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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

14.56 Mб



hyperadrenalism / ha pərə dri n(ə)l z(ə)m/ noun a disorder in which too many adrenal hormones are produced, e.g. because of pituitary gland malfunction, a tumour of the adrenal gland or high doses of steroids

hyperaemia / ha pər i miə/ noun excess blood in any part of the body

hyperaesthesia / ha pəri s θi ziə/ noun an extremely high sensitivity in the skin hyperalgesia / ha pər l d i ziə/ noun an increased sensitivity to pain hyperalimentation / ha pər l men te ʃ(ə)n/ noun the feeding of large amounts of nutrients by mouth or intravenously to someone with serious nutritional deficiency

hyperandrogenism / ha pər drɒd ən z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which a

woman produces too many androgens, associated with many problems such as hirsutism, acne, infertility and polycystic ovarian disease

hyperbaric / ha pə b r k/ adjective referring to a treatment in which someone is given oxygen at high pressure, used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning

hypercalcaemia / ha pək l si miə/ noun an excess of calcium in the blood hypercalcinuria / ha pək ls njυəriə/ noun a condition in which an unusually high amount of calcium occurs in the urine hypercapnia / ha pə k pniə/ noun an unusually high concentration of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream

hypercatabolism / ha pəkə t bəl z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which the body breaks down its own tissues or a particular substance too much. It causes weight loss and wasting. hyperchloraemia / ha pəklɔ ri miə/ noun a condition in which there is too much chloride in the blood

hyperchlorhydria / ha pəklɔ ha driə/ noun an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach hyperdactylism / ha pə d kt l z(ə)m/ noun the condition of having more than the usual number of fingers or toes. Also called polydactylism

hyperemesis / ha pər em s s/ noun excessive vomiting (NOTE: The plural is hyperemeses.)

hyperemesis gravidarum / ha pərem s s&r v deərəm/ noun uncontrollable vomit-

ing in pregnancy

hyperextension / ha pər k stenʃən/ noun the act of stretching an arm or leg beyond its usual limits of movement

hyperflexion / ha pə flekʃən/ noun the act of flexing a joint beyond the usual limit a hyperflexion injury

hyperfunction / ha pə f"ŋkʃ(ə)n/ noun excessive activity of a gland or other organ of the body

hypergalactia / ha pə&ə l ktiə/, hypergalactosis / ha pə & lək təυs s/ noun a condi-

tion in which too much milk is secreted hyperglycaemia / ha pə&la si miə/ noun an excess of glucose in the blood hyperhidrosis / ha pəha drəυs s/ noun a condition in which too much sweat is produced

hyperinsulinism / ha pər nsjυl n z(ə)m/ noun the reaction of a diabetic to an excessive dose of insulin or to hypoglycaemia

hyperkalaemia / ha pək li miə/ noun a condition in which too much potassium occurs in the blood, which can result in cardiac arrest. Various possible causes include kidney failure and chemotherapy.

hyperkeratosis / ha pəkerə təυs s/ noun a condition in which the outer layer of the skin becomes unusually thickened

hyperkinesia / ha pək ni ziə/ noun a condition in which there is unusually great strength or movement

hyperkinetic syndrome / ha pək net ks ndrəυm/ noun a condition in which some-

one experiences fatigue, shortness of breath, pain under the heart and palpitation

hyperlipidaemia / ha pəl p di miə/ noun the pathological increase of the amount of lipids, or fat, in the blood

hypermenorrhoea / ha pəmenə ri ə/ noun menstruation in which the flow is excessive

hypermetropia / ha pəm trəυpiə/, hyperopia / ha pə rəυpiə/ noun a condition in

which someone sees more clearly objects which are a long way away, but cannot see objects which are close. Also called longsightedness, hyperopia

hypernatraemia / ha pən tri miə/ noun a serious condition occurring most often in babies or elderly people, in which too much sodium is present in the blood as a result of loss of water and electrolytes through diarrhoea, excessive sweating, not drinking enough or excessive salt intake

hypernephroma / ha pənə frəυmə/ noun

same as Grawitz tumour

hyperopia / ha pə rəυpiə/ noun same as hypermetropia

hyperostosis /ha pərɒ stəυs s/ noun excessive overgrowth on the outside surface of a bone, especially the frontal bone hyperparathyroidism / ha pə p rə θa rɔ d z(ə)m/ noun an unusually high concentration of parathyroid hormone in the body. It causes various medical problems including damage to the kidneys.

hyperphagia / ha pə fe d iə/ noun longterm compulsive overeating

hyperpiesia / ha pəpa i ziə/ noun same as hypertension



hyperpiesis / ha pəpa i s s/ noun unusually high pressure, especially of the blood


/ ha pə p tju tər

z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which the pituitary gland is overactive

hyperplasia / ha pə ple ziə/ noun a condition in which there is an increase in the number of cells in an organ

hyperpnoea / ha pə pni ə/ noun unusually deep or fast breathing, e.g. after physical exercise

hyperpyrexia / ha pəpa reksiə/ noun a body temperature of above 41.1°C

hypersecretion / ha pəs kri ʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which too much of a substance is secreted

hypersensitive / ha pə sens t v/ adjective referring to a person who reacts more strongly than usual to an antigen

hypersensitivity / ha pəsens t v ti/ noun a condition in which someone reacts very strongly to something such as an allergic substance her hypersensitivity to dust Anaphylactic shock shows hypersensitivity to an injection.

