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В ассортименте доминируют микроволновые печи со средним внутренним объёмом (21−30 л) − 62,9 %, менее представлены печи с небольшим объёмом (14−20 л) – 31,5 %. Наименьший удельный вес занимают объёмные микроволновые печи (свыше 30 л) – 5,6 % (всего 5 наименований).

Наиболее представлены микроволновые печи с сенсорным типом управления – 48,3 % (43 наименования). Меньшую долю занимают печи с тактовым (22,5 %) и механическим управлением (29,2 %). Это объясняется тем, что данную продукцию постепенно вытесняют более «продвинутые» печи с сенсорными панелями.

Изучение структуры ассортимента СВЧ-печей по цвету корпуса позволяет сделать вывод о том, что в данном магазине доминируют печи белого цвета – 56,2 % (50 наименований), что не удивительно, так как это стандартный цвет бытовой техники. На втором месте по доле в ассортименте изделия с серебристым корпусом – 31,5 % (28 наименований). Наименее представлены микроволновые печи чёрного (10,1 %) и золотистого (2,2 %) цветов. Это объясняется, вероятно, тем, что технику данных цветов тяжелее подбирать к интерьеру кухни и привычками потребителей.

Анализ структуры ассортимента микроволновых печей, в зависимости от их цены, показывает, что в данном магазине преобладает продукция среднего ценового диапазона (2500−4000 руб. и 4000−6000 руб.) – 33,7 % и 34,8 % соответственно (всего 61 наименование из 89 представленных в магазине). Это объясняется тем, что техника данной категории имеет достаточно хорошее качество и потребительские свойства, но при этом вполне разумную цену, то есть оптимальное соотношение цены и качества. Более дешёвая продукция (до 2500 руб.) и микроволновые печи ценой 6000−8000 руб. и выше менее представлены в данном магазине (7,9 %, 11,2 % и 12,4 % соответственно) и ориентированы на определённых потребителей. Однако доля дорогой техники в данном магазине больше доли дешёвой.

Микроволновые печи чаще всего обладают дополнительными функциями, расширяющими возможность их использования.

Наиболее представлены в данном магазине СВЧ-печи с такими дополнительными функциями, как гриль (им оснащены 75,3 % ассортимента печей), авторазмораживание (70,8 %), автоприготовление (67,4 %), замок от детей (65,2 %), быстрое размораживание (42,7 %) и быстрый старт (36 %). Меньше представлены печи с био-керамическим и антибактериальным покрытиями (20 и 14 наименований соответственно), с округлой внутренней камерой (11 наименований), с самоочисткой паром, пароваркой. Наименьший удельный вес в структуре ассортимента магазина «Народная компания» занимают микроволновые печи со специальными режимами: «Детское меню», «Талантливое блюдо», «Духовка», «Кафетерий», «Ферментация», «Хрустящая корочка», «Супергриль», «Русский повар», «Гарниры и каши» (менее 10 % представленной продукции, как правило, фирмы «Samsung»); со специальными функциями: приготовление шашлыка, с наличием вертела или мультивертела (менее 5 %). Всего одна микроволновая печь из представленных в магазине оснащена функцией световой подсказки. Следует отметить, что одна печь может иметь несколько дополнительных функций в различных сочетаниях.

Наибольшую долю в ассортименте магазина «Народная компания» занимают микроволновые печи фирм «LG» и «Samsung», средней мощности СВЧ-излучения (750, 800, 850, 900, 1000 Вт), среднего объёма (21-30 л), с сенсорным типом управления, белого цвета, среднего ценового диапозона (2500−6000 руб.), с набором дополнительных функций (гриль, автоприготовление, авторазморозка, быстрая разморозка, замок от детей, быстрый старт).


