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Кудинова Практическиы курс англиыского языка для студентов международник Ч.3 2014

12.14 Mб

Never dump used motor oil on the ground or down a storm sewer. One quart of oil can pollute 1 million gallons of water.

Make sure you don’t use chemicals on your lawn. When it rains, these poisons can wash from your yard into a waterway and into the ocean.

Don’t flush any hazardous household waste down the drain. It will eventually end up in .the water.

When you picnic near a lake, river or ocean, pick up all your trash. Any litter left behind will be swept into the water.

The most wanted list

Which animals are most in danger of becoming extinct? Read this and weep:

1)Pandas. Fewer than 1,000 giant pandas remain in the wild in their homeland, western China.

2)Black rhinos. Fewer than 2,000 of them remain in the wild. That's a 95 percent decline since 1970. Most are killed for their horns, which are ground into powder for medicinal purposes in Asia.

3)Tigers. Only 67,000 wild tigers remain. Tigers are hunted and killed for their body parts, which are used in oriental medicines.

4)Chimpanzees. Chimps and other primates are on the verge of becoming extinct, primarily due to the destruction of tropical rain forests, which are home to 90 percent of all primates.

5)Elephants. In the last 20 years, half the African elephants have been killed off. The Asian elephant population has shrunk even more. Elephants are killed

for their ivory tusks, most of which are used for making jewelry.


Protect our furry friends

At the present rate of extinction, 20 to 50 percent of all known species existing today will have been lost by the year 2030. What can you do to help protect animals' lives as well as ensure their quality of life?

Never purchase products made from endangered animals, such as ivory jewelry or figurines.

Volunteer to work at your local zoo, aquarium or animal shelter.

Only buy tinned tuna and salmon that have "dolphin friendly" stamps on them. Some fishing companies use nets that catch dolphin along with the fish. When the dolphins become trapped in the nets, they drown.

Persuade everyone you know not to buy real fur. Fake fur looks just as

good, is a lot cheaper and will win them brownie points for being considerate to animals.

Clean up our water

Next time you turn on the tap and pour yourself a lovely, cool glass of water, don’t take if for granted. Our supplies of pure, clean water are running out because we are

wasting it and polluting what’s left. All kinds of chemicals are pouring into the rivers and streams which feed our reservoirs, including phosphates, nitrates, heavy metals, chloroform, agrichemicals and sewage.

Our water quality is scandalously low.

There’s a European directive on dangerous substances, which was breached at 148 locations within the 10 water areas of

England and Wales. In 1990 the law wasn’t being enforced .by water authorities, so if you think fines for dumping should bу prohibitive, write tо your MP and

уоur МЕР.

People who live near rivers can also monitor water quality and help to find out who's to blame for pollution. And everyone can help by buying organic produce which is grown without unnecessary pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilisers.


Cleaning with care

You can also help the water pollution crisis by being careful about what you pour down the sink, put in the washing machine or flush down the loo at home, too. Never pour toxic chemicals such as paint-stripper down the sink, ок oil down the drain – take them to your dump, instead. Switch to a phosphate-free

washing powder and avoid bleach in the loo, opting instead for a ‘greener’ alternative like Ecover’s bleach-free loo cleaner. Elbow grease and a loo brush will do the trick, too!

Green speak

Here are some terms you can use to prove you're right at home in the

environmentally correct environment.

BROWN: The opposite of being green. Someone not environmentally aware. ECO WARRIOR: Professional environmentalists. As in: ''You'll never guess who came to the meeting. A whole pack of eco warriors".

GREENWASH: When a corporation claims its products or services are more environmental than they really are.

ORGANIC: (You may throw around this term, but do you know what it really means?) Produce and food products that are grown or made without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Development that doesn't deprive future generations of the same types of opportunities we now have.

SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY: A society where you don't use up more resources than are produced.

TREEFREE PAPER: Paper made from hemp or some other fibrous plant. VEGAN: A person who goes one step further than a vegetarian and doesn't believe in consuming any animal products at all: dairy, eggs or meat.

2. Discuss the information from the text as the whole group.

1) Which of the problems do you think are really important? Are there any problems you can add to the list?

2) Which ones do you think are of minor importance? What makes you think so? 3) What ways of protecting the environment do you already use?

4) Which ones do you find useful and are going to use in the future? 5) Which advice do you think is pointless? Why?

3. Discuss the following issues:

1)Do you agree that the environmental situation is critical or are environmentalists exaggerating things?

2)Do you think people are really to blame or things are happening due to the natural course of events?

3)Can common people do anything to improve the situation or should authorities take care of the problem?