hypersplenism / ha pə splen z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which too many red blood cells are destroyed by the spleen, which is often enlarged

hypertelorism / ha pə telər z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which there is too much space between two organs or parts of the body hypertension / ha pə tenʃən/ noun arterial blood pressure that is higher than the usual range for gender and age. Also called high blood pressure, hyperpiesia. Compare hypotension

COMMENT: Hypertension is without a specific cause in more than 50% of cases (essential hypertension) but may be associated with other diseases. It is treated with drugs such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics and calcium channel blockers.

hypertensive / ha pə tens v/ adjective referring to high blood pressure

hypertensive headache / ha pətens v hede k/ noun a headache caused by high blood pressure

hypertensive retinopathy / ha pətens vret n ɒpəθi/ noun changes in the retina

caused by local bleeding and a restricted blood supply that threaten eyesight, as the condition indicates that the blood pressure is excessively high

hyperthermia / ha pə θ! miə/ noun a very high body temperature

hyperthyroidism / ha pə θa rɔ d z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which the thyroid gland is too active and releases unusual amounts of thyroid hormones into the blood, giving rise to a rapid heartbeat, sweating and trembling. It

can be treated with carbimazole. Also called


hypertonia / ha pə təυniə/ noun an increased rigidity and spasticity of the muscles

hypertonic / ha pə tɒn k/ adjective 1. referring to a solution which has a higher osmotic pressure than another specified solution 2. referring to a muscle which is under unusually high tension

hypertrichosis / ha pətr kəυs s/ noun a condition in which someone has excessive growth of hair on the body or on part of the body

hypertrophic / ha pə trɒf k/ adjective associated with hypertrophy

hypertrophic rhinitis / ha pətrɒf k ra na t s/ noun a condition in which the mucous membranes in the nose become thicker hypertrophy /ha p! trəfi/ noun an increase in the number or size of cells in a tissue hypertropia / ha pə trəυpiə/ noun US same as hypermetropia

hyperventilate / ha pə vent le t/ verb to breathe very fast We hyperventilate as an expression of fear or excitement. hyperventilation / ha pəvent le ʃ(ə)n/ noun very fast breathing which can be accompanied by dizziness or tetany hypervitaminosis / ha pə v təm nəυs s/ noun a condition caused by taking too many synthetic vitamins, especially Vitamins A and D

hypervolaemia / ha pəvɒ li miə/ noun a condition in which there is too much plasma in the blood

hyphaema /ha fi miə/ noun bleeding into the front chamber of the eye

hypn- /h pn/ prefix referring to sleep

hypnosis /h p nəυs s/ noun a state like sleep, but caused artificially, where a person can remember forgotten events in the past and will do whatever the hypnotist tells him or her to do

hypnotherapist / h pnəυ θerəp st/ noun a person who practises hypnotherapy hypnotherapy / h pnəυ θerəpi/ noun treatment by hypnosis, used in treating some addictions

hypnotic /h p nɒt k/ adjective 1. relating to hypnosis and hypnotism 2. referring to a state which is like sleep but which is caused artificially 3. referring to a drug which causes sleep hypnotise / h pnəta z/, hypnotize verb to make someone go into a state where he or she appears to be asleep, and will do whatever the hypnotist suggests He hypnotises his patients, and then persuades them to reveal their hidden problems.

hypnotism / h pnət z(ə)m/ noun the techniques used to induce hypnosis

/ ha pəυ kɒn



hypnotist / h pnət st/ noun a person who hypnotises other people The hypnotist passed his hand in front of her eyes and she went immediately to sleep.

hypo / ha pəυ/ noun (informal) 1. same as hypodermic syringe 2. an attack of hypoglycaemia, experienced, e.g., by people who are diabetic

hypo- /ha pəυ/ prefix less, too little or beneath

hypoacidity / ha pəυə s d ti/ noun unusually low acidity, especially in the stomach

hypoaesthesia / ha pəυi s θi ziə/ noun a condition in which someone has a diminished sense of touch

hypoallergenic / ha pəυələ d en k/ adjective not likely to cause an allergic reaction

hypocalcaemia / ha pəυk l si miə/ noun an unusually low amount of calcium in the blood, which can cause tetany

hypocapnia / ha pəυ k pniə/ noun a condition in which there is not enough carbon dioxide in the blood

hypochloraemia / ha pəυklɔ ri miə/ noun a condition in which there are not enough chlorine ions in the blood hypochlorhydria / ha pəυklɔ ha driə/ noun a condition in which there is not enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach hypochondria / ha pəυ kɒndriə/ noun a condition in which a person is too worried about his or her own health and believes he or she is ill

hypochondriac / ha pəυ kɒndri k/ noun a person who worries about his or her health too much

hypochondriac region

dri k ri d ən/ noun one of two parts of the upper abdomen, on either side of the epigastrium below the floating ribs hypochondrium / ha pəυ kɒndriəm/ noun one of the two hypochondriac regions in the upper part of the abdomen

hypochromic / ha pəυ krəυm k/ adjective referring to blood cells or body tissue which do not have the usual amount of pigmentation

hypochromic scars

hypochromic anaemia / ha pəυkrəυm k ə ni miə/ noun anaemia where haemoglobin is reduced in proportion to the number of red blood cells, which then appear very pale

