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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Four.doc
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4.2 C. Group Discussion. Brainstorm Ideas.

● Why do we plunge into projecting about our future only during the holidays?

● The author states that “to catch the eye of the headhunter” is “much easier said than done”. Why is it difficult to become the hottest thing in town?

● Is headhunting wide-spread in Russia? Specialists of what professions are usually targeted by them?

● The author claims that “headhunting is an enviable profession”. Would you dream of joining the ranks of these recruitment officers?

● What kind of personality do you need to be to win a success as a headhunter? What qualities are absolutely essential for a prosperous headhunter? Name at least five of them in order of precedence. What traits of character are absolutely incompatible with this occupation? Think of five of them, making the list of priorities starting from the least desirable.

4.2 D. Watching and Listening

Successful People and Companies11

  1. Answer the following questions.

How important are the following attributes in helping someone to be successful in their career?

Very important


Not important

Not relevant

A practical mind

Ability to express yourself

Ability to work fast

Being good at giving orders

Accepting responsibility

Being good with figures



Good education

Physical and mental toughness

Good social background

Ability to delegate

Ability to write well

Being good at flattery


Being good with people

Good connections

Popularity with colleagues



Willingness to take risks


Which of these attributes do you have yourself?

2. Sally Muggeridge is Management Development Director at Pearson plc.

a. Listen to the first part of the interview and take notes about what makes a successful business person.

b. Listen to the second part of the interview and make notes about what makes a successful company.

Successful business people

Successful companies

Use your notes, and any other ideas of your own, to write a short article for a business magazine entitled either a) Successful business people or b) successful companies.

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