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III. D. Переведите предложения

1. Thisisachair.2. We are not artists. 3. That’s my sister’s case. 4. Those men are mechanics. 5. Their children are psychologists. 6. What are these? - These are my mother’s dresses. 7. I’m lucky to be in this country again. It’s my second time here. 8. These women are housewives. 9. These things are expensive. 10. This subject is interesting but difficult. 11. This is my third week in Paris.

III. E. Сделайте предложения правдивыми

1. We_inclass.2. It _ Monday today. 3. I _ at home. 4. The teacher's name_David. 5. I _ married. 6. Champagne _ a drink from Portugal. 7. My parents _ at work. 8. They _ in Africa. 9. My brother _ a bachelor. 10. What date is it today? – It _ the 1st of September.

III. F. Переведите предложения

1. Her cousin is not at the lecture now. 2. Is Mrs Black at home? – No, she isn't. 3. Where are their children? - They are abroad. 4. Is Doctor Smith in? - No, he isn't. He's still at the hospital. 5. My parents are at the conference. 6. Where are you? - I'm in the office. 7. Where is your friend? – He is at the party.

IV. A. Неисчисляемые существительные – названии веществ: water (вода), air (воздух), chalk (мел), earth (земля); абстрактные существительные freedom (свобода), love (любовь), etc.; information (информация), physics (физика), news (новости), money (деньги), knowledge (знания), weather (погода), advice (совет), work (работа), progress (прогресс), и т. д. используются только в единственном числе.

The news is interesting. Новости интересные.

IV. B. Вставьте a, an или some: a pen / (одна ) ручка

some rice немного риса some books несколько книг

book, books, air, rice, money, fruit, meat, bread, stamp, stamps, wine, apple, cigarette, cheese, child, umbrellas, cigarettes, cousins, lecture, lectures, children

IV. C. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо

1. She is … the cinema. 2. They are … the office. 3. She is … the park. 4. She is … the party. 5. He is … Russia. He is Russian. 6. Her cousin is not … the lecture now. 7. Steve is … the conference. 8. They are not … the Institute. 9. My parents are … abroad. 10. He's … home. 11. Is Mr Brown …? – No, he isn’t. 12. She's still…the country. 13. He's … work. 14. … the evening he likes to watch TV.

IV. D. Трансформируйте в единственное число

1. We are students of Chita State University. 2. They have breakfast at eight o’clock. 3. We go to the cinema once a month. 4. They watch TV every day. 5. They work on Sundays. 8. They usually play chess in the evening. 9.Theygetupearly.

IV. E. Переведите предложения

1. Дай мне, пожалуйста, хлеб. - На, возьми. 2. Что это? - Это книги моей сестры. 3. Мой брат не женат, он холостяк. 4. На выходные мы часто едем за город. 5. Я всегда обедаю в столовой. 6. Маша дома? - Нет. Она вышла. 7. Где твоя жена? - Она ещё на работе. 8. Мне повезло (я счастлив), что живу в России.

V. A. Переведите следующие интернациональные слова: airport [εəpɔ:t], comedy [′kɔmidi], badminton [′bædmintən], concert [′kɔnsət], Bulgaria [bʌl′gεəriə]