.pdfSECURITY OFFICER: May I see your hand luggage, please? F.: What’s the matter?
O.: It’s our security check. It will take about 3 minutes. F.: Here is my bag.
O.: Good. Will you walk between these two posts, please? It’s a detection device that shows us if anyone is carrying any metal... .
That’s all right. Now, walk this way, please, and board the plane.
F.: Here is my boarding card.
AIR HOSTESS: Row 2, seat B. Come this way, please. F.: May I put my bag on the upper rack?
A.: No, you may not. According to safety regulations hand luggage is to be stowed under the seat in front of you.
Flight 257 is ready to flight.
A.: You are welcome on board of our plane! The flight lasts about six hours. You are requested to return to your seats. Now, please, fasten your belts and refrain from smoking until the signs are switched off. If you need any assistance, push the call button over your head.
F.: I’m afraid. It’s a bit rough. I’m airsick. Will you bring me a sick bag?
A.: Just a moment. Here it is. When we’ll be at high altitude, chew sweets. That’ll be all right.
F.: Thanks.
A.: Now, we are going to serve you mineral water followed by a hot lunch.
It’s a bit rough. — Немного качает.
2.Put the sentences in the logical order by numbering them from one to eight.
[ ] Take off.
[ ] Have a meal and watch an in-flight movie. [ ] Fasten your belts.
[ ] Go through passport control.
[ ] Get on the plane and find your seat.
[ ] Go to the departure lounge for your gate. [ ] Take your luggage and leave the airport. [ ] Arrive at the airport and check in.
departure lounge — соответствующий зал ожиданий for your gate — к своему рейсу
3.In this conversation a traveller is making a reservation by phone.
Put the sentences in the correct order. The first sentence has been numbered for you. Act the dialogue.
Travel agency |
Traveller |
[ |
] W-H-I-T-E. And your credit card? |
[ |
] W-H-I-T-E. |
[ |
] Thank you. I’ll put your tickets |
[ |
] John White. |
in the mail today. |
[ |
] That’s fine. Can I reserve |
[ 1] Wordways Travel. Can I help you? |
a seat in business class? |
[ ] Sorry. Could you spell that? |
[ ] On the 15th, next Monday. |
[ ] Certainly. Could I have your name |
[ |
] In the afternoon, please. |
and details of your credit card? |
[ ] Yes. I’d like to book a |
[ |
] Certainly. When would you like |
flight to Berlin. |
to travel? |
[ ] Thank you. Good buy. |
[ ] In the morning, afternoon or |
[ |
] VISA, 2456 7890 3456 |
evening? |
[ |
] Just a moment... |
There’s flight at 2.15 p.m. |
[ |
] Good buy. |
4.Reconstruct the following situations into dialogues.
1)You are at the airport. You go to complete the necessary formalities.
2)Mr. White wanted to fly to Paris. He went to the agency and inquired (наводить справки) if he could book a seat to Paris. The clerk answered that still had some seats available for the next day. So he paid for the ticket. The next day Mr. White arrived at the airport in good time to complete the necessary formalities.
3)You speak to a friend of yours about your flying experience. Your opinions differ. You start a discussion.
5.Scan text 2 and headline it.
Text 2
I took off from Honolulu Airport soon after nine o’clock that evening, local time, and made a wide sweep on the circuit till we were climbing upon course. I stayed in my seat for an hour till we reached operating altitude. The weather was good; I handed over to Pat and went into the cabin to see what was going on there.
Everything seemed normal in the cabin. The passengers were finishing the light meal that we serve after an evening take-off; hostess were starting to hand out pillows and rugs. It was a busy period of them, and I wanted to see how they handled it. We had tourist passengers in the front of the cabin, some of them Indians going from Fiji, and the first class at the rear. In the first class cabin we had a couple of Australian statesmen, a chap from the World Bank, and a Swedish pianist. I walked to the rear of the cabin stopping now and then to talk to somebody, looked into the toilets and the washrooms, and went back to the galley. I said to my senior hostess:
“Everything all right here?”
“I think so, sir. We’ve got four sleeping berths to pull down. I’ll do those in a minute.”
“Would you like Mr. Scot to give you a hand with those?” They were high up, and a heavy job for a girl.
She shook her head. “We can manage them.”
“All right.” I wondered where I had seen her before.
“Get the lights out when you’ve got them all settled down, and call the flight deck when they’re out. After that, don’t switch them on again without permission from the flight deck.”
