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1. Translate into Russian.

Extraction of meat from lobster body; be destined for; lobster’s body section; meat comprising 14% of the overall meat; to examine feasibility and effectiveness of the method; continuous centrifugation; comminution and straining; 20% brine solution; acceptability of the finished product; the mixture of meat and shell; to pass through the fine screen; perforated drum separator; a moving rubber belt; the meat is squeezed through the drum’s holes; moisture content; flavour of the finished product; more at-


tractive technique.

2. Translate into English.

Низкая стоимость оборудования, при использовании сепаратора с отверстиями диаметром 1.3. мм, перфорированный сепаратор барабанного типа работает …, обработчики отмечают большое содержание воды в готовом продукте, три ме-тода экстрагирования мяса из сегментов тела, непрерывное центрифугирование, измельчение и фильтрирование, извлекать мясо омара вручную, использовать перфорированный сепаратор барабанного типа для производства рыбного фар-ша, предназначаться для, предотвращать потери ценного мяса; мясо, состав-ляющее 14% всего мяса омара, выбрасывать в отходы.

3. Answer the questions.

1. Why was mechanical extraction of meat from lobster body worked out? 2. Which were three methods of meat extraction from lobster bodies?

3. What does continuous centrifugation require?

4. What machinery provides comminution and straining? 5. How does the perforated drum separator operate?

6. What makes the perforated drum technique more attractive than the other methods.

4. Match pairs of synonyms.

Extract, comprise, facilitate, food mill, retention, cumbersome, flavour, provide, pre-servation, remove, taste, grinder, constitute, labour-intensive.

5. Translate sentences.

1. Приобработкеомарачастьмяса, которуютрудноизвлечь, уходитвотходы. 2. Мясо из клешней и шеек извлекается легко вручную.

3. Мясо из сегментов тела, составляющее 14% всего мяса омара, невоз-можно извлечь вручную.

4. Поэтому специалисты разработали три метода экстрагирования мяса из сегментов тела омара.

5. Эти методы представлены непрерывным центрифугированием, из-мельчением (дроблением) и фильтрованием, и использованием перфорирован-ного сепаратора барабанного типа.

6. Для непрерывного центрифугирования необходим 20% солевой рас-твор. Этот раствор обеспечивает флотацию мяса и оседание частиц панциря по-сле измельчения сегментов омара в дробилке.

7. Измельчение и фильтрование обычно осуществляется с помощью се-паратора фирмы “Паоли”.

8. Тело омара мельчат в дробилке. Далее полученная смесь из мяса и частиц панциря проходит через сетчатый фильтр с отверстиями. Частицы пан-циря задерживаются сепаратором.

9. Перфорированный сепаратор барабанного типа работает посредством пропускания тушек между движущимися резиновым ремнем и вращающимся


10. Мясо проходит через отверстия сепаратора, частицы панциря задер-живаются и удаляются из машины.

6. Summarize the text.



The European method of smoking was initially imported into Japan in 1871-72, for salmon. Since then, smoked salmon or herring have been manufactured and become increasingly popular.

Smoked fish produced in Japan can be placed in two categories: cold and hot. The process of cold smoking was originally developed to introduce a characteristic pre-servative function by wood smoking the fish rather than modifying the flavour, taste and texture. On the other hand, hot smoking was developed to give smoke flavour to the fish with the aim of producing seafood with improved flavour and not for preser-ving. Hot smoking is further divided into three categories: mild or high temperatures and shor times processes. The following are the fish species which are used in smoked sea food produced in Japan:

1. Cold smoking: used for fish such as herring, salmon, yellowtail, cod and mack-erel, halibut.

2. Hot smoking: the mild temperature process is used for salmon, eel, cod, oysters, herring, Alaska pollack and Alaska mackerel. The high temperature process is used on squid and octopus.

3. The short time process is used for salmon and rainbow trout. Generally, each process consists of several steps: the fish is prepared, salted; desalted; washed and drained; dried; smoked; and finalised.


smoked копченый salmon лосось herring сельдь yellowtail желтохвост cod треска mackerel скумбрия eel угорь oyster устрица

pollack минтай, сайра squid кальмар octopus осьминог


rainbow trout consist of drain


радужная форель состоять осушать опреснять


1. Translate into English.

Осьминог, кальмар, устрица, омар, мидия, креветка, трубач, нерка, кижуч, гор-буша, кета, чавыча, сельдь, скумбрия, треска, угорь, желтохвост, хек, сайра, на-вага, минтай, камбала, палтус, корюшка, тунец, морской окунь, сом, терпуг, ставрида.

2. Translate into English.

1.Копченую сельдь или лосося делают в Японии с 1871 г. 2.Копченая рыба может быть холодного и горячего копчения.

3.Мясо рыбы приготовленной способом горячего копчения нежное, соч-ное (succulent) и вкусное, но оно не может храниться долго.

4.Мясо рыбы приготовленной способом холодного копчения имеет при-ятный вкус и выдерживает длительное хранение.

5.Определенные виды рыб применяют для горячего и холодного копче-ния.

6.Каждый процесс состоит из несколько ступеней. Рыбу разделывают и потрошат, солят и опресняют, моют и осушают, вялят и коптят.