О.Е. Фесько,

студент 5 курса (гр. Т-31) научный руководитель Т.П. Фадеева, канд. техн. наук, доцент кафедры товароведения


Одним из самых характерных способов проявления индивидуальности человека является его внешний вид, формируемый в первую очередь одеждой. В процессе потребления она наряду с выполнением своих основных функций по защите тела человека осуществляет эстетическую функцию.

Женская одежда наиболее разнообразна и включает множество видов изделий. Основные виды – юбка, жакет, жилет, платье. Они позволяют создать комплекты одежды различного назначения: для работы, отдыха, дома, занятий спортом. Женский костюм – классический универсальный тип одежды, состоящий из двух или трёх изделий.

На костюм как на произведение искусства сейчас смотрят только знаменитые кутюрье, а между тем на протяжении всей его истории он всегда был именно произведением искусства. Человек формирует свой костюм, но и костюм влияет на человека, выражая его внешнее и внутреннее состояние. Разнообразие вкусов потребителей, складывающихся под влиянием социальных, финансовых аспектов обусловило появление новых фирменных магазинов одежды.

В Хабаровске всё больше появляется магазинов, салонов одежды различных производителей – «OGGI», «InCity», «SAVAGE», «BeFree», «ZARINA», которые предлагают покупателям одежду ведущих марок, различного качества и ценовых категорий.

Костюмы − один из немногих видов швейных изделий, рост выпуска которых практически не прекращается последние 8 лет. В 2007 г. производство костюмов продолжало расти: выпущено 6706 тыс. шт., на 1,1% больше, чем за 2006 год.

Однако второй год подряд рост происходит только по детским, а в 2007 г. и женским костюмам. Очевидно, спрос на детские костюмы отражает переход во многих школах на форму, а также покупку костюмов на школьные балы.

Из общего числа предприятий в 2006 г. на 30 из них выпуск был менее чем по 1 тыс. штук за год. Свыше чем по 10 тыс. костюмов выпустили всего 40 предприятий. В то же время на некоторых предприятиях значительно сократилось или даже прекратилось производство костюмов. По костюмам значительно больше доля предприятий, на которых выросло производство (62% всех предприятий).

Торговый центр «Дом одежды» находится по адресу г. Хабаровск, ул. Карла Маркса, 59. На втором этаже находится бутик модной женской одежды «RINA». В Хабаровске магазин «RINA» появился с октября 2007 года. Основная деятельность магазина заключается в осуществлении реализации женской одежды, кожгалантереи и бижутерии.

Ассортимент в магазине представлен различными торговыми марками: «ZARINA» − производитель женской одежды, ОАО «Мэлон Фэшн Груп» (г. СанктПетербург); «Chauruel» − производитель данной марки ООО « Лора Дизайн» (г. Москва); «Perlitti»,

«FAN CLUB», «ViViN», «Сarlitto Vianni», «TrEndi», «DRESS UP», «PICK UP» и другие



Наибольшую долю (60%) в ассортименте магазина занимает женская одежда торговой марки «ZARINA», наименьшую женская одежда торговой марки – «Chauruel» (10%), которая представлена следующим видовым наименованием: брюки, жакеты, жилеты, брючные женские костюмы.

Одежда из Турции и Китая, занимает остальные 30% ассортимента и включает в себя все вышеперечисленные наименования продукции.

Общий уровень реализации магазина довольно высокий (65,0%), но лучше всего реализуются костюмы из России и Турции (72,5%). Меньше всего реализуется костюмов из Китая (53,4%). Это связано с тем что, несмотря на низкие цены швейных изделий китайского производства, их качество и потребительские свойства заметно уступают костюмам из России и Турции.

В ассортименте магазина доминирует поступление женских швейных костюмов комбинированного силуэта (39,9%), но реализация их заметно уступает костюмам полуприлегающего силуэта (55,5%). Несмотря на модные тенденции, потребители предпочитают женские костюмы, выполненные в деловом классическом стиле, для которых характерен полуприлегающий силуэт.

