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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Four.doc
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5. Over to you.

● How important are health and safety at work? Which jobs have the highest risks? What do you know about the health and safety risks in the jobs of your choice?

4.4 E. Creative Consolidation

  1. Case Study

A. You have a highly infectious virus, but there is an important meeting programmed, and for a number of reasons, you are worried about your job. Would you go to work?

B. Specialists often talk of “tailoring individuals’ needs and abilities to the operational needs of the store”. For management positions, do you think the job or task should be adapted to the person who does it, or should the individual employee adapt to the needs of the job?

C. You have discovered that your favourite restaurant is employing illegal immigrant workers and paying them under the minimum rates for extremely long hours. Would you stop going there to eat? Give your reasons. Would you undertake any steps to change the situation?

D. You have an inside information that shoes in the shop where you are a loyal patron are made by young children. Would you still buy shoes there?

  1. Project-Making

An international convention is being held to look at occupational health and safety. You have been sent to the convention to present a case study, in which the advice of ergonomists contributed to significant improvements in occupational health and substantial savings for your company. In the presentation you will be expected to name /describe:

 the industry or sector;

 the problem and how it was diagnosed;

 the measures taken;

 the results and any future plans.

You may start like this:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to describe the impact that a study by a group of ergonomists has had on our company, its productivity, staff morale and our future. We knew that there was an unusually high incidence of absenteeism related to illness. What we didn’t know was the effect preventive measures could and would have.

4.5 Raise the Issue

Do you think people from certain culture would favour one kind of organizational structure over another? Can you think of some examples and give reasons?

4.5 A. Words in Context

1. Tick the word closest in meaning to that of the each boldfaced word. Use the context of the sentences to help you figure out each word’s meaning.

accord (v) Their achievement has not always been accorded the recognition it deserves.

Accord means a. give b. stop c. praise

ascertain (v) Experts were unable to ascertain the cause of the accident.

Ascertain means a. to find out b. to finish c. to say

command (v) He commands great respect of everyone who works for him.

Command means a. comment b. get c. come

despondent (adj) Devon becomes despondent too easily. If he

gets even one bad grade, he loses all hope of succeeding in school.

Despondent means a. ill b. depressed c. angry

hierarchy (n) Pam soon learned that all requests and suggestions had to be passed up through the levels of the company hierarchy. She could communicate directly with her own boss, but not with the boss’s boss – let alone the company president.

Hierarchy means a. a ranked system b. a training system

c. a large system

intuition (n) “I paint by intuition,” the artist said. “In a flash, I see how a work should look. I don’t really think it out”.

Intuition means a. careful study b. memory c. instinct

resist (v) He was unable to resist the temptation of sneaking into classified documents.

Resist means a. oppose b. experience c. reserve

resort (v) I think we can solve the problem without resorting to legal action.

Resort means a. to implement b. to settle c. to respect

subordinate (adj) The company director is subordinate only to the board of directors. She takes orders from the board, and only the board can fire her.

Subordinate means a. lower than b. a substitute for c. superior to

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