hypodermic / ha pə d! m k/ adjective beneath the skin noun a hypodermic syringe, needle or injection (informal)

hypodermic injection / ha pəd! m k n d ekʃən/ noun an injection of a liquid, e.g. a

painkilling drug, beneath the skin. Also called subcutaneous injection

hypodermic needle / ha pəd! m k ni d(ə)l/ noun a needle for injecting liquid under the skin

hypodermic syringe / ha pəd! m k s r nd / noun a syringe fitted with a hypoder-

mic needle for injecting liquid under the skin hypofibrinogenaemia / ha pəυ f br nəυ

d ə ni miə/ noun a condition in which there is not enough fibrinogen in the blood, e.g. because of several blood transfusions or as an in-

herited condition

hypogammaglobulinaemia / ha pəυ& mə&lɒbjυl n i miə/ noun an unusually low con-

centration of gamma globulin in the blood that causes an immune deficiency. It may be

present from birth or acquired later in life. hypogastrium / ha pə & striəm/ noun the

part of the abdomen beneath the stomach hypoglossal / ha pəυ &lɒsəl/ adjective 1.

underneath or on the lower side of the tongue

2. relating to the hypoglossal nerve hypoglossal nerve /ha pə &lɒs(ə)l n! v/

noun the twelfth cranial nerve which governs

the muscles of the tongue

hypoglycaemia / ha pəυ&la si miə/ noun a low concentration of glucose in the blood

COMMENT: Hypoglycaemia affects diabetics who feel weak from lack of sugar. A hypoglycaemic attack can be prevented by eating glucose or a lump of sugar when feeling faint.

hypoglycaemic / ha pəυ&la si m k/ adjec-

tive having hypoglycaemia

hypoglycaemic coma / ha pəυ&lasi m k kəυmə/ noun a state of unconscious-

ness affecting diabetics after taking an over-

dose of insulin

hypohidrosis / ha pəυha drəυs s/, hypoidrosis /ha pɔ drəυs s/ noun a condition

in which someone produces too little sweat hypoinsulinism / ha pəυ nsjυl n z(ə)m/

noun a condition in which the body does not have enough insulin, often because of a problem with the pancreas

hypokalaemia / ha pəυk li miə/ noun a

deficiency of potassium in the blood hypomania / ha pəυ me niə/ noun a state of

mild mania or overexcitement, especially

when part of a manic-depressive cycle hypomenorrhoea / ha pəmenə ri ə/ noun

the production of too little blood at menstrua-


hypometropia / ha pəυm trəυpiə/ noun same as myopia

hyponatraemia / ha pəυn tri miə/ noun a

lack of sodium in the body hypoparathyroidism / ha pəυ p rə θa

rɔ d z(ə)m/ noun a condition in which the parathyroid glands do not secrete enough parathyroid hormone, leading to low blood calcium and muscle spasms

hypopharynx / ha pəυ f r ŋks/ noun the part of the pharynx between the hyoid bone and the bottom of the cricoid cartilage (NOTE: The plural is hypopharynxes or hypopharynges.)

k/ adjective
/ ha pəυθə



hypophyseal / ha pə f ziəl/ adjective referring to the pituitary gland

hypophyseal stalk / ha pəf ziəl stɔ k/ noun a funnel-shaped stem which attaches the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus hypophysectomy /ha pɒf sektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the pituitary gland hypophysis cerebri /ha pɒfəs s serəbri/

noun same as pituitary gland

hypopiesis / ha pəυpa s s/ noun a condition in which the blood pressure is too low hypopituitarism / ha pəυp tju tərz(ə)m/ noun a condition in which the pituitary gland is underactive

hypoplasia / ha pəυ ple ziə/ noun a lack of development or incorrect formation of a body tissue or an organ

hypoplastic left heart /ha pəυ pl st k left hɑ t/ noun a serious heart disorder in which the left side of the heart does not develop properly, leading to death within six weeks of birth unless surgery is performed

hypopnoea / ha pəυ pni ə/ noun unusually shallow and slow breathing hypoproteinaemia / ha pəυprəυt ni miə/ noun a condition in which there is not enough protein in the blood

hypoprothrombinaemia / ha pəυprəυθrɒmb ni miə/ noun a condition in which

there is not enough prothrombin in the blood, so that the person bleeds and bruises easily hypopyon / ha pə pa ən/ noun an accumulation of pus in the aqueous humour in the front chamber of the eye

hyposensitise / ha pəυ sens ta z/, hyposensitize verb to reduce someone’s sensitivity to something, e.g. in the treatment of allergies hyposensitive / ha pəυ sens t v/ adjective being less sensitive than usual hyposensitivity / ha pəυ sens t v ti/ noun an unusually low sensitivity to stimuli such as allergens

hypospadias / ha pə spe diəs/ noun a congenital condition of the wall of the male urethra or the vagina, so that the opening occurs on the under side of the penis or in the vagina. Compare epispadias

hypostasis /ha pɒstəs s/ noun a condition in which fluid accumulates in part of the body because of poor circulation

hypostatic / ha pəυ st t k/ adjective referring to hypostasis

hypostatic eczema / ha pəυst t k eks mə/

noun same as varicose eczema

hypostatic pneumonia / ha pəυst t k nju məυniə/ noun pneumonia caused by flu-

id accumulating in the lungs of a bedridden person with a weak heart

hyposthenia / ha pɒs θi niə/ noun a condition of unusual bodily weakness

hypotension / ha pəυ tenʃən/ noun a condition in which the pressure of the blood is unusually low. Also called low blood pressure.