Анализируя ассортимент изделий по применяемым материалам можно отметить, что лучше всего реализуются костюмы из натуральных полульняных (70,6%), хлопчатобумажных (68,6%) и шёлковых тканей (68,0%), так как данные ткани обладают хорошими гигиеническими свойствами и имеют хороший внешний вид. Льняные костюмы пользуются меньшим спросом, чем полульняные. Льняных костюмов поступило лишь 8,7 %, и они имеют меньший уровень реализации (54,8%), что обусловлено несколькими причинами. Во-первых, чисто льняные костюмы более сложны в уходе, во-вторых, стоимость их значительно выше.

Самый меньший уровень реализации костюмов из искусственных и синтетических тканей (25,0%). Несмотря на красивый внешний вид, потребители больше предпочитают швейные изделия из натуральных тканей.

Цена на женские костюмы в магазине «RINA» достаточно высокая. Лучше всего реализуются костюмы, цена на которые находится в интервале 3 – 4 тыс. руб., уровень реализации их составляет 70,1%. Это объясняется тем, что костюмы данной категории имеют достаточно хорошее качество и потребительские свойства, но при этом вполне разумную цену, то есть оптимальное соотношение цены и качества. Костюмы стоимостью до 3 тыс. рублей, не менее разнообразны по художественно – колористическому оформлению, но имеют в своём волокнистом составе малую долю натуральных волокон, что сказывается на их меньшей популярности среди покупателей


Проведённый анализ показал, что в магазине «RINA» торгового центра «Дом Одежды» имеется большой ассортимент женских костюмов производства России, Турции и Китая, разнообразных по силуэту, материалу верха, ценам и торговым маркам. Данный факт свидетельствует о том, что дальневосточный рынок швейных изделий, в частности женских костюмов, продолжает динамично развиваться, предлагая нам качественную и современную продукцию.



«FACING THE WORLD» 13 марта 2008 года


I место

Е.И. Бельская, Д.А. Кузнецов,

студенты 1 курса (гр. Ю – 71) научный руководитель С.М. Пак, д-р филолог. наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков


We decided to consider the theme of the family because it concerns everybody, especially the young generation. The world is rapidly changing, a lot of modern technical inventions appear in our life everyday, and the relationships between people are changing too. Not only teenagers say that nowadays the family is out-dated, some psychologists, sociologists proclaim that today we need some new forms of marriage and family relationships (so-called “guest marriage” etc.). During the 20th century the family was subject to the influence of a great number of ideas, political changes by the state and society. As one of the examples of this influence we may take the communists’ idea that it the equal society everything is common, including the woman who cannot be the “property” of one man. Thanks God, today we live in a free country where the law is the main regulator. But we face a new family crisis, which caused the destruction of the old society and government. Russia is trying to build market economy, which is connected with great social problems (everyone can remember decreasing life rate in the 90s or delaying salary’s payment), that the government can’t decide in a day. So in such circumstances, as we suppose, the society needs to go back to traditional Russian values, as the Nobel price laureate A.I. Solgenitsyn says. And one of these values is the family, which has been the basis of our society for ages. We think that the traditional family values is the best way for our country, our society including young generation to move forward.

There are many different views on family life. Some people could not do without the support and love of their families. Others say it is the source of most of our problems and anxieties. Whatever the truth is, the family is definitely a powerful symbol. Turn on the television or open the magazine and you will see advertisements featuring happy, balanced families. Politicians often try to win votes by standing for “family values”: respect and parental authority, stability in marriage, chastity and care for the elderly. Independently of the country either the USA or Russia (the real example is the latest election company in both countries, where we can see attempts of candidates to take care and give a support to the family as a social unit) the governmental support takes place.

The family is very important as a unit in our society. Nothing else but the family can be an emotional center of people's life, can be a transmitter of culture and raising children. Every mother feels great affection for her children and tries to bring them up in a proper way. Understanding between the members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationship.

