.pdfEvery year Itaewon holds the World Festival and an outdoor traditional culture festival for the benefit of foreign visitors. In addition, special projects are being actively pursued to stimulate the Itaewon Special Tourism Zone, including the development of unique Itaewon brands, improvement of street facilities, expansion of parking facilities, erection of symbolic arches, expansion of tourist information centres, and establishment of a traditional performing art venue. Itaewon has become truly established as an international shopping and tourism district.
Since the late 1990s, the number of tourists from Japan, Hong Kong, China, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East has been rising. Itaewon has been changing into a place of “fusion culture” where the traditional and the modern, the international and the Korean all exist together.
Furthermore, around Itaewon there are parks and many other things to see. At Mountain Namsan, at the foot of which Itaewon is located, there is a park and botanical garden. Standing on the top of the mountain is Seoul Tower, which offers a panoramic view of Seoul, the 600-year-old capital. By the Hangang River, which flows calmly in front of Itaewon, there are public sports fields and recreation facilities. At night ferries lit with colourful lights can be seen moving along the river.
In the 21st century, Itaewon is facing new changes. The number of foreign visitors from different countries is continually rising and global products and services keep appearing. Efforts are being made on a private level to create a desirable street environment and establish the image of Itaewon as a Special Tourism Zone. Itaewon is constantly developing as a place known for “diverse cultural exchange” and as a “foreign culture zone that never sleeps”.
4.Answer the questions.
1)What was Itaewon established for?
2)When did the present Itaewon shopping district begin to form?
3)When did Itaewon grow into a major Korean shopping town?
4)What is it famous for?
5)Why is Itaewon very popular with foreigners?
6)Why are the World Festival and an outdoor traditional culture festival held in Itaewon?
7)What projects are designed to stimulate the Itaewon Special Tourism Zone?
5.Speak on Itaewon.
1.Read and translate text 3.
2.Give the shortest possible summary of the text.
Text 3
Increasing wealth and the development of air travel have been vital to the massive tourism growth of the last 30 years. So, too, has the increase in leisure. Throughout the world, hours of work have declined. The working week has become shorter. The number of public holidays and the amount of paid leave have increased. Like most service industries, tourism is labour-intensive.
In addition, working life for many has tended to start later and finish earlier, with important opportunities for travel before and after the working years. All this benefited tourism. But in recent years reduction in working time have slowed or reversed.
The world economy has become more competitive. Labour markets have become more flexible, employment-less secure. The working hours of some employees, particularly full time workers, the more highly skilled and managers have risen. Meanwhile, in many of the countries unemployment has been high, especially among the unskilled.
So, competitive pressures in the world economy are putting the brake on increases in leisure time. Employees are more concerned about security of employment than taking long holidays. Increasing life expectancy and pressures to control public expenditure lead governments to reduce their pensions exposure.
If globalisation and liberalisation continue, we must anticipate continuing fierce competition in the world economy. Governments will go on sharpening economic performance rather than considering improvements in conditions of employment.
Businesses will continue to contain employee numbers and benefit costs. The pressure on employees time, especially the time of more senior staff, who are usually excluded from restrictions on working hours and are not paid overtime, will continue. Their leisure time will be squeezed.
Consultation with the industry suggests that the tourism market response to these pressures is not a weaker but a changing pattern of demand towards shorter, more frequent and more intensive holidays. This offers many opportunities. Higher spend, shorter stay visitors can mean a better return on tourism investment.
1.Read and translate text 4.
2.Headline the text.
3.Speak on facilities provided by PC Learn.
Text 4
Big City — Big Training Rooms! At PC Learn, in business since 1989 as an independent technology training center, our business is providing computer and technology event facilities for corporate clients. We offer our services and one of Manhattan’s premier PC training facilities and staff to companies without their own New York City presence, and those whose seasonal your Events!
PC Learn offers BIG spaces at value prices for events, training, or any other gathering in the Big City! Avoid the premium prices and lack of technical savvy and service found at most New York City-based hotels and conference centers. Go beyond the limit of most tech training centers that can seat no more than 18 people comfortably at one time. PC Learn’s Manhattan site has rooms accommodating from 40 to 500 people, complete with T1 Internet access and wireless laptops. Budget-minded Event Planners and Training Managers can choose flexible room configurations including au-
ditorium, classroom, conference, or banquet style. Traditional conference rooms and classrooms are also available.
PC Learn is excited to announce the addition of a brand new facility located on the lower level of the Historic Masonic Hall. It is equipped with three large rooms, the largest of which can accommodate as many as 30 students. It can also be configured via movable walls as a single large meeting-auditorium-conference hall for up to 85 people. Our facilities are fully networked with server capabilities and high-speed Internet access. We can also provide overhead projectors and LCD displays greatly enhancing in-class demonstrations. A printer can be set up upon request. The 5th Floor offers conference rooms, kitchen area and reception desk. The PC Learn data center and back office operations are located here.
The 15th Floor offers a conventional classroom environment that is provided for an instructor and up to 12 students. The room has full T1 access, wireless Internet, choice of laptop or desktop systems, phone, and catering services available.
Notes: |
PC |
personal computer |
LCD (liquid-crystal display) |
жидкокристаллический |
индикатор |
savvy |
смекалка |
Первая часть |
Unit 1. |
Hotels ............................................................................................ |
4 |
Unit 2. |
Tourism ......................................................................................... |
35 |
Unit 3. |
Transportation .............................................................................. |
68 |
Unit 4. |
Food Service ............................................................................... |
106 |
Supplement .......................................................................................... |
130 |
Вторая часть |
Unit 5. Development and Promotion in Tourism ..................................... |
136 |
Unit 6. |
Working in Tourism .................................................................... |
164 |
Unit 7. |
Entertainment .............................................................................. |
193 |
Unit 8. |
Sightseeing ................................................................................... |
214 |
Unit 9. |
Conference Facilities .................................................................. |
238 |
Supplement ............................................................................................ |
253 |
Учебное издание
Иващенко Ирина Александровна
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для сферы туризма
Учебное пособие
Подписано в печать 27.09.2006. Формат 60 Ч 88/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 16,2. Уч.-изд. л. 14,0. Тираж 3000 экз. Изд. ¹ 1317.
ООО «Флинта», 117342, г. Москва, ул. Бутлерова, д.17-Б, комн. 345. Тел./факс: (495) 334-82-65, тел.: (495) 336-03-11.
E-mail: flinta@mail.ru, flinta@flinta.ru; WebSite: www.flinta.ru
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