4. Translate the following into English.

Человеческая цивилизация находится под угрозой экологической катастрофы. Никто не может быть уверенным в своем будущем. Люди нанесли вред своей среде обитания и нарушили чувствительное природное равновесие, изменяя экологические условия, выбрасывая вредные газы в атмосферу, сбрасывая токсические отходы в реки и океаны и перерывая сельскую местность для размещения своего мусора. Заводы и фабрики выбрасывают вредные, ядовитые и химические вещества в воздух, который так загрязнен выхлопными газами, что невозможно дышать. Все это приводит к накоплению углекислого газа в атмосфере. В результате возникает глобальное потепление, а парниковый эффект делает озоновый слой тоньше. Люди истощают природные ресурсы и выливают грязь в воду. Загрязнение воды приводит к нехватке чистой питьевой воды, а загрязнение почвы делает огромные территории неплодородными и непригодными для жилья. Многие животные вымерли, а другие находятся под угрозой вымирания.

Чтобы выжить, мы обязаны принять срочные меры. Защита и улучшение окружающей среды должны стать важнейшей задачей общественных кампаний. Мы должны уменьшить шум в городах, сохранять дикую природу, убрать фабрики и заводы из городов,

способствовать выживанию вымирающих видов и предотвратить расточительную (wasteful) эксплуатацию природы. Если мы не сохраним

природное равновесие и не предотвратим катастрофу, нам придется переживать последствия нашего образа жизни и отвечать за них.

Reading, Speaking and Project Running: Environmental Organizations

1. Read the following notes about environmental organizations. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) an organization established by the United Nations to promote the conservation of wildlife and habitats in the national policies of member states.

Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) a UK government agency established in 1973 to oversee nature conservation. It is responsible for designating and managing National Nature Reserves and other conservation areas (for example, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, SSSI) and for the enforcement of legislation that protects wildlife and habitats.

World Wildlife Fund an international organization established in 1961 to raise funds for conservation by public appeal. Its headquarters are at Gland, Switzerland, but many countries have their own autonomous branches. Projects include conservation of particular species (for example, the tiger and giant panda) or special areas (for example, the Simen Mountains in Ethiopia).

Greenpeace an international organization which actively works to protect the environment from harm. It is known especially for its direct non-violent actions


and wants to stop damage to the environment caused by nuclear testing, the pouring of poisonous waste into the sea, and the killing of whales.

2. Discuss the following points:

Do you know any recent actions of the environmental organizations mentioned above?

Do you know any other organizations of this kind? Do you approve of what they do?

Would you like to join one of them? Why / why not?

3. Work in groups to make a detailed report about one of the environmental organizations.

Reading, Listening and Speaking: Global Consumerism

1. In small groups, discuss the following statements with a partner. Are they true for you? Why / Why not?

1.I hate shopping.

2.Most of my favourite possessions are things that I've bought for myself.

3.I rarely buy things 'on impulse' simply because I like them.

4.It's really important to have a lot of branded goods.

5.I think people in my country are very materialistic.

2.Read the information for a radio series. Name three aspects of global consumerism the programmes will explore.

Global Consumerism

This special four-part series investigates consumer trends around the world. What can they tell us about the mindsets of different countries? We visit Germany, Botswana, India and Japan and find that what people buy defines, to an ever greater extent, who they are or who they would like to be. But what’s driving our passion to consume? And does it increase our fulfilment?

India In the first programme of this series looking at consumer issues around the globe, we focus on the gap between rich and poor, and how it could be bridged by the construction of new shopping malls, not only in cities, but also in the countryside. In addition, we explore the relationship between the country's new

consumerism and its people’s mental health.

Germany This programme examines consumerism as a political statement in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany). Consumer products


from the period before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 – and subsequent reunification with West Germany – are viewed with nostalgic appreciation, a

phenomenon known as ‘ostalgie’. Because life in the east of the country is now changing very quickly, there is a great appetite for products that evoke a more stable era.

Botswana This is the story of an emerging consumer society. Thanks to the discovery of diamonds in 1966 and a number of years of sound government,

Botswana’s economy is relatively healthy, creating a new breed of consumer.

Yet credit and personal debt are major issues here. So who has responsibility for promoting sensible spending habits? Is it the job of schools, of the banks, or of religious organisations?

Japan In the last programme of this globetrotting series, we look into the reasons why this advanced consumer nation is obsessed with brands. Why is this the only country in the world where people trust brands so much they will buy a car without taking it for a test drive? We also see the impact of consumerism on the shrinking birth rate and on the family.

3.In which of the four programmes might we hear about the following?

