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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Four.doc
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minutes – an official written record of what is said and decided at the meeting; a short official note on or about a document; minute (v). Compare mi’nute [] (adj) extremely small: in minute detail; paying careful attention to sth: a minute examination

conspicuous – easy to notice, especially because it is different from everything else around; unusually good, bad skilful: conspicuous by your absence

stigma- a strong feeling in a society that a type of behaviour is shameful; the stigma of alcoholism/abortion etc; stigmatize (v): be stigmatized – to be treated by society as if you should be ashamed of your situation or actions

upheaval – a very strong change that often causes problems: political upheaval; a very strong movement upwards, especially of the earth

bemuse – looking as if you are confused

fallible – able to make mistakes or be wrong; fallibility (n)

tease – to make jokes and laugh at someone in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly or unkind way; tease (n) – a person who enjoys making jokes at people; teaser – a very difficult question, especially in a competition

censure – to officially criticize someone for something they have done wrong; censure (n) – the act of expressing strong disapproval and criticism. Compare ‘censor’ – to examine books, films, letters to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful or politically dangerous; censorship – a practice or system of censoring something

solace – a feeling of emotional comfort at a time of great sadness or disappointment: seek / find solace in ( After the death of her son, Val found solace in the church ); be a solace to

relieve- to make a pain, problem, unpleasant feeling less severe: relieve the boredom/ monotony etc; relieve sb of their post/ duties/ command etc; to be/ feel relieved to see/ hear/ know etc – to feel happy because you are no longer worried about sth; relief (n): what a relief!; a sigh of relief; pain relief

facilitate – to make it easier for a process or activity to happen; facilitation (n)

momentum – the ability to keep increasing, developing or being more successful: lose/ gain/ gather momentum

1. Match the phrases below with their meaning in the context.

enshrine the minutiae work hard for a living

of corporate history assert personal importance

buttress their status reprimand those who disregard

earn their corn decisions

round up the strays record the details of company activity

become a burden

make everyone comply with company policy

maintain other people's favourable opinions

2. Find the following expressions and phrases in the article. What are the meanings out of context (literal meanings)? Now decide what they mean in the context (figurative meanings).

Example: shop windows - a shop window is where things sold in a shop are put on display to attract customers. In the text these refer to the meeting rooms which are described as places where managers can perform, i.e. show off their ability in order to impress their superiors.

Write similar definitions for the following expressions and phrases:

1 'battle grounds'

2 'in black and white'

3 'the shop floor'

4 'a security blanket'

5 'safety-net-cum-rubber-stamping function'

Соседние файлы в папке Acquisition of Mastery