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advertising agent – агент по рекламе

advertising agency – рекламное агентство

advertising mediaсредства передачи рекламы

agreed budget/brief – согласованный бюджет

billboard Am. (hoarding Br.) advertising – реклама на стендах

сlassified advertisements – систематическая реклама

depict v – изображать

descriptive advrtisingописательная реклама

display n – показ, объявление в рекламе на транспорте

advertisements ~ ads – изобразительные или макетные рекламные объявления

flyer (syn. fly sheet) – листовка, рекламный материал невысокого качества

handbill nрекламный листок

informative advertising – информационная реклама

institutional advertisingрекламирование достоинств организации

junk mail«макулатурная» почта (реклама)

mass mediaсредства массовой информации

misleading advertisingреклама, вводящая в заблуждение

persuasion n – убеждение

spam n практически бесполезная информация (обычно - реклама), принудительно рассылаемая большому числу абонентов электронной почты

sponsor n – фирма, заказывающая радио или телепрограмму в рекламных целях; устроитель, организатор; спонсор

subliminal advertising – реклама, действующая на подсознание


  • Advertising – any paid form of nonpersonal communication through the mass media about a product by an identified sponsor.

  • Word-of-mouth advertising – a form of advertising when people tell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they have purchased

  • Institutional or prestige advertising – a form of advertising which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sell particular products

  • Descriptive advertisinggives the most important facts about the product.

  • Persuasive advertising – tries to persuade people that the product which is being advertised has a special quality or usefulness which makes it much better than other similar products.

  • Adversisement /advert/ad – an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job.

  • Commercials – advertisements on the radio and TV

  • Classified advertisements (also classifieds or want ads) – small adverts placed in a newspaper

  • Junk mail is advertisements that you receive through the post, which you have not asked for and which you do not want.

  • Spam is unwanted e-mail advertisements sent to a large number of people.

  • Agreed budget/brief – a statement of the objectives of the advertising campaign

  • Media plan specifies which media – newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinema, posters, mail, etc. – will be used and in which proportions

Список использованной литературы

  1. Бедрицкая Л. В. Английский для экономистов. – Мн.: «Книжный дом», 2004.

  2. Князева Н. И. и др. Экономика. Шаг за шагом. 1-3 ч. – Мн., БГУ, 2000.

  3. Коваленко П. И. Агабекян И. А. Английский для экономистов. – Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 1999.

  4. Лазаренко А. М. Сосредоточьтесь на экономике. – Мн.: «Лексис», 2003.

  5. 'Advertising' 4th edition, Mandell (Prentice Hall)

  6. Carrier Michael. Business Reading Skills. – Thomas Nelson and Sons LTD. – 1985.

  7. Barnard Roger, Cady Jeff. Business Venture. – OUP.

  8. Bateman T. S. Management Building. Competive Advantage. – MacGraw Hill Co. – 1996.

  9. Burke David. Byz Talk. – Optima Books. – 1993.

  10. English for Banking. – Москва: «Менеджер», 1997.

  11. English for Business. A Functional Approach. – DP Publications LTD. – 1995.

  12. Ivancevich et al. Management. Quality and Competitivenes. – Irwin. – 1994.

  13. Jones Leo, Alexander Richard. International Business English. – CUP.

  14. Horner David, Strutt Peter. Words at Work. – CUP.

  15. MacConnel Campbell R., Brue Stanley L. Macroeconomics.– McGraw-Hill, Inc. – 1990.

  16. Mac Kenzie Ian. English for Business Studies. – Cambridge University Press. – 2000.

  17. Mankiw N. Gregory. Essentials of Economics. – Harcourt College Publishers.

  18. Parkin Michael. Macroeconomics. – Addison- Wesley Publishing Company.

  19. The Language of Trade ( glossary of terms) – USIA.

  20. Tucker Irving B. Surwey of Economics. – South Western College Publishing. – 2001.

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