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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Four.doc
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3. Discuss the following questions.

● Which pieces of the advice given do you disagree with?

● From your own experience, what other advice would you give to job-seekers?

● If you were looking for an employee, what qualities would you be looking for?

● How many job interviews have you been involved in? Describe one of them.

4.1 D. Group Discussion. Brainstorm Ideas

1. Imagine you are a career adviser. What advice would you give to someone who is

 money motivated and who is prepared to take risks?

 a very talented critical thinker and is not necessarily money motivated?

 very good at critical thinking and extremely money motivated?

 an achiever who has background in Finance and is a very confident person?

 suffering from a lack of job satisfaction in the present job?

2. Chinese astrology organizes years into cycles of twelve with each year named after an animal. The Chinese believe that the year you are born in affects your character.





1972, 1984, 1996

Imaginative, charming, generous, quick-tempered, opportunistic1


1973, 1985, 1997

Conservative, methodical, conscientious, chauvinistic2, a born leader


1974, 1986, 1998

Sensitive, emotional, tend to get carried away, stubborn, rebellious


1975, 1987, 1999

Affectionate, obliging,, gallant, sentimental, superficial


1964, 1976, 1988

Fun-loving, popular, perfectionist, gifted, may sometimes be tactless


1965, 1977, 1989

Sagacious3, charming, intuitive, stingy, inclined to procrastinate4


1966, 1978, 1990

Diligent, independent, placid5, friendly, can be selfish and cunning


1967, 1979, 1991

Elegant, artistic, always ready to complain, plagued6 by worry


1968, 1980, 1992

Witty, magnetic personality, can be self-seeking7 and distrustful


1969, 1981, 1993

Industrious, shrewd, decisive, very extravagant, a flashy8 dresser


1970, 1982, 1994

Down-to-earth, altruistic, morose9, sharp-tongued, a fault-finder


1971, 1983, 1995

Intellectual, tolerant, naive, downfall could be desire for material goods

● What advice would you give to the holder of the Master’s degree in economics born in 1982?

● Think about your friends and relatives. Do they fit the jobs they have chosen?

● Study your own characteristics. Do they correlate with your own vision of yourself? Do your characteristics fit the career you have chosen? If not, may be you should think better about your plans. If you are still positive about them bear in mind ancient Chinese predictions.

4.1 E. Creative Consolidation

1. Speak about conventional recruitment procedures in our country. Which of them are mostly successful?

2. Many companies nowadays use extravagant and eccentric ways of selecting applicants, eg. based on horoscopes or handwriting analysis. Speak about them.

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