearing green gowns. The patient was dressed in a theatre gown, ready to go to the operating theatre.

GP abbr general practitioner

GP co-op / d i pi kəυ ɒp/ noun a group of GPs who work together to provide out-of- hours care without making any profit

gr symbol grain

Graafian follicle / &r fiən fɒl k(ə)l/ noun same as ovarian follicle [After Reijnier de Graaf (1641–73), Dutch physician]

gracilis / &re s l s/ noun a thin muscle running down the inside of the leg from the top of the leg down to the top of the tibia graduated / &r d ue t d/ adjective with marks showing various degrees or levels a

graduated measuring jar

Graefe’s knife / &refəz na f/ noun a sharp knife used in operations on cataracts [After Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Albrecht von Graefe (1828–70), Professor of Ophthalmology in Berlin, Germany]

graft /&rɑ ft/ noun 1. the act of transplanting an organ or tissue to replace one which is not functioning or which is diseased a skin graft 2. an organ or tissue which is transplanted

The corneal graft was successful. The patient was given drugs to prevent the graft being rejected. verb to take a healthy organ or tissue and transplant it in place of diseased or malfunctioning organ or tissue The surgeons grafted a new section of bone at the side of the skull. autograft, homograft

graft versus host disease / &rɑ ft v! səs həυst d zi z/ noun a condition which devel-

ops when cells from the grafted tissue react against the person’s own tissue, causing skin disorders. Abbr GVHD

grain /&re n/ noun 1. a very small piece of something hard such as salt 2. a measure of weight equal to 0.0648 grams. Symbol gr -gram /&r m/ suffix a record in the form of a picture

Gram-negative bacterium

ne&ət v b k t əriəm/ noun a bacterium which takes up the red counterstain, after the alcohol has washed out the first violet dye

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