Compare hypertension

hypotensive / ha pə tens v/ adjective hav-

ing low blood pressure hypothalamic / ha pəυθə l m

referring to the hypothalamus

hypothalamic hormone

l m k hɔ məυn/ noun same as releasing


hypothalamus / ha pəυ θ ləməs/ noun the part of the brain above the pituitary gland, which controls the production of hormones by the pituitary gland and regulates important bodily functions such as hunger, thirst and sleep. See illustration at BRAIN in Supplement hypothalmus / ha pəυ θ lməs/ noun same as hypothalamus (NOTE: The plural is hypothalmuses or hypothalmi.)

hypothenar /ha pɒθ nə/ adjective referring to the soft fat part of the palm beneath the little finger

hypothenar eminence /ha pɒθ nə em nəns/ noun a lump on the palm beneath

the little finger. Compare thenar hypothermal / ha pəυ θ! m(ə)l/ adjective

referring to hypothermia

hypothermia / ha pəυ θ! miə/ noun a reduction in body temperature below normal, for medical purposes taken to be below 35°C

‘…inadvertent hypothermia can readily occur in patients undergoing surgery when there is reduced heat production and a greater potential for heat loss to the environment’ [British Journal of Nursing]

hypothermic / ha pə θ! m k/ adjective suffering from hypothermia Examination revealed that she was hypothermic, with a rectal

temperature of only 29.4°C.

hypothermic perfusion / ha pəθ! m k pə fju (ə)n/ noun a method of preserving a donor organ by introducing a preserving solution

and storing the organ at a low temperature hypothesis /ha pɒθəs s/ noun a suggested

explanation for an observation or experimental result, which is then refined or disproved by

further investigation

hypothyroidism / ha pəυ θa rɔ d z(ə)m/

noun underactivity of the thyroid gland hypotonia / ha pəυ təυniə/ noun reduced

tone of the skeletal muscles

hypotonic / ha pəυ tɒn k/ adjective 1. showing hypotonia 2. referring to a solution

with a lower osmotic pressure than plasma hypotrichosis / ha pəυtr kəυs s/ noun a

condition in which less hair develops than usual. Compare alopecia (NOTE: The plural is hy-


hypotropia / ha pəυ trəυpiə/ noun a form

of squint where one eye looks downwards hypoventilation / ha pəυvent le ʃ(ə)n/

noun very slow breathing



hypovitaminosis / ha pəυ v təm nəυs s/ noun a lack of vitamins

hypoxaemia / ha pɒk si miə/ noun an inadequate supply of oxygen in the arterial blood

hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase noun full form of HPRT

hypoxia /ha pɒksiə/ noun 1. an inadequate supply of oxygen to tissue as a result of a lack of oxygen in the arterial blood 2. same as hypoxaemia

hyster- /h stə/ prefix same as hystero- (used before vowels)

hysteralgia / h stər ld ə/ noun pain in the uterus

hysterectomy / h stə rektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the uterus, often either to treat cancer or because of the presence of fibroids

hysteria /h st əriə/ noun a term formerly used in psychiatry, but now informally used for a condition in which the person appears unstable, and may scream and wave their arms about, but also is repressed, and may be slow to react to outside stimuli (dated)

hysterical /h ster k(ə)l/ adjective referring to a reaction showing hysteria (informal)

hysterically /h ster kli/ adverb in a hysterical way (informal)

hysterical personality /h ster k(ə)lp! sə n l ti/ noun the mental condition of a person who is unstable, lacks usual feelings and is dependent on others (dated) hysterics /h ster ks/ noun an attack of hysteria (dated)

hystericus /h ster kəs/ globus hysteri-


hystero- /h stərəυ/ prefix referring to the


hysterocele / h stərəυsi l/ noun same as


hystero-oöphorectomy / h stərəυ əυəfə rektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of the

uterus, the uterine tubes and the ovaries hysteroptosis / h stərɒp təυs s/ noun pro-

lapse of the uterus

hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography /

h sterəυ s lp ŋ&əυ kɒntrɑ st sɒn ɒ&rəfi/ noun examination of the uterus and Fallopian

tubes by ultrasound. Abbr HYCOSY

hysterosalpingography / h stərəυ s lp ŋ

&ɒ&rəfi/ noun an X-ray examination of the uterus and Fallopian tubes following injection of radio-opaque material. Also called uteros-


hysterosalpingostomy / h stərəυ s lp ŋ

&ɒstəmi/ noun an operation to remake an opening between the uterine tube and the uter-

us, to help with infertility problems hysteroscope / h stərəskəυp/ noun a tube

for inspecting the inside of the uterus hysteroscopy / h stə rɒskəpi/ noun an ex-

amination of the uterine cavity using a hyster-

oscope or fibrescope

hysterotomy / h stə rɒtəmi/ noun a surgical incision into the uterus, as in caesarean section

or for some types of abortion

hysterotrachelorrhaphy / h stərəυ tr kiə lɒrəfi/ noun an operation to repair a tear in the



-iasis /a əs s/ suffix disease caused by something amoebiasis

iatro- /a trəυ/ prefix relating to medicine or doctors

iatrogenesis /a trəυ d enəs s/ noun any condition caused by the actions of doctors or other healthcare professionals

iatrogenic /a trə d en k/ adjective referring to a condition which is caused by a doctor’s treatment for another disease or condition

an iatrogenic infection

COMMENT: An iatrogenic condition can be caused by a drug, i.e. a side effect, by infection from the doctor or simply by worry about possible treatment.

