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Unit 1. Science of extinguishment ………………………………………………..5

Unit 2. Water extinguishment ……………………………………………………8

Unit 3. Extinguishing a fire without water ……………………………………..12

Unit 4. A fire extinguisher ……………………………………………………… 16

Unit 5. Classification of fire extinguishers ……………………………………. 19

Unit 6. Maintaining an extinguisher …………………………………………… 23

Unit 7. Automatic life safety fire suppression system ………………………… 26

Unit 8. A fire alarm system ………………………………………………………30

Unit 9. A smoke detector …………………………………………………………33

Texts for supplementary reading and annotating

Text 1. Hazards for firefighters ………………………………………………… 37

Text 2. Women in firefighting ………………………………………………….. 38

Text 3. Aerial firefighting ………………………………………………………..38

Text 4. Wild fires ………………………………………………………………… 39

Text 5. Wild fire detection, prevention, suppression ………….........................40

Text 6. A firewall ………………………………………………………………… 41

Text 7. Fire extinguisher inspection in the UK …………………………………. 42

Text 8. Fire extinguisher inspection in the USA ………………………………..43

Text 9. A fire hose ………………………………………………………………...43

Грамматический справочник ………………………………………………….45

Библиография ……………………………………………………………………..


Данный практикум предназначен для работы со студентами 2-го курса очно/заочного отделения по направлению 280705 «Пожарная безопасность». Целью настоящего практикума является развитие умений и навыков профессиональной коммуникации, а также совершенствование понимания текстов по специальности.

Данный практикум состоит из введения, 9 глав, текстов для дополнительного чтения, грамматического справочника и библиографического списка. Каждая глава содержит текст для основного чтения, поурочный терминологический словарь, комплекс текстовых, лексических и грамматических заданий и упражнений.

Комплекс различных лексических и грамматических заданий и упражнений обеспечивает многократное повторение и эффективное усвоение лексического материала, грамматических конструкций, наиболее типичных для «специальных» текстов.

Тексты являются аутентичными, заимствованы с Интернет ресурсов. Они высоко информативны, актуальны, они отражают повседневные профессиональные реалии специалистов по пожарной безопасности.

Unit 1. Science of extinguishment

Useful vocabulary

  • to sustain a fire – поддерживать огонь

  • to extinguish a fire – тушить пожар

  • cooling – охлаждение

  • an amount – количество

  • water vapor – водяной пар

  • to smother a fire – подавлять/гасить/ликвидировать огонь

  • a boiling point – точка кипения

  • to dilute – разжижать/разбавлять/растворять

  • a foam – пена

  • to accomplish – выполнять/делать

  • a combustion reaction – реакция горения

Task I. Read the text

1. There are four elements needed to start and sustain a fire. They are fuel, heat, self-sustained chemical chain reaction and an oxidizing agent (oxygen). A fire can be extinguished or put out by taking away any of the four components.

2. One method to extinguish a fire is to use water. The first way that water extinguishes a fire is by cooling, which removes heat from the fire. This is possible through water’s ability to absorb massive amounts of heat by converting water to water vapor. Without heat, the fuel cannot keep the oxidizer burning to sustain the fire.

3. The second way water extinguishes a fire is by smothering the fire. When water is heated to its boiling point, it converts to water vapor. When this conversion takes place, it dilutes the oxygen in the air with water vapor, thus removing one of the elements that the fire requires to burn. This can also be done with foam.

4. Another way to extinguish a fire is fuel removal. This can be accomplished by stopping the flow of liquid or gaseous fuel or by removing solid fuel in the path of a fire. Another way to accomplish this is to allow the fire to burn until all the fuel is consumed, at which point the fire will self-extinguish.

5. One final extinguishing method is chemical flame inhibition. This can be accomplished through dry chemical and halogenated agents. These agents interrupt the combustion reaction and stop flaming. This method is effective on gas and liquid fuels because they must flame to burn.

Task II. Define the main idea of the text

  1. Water is traditionally used for extinguishing a fire.

  2. There are many different ways to extinguish out a fire.

  3. Only professional firefighters can put out a fire.

Task III. Say if the statements are true or false

  1. One needs five elements to start and sustain a fire.

  2. Water removes heat from the fire.

  3. Removing fuel one can’t extinguish a fire.

  4. Dry chemical agents can interrupt the combustion reaction.

  5. Chemical flame inhibition is effective on gas and liquid fuels.

Task IV. Which passage contains the following information: Chemical agents are used to stop flaming and, thus, smother a fire.

  1. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

Task V. Continue the statements to make them correct

    1. The elements needed to start and sustain a fire are …, …, … and ….

    2. Water can absorb massive amounts of heat by ….

    3. Oxygen from any fire can be removed with … and ….

    4. One can allow the fire to burn until all the fuel is consumed ….

    5. Dry chemical and halogenated agents ….

Task VI. Give the Russian/English equivalents for the following words and phrases

  • to sustain a fire, to remove heat, massive amounts, to convert to water vapor, to smother a fire, a flame;

  • твердое/жидкое топливо, цепная реакция, тушить пожар, использовать воду, воздух, пена, потреблять топливо, точка кипения.

Task VII. Fill in the gaps using the words and phrases from Task V. Translate the sentences

  1. Firemen usually use … … of water to … ….

  2. Different substances have different … …..

  3. A mass of small bubbles formed when … mixes with a liquid is called ….

  4. If a fire is really big, don’t try to … it yourselves, call 01.

  5. The house was in … by the time the fire brigade arrived.

Task VIII. Grammar focus. The active and passive voice revision: find the examples of the passive voice in the text, define the grammar forms and translate them

Task IX. Define the tense and the voice of the verbs

  1. This equipment is very good, it is made in Europe.

  2. We usually start working at 8 a.m. We are taken to work by a company bus.

  3. That garage has been set on fire on purpose.

  4. The inspector is checking an extinguisher now. This procedure provides safety.

  5. The fire was severe. Several people were taken to hospital.

  6. Children will be invited to the fire brigade office for an excursion.

  7. Foam was used to smother the fire that took place yesterday.

  8. I have completed a firemen training course.

  9. Safety of people must be provided by all means.

  10. The task will be accomplished in 30 minutes.

Task X. Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Я работаю пожарным в Уфе. Моя работа очень ответственная.

  2. Сейчас мы учимся на специальных курсах. Наша задача – повысить свой профессиональный уровень.

  3. Вчера у нас было серьезное задание: нас вызвали, чтобы потушить пожар на нефтеперерабатывающем заводе (oil refinery).

  4. Вода поглощает тепло, которое выделяется при горении.

  5. Реакция горения была прервана применением галогенированных и сухих химических агентов.

  6. Четыре элемента необходимо для разжигания огня.

  7. Пожар этого класса будет потушен очень быстро.

Task XI. Make a short retelling of this text and learn it