3. Summarize the text.

4. Do written translation of the text “Cold Smoking.”


In general, gutted and eviscerated fish are dry salted to make the flesh harden; they are then desalted to a level of salinity which does not give too salty taste. The fish are transferred to the kiln and hung over a fire of smouldering sawdust. The distance be-

tween the nearest fish and the fire should be determined by the water and the salt con-tents of the fish. Cold smoking is carried out at 150C to 300 C (average 250 C) for 4-6

weeks. During the smoke-drying process, that rates of cooling down and drying of the fish are essentially controlled during the day by introducing warm and humid air to the kiln. The fish is exposed to the smoke generated at the furnace by closing the ven-

tilator attached to the kiln at night. Cold smoked fish is seldom produced in the sum-mer season since the temperature required is lower than 250 C.

World supplement

kiln сушильная печь

sawdust опилки для регенерации коптильного дыма


smouldering тлеющий furnare печь

attach зд прикреплять humid влажный

5. Translate sentences paying special attention to Participle 2.

1. The products made from herrings, sprats, salmon, whitefish, anchovies are varied. 2. Fish used for marinading include sardines, whitefish and herrings.

3. Substances extracted from seaweeds occur in a wide range of food and nonfood products.

4. Surimi is a processed fish product pioneered by the Japanese.

5. For shellfish, the automatic shelling machines now used to clean small shrimp have been a major break through.

6. Oils extracted from whales were used extensively as fuel for lamps in earlier years. 7. The most ancient fossils discovered on earth are dated at 3.2. to 3.8. billion years old.

8. The purpose of listing a species under the ESA is to promote the actions required to allow the population to recover.( ESA-the Endangered Species Act).

9. Surveys conducted in 1985 showed that the population of sea lions had declined. 10. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) passed by Congress in 1973 is a compre hensive and powerful piece of environmental protection legislation.

11. The Far Eastern coast of Russia washed by the Sea of Japan with its many bays and islands is rather promising for mariculture.

12. There were heavy mortalities of fish in Laguna Madre caused by the salinity as high as 20 parts per thound.

13. The fish caught yesterday was iced in the hold so as not to be spoiled. 14. The vitamins in fish assimilated by man serve to regulate metabolism. 15. The fish taken out of water soon die through lack of oxygen.

16. A number of physical and chemical changes take place in the body of died fish. 17. The hump back unloaded from the hold is to be canned as soon as possible.

6. Translate into English.

Сельдь холодного копчения

Для копчения берется неразделанная сельдь. Хотя внутренности являются скоропортящимся продуктом, потрошенная рыба используется редко. Для сухого посола рыба укладывается в бочку, в которую добавляется соль в пропорции 12-20% к весу рыбы. Рыба накрывается, и сверху накладывается груз. Постепенно вес увеличивают, и посол продолжается неделю. Для тузлучного посола рыбу погружают в насыщенный рассол, в который добавляют соль в расчете 5% от веса рыбы. Сверху накладывается легкий груз, и посол продолжается 40 часов. Затем рыба обессоливается в пресной воде,


которая неоднократно заменяется. В головной части рыбы делается прокол тонким металлическим стержнем, и рыба подвешивается на шампуры. Шампуры с рыбой подвешиваются на рамы. Рыба высушивается и коптится аналогично процедуре, используемой для копчения лосося. Процесс копчения заканчивается через 3-4 недели. Выход готового продукта составляет около 45%.

World supplement

curing brining

saturated brine

to hang on tenters to desalt

to pierce iron bar skewer

finished product to place

vat perishable viscera

посол, выдерживание тузлучный посол насыщенный рассол подвешивать на рамы обессоливать прокалывать металлический стержень шампур

готовый продукт укладывать

бак, цистерна скоропортящийся внутренности


There are two different methods of preparing fish for hot smoking. In the first, if the fish have already been salted, they are desalted; and in the second, if they are fresh or thawed, they have to be, salted. The salt content must be lower than for cold smoking. Generally, if the fish is as large as salmon, fillets with skin are prepared by removing head, tail, viscera and bones. If it is of a much greater size, the fish body is cut into small blocks and if it is of a smaller size, whole body or eviscerated and split body (kipper fillets) products are prepared. The whole fish or the fillets are usually sub-jected to the smoking process immediately after splitting. There is another procedure, however, in which they are dipped in a solution containing salt, flavouring materials

and spices and are then subjected to the smoking process. When the hot smoking pro-cess is within 30-500C, it is called mild temperature smoking; and when it is carried out at 50-800C, it is called high temperature smoking. The time required for hot

smoking is much shorter than that of cold smoking and is complete within 3-8 hours. Occasionally, the smoking and drying processes are continued alternately for 2-3 days by lowering temperature to some extent in order to give preservability to the fi-


nal product. The fish subjected to the smoking process is allowed to stand in the smoking chamber so that the temperature reduces gradually.It is essantial that the temperature in the kiln is controlled carefully for hot smoking and, to achieve this, handling fish and operating the kiln are usually performed during the day. A compa-ratively large quantity of sawdust is piled onto firewood to cause smouldering. Seven to ten fires are put in one furnace and approximately seven pieces of fire wood are placed on one fire. The fish hanging in the furnace are placed as near as possible to the fire and care taken to avoid broiling. High temperatures, such as 50-80% C, are applied occasionalli du-

ring the processing of either hot smoked animal or boiled fish meat. The exposure to the smoke is usually continued until a smoke of flavour is given to the fish. The tem-perature is maintained by either electric or steam heaters which are thermpstatically controlled. The humidity of the warm smoke can be controlled by altering the amount of fresh air entering the kiln. Although a great deal of smoked fish is still produced by means of traditional kilns, mechanical kilns are being rapidly adopted in Japan. Kilns of various capacities and types are available, however use of mechanical kiln does not guarantee satisfactory results.