IBS abbr irritable bowel syndrome ibuprofen / a bju prəυfən/ noun a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain and swelling, especially in arthritis and rheumatism. It is also widely used as a household painkiller.

ice bag / a s b &/, icebag, ice pack / a s p k/ noun a cold compress made of lumps of ice wrapped in a cloth or put in a special bag and held against an injured part of the body to reduce pain or swelling

ichthamol / k θ mɒl/ noun a thick dark red liquid which is a mild antiseptic and analgesic, used in the treatment of skin diseases

ichthyosis / kθ əυs s/ noun a hereditary condition in which the skin does not form properly, resulting in a dry, non-inflammatory and scaly appearance

ICM abbr International Confederation of Midwives

ICN abbr 1. International Council of Nurses 2. infection control nurse

ICP abbr intracranial pressure

ICRC abbr International Committee of the Red Cross

ICSH abbr interstitial cell stimulating hormone

icteric / k ter k/ adjective referring to someone with jaundice

icterus / ktərəs/ noun same as jaundice

icterus gravis neonatorum / ktərəs&r v s ni əυnə tɔ rəm/ noun jaundice as-

sociated with erythroblastosis fetalis ictus / ktəs/ noun a stroke or fit

ICU abbr intensive care unit

id / d/ noun (in Freudian psychology) the basic unconscious drives which exist in hidden forms in a person

ideation / a di e ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act or process of imagining or forming thoughts and ideas identical twins /a dent k(ə)l tw nz/ plural noun twins who are exactly the same in appearance because they developed from the same ovum. Also called monozygotic twins, uniovular twins

identification /a dent f ke ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of discovering or stating who someone is or what something is identification with someone the act of associating with and unconsciously taking on the viewpoints and behaviours of one or more other people

identity bracelet /a dent ti bre slət/, identity label /a dent ti le b(ə)l/ noun a la-

bel attached to the wrist of a newborn baby or patient in hospital, so that he or she can be identified

ideo- /a diəυ/ prefix involving ideas

idio- / diəυ/ prefix referring to one particular person

idiopathic / diə p θ k/ adjective 1. referring to a disease with no obvious cause 2. referring to idiopathy

idiopathic epilepsy / diəp θ k ep lepsi/ noun epilepsy not caused by a brain disorder, beginning during childhood or adolescence idiopathy / di ɒpəθi/ noun a condition which develops without any known cause idiosyncrasy / diəυ s ŋkrəsi/ noun a way of behaving which is particular to one person idiot savant / diəυ s vɒŋ/ noun a person with learning difficulties who also possesses a single particular mental ability, such as the ability to play music by ear, to draw remembered objects or to do mental calculations, which is very highly developed



idioventricular / diəυven tr kjυlə/ adjec-

tive relating to the ventricles of the heart idioventricular rhythm / diəυven tr kjυlə

r ð(ə)m/ noun a slow natural rhythm in the ventricles of the heart, but not in the atria IDK abbr internal derangement of the knee Ig abbr immunoglobulin

Ig A antiendomysial antibody / a d i entiendəυ ma siəl nt bɒdi/ noun a sero-

logical screening test for coeliac disease IHD abbr ischaemic heart disease

IL-1 abbr interleukin-1 IL-2 abbr interleukin-2

ile- / li/ prefix same as ileo- (used before vowels)

ilea / liə/ plural of ileum

ileac / li k/ adjective 1. relating to an ileus 2. relating to the ileum

ileal / liəl/ adjective referring to the ileum

ileal bladder / liəl bl də/, ileal conduit /

liəl kɒndju t/ noun an artificial tube formed when the ureters are linked to part of the ileum, and that part is linked to an opening in the ab-

dominal wall

ileal pouch / liəl paυtʃ/ noun a part of the small intestine which is made into a new rectum in a surgical operation, freeing someone from the need for an ileostomy after their co-

lon is removed

ileectomy / li ektəmi/ noun the surgical removal of all or part of the ileum

ileitis / li a t s/ noun inflammation of the ileum

ileo- / liəυ/ prefix relating to the ileum ileocaecal / liəυ si k(ə)l/ adjective referring

to the ileum and the caecum

ileocaecal orifice / liəυsi k(ə)l ɒr f s/ noun an opening where the small intestine joins the large intestine

ileocaecal valve / li əυsi k(ə)l v lv/ noun a valve at the end of the ileum, which allows

food to pass from the ileum into the caecum ileocaecocystoplasty / liəυ si kəυ sa təυ

pl sti/ noun an operation to reconstruct the bladder using a piece of the combined ileum

and caecum

ileocolic / liəυ kɒl k/ adjective referring to

both the ileum and the colon

ileocolic artery / li əυkɒl k ɑ təri/ noun a

branch of the superior mesenteric artery ileocolitis / liəυkə la t s/ noun inflamma-