The family is the most basic and ancient of all institutions, and it remains the fundamental social unit in every society. Yet there are many people today who predict the end of the family system as we know it. The family, it is contended, is breaking down, the victim of moral decay, sexual permissiveness, changing gender roles, or irresistible social force.


The family as a social community played the main role in all kind of civilizations and was the most important element of global development. The value of that social institute is secured in many laws. The basic statement in all this documents is consolidation and protection the family institution on the part of the community, the creation of governmental family policy. But we should take care of the family, because depopulation, increasing death rate, decreasing birth rate, decreasing of the life expectation, people’s health problems, bad habits such as alcoholism, taking drugs etc. can destroy our society. That is why we have to consider this problem very deeply.

The family law in Russia and in other countries.

The modern Russian family law is characterized by passing the new Family Code and appearing of new articles in the Russian Constitution. Institutions of the family law are pointed out in many articles of Constitution, for instance:

article 7

1.The Russian Federation is a social state, whose policy is aimed at making some conditions for better life and free development of people.

2.The labor, people’s health are protected in the Russian Federation; the minimum salary is established; the governmental support for mothers, fathers, children, the disabled is provided; social pensions are established too.

article 8

1.Men and women have equal rights and opportunities.

article 23

1.Everybody has the right for private life, individual and family secret immunity, protection of his/her honor and reputation.

2.Everybody has the right for confidential of the correspondence, phone calls.

article 38

1.Motherhood and childhood, family are protected by the state.

2.Care for children, their bringing up is parents’ right and duty.

3.Children of age must take care for their parents.

article 39

1. Social security for the disabled, the ill, old people, in case of breadwinner’s death and in other case is guaranteed.

The new family Code, which was passed on the 8 of October 1995, has many innovations devoted to the guarantees for children, in according of the United Nations Convention “On children’s rights”. There are 8 units regulating marriage, spouses’ rights and duties, a special unit devoted to children and parents rights and duties in the Code. For example the child has the right to say his own opinion about all questions, concerning his family, also children have the right to be heard in court etc.

Besides the Family Code in Russia the Civil Code is used to regulate the sphere of that relationships. Articles 17 and 21 determine the statement of the family right ability, the family legal capacity; articles 198-200, 202-205 – the usage of the law suit validity term spells out.

The Russian Federation Constitution (art. 15, part 1) sets up the principles of the leading condition of the international agreement in case of collision between the agreement and the

Russian law, the family law isn’t exception.

Rules of family law are provided for in many constitutions. For example the 24th article of The Japanese Constitution of 1946th year declares: “..the marriage is based only on the consent of the both sides and exists only on mutual partnership based on husband’s and wife’s equal rights”1. The Greece Constitution of 1975th says that “The family is the basis of national

1 Грудцына Л. Ю. Семейное право в России./ М. : Юстицинформ. 2006. С.72.


safety and development and marriage, motherhood, fatherhood, childhood are protected by the government1”.

Difficult demographical situation in China made the Government include in their

Constitution such articles as: “The government plans the birth rate to regulate population” (art.25); “The spouses must plan the birth rate” (art.49).2

If to speak about the family law we can’t ignore such important international document as “The UN Convention on children’s rights”. The Convention was passed on the 20th of November 1989. The main aim of the Convention is maximum protection of children’s rights.

The provision of the Convention have four directions: surviving, development, protection and taking an active part in social processes. The child’s right to live must be guaranteed by free medical service, by providing steady life standards and by realization of child’s right of name and citizenship. The right of development includes educational, cultural spheres. The protection right comprises all the situations when the child needs attention, special measures keeping him from exploitation and offences. The Convention says that the government should take care of the disabled children, refuges, orphans. The Convention sets up special norms protecting children from wars, drug taking. Also children are able to take an active part in social processes having free faith, speech and access to information. We should point out that this Convention was ratified in our country in June 13, 1990.