1.the effects of consumerism on demographic changes

2.the link between people's identities and their purchases

3.people who are fond of products from an earlier period of time

4.narrowing the gulf between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'

5.consumerism that is not simply an urban phenomenon

6.consumerism as a recent phenomenon

7.consumer education

4а. Listen to this extract from the programme about Japan and answer the questions.

1.What evidence is given to support the idea that Japanese people 'love brands'?

2.Why do brands have such value in Japan?

3.What happened in Japan between the end of the Second World War and the mid-1990s?


4.Why have young women been the single most influential group of consumers in recent years, and why is this considered a problem?

5.Do Japanese people think there is a solution to this problem? And if so, what is it?

4b. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

1.What do you think will happen to Japanese consumer society in the future?

2.What is the most interesting piece of information you have learned about consumerism in Japan?

3.Which of the other three programmes would you most like to listen to? Why?

5a. Which of the words in the box form common collocations with consumer?

Example: consumer choice







goods issues


price index

products society



watchdog wish

5b. Use the collocations from Exercise 5a to complete these sentences.

1.A __________ makes sure consumers are treated fairly and that products arу safe.

2.The __________ was followed by a severe downturn.

3.With so many models on the market, good __________ is essential.

4.We've all heard of the __________, but what does it mean? Well, it's one in which buying goods and services is considered to be very important.

6.Work in two groups, A and B. Read the information below. Plan your

argument, then have a debate.

Group A: You belong to a pressure group that wants people in your country to be less materialistic in the future. Think of some reasons why your country should be less of a consumer society in the coming years.

Group B: You know that there is a powerful pressure group that wants your country to be less materialistic. Think of some reasons why your society should be – or should continue to be – a consumer society in the future.

Active Vocabulary. Unit Eight

Speaking: Is Globalization a Good Thing?

to do sth by means of sth = with the use or


(с)делать что-то посредством чего-либо

help of sth



to benefit from sth


извлечь выгоду из чего-либо

to benefit sb = to be beneficial (for sb)


принести пользу, выгоду кому-либо, быть



выгодным кому-либо

to invest some money into sth


вложить деньги во что-то




Listening and Speaking: Rich and Poor

a vicious circle


порочный круг

vicious = evil (adj)


порочный, злой, дурной



Listening and Speaking: Helping the Third World Countries

there is no point in doing sth


нет смысла что-то делать

What’s the point (of sth / sb’s doing sth)?


Какой смысл делать что-то?

to point out that…. to point sth out to sb


указать на что-то кому-то, подчеркнуть,



привлечь чье-то внимание к чему-либо

to impose sth on sb


навязать что-то кому-то

to impose a tax / a fine on citizens, to


ввести налог, наложить штраф, ввести

impose a duty on goods


налог на товары

Reading and Speaking: The World Population Problem

to interfere in / with sth


1) пересекаться 2) вмешиваться во что-то



3) препятствовать осуществлению чего-л.

to interfere in sb’s affairs


вмешиваться в чьи-то дела



1) + of sth пересечение 2) + with sth



вмешательство 3) + with sth



препятствование чему-либо

to provide sth, to provide sb with sth


обеспечивать ч-л, кого-то чем-л, снабжать

to prosper



prosperity = well-being


процветание, благоденствие




Reading and Speaking: Paradise Lost

to keep sb at bay


держать под контролем, не подпускать;