tion of both the ileum and the colon ileocolostomy / liəυkə lɒstəmi/ noun a

surgical operation to make a link directly between the ileum and the colon ileoproctostomy / liəυprɒk tɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to create a link be-

tween the ileum and the rectum

ileorectal / liəυ rekt(ə)l/ adjective referring to both the ileum and the rectum

ileosigmoidostomy / liəυs &mɔ dɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to create a link be-

tween the ileum and the sigmoid colon ileostomy / li ɒstəmi/ noun a surgical oper-

ation to make an opening between the ileum and the abdominal wall to act as an artificial

opening for excretion of faeces

ileostomy bag / li ɒstəmi b &/ noun a bag attached to the opening made by an ileostomy, to collect faeces as they are passed out of the


ileum / liəm/ noun the lower part of the small intestine, between the jejunum and the caecum. Compare ilium. See illustration at DIGES-

TIVE SYSTEM in Supplement (NOTE: The plural is ilea.)

COMMENT: The ileum is the longest section of the small intestine, being about 2.5 metres long.

ileus / liəs/ noun obstruction of the intestine, usually distension caused by loss of muscular action in the bowel. paralytic ileus

ili- / li/ prefix same as ilio- (used before vowels) ilia / liə/ plural of ilium

iliac / li k/ adjective referring to the ilium iliac crest / li k krest/ noun a curved top

edge of the ilium. See illustration at PELVIS in Supplement

iliac fossa / li k fɒsə/ noun a depression on the inner side of the hip bone

iliac region / li k ri d ən/ noun one of two regions of the lower abdomen, on either side of the hypogastrium

iliac spine / li k spa n/ noun a projection at the posterior end of the iliac crest

iliacus / li kəs/ noun a muscle in the groin which flexes the thigh

ilio- / liəυ/ prefix relating to the ilium iliococcygeal / liəυkɒk s d iəl/ adjective

referring to both the ilium and the coccyx iliolumbar / liəυ l"mbə/ adjective referring

to the iliac and lumbar regions iliopectineal / liəυpek t niəl/ adjective re-

ferring to both the ilium and the pubis

iliopectineal eminence / liəυpekt niəl em nəns/ noun a raised area on the inner sur-

face of the innominate bone

iliopsoas / liəυ səυəs/ noun a muscle

formed from the iliacus and psoas muscles iliopubic / liəυ pju b k/ adjective same as il-


iliopubic eminence / liəυ pju b k em nəns/ noun same as iliopectineal emi-


iliotibial tract / liəυ t biəl tr kt/ noun a thick fascia which runs from the ilium to the


ilium / liəm/ noun the top part of each of the hip bones, which form the pelvis. Compare ileum. See illustration at PELVIS in Supplement

(NOTE: The plural is ilia.)

191 immunocompromised

ill / l/ adjective not well If you feel very ill you ought to see a doctor.

illegal abortion / li &(ə)l ə bɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun

same as criminal abortion

ill health / l helθ/ noun the fact of not being well He has been in ill health for some time.She has a history of ill health. He had to retire early for reasons of ill health.

illness / lnəs/ noun 1. a state of not being well Most of the children stayed away from school because of illness. 2. a type of diseaseScarlet fever is no longer considered to be a very serious illness. He is in hospital with an infectious tropical illness.

illusion / lu (ə)n/ noun a condition in which a person has a wrong perception of external objects

i.m., IM abbr intramuscular

image / m d / noun a sensation, e.g. a smell, sight or taste, which is remembered clearly

imagery / m d əri/ noun visual sensations clearly produced in the mind

imaginary / m d n(ə)ri/ adjective referring to something which does not exist but is imagined

imaginary playmate / m d nəri ple * me t/ noun a friend who does not exist but who is imagined by a small child to exist imagination / m d ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the ability to see or invent things in your mind

In her imagination she saw herself sitting on a beach in the sun.

imagine / m d n/ verb to see, hear or feel something in your mind Imagine yourself sitting on the beach in the sun. I thought I heard someone shout, but I must have imagined it because there is no one there. to imagine things to have delusions She keeps imagining things. Sometimes he imagines he is swimming in the sea.

imaging / m d ŋ/ noun a technique for creating pictures of sections of the body, using scanners attached to computers

imbalance / m b ləns/ noun a situation in which things are unequal or in the wrong proportions to one another, e.g. in the diet imipramine / m prəmi n/ noun a drug that is used as a treatment for depression

immature / mə tjυə/ adjective not mature, lacking insight and emotional stability immature cell / mətjυə sel/ noun a cell which is still developing

immaturity / mə tʃυər ti/ noun behaviour which is lacking in maturity

immersion foot / m! ʃ(ə)n fυt/ noun same as trench foot

immiscible / m səb(ə)l/ adjective (of liquids) not able to be mixed

immobile / məυba l/ adjective not moving, which cannot move

immobilisation / məυb la ze ʃ(ə)n/, immobilization noun the act of preventing somebody or something from being able to move

immobilise / məυb la z/, immobilize verb

1. to keep someone from moving 2. to attach a splint to a joint or fractured limb to prevent the bones from moving

immovable / mu vəb(ə)l/ adjective referring to a joint which cannot be moved

immune / mju n/ adjective protected against an infection or allergic disease She seems to be immune to colds. The injection should make you immune to yellow fever.

immune deficiency / mju n d f ʃ(ə)nsi/ noun a lack of immunity to a disease. AIDS

immune reaction / mju n ri kʃən/, immune response / mju n r spɒns/ noun a re-

action of a body to an antigen

immune system / mju n s stəm/ noun a complex network of cells and cell products, which protects the body from disease. It includes the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, white blood cells and antibodies.