What is family policy? Aims and reasons

The family policy is one of the parts of the social policy, it is Government activity orientated on guaranteeing of the social security of the family, development of the family values, making necessary conditions for its functionary. For a long time the family policy (as social policy in common) was financed on the “principle of remnants”, as we call it in Russia. According to the UN “The family policy and the family law should be priority direction of all of state activities”. The aim of the family policy is success and progress of all family members.

The problems of the family policy are:

-providing social security on the basis of the special federal and regional programs directed on support of poor and big families, making new well paid workplace.

-the creation of necessary conditions for the family to be able to make its basic function (reproductive, cultural, economical functions).

-the assistance to families for different types of adaptation to new social and economical changes, what took place recent years.

-forming the well-developed social services.

These general assignments are divided into many other particular ones, that can help to solve many different problems of functioning families in society and the implementation of its social functions.

According to basic functions families and to spheres of its life following directions of state family policies are distinguished:

-The development of the legislative basis of state family policies.

-Demographic policies

-Economic policy regarding family

-Social and cultural policies

-Regional family policies

-The elaborating of the mechanisms of the realization of social policies regarding family on medium-term period.

These key directions of social politics regarding family need fundamental scientific analysis and substantiation, solid refreshment at the level of social technologies.

1Грудцына Л. Ю. Семейное право в России./ М. : Юстицинформ. 2006. С.73.

2Грудцына Л. Ю. Семейное право в России./ М. : Юстицинформ. 2006. С.73.


Ways of realizing family policy nowadays

There are many views on the family policy all over the world: from the denying of the necessity of the policy to adding it to family’s functions itself. The first group of countries provides well-thought policy directed to family’s welfare, and support of the family values.

The second group are states which draw their attention to some aspects of this policy. The third group – countries which don’t provide the family policy.

So, that’s why we can define three main kinds of family policy: the policy of stimulation for the level of birth rate ( Policy in the field of population); the policy of social protecting of families with children; the policy of supporting all kinds of families; gender policy which regulates relationship of sexes and the market of workforce.

The problems of the responsibility of the state for consolidation and development of family as a social institute, the guarantees of the rights of families, the creations of proper conditions for their correct operating are reflected in many documents of the UN and its establishments. In one of the first international acts — “The general declaration of the human’s right” (1948) — we can find that "family is a natural and the main part of the society and has right for protection on the part of society and state". This principal Position is furnishing to the protection of the family, standing it as a basis cell of the society, taking the responsibility by the family for young generation, old people and invalids. In the case of these purposes the policy and correspondent legislation, which should promote consolidation of the family unit, must become the prioritized line of the activity of all governments and intergovernmental organizations.

The UN tries to arrange general positions which concerns the family and are contained in international documents. They also try to create the Declaration about rights and the responsibility of family. For the realization of these purpose “The charter of family/the rights of family” is created by the Vensky committee of nongovernmental bodies on the questions of family under the auspices of the UN. Its activity helps to form and develop the national systems of family policy, to make programs of consolidation of the family, to generalize of their international experience.

On the basis of the analysis of “The guide of questions of the family” developed by that working group, we can distinguish the most important positions reflecting the priorities of family policy nowadays. They are:

-Standing for family values, respect and protection of all types of families irrespective of their nation, cultural, religious differences, inadmissiveness of their discrimination;

-Providing with better conditions of the family life, of the healthy development of the society, of social and economic progress in the interests of the family, of redistribution of resources in favor of social programs from the budget of the country;

-The elaborating of flexible legislation about the family and its development with changing of life conditions;

-Social and economic support of poor families, families with particular problems (invalids in the family, aged people, families with many children, young and single-parent families);

-Giving support in the sphere of combination of professional and family duties by the members of the family;

-Assistance to the family to organize its housekeeping, of manufacturing of food products for inner consumption;

-The elaborating of the systems of taxation taking into account the interests of families;

