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VII. B. Answer the questions

1. What is the capital of the country? 2. What is the most beautiful square? In whose honour was it named? 3. What is the re in the middle of the square? 4. What is the most striking building in the City? Who was it designed by? 5. What is London famous for? 6. What is the Tower of London known for? 7. What collection does the British museum contain? 8. What schools of art are represented in the National Gallery? 9. Where are the Houses of Parliament situated? What does the Clock Tower contain? 10. What is Westminster Abbey famous for? 11. Who is buried in the Abbey?

U n I t 6. Were there many people at the meeting?

I. A. Выучите новые слова

Asia [eiʃə] Азия

director [di′rektə] директор, руководитель, управляющий

ham [hæm] ветчина

ago [əgou] тому назад

yesterday [′jestədi] вчера

be on идти (о фильме)

bye[bai] до свидания

church [tə:t] церковь

fine [fain] прекрасный

many [′mæni] много

civil engineer [′sivl] инженер – строитель

nature [′neitə] природа, натура, характер, нрав

program director руководитель программы

welcome (to) [′welkəm] добро пожаловать (в)

were [wə: / wə] прошедшее время мн. ч. гл. to be

flight [flait] рейс, полет

management [′mænidʒmənt] управление

civil [′sivl] гражданский

cold [kould] холодный, холод

goodbye[′gud′bai] до свидания!

last прошлый, последний

late [leit] поздно, поздний

lift [lift] лифт, подъемник

plan [plæn] план, планировать

salad [′sæləd] салат, винегрет

build [bild]built [bilt]built строить conference room конференц-зал

could [kud / kəd] могли (past от can)

end [end] конец, заканчиваться; цель

equipment [i′kwipmənt] оборудование

match [mæt] состязание, матч, спичка

past [pα:st] прошедший, прошлый

tonight [tə′nait] сегодня вечером

brilliant [′briljənt] бриллиант; (at) блестящий, выдающийся

Here it is. = Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста! Вот то, что вам нужно

last year (month, week) в прошлом году (месяце, на прошлой неделе)

I. B. The Verb to be in Past Indefinite



I, he, she, it was

I, he, she, it was not = wasn’t

We, you, they were

We, you, they were not = weren’t



Was I, he, she, it … ? - No, (he) wasn’t.

Where was I, he, she, it?

Were we, you, they … ? – Yes, (they) were.

Where were we, you, they ?

My friend was not at the conference on Friday. В пятницу мой друг небылна конференции.

Were they students at the lecture on Friday? –Yes,theywere. В пятницу онибылина лекции? – Да.

When were you in England? – I was there in February. Когда ты был в Англии? - Я был там в феврале.