“Very good, sir.”
“I like one of you to be awoke at night. Take it in turns to sleep.” I went back to my seat at the controls on the flight deck. Everything was normal, and I sent Pat Paterson off to get some sleep, telling him that I would hand over to him at two in the morning, Honolulu time. I sent the navigator off as well, and sat on in the cockpit alone, with the wireless operator and the engineer at their desks be-
hind me.
(adapted from “The Rainbow and the Rose” by Nevil Shute)
Notes: |
cabin |
: салонзд. |
flight deck |
пульт управления в кабине пилота |
to pull down |
: раскладыватьзд. |
rug |
ïëåä |
galley |
служебное помещение; буфет |
cockpit |
кабина пилота |
wireless operator |
радиооператор |
to hand over |
передавать управление |
to hand out |
раздавать |
to give a hand |
помочь |
to handle |
: справлятьсязд. |
6.Answer the questions.
1)When did the plane take off?
2)What was the weather like?
3)What were the hostesses doing?
4)Who travelled in the first class cabin?
5)Did all the hostesses sleep at night?
6)Who was at the controls on the flight deck till 2 a.m., Honolulu time?
Word List
1. ship (steamer boat) |
пароход |
2. gangway |
вход с трапа |
3. |
yacht [jOt] |
ÿõòà |
4. cabin |
каюта |
5. motor boat |
моторная лодка |
6. deck |
палуба |
7. liner |
пассажирский пароход |
8. steward |
стюард |
9. |
captain [ ´kæptin] |
капитан |
10. |
lounge [launG] |
салон |
11. |
state-room |
каюта-люкс |
12. |
promenade deck |
прогулочная палуба |
13. |
life belt |
спасательный пояс |
14. |
to reserve a passage |
заказывать билет на пароход |
(to book a passage) |
15. |
on board a ship |
на борту корабля |
(aboard a ship) |
16. |
to set sail |
отплывать; отправляться в плавание |
17. |
to call at a port |
зайти в порт |
18. |
rough [rAf] sea |
бурное море |
19. |
calm [ka:m] sea |
спокойное море |
20. |
to be seasick (to suffer |
страдать морской болезнью |
from seasickness) syn. to |
suffer from seasickness |
21. |
to keep to one’s cabin |
не выходить из каюты |
22. |
exciting |
захватывающий, увлекательный |
23. |
experience [iks ´piqriqns] |
опыт; случай |
24. |
to go ashore |
сходить на берег |
25. |
depth |
глубина |
26. |
the Mediterranean Sea |
Средиземное море |

27. |
delightful |
восхитительный, очаровательный |
28. |
rate syn. price |
öåíà |
29. |
to get a discount [dis ´kaunt] |
получать скидку |
30. |
stuffy |
душный |
31. |
brochure [ ´brouSjuq] |
брошюра |
32. |
to vary изменять(ся) |
разниться, расходиться |
1.Read the words paying attention to the sounds.
[ai] — delightful, exciting, liner, life, island [a:] — calm, last, market
[æ] — ñabin, passage, gangway, as, captain, package [au] — lounge, discount
[O:] — ashore, board, port, saw, bought [i:] — keep, sea, means, see, beach, speak [ou] — coast, brochure, ocean, boat
2.Practise the pronunciation of the following words.
Gibraltar [Gi ´brO:ltq] Atlantic Ocean [qt ´læntik ´ouSqn]
France [fra:ns] |
Mediterranean [meditq ´reinjqn] |
Paris [ |
´pæris] |
Athens [ ´æèinz] |
Egypt [ |
´i:Gipt] |
pyramid [ |
pirqmid] |
Sphinx [sfinks] |
brochure [ |
´brouSjuq] |
Work at your words
1.Read and translate the words and their derivatives.
to excite — excitation — excitable — excitability — excitative to experience — experience — experiential — experienced deep — depth
wide — width
to delight — delight — delightful to cruise — cruise — cruiser
to suffer — sufferance — suffering to sail — sail — sailer
2. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.
A |
B |
1. |
to go ashore |
a. восхитительный |
2. |
gangway |
b. брошюра |
3. |
delightful |
c. салон |
4. |
brochure |
d. îïûò |
5. |
to vary |
e. душный |
6. |
to get a discount |
f. берег моря |
7. |
experience |
g. изменяться |
8. |
coast |
h. вход с трапа |
9. |
stuffy |
i. прогулочная палуба |
10. |
lounge |
j. каюта-люкс |
11. |
state-room |
k. сходить на берег |
12. |
promenade deck |
l. получить скидку |
3.Find the synonyms to the words from list A in list B.