-The creation of the systems of social help to families, including information, psychological, law and organizing of preparation and retraining of corresponding specialists;

-The realization of the programs of planning of family, giving young people the complex of information which is necessary for marriage and for operating of the family;


- Social and medical protection of motherhood and childhood in pre-birth and post-birth periods, giving of parental leave which is connected with the birth of children;

Interaction of family and state

In recent years in our society there arises reassessment of approaches to family policies. In circumstances of the paternalistic system state aims can change the family, take on itself the carrying out of the significant part of its functions, something like that we have seen in the

USSR. Today we are trying to built a new state and that’s why if we want to develop the new family policy conception we need to implement principles of family’s self development which is the main basis in all social policy. We mean that the government ought to create necessary conditions for active and well-being existence of the families and for complete disclosure of family’s economical and education potential. The family needs to become a subject of the social policy, including distribution of the responsibility between the family and the state. There we have to consider the principle of social protection. That principle should be applied to those families which objectively can’t cope with economical problems in order to the minimal life standards.

However, It’s necessary to realize that misunderstanding of such principles of the family organization as autonomy, self development can lead to another problem. In the first stages of the Russian reforms conducted by the government the rate of its support in social sphere was sharply reduced. The population was not ready to conversion to the new economical circumstances, to survive in the situation of crisis. The problem of social adaptation (psychological, economical, professional) as usual is decided unilateral, as the problem of the family itself.

Bad disadaptation influence on the family life, their poor position was aggravated by the loss of well developed infrastructure and many social values which were created in previous periods of history. For instance, there were disorganized the system of pre-school education, the system of the extra education, the system of camps. We know that in the USSR there were very powerful systems with the network of establishments, material basis, trained managers. They played a particular role in development of the demographical processes, let parents combine family duties with labor employment.

The main principle of the ideology in the family policy in today’s Russia is to transfer the stress in the system of social support from money payments to rendering social services. Social services is a new way of the social support in our country. It offers individual support in deciding the psychological, educational, legal, medical and other problems by the network of special social services.

Main reasons for family crisis

Many scientists and journalists wrote a lot about worrying tendencies in the sphere of family and marriage relationship. The low birth rate, high divorce rate mainly in big cities, growing level of single-parent families and some difficulties in raising children and teenagers were taking place during last 50 years. But total censorship of 80’s paid great attention the sphere of family relationship. That’s why many scientists of that time didn’t discuss problems of family life in their scientific work.

Freedom of personality in general and emancipation of women had great influence on the relationship between the family and the society. The right of regulating relationship in the family without interference of the government, the church etc. , the right to decide how many children to have, to marry or not, how to raise the children is also a great responsibility for people and their relatives. In Europe it was an evolutional process, when the compromise between familial and social relationship, opportunities and needs was founded. But in Russia, where the process of social democratization took place, it has revolutionary character. That’s why the balance between family and society was damaged.


We also can see bad life and financial conditions of most Russian families, dependence of young couples on their families, women’s housekeeping, high level of alcoholism and taking drugs. It all had negative influence almost in all aspects of family life at the age of socialism, especially on the birth rate.

Other reasons for family crisis are connected with the special system of moral education in totalitaristic society. They are – low rate of personal responsibility, inability to plan the life, low rate of moral and religious norms in everyday life of the family. It is also the ability to decide different difficult problems of birth, bringing up children.

A very deep social and financial stratification in many families also take place. There are a lot of rich families as well as poor ones. The life level of many families is rather low. And the consequences are inconfidence in tomorrow and psychological instability especially in single-parent families.

Russian family in changing world

The most important of positive results, which takes place in Russia nowadays is the returning of moral values to the person. “Everything returns to its circles” – this Biblical idea is proved in our country, where the socialistic government with their ideas and dreams of ideal society and state in their time was disguising real and serious social problems.

Of course one of them is the problem of the family unit and family relationships. You see, if we have great plans of creating new way of living in people’s mind, we should start from the very beginning – from the family as the basic element of the society.

