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41. ») В каждом абзаце текста в найдите предложение, передающее его основную мысль.

6) Укажите, • каком абзаце текста В идет речь о структурной харак­теристике угла.

42. Расскажите содержание текста В, используя следующие вопросы:

  1. What has coal been formed from?

  2. What rocks can coal be related to?

  3. What does coal contain?

  4. What is the structural characteristic of coal?

  5. What factors can the classification of coal be based on?

  6. What is the role of coal in the national economy of Russia?

43. Определите, который из четырех заголовков наиболее соответствует содержанию текста В:

  1. The Origin of Coal.

  2. The Classification of Coal.

  3. Coal as Fossil Fuel.

  4. Coal and Its Industrial Application.

44. Расскажите, что нового вы узнали из текста В. Какие факты вам были уже известны?

Unit 6 159

ДИСКУССИЯ Энергия и жизнь

Для успешного участии в дискуссии вам необходимо ознакомиться с со­держанием статьи и использовать вашу эрудицию по обсуждаемой проблеме.

Слова для понимания текста:

hearth [ha:6] — камин to cope with — справляться с ...

bunker — угольный ящик smoke — дым

soot — сажа share — часть, доля

revival — возрождение reinforce — усиливать, подкреплять

exhaustion [ig'zaistfan] — истощение

Energy in the UK: Changing Demands

Coal was the dominant form of energy used in the UK for over a century. Coal was plentiful and cheap. It has a variety of uses:

  • fuel for steam engines,

  • fuel for homes, factories and offices,

  • the production of gas,

  • the production of chemicals.

British homes were designed to cope with coal. Near the back door would be the coal bunker. There were open hearths on which coal and wood fires were burnt.

Open coal fires look very attractive, but they have many prob­lems. Coal is dirty, heavy and difficult to use. Rooms can fill with smoke when a door is opened. When the fire is finished, soot and ash are left.

Alternative forms of energy have become widely available in the UK since the 1960s. Oil, gas and electricity provide most of the country's energy. It is not all bad news for coal, however, because it is still the most important fuel used to generate electricity. New cleaner methods of using coal to heat houses have been developed.

Oil, gas and electricity are much cleaner and easier to use than coal. The price of the different forms of energy is also an important factor:

  • During the 1960s oil and gas became cheaper while the price of coal rose. Demand for coal fell dramatically.

  • In 1973/74 the Oil Crisis made oil much more expensive. Gas and coal were cheaper. Gas took a larger share of the energy market as the North Sea gasfields were developed. There was even a revival in the use of coal. This was reinforced by the great oil price increases of 1979/80.


Unit 6

' In 1986 oil became much cheaper. Demand for coal fell • again.

Price and ease of use have been the major factors affecting the changing energy demand in the UK in the last forty years. In the future the exhaustion of energy sources will become important. The world's oil supplies may not last more than another forty years. Much of the world's oil and gas is located in areas which have suffered conflict, such as the Middle East. Supplies may be cut off from the UK for political reasons, as they were, briefly, during 1956 and 1973. Home energy source, of which coal is the largest, will then become more important for the UK again.

Past experience shows that there are no certainties in demand for energy within the UK. The future may hold many changes.

Выучите фразы, которые используются для того, чтобы узнать чье-либо мнение или выразить свое.

Asking far opinion

То one person

To a group of people

What are your views on ...? What are your feelings about ...? What do you think about ...? What's your opinion about that?

Any reaction to that? Has anybody strong feelings about (views on) that? What's the general view or feeling about that? Has anybody any comments to make?

Giving opinion




I'm sure that ... I'm convinced that ... I feel quite .sure that ... It's perfectly clear to me that ...

I think (believe) that ... As I see it ... From a financial point of view ... The way I see it is that ...

It seems to me that ... I'm inclined to think that ... My inclination would be to ...

Распределите роли и примите участие в телевизионной дискуссии «Энергия и жизнь».

ANNOUNCER: Good evening! Dear guests, welcome to our TV studio. Listen and see our program "For Those Who Think". Life and energy is our problem.

The world's energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. Of course, we have to do something and do it as soon as possible.

Unit 6 161

I'd like to welcome our first guest, Professor Oleg Petrov.

PROFESSOR OLEG PETROV: Well, we are in energy crisis and we'll have to do something quickly. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are rapidly running out. The tragedy is that fossil fuels are too valuable to waste on the production of electricity. I think that nuclear power is the only real alternative. We are getting some electricity from nuclear power already. There has been a lot of pro­test against nuclear power. But nuclear power-stations will not be as dangerous as some people say if safety regulations in power-stations are very strict.

ANNOUNCER: Thank you, Professor. Our next guest is a member of the campaign against nuclear energy, Mr. Dymov.

MR. DYMOV: Right. I must disagree totally with Professor Petrov. Let's look at the facts. In the case of an accident huge areas are evacuated, and they remain contaminated with radioactivity for years. Radioactivity causes cancer and may affect future gen­erations.

Next, nuclear waste. There is no technology for absolutely safe disposal. Some of this waste will remain active for thousands of years. Is that what you want to leave to your children? And their children's children?

I consider that nuclear energy is expensive, dangerous, and evil, and most of all, absolutely unnecessary.

But Dr. Krimova will be saying more about the problem.

ANNOUNCER: Thank you, Mr. Dymov. Now I'm very pleased to welcome Dr. Krimova, our final speaker. She is the author of several books on alternative technology.

DR. KRIMOVA: Hello! I'd like to begin by agreeing with Mr. Dymov. We can develop alternative sources of power. Instead of burning fossil fuels we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity. Electricity can be produced from any source of energy. You can save more by conservation than you can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, wave power, tidal power, etc., our fossil fuels will run out, and we'll all freeze or starve to death. We have to spend much more on research, and don't forget that energy from the sun, the waves and the wind lasts forever. We really won't survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy.

ANNOUNCER: Thank you very much, Dr. Krimova. Now we are opening the discussion.

162 Unit 6

На обсуждение выносятся следующие вопросы:

  1. What are the problems with coal as a domestic fuel?

  2. What are the advantages of oil and gas over coal?

  3. Which energy source increased most between 1973 and 1986 in the UK?

  4. Which eneigy source decreased most between 1973-1986 in the UK?

  1. Is nuclear power the only alternative to fossil fuels for the production of electricity?

  1. Is nuclear energy dangerous and unnecessary?

  1. How can people develop alternative sources of energy and which ones?

Фразы для ведущего:

Right, let's get started.

Perhaps, you'd like to start, Ann.

Just a minute, Peter, let Ami finish what she was saying.

We'll come to your point later.

Perhaps, you'd like to explain/tell us ...

Let's move on ...

Слом • выряжены для участников:

let's look at the facts I mean

I consider that listen to the other speakers

by the way after all

with treat Interest some of the estimates

to rely ob (the fossil fuels, oil, coal) world energy reserves

look to the future new research

to spend money on conservation of present resources

new forms of power to be fairly optimistic

Л теперь выбирайте ведущего и начинайте дискуссию, руководствуясь вопросами, вынесенными на обсуждение, статьей, фразами, приведенными после статьи и на с. 158, а главное, вашей эрудицией в конкретными зна­ниями по обсуждаемой проблеме. Желаем успеха!

UNIT 7 Prospecting and Exploration

А. Грамматика.

  1. Сравнение функций причастия и герундия (повторение).

  2. Инфинитив (The Infinitive) и его функции в предложении.

Текст A. Prospecting.

Б. Грамматика. Текст Б.

Инфинитивные обороты. Exploration of Mineral Deposits.

В. Текст 3

Кроссворд (Crossword). Интервью с проф. Нортоном.