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English 2 course / English 2 course.doc
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III. Find English equivalents for the following .

проучившись несколько лет в Оксфордском универси­тете; вы ведь англичанин, да?; на улице Честер протянул ему руку; как насчет того, чтобы позавтракать со мной?; по предложению Честера; Филипп Ламберт тоже из уни­верситета; если бы не оставил его ради искусства; затем он сказал; (здесь) очень весело; никогда не знаешь, когда он объявится; когда он подошел к их столу; а теперь тебе пора уходить; мы уже уходим; я хочу познакомить вас с Десмондом; (очень) рад познакомиться; приходите ко мне на чай на днях; Гарри вас приведет; Стефан взял счет

IV, Give the situations in which the following are used .

to devote, against one's will, to feel lonely, to remove, to argue, to tell somebody (from), a habit, to appreciate

V. Correct the following statements.

1 Stephen's father wanted his son to devote his life to art and he had no objections to Stephen joining Professor Dupret's Art School.

2. At first sight Harry impressed Stephen as an unpleasant man; in addition Stephen knew a lot of people in Pans and did not feel like making friends with the young Englishman.

3. As there were no vacant tables in the restaurant, Chester went over to the table reserved for his friend. As soon as Madame Chobert saw him do it, she ran up to protest, because she disliked Chester very much and hated to see him in her restaurant.

4. During lunch Chester boasted openly about his ability and the connections of his family. Stephen realized, how­ever, that in spite of that Mr, Lambert respected Chester highly.

5. Although Mr, Lambert was not interested in Stephen, he asked him to his house to tea, as he realized that the young man was shy and needed encouragement.

VI. Discuss the following questions.

Why did Harry Chester invite Stephen to lunch with him?

What was Mr Lambert's attitude to Harry Chester?

Why did Harry Chester tell Stephen that he had nearly gone to Cambridge? Why did he tell him about his family?

Why did Chester mention the fact that Stephen had just come down from Oxford?

Why did Stephen have to pay the bill? Do you think Harry really meant to protest against Stephen doing so?

VII. Retell the text as each of the main characters. Use some of the words in brackets.

Stephen Desmonde (to be born in, to be brought up, to want smb. to take a course of theology, to obey his fat­her's will, to be fond of, to devote, to succeed, to feel lonely, to be surrounded, to find oneself, to discover, to offer, to accept, to feel encouraged, to appreciate, to remove, reserved, pleasant manners, convincing, inno­cent, to give in, to tell a University man, to make a re­mark, to meet)

Harry Chester (to study painting at Dupret's, to have a habit of, to prefer, a lot of fun, not to have enough money, to be hungry, at somebody else's expense, to borrow, a crowd, to be glad to notice, to suggest, to have a lovely time, to make smb. believe, to produce, to pretend, to make an impression)

Madame Chobert (to run the restaurant, many customers (посетители), most of, frequently, occasionally, difficult to deal with, dishonest, no sense of responsibility, to reserve a table, to see him remove the card, to protest, to dislike a person's habits, pleasant manners, to give in, to turn up, to be surprised to see, to produce)

Philip Lambert (irregular habits, to reserve a table, not to be reliable, to find occupied, not to be surprised, to be amused, not to feel like, to clear up things, to thank, to keep the table, to introduce, to produce a good impres­sion, to appreciate someone's good manners, to invite, to bring along, to entertain, to watch, to produce a bill, to see smb. pick up smth.)