In general people understand the important role of family unit. To their mind, family – is the saving from loneliness, it’s a home, that gives peace, feeling of happiness, rest to the person, it’s our children, our heirs that are given all our soul. And the family is also like a psychological base which is very difficult to do without.


As we said earlier, in the modern Russian state which tries to stand on the new marketeconomy ways the family is very important because it can provide good development of all society, can improve demography situation, can keep our great values and culture. Today a lot of young people, our coevals, understand the necessity of the family, they are starting to think not only about themselves but about their future children. In our work we have asked many young ladies and they answered that they’ll be happy to have their own babies.

Fortunately today’s government has understood the importance of the well-thought family policy. Many steps in that direction have been made. We may bring many examples concerning this statement. For instance, our government pays about 250 thousand of rubles to every woman who gave birth to her second or following children. There are special measures supporting families which adopted children (first time in modern Russian history the administration have to close orphanages, measures supporting families with many kids. If we take our Krai we will see good youth policy: building social dwelling houses for young families, organization of children’s rest in special centers (Sozvezdie), motherhood and fatherhood support. On the Federal level we can see many programs to keep and develop the family.

The 2008 is announced as “The year of the family”. It includes special programs, measures, at the beginning of the year we saw a party in Moscow, where the President pointed a priority of the family’s values for our state . Even the press and TV channels understood the necessity of the family policy: there are many family programs, publications in newspapers and magazines. We hope that All measures directed to the support to the family will give good results.



1.Конституция РФ. − М. , 1993.

2.Семейный кодекс РФ. − М. , 1995.

3.Гражданский кодекс РФ. . − М. , 1994. Ч. 1.

4.Выборова Г. Е. Advanced English. Учебник английского языка. − М. : Флинт.


5.Грудцына Л. Ю. Семейное право России. − М. : Юстицинформ. 2006.

6.Калинин А. Ф. Семья как социальный институт. − Чита. : ЧитГТУ. 1999.

7.Целуйко В. М. Психология современной семьи. − М. : 2004.

8.Семья в России. 1995. № 3-4.


Д.В. Меньшова, Ю.С. Томилина,

студентки 4 курса (гр. ММа-41) научный руководитель С.Н. Басова, канд. экон. наук, доцент кафедры маркетинга и рекламы


In this report there are problems of low awareness and public distrust of Khabarovsk banks, which ensued from ineffective marketing communications. Reasons for ineffective promotion are also reported and the most priority ways of application of marketing communications of banking services are pointed out.

At present time communicative policy of banking services is a special problem, which have to be considered. The reasons for such a problem are following: strained competition at the market of banking services and also declining of the image of Khabarovsk banks. First of all, marketing communications are the means for penetration of banks to external environment. Besides, communications ensure the interaction of banks and surrounding audiences. It’s very important, because without these two factors operating of commercial banks has no sense. Competent communicative strategy, attractive brand and customercentred orientation are essential elements of successful operating of Russian banking organizations.

As it’s known, marketing communications mix of every organization, including banks, assumes personal sale, advertisement, public relations and sales promotion, but in this report we give detailed consideration to such components of marketing communications mix as advertising and public relations.

At present time Khabarovsk banks carry out PR-activities, but, unfortunately, banks consider “public” to be only corporate clients, who have already had long-run partnership with banks. This position of the banks to aim their communicative efforts at business sphere is clear and pragmatic, but not prospective one, because about 80% of potential clients (individual clients) are beyond the communication activity of the banks. Although it is that group of potential customers which banks may have a lot of communication problems with. Some of these problems already exist.

Ineffective marketing communications at consumer market of banking services – improper advertising and lack of PR activity – are the reasons for such problems as:

1.Low consumers’ awareness of banks, operating at Khabarovsk market;

2.Consumers distrust of Khabarovsk banks, especially consumers of entry-level.

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