‘…the reason for this susceptibility is a profound abnormality of the immune system in children with sickle-cell disease’ [Lancet]

‘…the AIDS virus attacks a person’s immune system and damages his or her ability to fight other diseases’ [Journal of the American Medical Association]

immunisation / mjυna ze ʃ(ə)n/, immunization noun the process of making a person immune to an infection, either by injecting an antiserum, passive immunisation or by inoculation

‘…vaccination is the most effective way to prevent children getting the disease. Children up to 6 years old can be vaccinated if they missed earlier immunization’ [Health Visitor]

immunise / mjυna z/, immunize verb to give someone immunity from an infection. vaccinate (NOTE: You immunise someone against a disease.)

COMMENT: In the UK, infants are immunised routinely against diphtheria, pertussis, polio, tetanus, Hib, mumps, measles and rubella, unless there are contra-indications or the parents object.

immunity / mju n ti/ noun the ability to resist attacks of a disease because antibodies are produced The vaccine gives immunity to tuberculosis.

immuno- / mjυnəυ, mju nəυ/ prefix immune, immunity

immunoassay / mjυnəυ se / noun a test for the presence and strength of antibodies

immunocompetence / mjυnəυ kɒmp təns/ noun the ability to develop an

immune response following exposure to an antigen

immunocompromised / mjυnəυ kɒmprə ma zd/ adjective not able to offer resistance to infection

noun the study
/ mjυnəυsə



immunodeficiency / mjυnəυd f ʃ(ə)nsi/ noun a lack of immunity to a disease

immunodeficiency virus / mjυnəυd f ʃ(ə)nsi va rəs/ noun a retrovirus which at-

tacks the immune system immunodeficient / mjυnəυd f ʃ(ə)nt/ adjective lacking immunity to a disease This form of meningitis occurs in persons who are immunodeficient.

immunoelectrophoresis / mjυnəυ lektrəυfə ri s s/ noun a method of identifying antigens in a laboratory, using electrophoresis immunogenic / mjυnəυ d en k/ adjective producing an immune response immunogenicity / mjυnəυd ə n s ti/ noun the property which makes a substance able to produce an immune response in an organism

immunoglobulin / mjυnəυ &lɒbjυl n/ noun an antibody, a protein produced in blood plasma as protection against infection, the commonest being gamma globulin. Abbr Ig

(NOTE: The five main classes are called: immunoglobulin G, A, D, E and M or IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE and IgM.)

immunological / mjυnə lɒd k(ə)l/ adjective referring to immunology

immunological staining / mjυnə lɒd k(ə)l ste n ŋ/ noun the process of

checking if cancer is likely to return after someone has been declared free of the disease, by staining cells

immunological tolerance / mjυnə lɒd k(ə)l tɒlərəns/ noun tolerance of the

lymphoid tissues to an antigen immunologist / mjυ nɒləd st/ noun a specialist in immunology

immunology / mjυ nɒləd i/ of immunity and immunisation


pres(ə)nt/ noun a drug used to act against the response of the immune system to reject a transplanted organ

immunosuppression / mjυnəυsə preʃ(ə)n/ noun the suppression of the body’s natural immune system so that it will not reject a transplanted organ

immunosuppressive / mjυnəυsə pres v/ adjective counteracting the immune system immunotherapy / mjυnəυ θerəpi/ noun adoptive immunotherapy immunotransfusion / mjυnəυtr ns fju (ə)n/ noun a transfusion of blood, serum or plasma containing immune bodies Imodium / məυdiəm/ a trade name for Ioperamide hydrochloride

impacted / m p kt d/ adjective tightly pressed or firmly lodged against something impacted faeces / m p kt d fi si z/ plural noun extremely hard dry faeces which cannot

pass through the anus and have to be surgically removed

impacted fracture / m p kt d fr ktʃə/ noun a fracture where the broken parts of the bones are pushed into each other

impacted tooth / m p kt d tu θ/ noun a tooth which is held against another tooth and so cannot grow normally

impacted ureteric calculus / m p kt djυər ter k k lkjυləs/ noun a small hard

mass of mineral salts which is lodged in a ureter

impaction / m p kʃən/ noun a condition in which two things are impacted

impair / m peə/ verb to harm a sense or function so that it does not work properly

impaired hearing / m peəd h ər ŋ/ noun hearing which is not clear and sharp impaired vision / m peəd v (ə)n/ noun eyesight which is not fully clear impairment / m peəmənt/ noun a condition in which a sense or function is harmed so that it does not work properly His hearing impairment does not affect his work. The impairment was progressive, but she did not notice that her eyesight was getting worse.