A:rate, brochure, to be seasick, ship, event, to reserve a passage aboard a ship, to vary
B:boat, price, to differ, to reserve a berth aboard a ship, booklet, experience, to suffer from seasickness
4.Make up word-combinations and translate them.
to call |
to |
his cabin |
to keep |
from |
a port |
to suffer |
for |
Odessa |
to set sail |
at |
seasickness |

5.Translate the word-combinations.
11-day package, multi-channel radio, four-night stay, 10-night Galapagos trips, last-minute 2-for-1 package, three to sevennight cruise, four-night stay at a hotel
Work at your Grammar
1.Read and translate the sentences.
1)If there are three of you I think you’ll have a suite.
2)If there is a rough sea, you’ll keep to your cabin.
3)If our liner calls at a port, we’ll go ashore into the depth of the country.
4)If I have time, I’ll reserve a passage aboard a ship.
5)When my sister comes home, I’ll invite her to join us.
The Past Perfect Tense
+ |
— |
? |
had+Participle II |
had+ not + Participle II |
Had + Sub.+Participle II? |
I had worked |
I had not worked |
Had you worked? — Yes, I |
had. No, I had not. |
1)The Past Perfect Tense выражает действие, уже завершенное до какого-то момента или действия в прошлом.
2)Переводится глаголом прошедшего времени совершенного вида.
We had shipped the goods by five o’clock. Мы отгрузили товар к пяти часам.
3)Употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как: before, after, when, by five o’clock, by Saturday, by the end of the year, by that time и т.п.
When (= after) they had gone, he began to work.
Когда (= после того как) они ушли, он начал работать.
We had reached the station before it became dark. Мы пришли на станцию еще до того, как стемнело. I had finished my work before he returned.
ßокончил свою работу, прежде чем он вернулся.
2.Read and translate the sentences.
Past Perfect |
Past Indefinite |
1. |
After the passengers had gone |
1. |
At each port the passengers |
ashore, they went into the depths |
went ashore. |
of the country. |
2. |
We called at the port yester- |
2. |
We had called at the port before |
day. |
the storm began. |
3. |
Last year I returned from the |
3. |
By the end of the year I had |
voyage. |
returned from the voyage. |
4. |
Yesterday my parents arrived |
4. |
My parents had arrived in Lon- |
in London. |
don by six o’clock. |
3.Open the brackets choosing the right form of the verb. Variants are possible.
1)Yesterday the tourists (had made; made; make) an interesting journey over Siberia.
2)By the end of the year the tourists ((had made; made; make) an interesting journey over Siberia.
3)He (leaves; had left; left) the house before I (has; have; had) time to ask him anything.
4)After spending several days in Paris she (returned; had returned; returns) home.
5)He (spoke; speaks; had spoken) a language we never (heard; had heard; have heard) before.
4.Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Indefinite.
1)Last week the students (to make) a wonderful trip to the mountains. It (to take) them four hours by coach.
2)When we (to visit) a number of wonderful towns, we (to return) to Rome.
3)The journey back to Moscow by railway (to take) about three days.
4)He (to study) a guide-book before he (to book) his passage to Odessa.
5)He (to ask) for a second class ticket to Oxford.
6)My sister (to be) seasick and she (not to come) to breakfast.
7)During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood.
The Future Perfect Tense
+ |
— |
? |
shall/will+have+ |
shall/will+ not+ |
Shall /Will+ Sub.+ have + |
ParticipleII |
have+ Participle II |
Participle II? |
I shall/will have |
I shall/will not have |
Will you have worked? — Yes, |
worked. |
worked. |
I shall. No, I shall not/shan’t. |
I’ll have |
I shan’t/won’t have |
Will she have travelled? — Yes, |
worked. |
worked. |
she will. No, she will not/won’t. |
1)The Future Perfect Tense выражает действие, которое произойдет до какого-то момента или действия в будущем.
2)Переводится глаголом будущего времени совершенного вида.
We will have shipped the goods by five o’clock. Мы отгрузим товар к пяти часам.
3)Употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как: when, till, until, before, by five o’clock, by Saturday, by the end of the year, by that time и т.п.
They will have shipped the goods when your telegram arrives. Они уже отгрузят товар, когда прибудет ваша телеграмма.