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2. Practise the difficult consonant clusters in the following contexts. Observe absence of assimilation.

a) set expressions, proverbs and sayings

a) an old flame

b) (a) ray of hope

c) (an) absolute nothing

d) soldiers of fortune

e) (the) salt of the earth

f) (the) great ones of the earth

g) (a) man of the old school

h) word for word

i) out of this world

j) as thin as a rake

k) as thick as thieves

l) as slippery as an eel

m) as poor as a church mouse

n) to milk the bull (the ram)

o) to rock the boat

p) to play with fire

q) to praize to the skies

r) to cross the Rubicon

s) to become bloodshot

t) to shed crocodile tears

u) to make the blood run cold

v) to count on the fingers of one hand

w) to keep one’s head above weather

x) to be (head overheals) in love with someone

y) to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

1. Health is above wealth.

2. The end crowns the work.

3. Fortune favors the brave.

4. If the cap fits, wear it.

5. As the workman, so is the work.

6. Out of sight, out of mind.

7. Out of the frying pan into the fire.

8. Once bitten, twice shy.

9. Every dog has his day.

10. New brooms sweep clean.

11. Barking dogs seldom bite.

12. Blood is thicker than water.

13. Brevity is the soul of wit.

14. Caution is the parent of safety.

15. The face is the index of the mind.

16. Experience teaches us wisdom.

17. Experience is the mother of wisdom.

18. Necessity is the mother of invention.

19. Nothing is stolen without hands.

20. A burnt child dreads the fire.

21. Handsome is as handsome does.

22. An Englishman’s home is his castle.

23. He laughs best who laughs last.

24. Fish begins to stink at the head.

25. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

26. False friends are worse than open enemies.

27. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

28. Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.

29. The last drop makes the cup run over.

30. It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

31. Don’t cross the bridges before you come to them.

32. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

b) sentences

Place of articulation

1. I suppose that’s right.

2. It was always the same.

3. He wants this thermometer.

4. Alice needs those scissors.

5. He supports this theory with zeal.

6. Thomas thinks the film is thrilling.

7. He was through with seminars and tutorials.

8. This thirteen-century castle is so mysterious!

9. It was thoughless to throw away those clothes.

10. This I suppose is the most difficult issue.

11. It is the style as the cathedral we saw in Athens.

12. Alex thrust his way towards them with the bag thumping against his thigh at each step.

Manner of articulation

1. Take off these awful clothes.

2. It’s all right if there’s time.

3. The roof wants coating badly.

4. If the worst comes to the worst.

5. There are thirty of them; have another.

6. Both of them are of the same opinion.

7. The face of one of them was familiar to us.

8. A murderer is only safe when he’s in prison.

9. I need a reel of thread and one of those needles.

10. His wife washed one of the worn-out sweaters.

Work of the vocal cords

1. Has Sally told him the truth?

2. Did Susan meet both of them?

3. His chance of winning is so slim.

4. Switch the light off and lock the door.

5. Let’s go there by the five-thirty train.

6. Check the task before you get down to work.

7. This doctor always prescribes the same medicines.

8. They should come at twelve-thirty at the latest.

9. Both brothers teach the children maths and physics.

10. It’s absolutely absurd to by this old-fashioned house.

11. I think I’ll come to Bob’s sister’s party this Thursday.

12. Miss Grey is pretty and Miss Brown is kind-hearted.

c) conversational contexts

Place of articulation


– Who owns this place?

– Alex Smith I think.


– Is the film worth seeing?

– Worth seeing? It’s thrilling!


– Wednesday’s their day off.

– It’s Thursday as far as I know.


– She’s thirty-six this Thursday.

– Is she? I thought she was thirty-three.


– Would you like something in the front stalls?

– I suppose there’s nothing further back, is there?


– Apparently it’s going to turn colder.

– Still, another month should see us through the worst of it.


– The Smith’s house is worth six-thousand pounds.

– I thought it was three thousand.


– Are you always as busy as that?

– June’s the worst month of the year. But this week is worse than I expected.


– Do you suppose the staff manager could see me on the 6th?

– Sorry, but he’s fully booked till the 7th of September unless there’s a cancellation.


– What’s the matter with your brother? He looks thoroughly worn out.

– I think he’s been overworking. It’s as simple as that.

Manner of articulation


– Do you know these people?

– The face of one of them is familiar to me.


– How’s your father keeping?

– He’s been off work a day or two.


– Have we got any warm water?

– There must be some in one of those white jugs.


– Why don’t you want to go for a drive with us?

– It’s all right if there’s time.


– We haven’t seen much of the Smiths lately.

– No, they’ve had about five weeks in Vienna.


– I’m sure there’s no hope of winning the game. And you?

– I’m of the same opinion. Half theme’s been wasted.


– Do you think I ought to ask Mrs. Willson?

– Certainly. She’s always willing to give a piece of wide advice.


– Is there any choice? What should we do?

– If we can’t as we would, we must do as we can.


– I hope they’ll catch the five-thirty train.

– I believe they’ll get to the station in less than 10 minutes.


– What is the name of the person you wish to speak to?

– It’s Steve Thatoher, one of the best friends of our family.


– What do they think of the leader of the team?

– Oh, his thorough analysis combined with zeal and knowledge impresses all of them.

Work of the vocal cords


– How’s his sister?

– She’s much better as I know.


– Lock the door and sit down.

– Why? What’s the matter?


– How should I help?

– Mm… Wash the linen and press the clothes.


– What did he say about Miss Grey?

– He said she was pretty.


– Those children are absolutely unbearable.

– Don’t be too hard on them.


– Are there many English books in your collection?

– Not many, but they are all worth reading.


– Will you take part in the project?

– I think the game is not worth the candle.


– How should I keep these things?

– You should keep them at a room temperature.


– How should he improve his phonetics?

– He should produce the sounds more carefully.


– Do you know why he’s so upset?

– His friends have cracked some ruthless jokes. It’s disgusting!


– Could I speak to Max Johnson? It’s an urgent business.

– Hold on. I’ll put you through in less than a second.


– Is it difficult to teach them?

– It’s child’s play: you make them learn the rules and then test them.

– Is it as simple as that?

d) rhymes, poems, texts


Hearts like doors

Will open with ease

To very, very little keys.

And don’t forget

That two are these:

‘I thank you, sir’

And ‘If you, please’.


Thanas thinks of terrible things,

And to the troubled teacher brings

Things that sing and things that sting

Things which swing and things which cling,

Things that ping and ring and fling.

And of all these things thinks nothing.