‘…impairment – any loss or abnormality of psychological, physical or anatomical structure or function’ [WHO]

impalpable / m p lpəb(ə)l/ adjective not able to be felt when touched

impediment / m ped mənt/ noun an obstruction

imperforate / m p! f(ə)rət/ adjective without an opening

imperforate anus / m p! f(ə)rət e nəs/ noun same as proctatresia

imperforate hymen / m p! f(ə)rət ha men/ noun a membrane in the vagina which is missing the opening for the menstrual flow impermeable / m p! miəb(ə)l/ adjective not allowing liquids or gases to pass through

impetigo / mp ta &əυ/ noun an irritating and very contagious skin disease caused by staphylococci, which spreads rapidly and is easily passed from one child to another, but can be treated with antibiotics

implant noun / mplɑ nt/ something grafted or inserted into a person, e.g. tissue, a drug, inert material or a device such as a pacemaker verb / m plɑ nt/ 1. to fix into something The ovum implants in the wall of the uterus. 2. to graft or insert tissue, a drug, inert material or a device The site was implanted with the biomaterial.

implantation / mplɑ n te ʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the act of grafting or inserting tissue, a drug, inert material or a device into a person, or the introduction of one tissue into another surgically 2. same as nidation



implant material / mplɑ nt mə t əriəl/ noun a substance grafted or inserted into a per-


implant site / mplɑ nt sa t/ noun a place in or on the body where the implant is positioned impotence / mpət(ə)ns/ noun the inability in a male to have an erection or to ejaculate,

and so have sexual intercourse

impotent / mpət(ə)nt/ adjective (of a man)

unable to have sexual intercourse impregnate / mpre&ne t/ verb 1. to make a

female pregnant 2. to soak a cloth with a liquid

a cloth impregnated with antiseptic impregnation / mpre& ne ʃ(ə)n/ noun the

action of impregnating

impression / m preʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a mould of a person’s jaw made by a dentist before making a denture 2. a depression on an organ or structure into which another organ or structure fits cardiac impression 1. concave area near the centre of the upper surface of the liver under the heart 2. depression on the mediastinal part of the lungs where they touch the pericardium

improve / m pru v/ verb to get better, or make something better She was very ill, but

she is improving now.

improvement / m pru vmənt/ noun the act of getting better The patient’s condition has shown a slight improvement. Doctors have

not detected any improvement in her asthma. impulse / mp"ls/ noun 1. a message trans-

mitted by a nerve 2. a sudden feeling of wanting to act in a specific way

impure / m pjυə/ adjective not pure impurity / m pjυər ti/ noun a substance

which is not pure or clean The kidneys filter impurities out of the blood.

in- / n/ prefix 1. in, into, towards 2. not inaccessible / nək ses b(ə)l/ adjective 1.

physically difficult or impossible to reach 2. very technical and difficult to understand inactive / n kt v/ adjective 1. not being active, not moving Patients must not be allowed to become inactive. 2. not working The serum makes the poison inactive. inactivity / n k t v ti/ noun a lack of activity

inanition / nə n ʃ(ə)n/ noun a state of ex-

haustion caused by starvation

inarticulate / nɑ t kjυlət/ adjective 1. without joints or segments, as in the bones of the skull 2. unable to speak fluently or intelligibly 3. not understandable as speech or lan-


in articulo mortis / n ɑ t kjυləυ mɔ t s/ adverb a Latin phrase meaning ‘at the onset of death’

inborn / n bɔ n/ adjective congenital, which is in the body from birth A body has an inborn tendency to reject transplanted organs.

inbreeding / nbri d ŋ/ noun a situation where closely related males and females, or those with very similar genetic make-up, have children together, so allowing congenital conditions to be passed on

incapacitated / inkə p s te t d/ adjective not able to act or work He was incapacitated for three weeks by his accident. incarcerated / n kɑ səre t d/ adjective referring to a hernia which cannot be corrected by physical manipulation

incest / nsest/ noun an act of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity with so close a relative, that it is illegal or culturally not allowed

incidence / ns d(ə)ns/ noun the number of times something happens in a specific population over a period of time the incidence of drug-related deaths Men have a higher incidence of strokes than women.

incidence rate / ns d(ə)ns re t/ noun the number of new cases of a disease during a given period, per thousand of population incipient / n s piənt/ adjective just beginning or in its early stages He has an incipient appendicitis. The tests detected incipient diabetes mellitus.

incise / n sa z/ verb to cut into something incised wound / n sa zd wu nd/ noun a wound with clean edges, caused by a sharp knife or razor

incision / n s (ə)n/ noun a cut in a person’s body made by a surgeon using a scalpel, or any cut made with a sharp knife or razor The first incision is made two millimetres below the second rib. Compare excision

incisional / n s (ə)n(ə)l/ adjective referring to an incision

incisional hernia / n s (ə)n(ə)l h! niə/ noun a hernia which breaks through the abdominal wall at a place where a surgical incision was made during an operation

incisor / n sa zə/, incisor tooth / n sa zə tu θ/ noun one of the front teeth, of which there are four each in the upper and lower jaws, which are used to cut off pieces of food. See illustration at TEETH in Supplement

inclusion / n klu (ə)n/ noun something enclosed inside something else

inclusion bodies / n klu (ə)n bɒdiz/ plural noun very small particles found in cells infected by a virus

inclusive / n klu s v/ adjective (of health services) provided whether or not someone has a disability or special needs

incoherent / nkəυ h ərənt/ adjective not able to speak in a way which makes sense incompatibility / nkəmp t b l ti/ noun the fact of being incompatible the incompatibility of the donor’s blood with that of the patient

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