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asset (s) n – актив(ы)

bankruptcy n – банкротство

board n – совет

 of directors – совет директоров

chairman n – председатель

charter n – устав

be in charge of – руководить, быть ответственным

company n – компания

limited  (Ltd) – закрытая акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью (ЗАО)

public limited (plc)~ – открытая компания с ограничеккой ответственностью (ООО)

director n – директор

financial  – финансовый директор

managing  – управляющий директор

marketing  – директор по маркетингу

production  – руководитель производства

entity n – субъект

flotation nучреждение, образование, основание (предприятия)

liabilities n – пассивы, обязательства

liability n – ответственность, обязательство

manager n – руководитель

purchasing  – начальник отдела снабжения

personnel  – начальник отдела кадров

advertising  – руководитель рекламного отдела

home sales  – управляющий сбытом на внутреннем рынке

public relations  – руководитель по связям с общественностью

overseas sales  – управляющий экспортными операциями

merger n – слияние; объединение фирм в одну новую фирму

partner n – партнер

partnership n – партнерство

proprietor n – предприниматель, собственник

proprietorship n – собственность

sole  – частное предпринимательство

stock exchange n – фондовая биржа

structure n – структура

line  – линейная структура

functional  – функциональная структура

staff position  – организационная схема подчиненности

matrix  – матричная структура

underwrite v гарантировать размещение (займа)


  • Board of directors is a group of people who run company for the shareholders.

  • Flotation is the process of becoming a public limited company (the shares of the company are floated on the stock market).

  • Limited company is a company whose owners are legally responsible for only a part of any money that it may owe if it goes bankrupt.

  • A merger is the joining together of two separate companies or organizations so that they become one.

  • Partnership is a relationship in which two or more people, business or industries work together as partners.

  • Public limited company is a company whose shares are offered on the stock exchange for the public to buy.

  • A sole proprietor is a person who owns his own business and does not have a partner or any shareholders.

  • A takeover is the act of gaining control of a company by buying more of its shares than anyone else.

6.2. Management


  1. Can you imagine a company performing successfully without management?

  2. What is management? Is it an art or a science? An instinct or a set of skills and techniques that can be taught?

  3. Do you agree that a manager is a continual problem-solver, decision-maker, and innovator? Do you share the opinion that “Poorly considered solution will be costly in dollars, happiness, or both?”

  4. What qualities, from your point of view, is a person supposed to be born with or to acquire to become an effective manager? What do you think of the statement “Excellence costs, … but in the long run mediocrity costs far more?”


Text 1

While reading the text focus on the following issues:

− a variety of resources used by most businesses;

− functions of management;

− levels of management.

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