держать на расстоянии

to have second thoughts about sth ≠ to


начать сомневаться по поводу уже

change one’s mind


принятого решения

Listening: Things I Miss from Home

to be attached to sth


1) (в прям. смысле) быть прикрепленным



к чему-либо 2) (в переносн.) быть



привязанным к ч-л / к-л

to attach sth to sth


прикреплять что-то к чему-то

attachment to sth / sb


привязанность к чему-то кому-то,




odd = strange = weird = bizarre



to kick up a fuss = to make a fuss (about


устроить суматоху, кутерьму из-за чего-



либо / кого-либо



1) суетливый 2) привередливый

Grammar: Reporting Verbs

accuse sb of sth / doing sth


обвинять кого-то в чем-то

admit (to sb) that / doing sth


признаться, что сделал что-то, в чем-то

advise sb to do sth


посоветовать кому-то сделать что-то

agree that… / to do sth


согласиться, что… / сделать что-то

announce sth / (to sb) that… = to declare sth


объявить, что…

apologise for sth / doing sth


извиниться за что-то / за то, что сделал ч-л

ask sb to do sth


попросить кого-то сделать что-то

assure sb that


уверить кого-то, что…

beg sb to do sth


умолять кого-то сделать что-то

boast of / about sth / doing sth


хвастаться чем-то / тем, что сделал что-то

command sb to do sth / sb that sb does sth


скомандовать кому-то сделать что-то



complain (to sb) of / about sth




пожаловаться кому-то на что-то


deny sth / that






отрицать что-то, что совершил что-либо

exclaim / remark that





воскликнуть / заметить, что…


explain sth to sb / to sb that




объяснить кому-то что-то / кому-то, что…

inform sb that… / about sth




уведомить, известить, проинформировать,








что ... / кого-то о чем-то


insist that / on doing sth




настаивать на том, что… / на том, чтобы








сделать что-то



invite sb to do sth





пригласить кого-то сделать что-то


mention (to sb) that / sb’s doing sth




упомянуть что…



offer to do sth






предложить (кому-то) что-то сделать


order sb to do sth





приказать кому-то что-то сделать


persuade=convince sb to do sth




убедить кого-то сделать что-то


prefer doing / to do sth





предпочитать делать что-то


promise (sb) to do sth / that




пообещать (кому-л) сделать что-л / что…

reassure sb (saying) that…




успокоить кого-то, сказав, что…


refuse to do sth






отказаться что-то сделать


remind sb to do sth





напомнить кому-то что-то сделать


suggest doing sth; suggest that sb should do


предложить кому-то что-то сделать


sth // that sb does sth








tell sb to do sth






велеть кому-то что-то сделать


threaten to do sth / that





угрожать кому-то что-то сделать


warn sb (not) to do sth





предупредить кого-то что-то сделать


Ex.1. Translate into English using the active vocabulary:












помощи лести





15.процветающее государство


2. Уметь извлечь

выгоду даже



16.От чего зависит процветание


неблагоприятных ситуаций








Кому это может быть выгодно?



17.Извините, я передумал покупать

4. вложить


свои деньги



ваш участок.









18.держать болезнь под контролем


Ваши вложения приносят доход?


19.прикрепить полку к шкафу, а не к


злобная ухмылка








Вам нет смысла ехать туда.




20.привязанность к родным местам

8. С какой стати мне вкладываться


21.прикрепить к букету карточку с


в провальный проект?




именем отправителя



отметить ненадежность схемы



22.причудливый наряд


10.наложить штраф на организацию





за что-либо








11.ввести налог на воздух







12.Ты лучше не




насторожил охранника








25.привередливый ребенок







26.поднять шум из-за ерунды








27.признаю, что был неправ





28.Преступник отрицал, что ограбил










ювелирный магазин.


чтобы отвлечь внимание от ч-л

29.извиниться за то, что был

35.хвастаться, что лжешь лучше

слишком привередливым


30.настаивать на том, чтобы вести

36.пожаловаться соседу, что он

машину самому






37.обвинить соседа в том, что он

украсить дом к празднику

специально сверлит стены рано

32.успокоить мать, сказав, что ее

утром в воскресенье

сын просто задерживается

38.объяснить соседу, что ты не

33.предложить поиграть в теннис

специально залил его машину





Ex. 2. Supply synonyms to these

words and word combinations:


to travel by railway

10.strange (3 synonyms)


to get advantage from sth

11.to make a fuss of sth


evil influence

12.not to admit sth


the contract benefited both parties

13.to declare sth (officially or


to introduce a tax on goods



to attract everyone’s attention to

14.to say that one is sorry for sth


some fact

15.to tell sb not to forget to do sth


to mess with other people’s

16.to give sb information about sth



17.to persuade sb to do sth



18.to order sb to do sth


to keep sth under control


Ex. 3. Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

1.До изобретения мобильных телефонов альпинисты держали связь друг с другом при помощи раций или переносных радиостанций.

2.Все извлекут пользу из этого урока, и только Моррису этот опыт не пойдет на пользу, потому что он умеет учиться только на собственных ошибках, а его с нами не было.

3.Ты куришь, когда нервничаешь, а потом нервничаешь, что куришь, а это вредно, порочный круг, ты не находишь?

4.Я хочу отметить, что нет никакого смысла вкладывать деньги в убыточное дело.

5.Позволь заметить, что не я это придумал, это решение было навязано сверху.

6.Проверяющий наложил на нашу фирму штраф.

7.Давайте вы не будете вмешиваться в решения комитета о том, чем нужно обеспечить персонал в первую очередь.

8.Даже не пытайся помешать претворению моего плана в жизнь, я смогу держать твои злобные интриги под контролем.

9.Вы сомневаетесь в правильности принятого решения? Но ведь это единственный способ обеспечить процветание нашего предприятия.


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